How will they rule ??!

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I realized last night that the Clinton Foundation is this year's swift-boating. Rove's first law of politics is to attack your opponent's strength from your weakness. Voila! Make a charity the focus of evil!! It's simple. And it meshes well with rule #3: Be worse than anyone can imagine,.
Anyone who thought Trump was going to deport 11M+ illegals was living in a fantasy world. Now, getting rid of the bad ones would be a start.

Building the wall to keep them from coming back again is the big question.

If it were me, its simple. You want citizenship, fine. If you are illegal you no longer get government assistance and you will pay your taxes or be deported. You will also have to get health insurance (no more freebie hospital stays). You chose to come in here illegally. You can be a citizen but you are going to pay a price to do it.

Its an easy and natural way to get them to leave without spending billions to try and do it by force. Of course, like anything else it sounds great on paper. Executing it is a whole different animal.
Anyone who thought Trump was going to deport 11M+ illegals was living in a fantasy world. Now, getting rid of the bad ones would be a start.

Building the wall to keep them from coming back again is the big question.

If it were me, its simple. You want citizenship, fine. If you are illegal you no longer get government assistance and you will pay your taxes or be deported. You will also have to get health insurance (no more freebie hospital stays). You chose to come in here illegally. You can be a citizen but you are going to pay a price to do it.

Its an easy and natural way to get them to leave without spending billions to try and do it by force. Of course, like anything else it sounds great on paper. Executing it is a whole different animal.
I agree. I never thought he would, or should, deport 11 million. But sealing the border? Deporting the felons? Hell yes!
Lol, no link but watching Fox News and there is a story about a 15 year old that was caught with a suicide vest on and he was disarmed. They blurred out his face. Wouldn't want to identify an attempted murderer.

Since you don;'t know more than the barest outlines of the story, you have no idea if there was duress involved. Why not lead off a story and keep all options open rather than wade in and start damaging people simply because you can imagine a possible story line. Prudence. Caution. Rationality. They don't need to be jettisoned.
Since you don;'t know more than the barest outlines of the story, you have no idea if there was duress involved. Why not lead off a story and keep all options open rather than wade in and start damaging people simply because you can imagine a possible story line. Prudence. Caution. Rationality. They don't need to be jettisoned.
Wtf are you talking about? The whole point of my post was that they felt the need to blur his face because he was a minor.

You are such a pompous ass!
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I agree. I never thought he would, or should, deport 11 million. But sealing the border? Deporting the felons? Hell yes!

! person in 30.At the height of it's oppressiveness, the Stasi involved 2.5% of the population of East Germany. That's 1 in 40. So, you're imagining a police apparatus on that scale. Probably more. More police than Easr Germany. Doing nothing more than shifting people out of the country. Most of whom are employed doing jobs nobody else wants to do. That won't have any unintended consequences at all. No sir.
! person in 30.At the height of it's oppressiveness, the Stasi involved 2.5% of the population of East Germany. That's 1 in 40. So, you're imagining a police apparatus on that scale. Probably more. More police than Easr Germany. Doing nothing more than shifting people out of the country. Most of whom are employed doing jobs nobody else wants to do. That won't have any unintended consequences at all. No sir.
So, you're saying our current police aren't capable of arresting people that commit crimes?
To themselves.

Nope. The Clintons don't get a dime from the CF.

If there hadn't been a swift-boating of Kerry, I could understand the novelty of the attacks on the CF convincing people, but every decent thing a politician does?

First, the Republicans run a New York liberal and convince all the right wing nuts to throw over the side virtually every known conservative principle they ever pretended to hold and they do so without hesitation en masse.

Then they support that same blatantly fake conservative in attacking every possible established politician in the party they ostensibly previously supported into the likely oblivion of losing the Senate and possibly the House to go along with their most bitter and ancient enemy in the Clintons returning to the White House flush off a historic landslide of biblical proportions.

Now, deliciously in the most sublime fashion possible, the very bait the New York liberal dangled in front of them pied piker-like... thinly veiled promises of racist waves of a return to the good old days... he YANKS right out from under them. Walks it all back. Wafts up his best "YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T ACTUALLY THINK I WAS GOING TO DO ALL THAT CRAZY SHIT DID YOU?"

And now, this... well this is the very best part. My absolute favorite. The payoff to all the insanity. The rub finally arrives:

So the Trump supporters are standing there with this blank stupid look on their face like when you shit yourself and you implausibly hope nobody smells it. They've got this big giant wide-eyed mouth slightly agape potentially about to drool all over themselves look...

Then you know it. You know it with a certainty that brings such joy to your heart that you can't possibly contain it. You reach out and slap somebody on the back. The nearest person. Anybody...

