How will they rule ??!

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First, the Republicans run a New York liberal and convince all the right wing nuts to throw over the side virtually every known conservative principle they ever pretended to hold and they do so without hesitation en masse.

Then they support that same blatantly fake conservative in attacking every possible established politician in the party they ostensibly previously supported into the likely oblivion of losing the Senate and possibly the House to go along with their most bitter and ancient enemy in the Clintons returning to the White House flush off a historic landslide of biblical proportions.

Now, deliciously in the most sublime fashion possible, the very bait the New York liberal dangled in front of them pied piker-like... thinly veiled promises of racist waves of a return to the good old days... he YANKS right out from under them. Walks it all back. Wafts up his best "YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T ACTUALLY THINK I WAS GOING TO DO ALL THAT CRAZY SHIT DID YOU?"

And now, this... well this is the very best part. My absolute favorite. The payoff to all the insanity. The rub finally arrives:

So the Trump supporters are standing there with this blank stupid look on their face like when you shit yourself and you implausibly hope nobody smells it. They've got this big giant wide-eyed mouth slightly agape potentially about to drool all over themselves look...

Then you know it. You know it with a certainty that brings such joy to your heart that you can't possibly contain it. You reach out and slap somebody on the back. The nearest person. Anybody...

Because the idiots did believe it. They did. And there they stand. Having given up every single shred of everything they ever believed in to follow the most obvious conman to ever stumble out of a New York gutter real estate swindle. They're the soccer mom that gave up a 30 year marriage for some door-to-door salesman lounge lizard that cut out on her in a cheap hotel in Flagstaff and now there she stands...

There all the Trump supporters stand. The biggest damned absolute rube morons the world has ever seen or ever will see or ever can see. What any normal human of average intelligence knew absolutely beyond question was coming from a mile away.

Yet, there they are. I don't know how I got this lucky. I don't know what terrible curse awaits me in the future to pay me back for the incredible bounty of fortune that I find myself in right now. I don't know where to even start pointing or laughing first. I just feel the most amazing sense of needing to laugh so loud and so robustly that my lungs fly out and splatter all over these poor disheveled morons' faces so they'll look like they're in red face. Little frozen Indians standing there on their barren reservation without a blade of grass or even a gnarled twig as far as the eye can see. They might as well be on the moon.

Standing there. Dumb pouring out of their blank eyes. Trump flipping them off sitting there at a table full of Mexicans with that big shit eating grin on his face. A sucker born every minute and he has them. He has them all. He told them. So they just stand there and let it all soak in. Let all of it seep in. Marinate them in it. Let it slowly build to a full boil. You fumbling drooling tools do you even recognize what I did to you, YET?

Nothing. You have nothing left. Just a past tense. I'm already nostalgic for your passing.
Get 'em Gonzo! Placating to the enemy is not something they were prepared to accept but the writing was on the wall. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Good thing they give ~88%.

Truth is nobody knows how much they give to their causes. Because their record keeping is atrocious (on purpose) and they have never used anything other than an in-house auditor.

That 88% that you and they love to prop up is nothing more than the figure that they magically grabbed out of thin air and posted on their own website. There is absolutely no public records to back that up. None. And ALL charities are supposed to have records that are made public…you know…so you can make sure that your donation is actually going where it was supposed to go. Not the Clinton Foundation.

Furthermore, the three years that the Clinton Foundation just so happened to not take any foreign donations…because Hillary was SOS…is also the same 3 years that they had to refile their taxes on…because oops…we may have forgotten to include some of the foreign donations that we received during that span.

What a freaking joke. Whatever the OPPOSITE of transparency is…that is what is going on here.

And it's just the tip of the iceberg. Methinks several bombs are going to be dropped closer to E-Day.
Truth is nobody knows how much they give to their causes. Because their record keeping is atrocious (on purpose) and they have never used anything other than an in-house auditor.

That 88% that you and they love to prop up is nothing more than the figure that they magically grabbed out of thin air and posted on their own website. There is absolutely no public records to back that up. None. And ALL charities are supposed to have records that are made public…you know…so you can make sure that your donation is actually going where it was supposed to go. Not the Clinton Foundation.

Furthermore, the three years that the Clinton Foundation just so happened to not take any foreign donations…because Hillary was SOS…is also the same 3 years that they had to refile their taxes on…because oops…we may have forgotten to include some of the foreign donations that we received during that span.

What a freaking joke. Whatever the OPPOSITE of transparency is…that is what is going on here.

And it's just the tip of the iceberg. Methinks several bombs are going to be dropped closer to E-Day.

Nobody knows "exactly" so let's pretend that the 6% figure of the Clintons' enemies is accurate rather than the 80%-88% figure of the independent Charity Navigator/Charity Watch. The huge difference and the portentous rhetoric is why I think there's a whole lotta swift-boatin' goin' on.

