How will they rule ??!

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Does anyone really think the Clintons will shut down the Clinton foundation?

Yes! Now there may be a Bill Clinton foundation or a possible Chelsea Clinton foundation, but I do expect THE Clinton foundation to stop IF she wins.
Does anyone really think the Clintons will shut down the Clinton foundation?

Name change will be the only thing, but it don't really matter. All those donors have already bought Hilary. Hilary is bought and paid for, so whatever all those donors want, she will give them. She wants to flood this country with Muslims, but the only way they can take over this country is..............she has to get rid of the guns.

The war on women and 9/11 is America's fault.

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female US president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11.

A decade?

What in the world. This can't be true. How'd she become Hillary's right hand?
Another new reason democrats fail at existence. In Massachusetts they are adding new taxes to uber and lyft to subsidize the failing taxi industry. That would be like taxing automobile manufactures to help horse and buggies. Once again dems impeding progress
From a political standpoint, Katrina brings back so many great memories...It was one of those moments when I finally began to believe that America was tired of Republicans.

There was this gem...Only time Kayne said anything believable.

Then there was this one...classic.
From a political standpoint, Katrina brings back so many great memories...It was one of those moments when I finally began to believe that America was tired of Republicans.

There was this gem...Only time Kayne said anything believable.

Then there was this one...classic.

dude, you should do computers a favor and quit using them.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
The Trump campaign disputes that Donald Trump is open to legalization after members of his Hispanic advisory council said he suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country, ahead of a major immigration speech this week.

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The mayor of Central City, LA says his city is not waiting for $400 million that went to Iran, they are neighbor helping neighbor.

I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation will donate to the disaster in Louisiana?
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
The Trump campaign disputes that Donald Trump is open to legalization after members of his Hispanic advisory council said he suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country, ahead of a major immigration speech this week.

He's really just a sh1tty salesman and the clowns on here fell for it...hook line and sinker.

You all should be embarrassed to vote for such a fraud. He also has a bridge to sell you as well.
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He's having a special press conference, right? Probably use it to talk about global warming in a long and winded sort of way....yaknow, uhhhhh global...warming. ain't getting any better! Let me tell you.

Yep. Can't talk about guns so it'll have to be climate change.

In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
The Trump campaign disputes that Donald Trump is open to legalization after members of his Hispanic advisory council said he suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country, ahead of a major immigration speech this week.

You left out the part where they'd have to leave, then apply for visas to come back. That's consistent with his previous stance. Just more detail.

That's all anyone wants. Come here legally, and contribute. Yet somehow that's blasphemous to liberals.

You can do find videoes of trump being consistent on issues since the 80s. Hillary can't even be consistent from stop to stop.
A decade?

What in the world. This can't be true. How'd she become Hillary's right hand?

She is well entrenched. She was Hillary's personal assistant way back when Hillary was First Lady. She has had a job either directly with Hillary, or with the State Department, or with one of the Clinton Foundation branches ever since. It is also very likely she worked for several of the above at the same time.

Also…the story about her ties to Islamic terrorism is old news. It just hasn't been reported by the MSM.

Anatomy of a Smear Campaign
The “protect Huma” smears have six elements:

  1. Never mention that Huma Abedin was an Assistant Editor at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for over a decade. Simply leave that fact out of your reporting and assume your audience won’t do the research themselves.
  2. Never mention Abdullah Omar Nasseef’s clear connections to terror funding, as supported by both the U.S. goverment and reporting in sources non-right wing sources like the New York Times.
  3. Write the whole thing off as a convoluted, completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Because the audience does not know Huma worked at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs or about Naseef’s terror funding ties., with no clear connection to Huma Abedin at all.
  4. Call it a conservative fantasy. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy since nobody else in the mainstream media will report the facts, so the facts are only being reported by conservative media.Point to the lack of MSM coverage as proof the the whole thing is a right-wing chimera.
  5. Exaggerate the claims of the critics. Tell your audience that Huma is being accused of being “a spy” when in fact what critics are pointing out is that there are clear connections and gaps in the record that raise troubling questions about Huma Abedin that should be answered. If you make the claims seem outrageous, you can distract from the actual facts.
  6. Point to Huma Abedin’s Republican defenders such as Sen. John McCain or Sen. Marco Rubio as proof that “even Republicans” don’t think questions should be raised about Huma Abedin. Once again, this conveniently avoids the actual facts.

Yep…nothing to see here. Nothing at all.
Yes! Now there may be a Bill Clinton foundation or a possible Chelsea Clinton foundation, but I do expect THE Clinton foundation to stop IF she wins.

