How will they rule ??!

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Here's a big F'ing difference Fuzz:

Hillary is riding jets on the government's expense and/or someone else's jet who wants to curry favors to her based on what she and her husband can influence within the government. Not on her own nickel or any nickel she's earned. But on MY hard-earned taxpayer money.

Trump's riding on his own airplane and in his own limousines. Yea, he may have inherited money to start a business, but so have a lot of other individuals who never leveraged that inheritance to his level of wealth or success.
Trump owns his plane, Hillary does not own the Air Force plane, now see the difference?
for pathetic liberal socialists no, they dont see the difference.

or actually they do, a millionaire using their own money for their own pleasure is absolutely infuriating...but a government employee using taxpayers moneys to enrich themselves is absolutely fantastic
Unworkable? Again, Noone expects all the illegals to be rounded up in a day. But the ones that can be found should be, and should be deported.

No more safe havens, etc.
As long as they are being hired you can deport until your heart is content and 2 more will take their place. It is just like the "war on drugs". It doesn't matter how many shipments you catch, there will be 100 more that you don't because the supply will always find the demand. Thinking you can alter the laws of economics is foolish. You have the same probability of changing the outcome as you do stopping the flow of drugs and prostitution.
Perhaps. But can you prove it?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So, 30+ years of dishonest and immoral behavior is ok as long as:

1. It can't be legally proven, and/or,
2. When it can be proven, the powers that be are unwilling to prosecute?

And that's ok? And you laugh at it?

Serious questions for Moe, Lek, Fuzz and others supporting Hillary:

Do you have a Hillary bumper sticker on your car? A sign in your yard? Do you openly, proudly and enthusiastically support Hillary to your friends, family and neighbors?
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So, 30+ years of dishonest and immoral behavior is ok as long as:

1. It can't be legally proven, and/or,
2. When it can be proven, the powers that be are unwilling to prosecute?

And that's ok? And you laugh at it?

Serious questions for Moe, Lek, Fuzz and others supporting Hillary:

Do you have a Hillary bumper sticker on your car? A sign in your yard? Do you openly, proudly and enthusiastically support Hillary to your friends, family and neighbors?

1) should be - won't be prosecuted. It can all be proven. Just Noone will prosecute

As long as they are being hired you can deport until your heart is content and 2 more will take their place. It is just like the "war on drugs". It doesn't matter how many shipments you catch, there will be 100 more that you don't because the supply will always find the demand. Thinking you can alter the laws of economics is foolish. You have the same probability of changing the outcome as you do stopping the flow of drugs and prostitution.

I agree there needs to be stiff penalties for anyone hiring illegals. And they need enforced.
at what point will her highly visible, business and political supporters start to back away from being associated with her?

When she can no longer sell them Uranium, supply their terrorist groups with heavy weaponry, influence foreign governments to do the donor's bidding, etc.

She's about to become the most powerful person in the world. All the previous
"investments" in her will really start to pay off.

Wonder if she has another outfit listing all of her overseas sponsors? Would look like a meeting from OPEC.
how often does Trump ride the train?

has Trump ever ridden the train?

Are you seriously kidding yourself into thinking that Trump wouldn't do, doesn't do the same type thing every day?

Of all the things to bitch about this has to be one of least self-aware rants of all time.

It really is immaterial what Hillary does or has done as long as the NYT, Wapost, and major networks don't care. That's what infuriating. They've absolutely skewered Ryan Lochte for his deceit, but couldn't care less about a presidential candidate's es, as long as that person talks about climate change and LGBT bathrooms.
It really is immaterial what Hillary does or has done as long as the NYT, Wapost, and major networks don't care. That's what infuriating. They've absolutely skewered Ryan Lochte for his deceit, but couldn't care less about a presidential candidate's es, as long as that person talks about climate change and LGBT bathrooms.
Very true. If the media treated Hillary the way they do Lochte, Hillary might have dropped out by now.
It really is immaterial what Hillary does or has done as long as the NYT, Wapost, and major networks don't care. That's what infuriating. They've absolutely skewered Ryan Lochte for his deceit, but couldn't care less about a presidential candidate's es, as long as that person talks about climate change and LGBT bathrooms.

Know how I know you don't read the news....

There's a damn AP tweet right above you that is very shocking.

And that's just a bit. She losing the internet very hard and that is so weird.

Just give em something Hillary! Jesus, huma, hand her a script to read. The media will gladly run with whatever it is you want them to run with. She stays silent, but media has to report *something*. Trump side only side that's moving, but also, this stuff is *juicy*. I imagine they are liking the clicks very much.

This is very odd.

But it basically boils down to Z's favorite point - Donald is a dem beating them at their own game. He gets it. That's why Reoublicans couldn't beat him because they don't get it. Like they didn't pay attention to the Obama campaign. You most own the buzz. Donald has it. Hillary has none, like beyond none. She has negative buzz as she's being hammered and staying silent. It's so weird. She knows she can't lose, or they're just waiting to drop bombs right before the election, but I can't imagine what that would be.
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Repubs are well into their normal "throw shit against the wall" campaign mode in their eagerness to elect Donald Trump president.

