How will they rule ??!

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Did they read Trump the emails Clinton had saved on her server that was accessible by everyone that worked for her and anyone with a basic ability to hack?
We have a poster bent on ethnic slurs. Shameful.

Then I read this:

Hillary's father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, was born on April 2, 1911 in Scranton,Pennsylvania. He was the son of Hugh Rodham (1879-1965) and Hannah Jones Rodham (1882-1952). Both of his parents came from coal-miner families. His father (also named Hugh) was a first-generation immigrant from County Durham in northernEngland, while his mother Hannah (née Jones) was born in Pennsylvania to Welshimmigrants from Merthyr Tydfil.[6

I realize the Welsh are a bunch of liars!
It was intended as derogatory, you couldn't trust a medieval Welshman.

The medieval clergyman Gerald of Wales (c. 1146 – c. 1223, of mixed Norman and Welsh descent) didn't like them very much:

Faults in the Welsh Character

The inconstancy and instability of the Welsh; and their failure to keep their word or carry out their promises.

A formal oath never binds them. They have no respect for their plighted word, and truth means nothing to them. They are so accustomed to breaking a promise, held sacrosanct by other nations, that they will stretched out their hand, as the custom is, and with this gesture swear an oath about nearly everything they say, not only in serious and important matters but on every trifling occasion.

They live on plunder and have no regard for the ties of peace and friendship.

Crow needs to work for Trump attacking Hillary as Welsh and therefore not trustworthy.
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People are saying krazykat doesn't pay his bets. That's what I'm hearing. I don't know, but that is what people are telling me. He doesn't pay, well somebody hasn't been paying. Believe me, the guy doesn't pay. He is killing the betting that goes on. Killing it. The guy doesn't pay. That's what everyone is telling me all the time. They say "krazycat, that guy doesn't pay" so believe me we will get to the bottom of this with my people. I guarantee you. He will make that bet and I will make Mexico pay for it.
So per jamo every poll and stat shows there is 0% chance Trump can win.

Again got it! Thanks!

I agreed to take your bet, please you name what you want to win and I'll take a limit of 1 political post a day while Trump is president and every one has to end with:

I'm the idiot that said 0% chance this could be our president.

uh, no. I never said 0%. I've just been saying (for weeks) that there's no data to support the conclusion that Trump even makes this a coin flip.

$200 straight-up work for you?

Trump beats Hillary head-to-head on election day, you get $200.
Hillary beats Trump head-to-head on election day, I get $200.

If either is indicted, drops out, or assassinated, bet is off.


I'd leave in arrested and assassinated because that is a possibility going in, but dropping out? Neither of these two are dropping out.

If he is assassinated I'd still pay $200, so if she is arrested you pay $200 and it's a deal.

Also why not keep it fun like I mentioned? Money is fine and usually scares people away, but I gambol so it's no worries to me.

I'd be fine with you having to share your love everyday with my quote ending your every post every day!

take the bet or leave it. im not gonna argue about whether we should take bets on a touching assassination.

I'll bet $200 on trump winning. I don't care if it's that Hiliary is arrested or not. I also don't care if Hiliary wins because some nutjob shoots trump.

$200 to the winner no matter what, or hide behind your stipulations.

Suit yourself. Deal.

Cool witnesses are here I accept
People are saying krazykat doesn't pay his bets. That's what I'm hearing. I don't know, but that is what people are telling me. He doesn't pay, well somebody hasn't been paying. Believe me, the guy doesn't pay. He is killing the betting that goes on. Killing it. The guy doesn't pay. That's what everyone is telling me all the time. They say "krazycat, that guy doesn't pay" so believe me we will get to the bottom of this with my people. I guarantee you. He will make that bet and I will make Mexico pay for it.
Black Olives Matter = profit, according an Albuquerque, NM restaurant owner.

"But some people actually found the sign humorous. So much so that after the backlash, owner Rick Camuglia saw a great moneymaking opportunity. Now, he’s selling T-shirts and hats emblazoned with the controversial tagline."

BLM will be picketing that place by next week. You wait and see
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Nearly half of refugees entering the U.S. this year are Muslim

The U.S. has received 28,957 Muslim refugees so far in fiscal year 2016, or nearly half (46%) of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country since the fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. That means that already this year the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees of any year since 2002.
Nearly half of refugees entering the U.S. this year are Muslim

The U.S. has received 28,957 Muslim refugees so far in fiscal year 2016, or nearly half (46%) of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country since the fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. That means that already this year the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees of any year since 2002.

That's 28,957 too many

Cool cool. Note to self......just didn't remember.

I'm no welcher, and still got a shot.

Z, get pumped unless you can get that level of proof, or any level of proof really.
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I really don't care that much that they're muslim. Not much we can do about that. The fact they're basically not vetted at all is what concerns me

12% of republicans in FL are voting for Clinton.

Not just passing on trump. Voting FOR Clinton.

I'd be surprised by that number.

Trump got his first classified briefing today. How many minutes before he compromises it in public on the podium?

A lot more minutes after Hillary compromised national security.

Exactly. And about a day or two past Biden outing someone.
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You made a dipshit post filled with rhetorical questions ignoring all the evidence of blatant corruption from the Clinton foundation, and asked why people aren't upset about the Wounded Warrior Project.

The fact that you'd make a post that stupid conclusively proves you couldn't care less about criminal mischief and blind partisan hypocrisy. Don't get mad at me for pointing out how dumb the comparison was.
Blatant evidence that puts her behind bars? Then why isn't she?