Because the idiots did believe it. They did. And there they stand. Having given up every single shred of everything they ever believed in to follow the most obvious conman to ever stumble out of a New York gutter real estate swindle. They're the soccer mom that gave up a 30 year marriage for some door-to-door salesman lounge lizard that cut out on her in a cheap hotel in Flagstaff and now there she stands...

There all the Trump supporters stand. The biggest damned absolute rube morons the world has ever seen or ever will see or ever can see. What any normal human of average intelligence knew absolutely beyond question was coming from a mile away.

Yet, there they are. I don't know how I got this lucky. I don't know what terrible curse awaits me in the future to pay me back for the incredible bounty of fortune that I find myself in right now. I don't know where to even start pointing or laughing first. I just feel the most amazing sense of needing to laugh so loud and so robustly that my lungs fly out and splatter all over these poor disheveled morons' faces so they'll look like they're in red face. Little frozen Indians standing there on their barren reservation without a blade of grass or even a gnarled twig as far as the eye can see. They might as well be on the moon.

Standing there. Dumb pouring out of their blank eyes. Trump flipping them off sitting there at a table full of Mexicans with that big shit eating grin on his face. A sucker born every minute and he has them. He has them all. He told them. So they just stand there and let it all soak in. Let all of it seep in. Marinate them in it. Let it slowly build to a full boil. You fumbling drooling tools do you even recognize what I did to you, YET?

Nothing. You have nothing left. Just a past tense. I'm already nostalgic for your passing.
I realized last night that the Clinton Foundation is this year's swift-boating. Rove's first law of politics is to attack your opponent's strength from your weakness. Voila! Make a charity the focus of evil!! It's simple. And it meshes well with rule #3: Be worse than anyone can imagine,.

I know I've said this before, but if you aren't being paid by Correct the Record, then there's a very good chance you're mentally retarded. Like literally an IQ qualifying you under the (old non PC) medical definition.

And you didn't "realize" a goddam thing. You saw a dumbshit article calling it swift boating and decided to repeat it without an ounce of critical thought.
Moe "but how do you KNOW that the tax filings the clintons made are truthful"

Jesus, this guy. Cant be a real person. Cant believe the nonsense it writes.

And we got Z still mixing conservative and republican. Think of it this way dragon ball, democrat and liberal. Does that help?
I know I've said this before, but if you aren't being paid by Correct the Record, then there's a very good chance you're mentally retarded. Like literally an IQ qualifying you under the (old non PC) medical definition.

And you didn't "realize" a goddam thing. You saw a dumbshit article calling it swift boating and decided to repeat it without an ounce of critical thought.

I've a good friend who was trained to evaluate IQ. He had to be present with the person and perform a battery of sensitive tests. He'd be interested in your striking ability.

Actually, I thought about the swiftboat comparison during a neighborhood party when a friend started talking about the Clinton Foundation. I read one political blog: the inaptly named Talking Points Memo which is headed by the very thoughtful Josh Marshall. I read Fark a lot. The aforementioned Crooked Timber when it isn't about academic philosophy. An economics blog. A couple of climate blogs. And here for the basketball in season. Ta da.
I've a good friend who was trained to evaluate IQ. He had to be present with the person and perform a battery of sensitive tests. He'd be interested in your striking ability.

Actually, I thought about the swiftboat comparison during a neighborhood party when a friend started talking about the Clinton Foundation. I read one political blog: the inaptly named Talking Points Memo which is headed by the very thoughtful Josh Marshall. I read Fark a lot. The aforementioned Crooked Timber when it isn't about academic philosophy. An economics blog. A couple of climate blogs. And here for the basketball in season. Ta da.
You lost my confidence in the truth of your story when you claimed you have a friend.
! person in 30.At the height of it's oppressiveness, the Stasi involved 2.5% of the population of East Germany. That's 1 in 40. So, you're imagining a police apparatus on that scale. Probably more. More police than Easr Germany. Doing nothing more than shifting people out of the country. Most of whom are employed doing jobs nobody else wants to do. That won't have any unintended consequences at all. No sir.

This part always annoys the piss out of me. It's not that "nobody else wants to do them", it's that nobody wan't to pay a halfway decent wage to someone here legally. They would rather cut corners and pay 50's era wages to people that have no documentation.
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I realized last night that the Clinton Foundation is this year's swift-boating. Rove's first law of politics is to attack your opponent's strength from your weakness. Voila! Make a charity the focus of evil!! It's simple. And it meshes well with rule #3: Be worse than anyone can imagine,.
Or, you are just too dumb to recognize the truth.
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Something tells me that Bill and Hillary both could hold a press conference saying they personally killed a person(s), and Moe would find a way to spin it into a positive.

How much does the DNC pay you, Moe? I mean you are doing one hell of a job for that party, and it's...leaders.