Time and time again tax payer money has been spent going after Bill and Hillary Clinton and time and time again they've came away with nothing. So they keep up the game of insinuation like their "secret evidence room" they setup during Bill Clinton's impeachment. Nevermind they were directly undermining the President of the United States while he was trying to deal with people like Osama bin Laden only to be accused of trying to divert attention away from Monica Lewinski every time he tried to address the growing threat. The Republicans for all intents and purposes might as well have been on Osama's payroll running interference for him as the results could not possibly have been more effective.

So now it's Hillary. One wild claim after another. Each shut down. Then they just move onto the next totally ignoring the mammoth expenditures that have already proven their claims baseless. Just pile on more lies and more accusations. I wonder what they will succeed in distracting President Hillary Clinton from?

They did nominate Donald Trump for president. Donald Trump. Multi-divorced, multi-bankrupted, Russian schmoozing, mail-order-bride that used to be an escort wedded, nude photographed first lady in waiting, small handed beauty pageant contestant groping, racial housing discriminating, fake University fraud perpetuating, undocumented worker hiring, marital rape committing, Anti-Trust scofflawing, wildly litigious lawsuit filing, mafia ties and all, Donald J. Trump, that is.

Really, STFU.
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Looking at Clinton Foundation tax returns:

total revenues $148.9 million
grants given: $8.9 million (5.9% of revenues)
compensation: $29.9 million (20.0%)

2013 is the most recent, you can see other returns here:

so they raised nearly 150 million, and gave 9 million away. Pathetic. Smells to high heaven.......

As has been pointed out many times, they don't give grants. They go to the sites and run the programs.
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Repubs are well into their normal "throw shit against the wall" campaign mode in their eagerness to elect Donald Trump president.

Time and time again tax payer money has been spent going after Bill and Hillary Clinton and time and time again they've came away with nothing. So they keep up the game of insinuation like their "secret evidence room" they setup during Bill Clinton's impeachment. Nevermind they were directly undermining the President of the United States while he was trying to deal with people like Osama bin Laden only to be accused of trying to divert attention away from Monica Lewinski every time he tried to address the growing threat. The Republicans for all intents and purposes might as well have been on Osama's payroll running interference for him as the results could not possibly have been more effective.

So now it's Hillary. One wild claim after another. Each shut down. Then they just move onto the next totally ignoring the mammoth expenditures that have already proven their claims baseless. Just pile on more lies and more accusations. I wonder what they will succeed in distracting President Hillary Clinton from?

They did nominate Donald Trump for president. Donald Trump. Multi-divorced, multi-bankrupted, Russian schmoozing, mail-order-bride that used to be an escort wedded, nude photographed first lady in waiting, small handed beauty pageant contestant groping, racial housing discriminating, fake University fraud perpetuating, undocumented worker hiring, marital rape committing, Anti-Trust scofflawing, wildly litigious lawsuit filing, mafia ties and all, Donald J. Trump, that is.

Really, STFU.
Stopped reading where you said "they've come away with nothing", that's all I needed to see. I know you're not stupid or incapable of seeing reality, therefore you must be just a run of the mill liar. Nothing special there and easy to see why you side with those of your ilk.
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With more and more accusations coming out about Hillary, at what point will her highly visible, business and political supporters start to back away from being associated with her?

At what point does she become a liability?

Never. They and the media are all too invested now to admit they were wrong about Hilary. Got to give Democrats credit for standing together in support of her, but I wonder how many will actually go to the polls and vote for her. Nobody, the right, the left and the independent do not like her.
Anyone who thought Trump was going to deport 11M+ illegals was living in a fantasy world. Now, getting rid of the bad ones would be a start.

Building the wall to keep them from coming back again is the big question.

If it were me, its simple. You want citizenship, fine. If you are illegal you no longer get government assistance and you will pay your taxes or be deported. You will also have to get health insurance (no more freebie hospital stays). You chose to come in here illegally. You can be a citizen but you are going to pay a price to do it.

Its an easy and natural way to get them to leave without spending billions to try and do it by force. Of course, like anything else it sounds great on paper. Executing it is a whole different animal.

I think all you rubes believed this...Trump now has essentally said I am going to do what Obama is doing and you rubes are applauding him.

Great work guys. Great work on supporting a guy who is doing what the black guy running the show is doing.
I think all you rubes believed this...Trump now has essentally said I am going to do what Obama is doing and you rubes are applauding him.

Great work guys. Great work on supporting a guy who is doing what the black guy running the show is doing.

Don't worry, Hillary has been giving folks like Cindy Sheehan a lesson on who the real flip flopper is.
So, 30+ years of dishonest and immoral behavior is ok as long as:

1. It can't be legally proven, and/or,
2. When it can be proven, the powers that be are unwilling to prosecute?

And that's ok? And you laugh at it?