Why the **** is Bill Cosby right and the United States judicial system wrong? More conspiracy theories I suspect.
Pretty mich the entire state of Louisiana is under water with worse flooding than what even happened under Katrina.

A race war has broken out in the streets of Milwaukee.

Southern California is having such massive wildfires that almost 100,000 people were evacuated.

All while Obama is vacationing. I'm only bringing this up because the MSM and the left would be trashing a republican president if all that was going on and didn't end their vacation early.
It's not what you have said Jameslee. It's what you haven't said about it.

It's cognitive dissonance
It's a rather simple cognitive conclusion that I would never, ever vote for a psychotic demagogue and media whore like Trump. Never said I was voting Hillary but I might. As an Independent, I would never blindly follow any charlatan in either party.
Pretty mich the entire state of Louisiana is under water with worse flooding than what even happened under Katrina.

A race war has broken out in the streets of Milwaukee.

Southern California is having such massive wildfires that almost 100,000 people were evacuated.

All while Obama is vacationing. I'm only bringing this up because the MSM and the left would be trashing a republican president if all that was going on and didn't end their vacation early.
Three people liked this???? In retrospect, this partisan, 2-party political system is much, much worse than I initially thought.
Pretty mich the entire state of Louisiana is under water with worse flooding than what even happened under Katrina.

A race war has broken out in the streets of Milwaukee.

Southern California is having such massive wildfires that almost 100,000 people were evacuated.

All while Obama is vacationing. I'm only bringing this up because the MSM and the left would be trashing a republican president if all that was going on and didn't end their vacation early.

the media brought it up because the previous republican president took over 800 vacation days. heck reagan took almost 400. obama has taken around 200. i'd provide you think link but you wont read it and even if you will just claim its a media conspiracy.
Can you say Gog and Magog! In accordance with the prophecies (the go to phrase my brother in law uses to make people uncomfortable. Usually works)....

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia used Iran on Tuesday for the first time as a base from which to launch air strikes against Syrian militants, widening its air campaign in Syria and deepening its involvement in the Middle East.
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Donald Trump is actually talking about how the policies and tactics of the Democratic Party over the last 40 years has served to keep the African American community subservient to the government. What the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he know the Democratic Party is the champion of minorities?
Heh. It's always ok when he's got a R next to the name! From the NYTimes....

In the midst of a deeply divisive presidential campaign, more than 1,000 psychiatrists declared the Republican candidate unfit for the office, citing severe personality defects, including paranoia, a grandiose manner and a Godlike self-image. One doctor called him “a dangerous lunatic.”

The year was 1964, and after losing in a landslide, the candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, sued the publisher of Fact magazine, which had published the survey, winning $75,000 in damages.

But doctors attacked the survey, too, for its unsupported clinical language and obvious partisanship. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association adopted what became known as the Goldwater Rule, declaring it unethical for any psychiatrist to diagnose a public figure’s condition “unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.”

Enter Donald J. Trump.

The 2016 Republican nominee’s incendiary, stream-of-consciousness pronouncements have strained that agreement to the breaking point, exposing divisions in the field over whether such restraint is appropriate today.
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Donald Trump is actually talking about how the policies and tactics of the Democratic Party over the last 40 years has served to keep the African American community subservient to the government. What the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he know the Democratic Party is the champion of minorities?
Trump has done a great job with these speeches the last 2 days. I even know some folks that dislike Trump who said his speech yesterday was great. This is what he needs to keep doing until election day.
Donald Trump: All you blacks Americans are too dumb to know who to vote for---Vote for meeeeeeeeee

Enter Donald J. Trump.

The 2016 Republican nominee’s incendiary, stream-of-consciousness pronouncements have strained that agreement to the breaking point, exposing divisions in the field over whether such restraint is appropriate today.

Yes, I think it's absolutely inappropriate. A clinical diagnosis requires a great deal of contact with the patient. Medical or psychiatric.

It demeans the profession and has as much accuracy as a fortune cookie. The people can decide. Heaven knows that politicians are exposed to inhumane levels of scrutiny so if you don't know what you think then you haven't been paying attention.
Donald Trump: All you blacks Americans are too dumb to know who to vote for---Vote for meeeeeeeeee

How is he wrong?

What did Bill do for blacks other than kiss a baby?

WTF did Obama do?

I've heard that actual Africans are racist toward African Americans........could it be that Obama to is against the African Americans? Look at stats and prove me wrong!
Unless African Americans own hot sauce, I'm not sure how any black person could take that as any thing but a joke to their culture!

I'm dead f'n serious!
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Trump murdered that speech tonight. If this is the Trump we get for the next 80+ days watch out Crooked Hillary. Thats all I'm gonna say.

Trump is also releasing ads on Friday in key states.
Trump murdered that speech tonight. If this is the Trump we get for the next 80+ days watch out Crooked Hillary. Thats all I'm gonna say.

Trump is also releasing ads on Friday in key states.
Trump is THE authority on racial issues as he showed in tonight's speech. I expect the black community to start to come around.
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Um false, CNN already hitting the fact that he did that speech to a white crowd as being out of touch with black voters. He intentionally won't give that speech, or any speech, in a black community...........

Some people just can't win!
Um false, CNN already hitting the fact that he did that speech to a white crowd as being out of touch with black voters. He intentionally won't give that speech, or any speech, in a black community...........

Some people just can't win!
CNN is a total joke. Probably the worst news network on the entire planet, let alone here in the US.