How will they rule ??!

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Donald Trump: All you blacks Americans are too dumb to know who to vote for---Vote for meeeeeeeeee

George Obama says:

It's a rather simple cognitive conclusion that I would never, ever vote for a psychotic demagogue and media whore like Trump. Never said I was voting Hillary but I might. As an Independent, I would never blindly follow any charlatan in either party.


I won't hold my breath on that.

I have a better chance of winning the lottery on the same night that I'm struck by lightning twice than you ever voting for someone other than Hillary.
Donald Trump is actually talking about how the policies and tactics of the Democratic Party over the last 40 years has served to keep the African American community subservient to the government. What the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he know the Democratic Party is the champion of minorities?


You just know mf'ers are trying to figure out how to kill Donald Trump.

He's doing the right things. Hillary is doing squat.
Blatant evidence that puts her behind bars? Then why isn't she?

Why the **** is Bill Cosby right and the United States judicial system wrong? More conspiracy theories I suspect.

Did I say it was going to put her behind bars? Of course it won't. Hence the corruption. Comey read an extra level of intent into a statute to keep her from being prosecuted by the DOJ - a couple days after Bill Clinton met with the head of the DOJ on his private plane.

At Clinton's request, the DOJ then filed a motion to delay the release of Clinton Foundation emails.

If you haven't seen the emails evidencing the pay for play, and favors Clinton granted in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations then you're just willfully ignorant.

As I've said before in this thread, it takes a very dumb person to even consider voting for Clinton, and those people should be embarrassed of themselves.
Donald Trump: All you blacks Americans are too dumb to know who to vote for---Vote for meeeeeeeeee

Blacks were enslaved by plantation owners to do the labor, the owner fed them, clothed them, and provided them shelter.

The blacks of today are enslaved by the government and provided food, clothing, free phones, and shelter in return for votes. What political party started and maintains that? By blacks voting Democrats by 92% +, then blacks seem to want stay enslaved.

I use blacks because of the great numbers of blacks who vote Democratic Party.

The issue is that the democrats want to reward anyone, black, white,brown who do not want to work with free stuff in exchange for votes.

It seems to me that would piss people off to be taken advantage of like that, but it don't appear to bother them, so they stayed enslaved with no desire to ever be anything but dependent on government, which makes them leeches on society.
On morning joe this morning they are talking how bad it is for Trump to say good things about Russia and Putin, how it is border line treason, but not a single word about Hilary selling our uranium to Putin.

This shows just how much the MSM is in the tank for the Democrats.
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LA times poll has Clinton 44.2 trump 43.2....ruh roh, that lead seems shaky...get ready for an onslaught of dragon ball Z and Moe and fuzz and lek... Albany will be here to tell us of the deposit he has put down for his victory soirée.
Somebody is giving Trump some better advice lately. Stick to the issues. If he does that from here on out, he has a shot IMO.
He's going to make a push after the Olympics as I posted before. Not like that's inside info, just makes sense. They have him down but haven't killed him, but they have blown their wad. Frankly him saying he wouldn't pivot (even though he slightly is) was smart, don't give the effing media a win. Eff them.
Btw, the Aetna / Obamacare crap needs to be front and center this fall....hope all y'all including Ds understand what single payer will do to an economy structured like ours, let alone the radical change in care.

Obamacare has been a complete and utter failure of Biblical design, of course. Nail Hillary's fat ass to the wall on it.

Good Christ what a disaster if she ever gets single payer in....ill have a call in to a concierge Doctor within 5 minutes of passage, as will anyone else with a couple of nickels to rub together. Hope you guys like the diminished care for your family.
I wish you guys would stop with this Trump has a chance crap!

I just baited jamo into realizing he in fact made a financial wager on Hillary. If he changes his name before that I know for a fact I'll never realize who to chase.

LA times poll has Clinton 44.2 trump 43.2....ruh roh, that lead seems shaky...get ready for an onslaught of dragon ball Z and Moe and fuzz and lek... Albany will be here to tell us of the deposit he has put down for his victory soirée.

Any individual poll tended to be less accurate than a mean of all the polls. A problem arose because some polls are just trying to astroturf a ground-swell. To artificially gin up support. Those would invalidate the whole "mean of all the polls" technique because they don't reflect actual numbers.

There are supposed to be accurate polls that the campaign staff relies upon in private, but Rove's genuine surprise at Romney's vote in 2012 seems to belie that. So don't let poll numbers break your heart. Nobody knows.

I solve that for me by not giving a flying frog about the polls. I vote and abide by the result.
Btw, the Aetna / Obamacare crap needs to be front and center this fall....hope all y'all including Ds understand what single payer will do to an economy structured like ours, let alone the radical change in care.

Obamacare has been a complete and utter failure of Biblical design, of course. Nail Hillary's fat ass to the wall on it.

Good Christ what a disaster if she ever gets single payer in....ill have a call in to a concierge Doctor within 5 minutes of passage, as will anyone else with a couple of nickels to rub together. Hope you guys like the diminished care for your family.