Serious questions for Moe, Lek, Fuzz and others supporting Hillary:

Do you have a Hillary bumper sticker on your car? A sign in your yard? Do you openly, proudly and enthusiastically support Hillary to your friends, family and neighbors?
Not sure what HRC has done that is "immoral"...and if you can't prove it then how do you know it to be true and how can you prosecute it?
What HRC has not done is act like a total idiot and schoolyard bully. One has to be totally deaf, dumb and blind to Trump's business record and antics to not know his morality is more than just a little tainted. Y'all want to talk about Hillary because it's pretty tough to sell your own candidate.

Surely after 30+ years you could find something that could stick if it were all true.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the people you have listened to are either lying or greatly exaggerating their claims?
"Oh, it's true it's just that the powers-that-be won't do anything...":angry:. Bill probably had orgies at the WH while he was POTUS and has pictures of all of the "powers-that-be".[eyeroll]

This is what happens when for 30+ years and you make claim after claim, investigation after investigation and never do the findings match the claims. When the same people are claiming that the POTUS is a Muslim, that he was born in Kenya....that never met a conspiracy that they didn't get labeled kooks and get ignored by thinking people. The right wing of the GOP has done this to themselves.
Going one better is Trump aligning himself with Breitbart....what, the National Enquirer not available?

To answer your last questions...I've never had a bumper sticker of any kind on any car I've ever owned nor have I ever allowed anyone to put a sign in my yard.
BTW: I've never said I'm supporting HRC. Living in a red state not that it really matters. Not sure who I will actually pull the trigger for on election day other than it won't be Trump.
I think all you rubes believed this...Trump now has essentally said I am going to do what Obama is doing and you rubes are applauding him.

Great work guys. Great work on supporting a guy who is doing what the black guy running the show is doing.

What black guy?
I agree there needs to be stiff penalties for anyone hiring illegals. And they need enforced.

As long as you try to keep the focus on the workers this isn't going to happen.
People doing the hiring have something to lose, the people wanting the work don't.
I think all you rubes believed this...Trump now has essentally said I am going to do what Obama is doing and you rubes are applauding him.

Great work guys. Great work on supporting a guy who is doing what the black guy running the show is doing.
If he deports as least as many O'bama has, I'll be happy. Perhaps you should do a little research to see how many have been deported in the last 8 years. I know you will be surprised.

What I haven't been able to find is what these particular deportees were doing. Is there a particular industry that they were working in? Why these and not others, or all? I can find numbers but not particulars. I'm relying on your keen powers of observation to get to the bottom of this. Don't let me down.
If he deports as least as many O'bama has, I'll be happy. Perhaps you should do a little research to see how many have been deported in the last 8 years. I know you will be surprised.

What I haven't been able to find is what these particular deportees were doing. Is there a particular industry that they were working in? Why these and not others, or all? I can find numbers but not particulars. I'm relying on your keen powers of observation to get to the bottom of this. Don't let me down.
And shut down santruary cities
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I agree the Clinton's did not get a dime from their foundation. They would not be caught dead with anything smaller than a Benjamin.

If the left really believes they did not profit, then they are really stupid.
Stopped reading where you said "they've come away with nothing", that's all I needed to see. I know you're not stupid or incapable of seeing reality, therefore you must be just a run of the mill liar. Nothing special there and easy to see why you side with those of your ilk.
I stopped reading your post after "Stopped reading where you said "they've come away with nothing", that's all I needed to see" because you previously have claimed you only read the first line of my posts.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?
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Every single time the Republicans finally get their wild claims into a courtroom setting they lose. It is shown they were full of hot air with all their baseless claims that are easy to sell their gullible rube supporters after all, we're talking about people that thought Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Donald Trump would make fine presidents.
We need to find a new word for Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. Corrupt doesn't do it justice anymore. Its beyond corrupt.
Every single time the Republicans finally get their wild claims into a courtroom setting they lose. It is shown they were full of hot air with all their baseless claims that are easy to sell their gullible rube supporters after all, we're talking about people that thought Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Donald Trump would make fine presidents.
I'll match you with Joe Biden.
I stopped reading your post after "Stopped reading where you said "they've come away with nothing", that's all I needed to see" because you previously have claimed you only read the first line of my posts.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?
That's not what I said, in its entirety. Do you have a quote?
I generally like when hypocrisy is so clearly and neatly pointed it from the left or right.

Given the high negatives and discontent in both parties over the presumptive candidates, Johnson would be a real wildcard hitting both HRC and DJT from both the left and right at the same time. At this point I'm 95% sure he is who I will be voting for

Said I couldn't stomach Cruz...would have definitely voted for Kasich just as I did in the primary(caucus) this year.

.... yet all in on defending HRC from all comers.
Hillary funding ISIS through the Clinton Foundation and if she is elected, tax payers will be funding the people that wanna kill us.

Let that sink in.
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