How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other States was hacked in 7 minutes by a Princeton Professor in a demonstration to show just how fast and easy it could be done.
That can't be true. The left has been saying for years now that voter fraud doesn't exist. Surely they aren't lying are they?
Who needs that? Just fight tooth and nail to defeat any voter id laws out there. They just cheat the old fashion way.

Oh Im sure there will be electronic cheating soon as thats easier though. Who knows, maybe thats whats going on now. Getting every person they can registered, then electronically voting them wholesale since ID's arent required.

Same result. Different method.




Point being, it didnt matter who won the nomination. It would be that person versus the MSM. Not a fight to be won by any of those candidates. Trump's definitely self inflicted tons of damage. But those advantages are nearly impossible to overcome.
I would argue that Rubio's current performance in Florida despite a late entry and a horrible presidential nominee's coat tails would argue against your stance.
Polls had Carter up 15+ points against Reagan in mid August. How did that turn out again?

More like April.By the conventions, Reagan's lead had ballooned. Then, the race narrowed to a couple of points. The last debate pushed the lead back to 5 points which is how it ended. Elections can be volatile, but I'd think you needed a candidate who wants to win to sustain a rally.
I've already accepted a $200 bet from @krazykats ITT. You wanna put your money where your mouth is, or continue sounding like a naive homer?
Not being naive. Theres a billion different examples of polls being wrong, I'd list examples but my fingers would break just typing them all up. I'm not dumb enough to think its over since most polls have it at basically a dead heat in mid August. Last I checked the election is in November, not mid August.
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Not being naive. Theres a billion different examples of polls being wrong, I'd list examples but my fingers would break just typing them all up. I'm not dumb enough to think its over since most polls have it at basically a dead heat in mid August. Last I checked the election is in November, not mid August.
So that's a "No"?
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I would argue that Rubio's current performance in Florida despite a late entry and a horrible presidential nominee's coat tails would argue against your stance.

Great. Another couple of awful years of rubio. That bum hasn't done jack shit down here.
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Just read this - out of something called Tabletmag. According to wiki, that's "an American Jewish general interest online magazine". Which means, presumably, liberal. Still. Pretty good I think:

The process went something like this: Someone said something on Fox News that mainstream liberalism didn’t like; Stewart and/or Colbert aired a sustained critique of the idea and the thinking behind it; liberal internet publications hailed it as the greatest rhetorical victory since Darrow argued for Scopes; liberals’ Facebook feeds full of liberal friends filled up with clips of the takedown. No one learned anything, no one engaged with an idea, and nothing outside of a very specific set of ideas was given any real credence. As Emmet Rensin so perfectly put it:

Finding comfort in the notion that their former allies were disdainful, hapless rubes, smug liberals created a culture animated by that contempt. The result is a self-fulfilling prophecy. … Over 20 years, an industry arose to cater to the smug style … and culminated for a time in The Daily Show, a program that more than any other thing advanced the idea that liberal orthodoxy was a kind of educated savvy and that is opponents were, before anything else, stupid.

As Rensin deftly discerns, this sort of intellectual elitism is probably part of the reason that the Democratic Party went from getting 66 percent of the manual laborer vote in 1948 to outpolling the GOP by just 2 points in 2012. It’s the inevitable consequence of eight years of reducing George W. Bush and all of his supporters to dumbass hicks, and choosing to denigrate the poor and uneducated (if only they read The Atlantic!), rather than doing real outreach to them.
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Point being, it didnt matter who won the nomination. It would be that person versus the MSM. Not a fight to be won by any of those candidates. Trump's definitely self inflicted tons of damage. But those advantages are nearly impossible to overcome.
Gotta disagree with that take, bbi. What Trump is getting is both unprecedented and was predictable, at the same time. In fact, several of us here predicted it! Now, it's come to pass - the ombudsman of the NY Times is telling journalists they can't/shouldn't cover Trump with any veneer of objectivity, they can't/shouldn't cover him like they have any other candidate. No straight reporting of news is acceptable. If you think he is a danger to society, then you have an obligation to report it that way. And once the NYT gives the thumbs' up, everyone else feels like it's safe ground. So what you get is what we got.