The "foreign donations" pledge is often mis-stated. It was from states. Not simply foreign donations. And almost all of the pledges received were from multi-year donations which had their origins in pre-SoS years. The exception was from Algeria specifically ear-marked for Haiti.
Kaizer has probably made 20 posts with links and citations detailing the corruption from the Clinton Foundation.

Moe has responded with 200 posts of moronic videos, poems and head up his ass un-cited sidestepping bullshit.

And he asks why it's apparent that his IQ is low double digits at best.

It's self evident.
Kaizer has probably made 20 posts with links and citations detailing the corruption from the Clinton Foundation.

Moe has responded with 200 posts of moronic videos, poems and head up his ass un-cited sidestepping bullshit.

And he asks why it's apparent that his IQ is low double digits at best.

It's self evident.

If only Moe held himself to the same standards that he holds about others who give detailed information.
so let's pretend

Has it really come down to this, pretend scenarios?

Its ok Moe, really. You worked hard, you did your best. You held out way longer than anyone could ever expect. You tried twisted facts. You delivered the BS they told you would work. You discharged every bit of ammunition they provided. It just wasn't enough.

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Looking at Clinton Foundation tax returns:

total revenues $148.9 million
grants given: $8.9 million (5.9% of revenues)
compensation: $29.9 million (20.0%)

2013 is the most recent, you can see other returns here:

so they raised nearly 150 million, and gave 9 million away. Pathetic. Smells to high heaven.......
Looking at my daily Washington Post update, courtesy of Amazon/Bezos. Represent:

Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her aides at State Dept.
a newly released set of exchanges involving Huma Abedin also shows that their requests weren't always granted

ha. that tagline is awesome. But wait! In case you were wondering, access to the executive branch wasn't always for sale!! Not every time anyway! Move along, nothing to see!.....
Looking at Clinton Foundation tax returns:

total revenues $148.9 million
grants given: $8.9 million (5.9% of revenues)
compensation: $29.9 million (20.0%)

2013 is the most recent, you can see other returns here:

so they raised nearly 150 million, and gave 9 million away. Pathetic. Smells to high heaven.......

To be fair…you not only have to look at the "Grants given" category when tracking how much money an organization has given to charity. You also have to add in some items from "program expenses". But that category in the Clinton Foundation is so riddled with tangled webs nobody can specifically track what money went where. There in lies the rub. Are we to believe what they say…that they just made some mistakes? Or do we use common sense?

One thing we can all agree on here…including moewiki and that the Clintons are not dumb. Bill and Hillary are both highly educated people. And they are savvy…both politically and economically. They are rich beyond belief because of these facts.

So there is only one logical conclusion. They set up this tangled web on purpose…and that purpose is to deceive. Call it smoke and mirrors. Call it the wizard behind the curtain. Whatever. But in the end it is shameful. It is a fraudulent organization set up for personal gain…both politically and financially. Plain and simple.

Any reasonable, somewhat educated person can draw that conclusion...just so long as you don't have your political blinders on that is.

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To be fair…you not only have to look at the "Grants given" category when tracking how much money an organization has given to charity. You also have to add in some items from "program expenses". But that category in the Clinton Foundation is so riddled with tangled webs nobody can specifically track what money went where. There in lies the rub. Are we to believe what they say…that they just made some mistakes? Or do we use common sense?

One thing we can all agree on here…including moewiki and that the Clintons are not dumb. Bill and Hillary are both highly educated people. And they are savvy…both politically and economically. They are rich beyond belief because of these facts.

So there is only one logical conclusion. They set up this tangled web on purpose…and that purpose is to deceive. Call it smoke and mirrors. Call it the wizard behind the curtain. Whatever. But in the end it is shameful. It is a fraudulent organization set up for personal gain…both politically and financially. Plain and simple.

Any reasonable, somewhat educated person can draw that conclusion...just so long as you don't have your political blinders on that is.

Wait....I thought they were "dead broke" like the rest of us not that long ago. That's what HRC said, no? I can't believe she would lie about something like that.
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Why isn't the Clinton foundation helping out in Louisiana? I thought that foundation did good things to help people, but are no where to be found in Louisiana. Odd huh?
Again, all the lefties saying trump has flip flopped - why are you intentionally leaving out the part of his plan where they must leave and file for visas?

So now they are going to issue work visa's for contract manual labor? Highly doubt it.

The US work visa process requires that an employer sponsor a worker. That means that they are promising to employ the worker and are responsible for that worker while they are in the US. It is an expensive process and requires a significant commitment from the employer with the major point being that the employer puts the call out for a specific worker. Today often the employer shows up at a place where workers looking for work gather. Says "I need 5 ditch diggers." 5 guys pile into the back of his pickup truck and off they go. Maybe he uses them for a day, maybe a week or month but whenever the job is done he's through with them. If he had sponsored them and obtained visas for them they would then be obligated to return to Mexico or from wherever they came.