No doubt. The funny thing is that the whole thing was originally set up as the William J Clinton Foundation. That foundation applied for tax exemption when they first set up shop. When you do that you have to be very specific what you are raising money for…the IRS is very stringent on this. So the William J Clinton Foundation specifically applied for tax exemption status with the purpose of raising money for Bill's library.

Well, 8 years later and several entities (name changes) later the Clinton Foundation and its many branches were still operating on the original tax exempt application that the William J Clinton foundation submitted to the IRS. The Clinton Foundation still lists on their website the original tax exemption application. What's wrong with that, you say? Well, since the Clinton Foundation and its many branches were now advertising to potential donors that they were raising money for HIV/AIDS research, disaster relief, green energy stuff, etc…and since they didn't re-apply for a new tax exemption with these purposes specifically stated…the IRS views that as fraud. And since they used phones and the internet and operated globally…it is felony fraud.

Add in the fact that the Clinton Foundation has no specific records on file describing what specific drugs and what specific research relating to fighting HIV/AIDS that they have funded. And they can't account specifically for the entirety of the millions of dollars that were supposed to go to Haiti relief. The IRS would once again consider these to be blatantly fraudulent actions.

Any other organization in this country would have been shut down and would have to pay very steep fines. And every single donor that donated money during that 8 year stretch would have to go back and pay taxes on what they reported as "tax deductible donations".

But not the Clinton Foundation. Different rules apply.

So yeah…they will once again merely change the name…and then it will be business as usual. Nothing to see here. Move along…
She is well entrenched. She was Hillary's personal assistant way back when Hillary was First Lady. She has had a job either directly with Hillary, or with the State Department, or with one of the Clinton Foundation branches ever since. It is also very likely she worked for several of the above at the same time.

Also…the story about her ties to Islamic terrorism is old news. It just hasn't been reported by the MSM.

Anatomy of a Smear Campaign
The “protect Huma” smears have six elements:

  1. Never mention that Huma Abedin was an Assistant Editor at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for over a decade. Simply leave that fact out of your reporting and assume your audience won’t do the research themselves.
  2. Never mention Abdullah Omar Nasseef’s clear connections to terror funding, as supported by both the U.S. goverment and reporting in sources non-right wing sources like the New York Times.
  3. Write the whole thing off as a convoluted, completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Because the audience does not know Huma worked at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs or about Naseef’s terror funding ties., with no clear connection to Huma Abedin at all.
  4. Call it a conservative fantasy. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy since nobody else in the mainstream media will report the facts, so the facts are only being reported by conservative media.Point to the lack of MSM coverage as proof the the whole thing is a right-wing chimera.
  5. Exaggerate the claims of the critics. Tell your audience that Huma is being accused of being “a spy” when in fact what critics are pointing out is that there are clear connections and gaps in the record that raise troubling questions about Huma Abedin that should be answered. If you make the claims seem outrageous, you can distract from the actual facts.
  6. Point to Huma Abedin’s Republican defenders such as Sen. John McCain or Sen. Marco Rubio as proof that “even Republicans” don’t think questions should be raised about Huma Abedin. Once again, this conveniently avoids the actual facts.

Yep…nothing to see here. Nothing at all.

Gd man. I guess I'm dumb enough to believe there is someone, somewhere out there who polices this shit, or something.

I mean they scare the shit out of us about the war on terror, but they fund terror.
Lol Huma was the other intern in the White House at the time- not monika lewinsky and not fat. And she's no snitch.
Name change will be the only thing, but it don't really matter. All those donors have already bought Hilary. Hilary is bought and paid for, so whatever all those donors want, she will give them. She wants to flood this country with Muslims, but the only way they can take over this country is..............she has to get rid of the guns.

There should be a deal at gun stores now to increase sales even more...for every four guns purchased you get to free piglets....she gonna outlaw pigs too?
Speaking of aliases, do you think John Baron would approve?

Whoooo boy, you got me there. Obscure reference to a possible Trump alias. Could have at least thrown out a Mark Twain or a Mrs. Silence Dogood.

Hunker down Moe, it's only going to get worse for Hillary as the hits keep coming.
Whoooo boy, you got me there. Obscure reference to a possible Trump alias. Could have at least thrown out a Mark Twain or a Mrs. Silence Dogood.

Hunker down Moe, it's only going to get worse for Hillary as the hits keep coming.

Possible? You don't believe Trump?