Nobody else would've suffered the same onslaught. What any other R would've gotten is what Rs have always gotten: it's slanted and it's biased, the media keeps a thumb on the scale in favor of the D. But we've seen all that before. I'm not saying any of them could've won, but there was a handful that pretty clearly had an advantage in a year when the Ds - with Hillary atop the ticket - were going to be at a distinct disadvantage.
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Remembering that Dukakis was up on Bush Sr. by 17 fairly late. As horrible a candidate as Trump has been, as much as the press has made it their reason d' etre to defeat bad is Hillary that she's only up 6.7 (average polling per RCP)? Sheesh.
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Remembering that Dukakis was up on Bush Sr. by 17 fairly late. As horrible a candidate as Trump has been, as much as the press has made it their reason d' etre to defeat bad is Hillary that she's only up 6.7 (average polling per RCP)? Sheesh.
And that last point is exactly my point.

All the GOP primary voters had to do was nominate somebody who wouldn't either cause a schism in the party or make 70% of the electorate's skin crawl.

instead, they failed on both counts.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
.how bad is Hillary that she's only up 6.7 (average polling per RCP)? Sheesh.

I was thinking this exact same thought on the way home. For someone like Trump, who has run a really awful campaign. She should be up by 20%. But she's not, and she's doing it on the backs of the 1%, Wall street, Big Pharma, sore loser Repubs, and the campaign spending is worth billions and she is barely treading water (as I mentioned before).

Look, the Donald may have done some dumb self defeating maneuvers, but he has done one thing that I really respect. He is running a pretty cheap campaign.
Remembering that Dukakis was up on Bush Sr. by 17 fairly late. As horrible a candidate as Trump has been, as much as the press has made it their reason d' etre to defeat bad is Hillary that she's only up 6.7 (average polling per RCP)? Sheesh.
Keep in mind that unless the polls average is limited to those polls which only include likely voters, then even that is skewed. Most "likely voters" polls this week have Hillary up by 3 points. Considering that (1) there is a "Donald factor" which may play into things as the Bradley factor, (2) Trump is not even running a serious ad campaign yet, (3) that generally undecideds break for the challenger over the incumbent, or quasi-incumbent, and (4) that Julian may have an October surprise with emails, this election is very much in play. It's rather amusing to watch these liberals here mistake a Presidential election for an Ohio State-MAC team football game- and there acting just as obnoxious as the Buckeye fans in gloating over something that hasn't happened yet. At least the Ohio State fans are safe in their gloating. The liberals here may yet be eating crow. Either way, it's kind of immature and silly for them to act like college football fans over an election.
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Wait what did we bet again?
Just read this - out of something called Tabletmag. According to wiki, that's "an American Jewish general interest online magazine". Which means, presumably, liberal. Still. Pretty good I think:

The process went something like this: Someone said something on Fox News that mainstream liberalism didn’t like; Stewart and/or Colbert aired a sustained critique of the idea and the thinking behind it; liberal internet publications hailed it as the greatest rhetorical victory since Darrow argued for Scopes; liberals’ Facebook feeds full of liberal friends filled up with clips of the takedown. No one learned anything, no one engaged with an idea, and nothing outside of a very specific set of ideas was given any real credence. As Emmet Rensin so perfectly put it:

Finding comfort in the notion that their former allies were disdainful, hapless rubes, smug liberals created a culture animated by that contempt. The result is a self-fulfilling prophecy. … Over 20 years, an industry arose to cater to the smug style … and culminated for a time in The Daily Show, a program that more than any other thing advanced the idea that liberal orthodoxy was a kind of educated savvy and that is opponents were, before anything else, stupid.

As Rensin deftly discerns, this sort of intellectual elitism is probably part of the reason that the Democratic Party went from getting 66 percent of the manual laborer vote in 1948 to outpolling the GOP by just 2 points in 2012. It’s the inevitable consequence of eight years of reducing George W. Bush and all of his supporters to dumbass hicks, and choosing to denigrate the poor and uneducated (if only they read The Atlantic!), rather than doing real outreach to them.

Part of the reason.

9.9999%? .0000004%?
I'll bet $200 on trump winning. I don't care if it's that Hiliary is arrested or not. I also don't care if Hiliary wins because some nutjob shoots trump.

$200 to the winner no matter what, or hide behind your stipulations.
No I won't hide from what I said or agreed to, but that's just what I said did we actually bet?

Not trying to get out of anything I just don't remember agreeing to a bet with a person.

I mean I'd bet 1000 UK wins the title next year, can that be quoted for just anyone to jump on?
Unignored Z to see that he too took me up on a bet?

Also, Z it's your candidate that can't manage classified info what the hell are you talking about?
No skin in the game but I don't think a bet made to the world is a valid bet. Each party has to explicitly wager with the other.