If y'all think any of that's going to happen then you're kidding yourself.
So now they are going to issue work visa's for contract manual labor? Highly doubt it.

The US work visa process requires that an employer sponsor a worker. That means that they are promising to employ the worker and are responsible for that worker while they are in the US. It is an expensive process and requires a significant commitment from the employer with the major point being that the employer puts the call out for a specific worker. Today often the employer shows up at a place where workers looking for work gather. Says "I need 5 ditch diggers." 5 guys pile into the back of his pickup truck and off they go. Maybe he uses them for a day, maybe a week or month but whenever the job is done he's through with them. If he had sponsored them and obtained visas for them they would then be obligated to return to Mexico or from wherever they came.

If y'all think any of that's going to happen then you're kidding yourself.

Not even close to the point. Point was, lefties here accusing him of flip flopping. But you all conveniently left out that the illegals would have to leave first.

So, it's entirely consistent
Not even close to the point. Point was, lefties here accusing him of flip flopping. But you all conveniently left out that the illegals would have to leave first.

So, it's entirely consistent
But they aren't going to leave if the process to get back in hasn't changed.

He suggests something that is completely unworkable, will never happen and you're trying to rationalize his position. As the Donald says...he loves the lowly educated.
Lefties, it's time to forget Utah, not that Utah's small number of electoral votes was likely to be a deciding factor, anyway. Trump is up 15 points in the latest poll. Honestly, you were in a fantasy land if you were dreaming of Utah in the first place- not even that cuck puppet McMuffin is going to be relevant enough to stop the Trumpening in Utah. It's all about the swing states, and Utah is NOT one of them. And spare me any polls from swing states, unless they're as updated as the PPP poll that has Clinton up by 2, the LA TIMES polls which is a dead heat, the NBC poll that has Clinton up by 4, or the UPI poll with Clinton up by 1.
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Huma abedin arranged for a military c21 csrgo plane to pick up hillary. She wanted to avoid a 45 minute train ride from white plains new York. She said " its been raining all day and i dont fwel good and the thought of trying to manage the shuttle system is quite burdensome".

Seriously, THAT is who you dems selected as your nominee. Needs effing military flights to avoid a 45 minute shuttle ride. Jesus.
I joke around a lot on this forum, but I'm not kidding when I say this:

Walk away Hillary. Take the money from the Foundation, let Obama pardon you and enjoy what's left of your sour little existence. Neither you nor Bill look like you have many years left. Ride off into the sunset before the election is the end of you.

Huma abedin arranged for a military c21 csrgo plane to pick up hillary. She wanted to avoid a 45 minute train ride from white plains new York. She said " its been raining all day and i dont fwel good and the thought of trying to manage the shuttle system is quite burdensome".

Seriously, THAT is who you dems selected as your nominee. Needs effing military flights to avoid a 45 minute shuttle ride. Jesus.

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With more and more accusations coming out about Hillary, at what point will her highly visible, business and political supporters start to back away from being associated with her?

At what point does she become a liability?
With more and more accusations coming out about Hillary, at what point will her highly visible, business and political supporters start to back away from being associated with her?

At what point does she become a liability?

People are in so deep with her that none will walk away from her...however, wouldn't it be ironic if she had an "accident"?

She became a liability the day she announced she was running for the NY senate.
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Huma abedin arranged for a military c21 csrgo plane to pick up hillary. She wanted to avoid a 45 minute train ride from white plains new York. She said " its been raining all day and i dont fwel good and the thought of trying to manage the shuttle system is quite burdensome".

Seriously, THAT is who you dems selected as your nominee. Needs effing military flights to avoid a 45 minute shuttle ride. Jesus.
how often does Trump ride the train?

has Trump ever ridden the train?

Are you seriously kidding yourself into thinking that Trump wouldn't do, doesn't do the same type thing every day?

Of all the things to bitch about this has to be one of least self-aware rants of all time.
But they aren't going to leave if the process to get back in hasn't changed.

He suggests something that is completely unworkable, will never happen and you're trying to rationalize his position. As the Donald says...he loves the lowly educated.

Unworkable? Again, Noone expects all the illegals to be rounded up in a day. But the ones that can be found should be, and should be deported.

No more safe havens, etc.
With more and more accusations coming out about Hillary, at what point will her highly visible, business and political supporters start to back away from being associated with her?

At what point does she become a liability?
...or do those accusations simply get lost as white noise because so many accusations have been investigated and found to be either baseless or greatly exaggerated.

Remember what happened to the little boy who cried "wolf"?
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how often does Trump ride the train?

has Trump ever ridden the train?

Are you seriously kidding yourself into thinking that Trump wouldn't do, doesn't do the same type thing every day?

Of all the things to bitch about this has to be one of least self-aware rants of all time.

Trump owns his plane, Hillary does not own the Air Force plane, now see the difference?