Right. Because countries with single payer get such terrible results. Oh, no. Better care for less. How will we ever get by?
Trump is also releasing ads on Friday in key states.
lol if so it will be his first. someone on twitter said that Gary Johnson & even greenie Stein has spent more on advertising than Trump so far (his total: zero, so not hard to top that).

either brilliant genius or monumental stupidity how he is running this thing
Any individual poll tended to be less accurate than a mean of all the polls. A problem arose because some polls are just trying to astroturf a ground-swell. To artificially gin up support. Those would invalidate the whole "mean of all the polls" technique because they don't reflect actual numbers.

There are supposed to be accurate polls that the campaign staff relies upon in private, but Rove's genuine surprise at Romney's vote in 2012 seems to belie that. So don't let poll numbers break your heart. Nobody knows.

I solve that for me by not giving a flying frog about the polls. I vote and abide by the result.
Hillary is winning by more in Florida than Trump is in Texas.

This is going to be an epic landslide. The Republicans are going to lose Utah. U-t-a-h... LOL.
Hillary is winning by more in Florida than Trump is in Texas.

This is going to be an epic landslide. The Republicans are going to lose Utah. U-t-a-h... LOL.
When November comes Donald Trump will win Utah. He is in a virtual tie with the "other" category right now, but those votes will be split between other parties. Republicans will carry Utah as always and if Donald continues his Clinton directed talk he will continue to rise.
Such a lazy argument, Moe. Just tired and lazy. Other countries have markedly different economic and societal structures, but yeah since they have it we should. Love how all these countries that we get compared to are 0% like us *and* have the freedom to have zero military because they live under the blanket of our protection. I bet if we told everyone to eff off, US military is out of here, we'd have a few more pesos floating around for whatever dumbass spending you want.

Not to mention the radical gap between our current system and what they have will absolutely shock people if implemented. Have there been any countries similar to the US switch from a system like ours to single payer successfully? Nope. We are clearly unique. There is no template for what you want, you want Panacea and it is unattainable.
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Single payer is a dream for liberals. We are going in that direction. Of course, we will bankrupt ourselves, stand in long lines, and get vanilla care.
I've already accepted a $200 bet from @krazykats ITT. You wanna put your money where your mouth is, or continue sounding like a naive homer?
Heh. It's always ok when he's got a R next to the name! From the NYTimes....

In the midst of a deeply divisive presidential campaign, more than 1,000 psychiatrists declared the Republican candidate unfit for the office, citing severe personality defects, including paranoia, a grandiose manner and a Godlike self-image. One doctor called him “a dangerous lunatic.”

The year was 1964, and after losing in a landslide, the candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, sued the publisher of Fact magazine, which had published the survey, winning $75,000 in damages.

But doctors attacked the survey, too, for its unsupported clinical language and obvious partisanship. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association adopted what became known as the Goldwater Rule, declaring it unethical for any psychiatrist to diagnose a public figure’s condition “unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.”

Enter Donald J. Trump.

The 2016 Republican nominee’s incendiary, stream-of-consciousness pronouncements have strained that agreement to the breaking point, exposing divisions in the field over whether such restraint is appropriate today.
Most psychiatrist know that with Hillary in office they will have more business because they (Dems) allow for everyone to have some type of phobia requiring government funded assistance. Job security.
I for one think single payer will be great. Especially if Clinton is POTUS.

Concentrate as much power in the federal government as possible. They've historically shown to be competent, efficient and capable at doing everything.

Make sure to also keep a database of all individual health records. The Clinton Foundation really needs to diversify its offerings. Confidential state secrets are yesterday's news. Time to start selling confidential individual secrets.
lol if so it will be his first. someone on twitter said that Gary Johnson & even greenie Stein has spent more on advertising than Trump so far (his total: zero, so not hard to top that).

either brilliant genius or monumental stupidity how he is running this thing

Dang. That's almost unreal. How in the shit is he destroying them at their own game.
Any individual poll tended to be less accurate than a mean of all the polls. A problem arose because some polls are just trying to astroturf a ground-swell. To artificially gin up support. Those would invalidate the whole "mean of all the polls" technique because they don't reflect actual numbers.

There are supposed to be accurate polls that the campaign staff relies upon in private, but Rove's genuine surprise at Romney's vote in 2012 seems to belie that. So don't let poll numbers break your heart. Nobody knows.

I solve that for me by not giving a flying frog about the polls. I vote and abide by the result.

Almost on cue. Only took you 18 minutes.

Why didn't you make that response the last few weeks when all of you were circle jerking to the polls?
The damning key to how this election is going to go down is that every single state that was a tossup has went towards Hillary. Everything is moving in her favor. There is no way Trump is going to be able to blunt that kind of momentum. Barring some catastrophic event this election is over.

Historically by Labor Day weekend it is pretty much set in stone anyway. I know the debates will be huge but Trump will show his ass and really turn off everyone but the frothing knuckle draggers that will hoot and holler over his inevitable insults as that will be all he has.