How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I LMAO at this reader comment in the Princeton polling website I linked above:

It's OK, Trump is heavily campaigning in Connecticut. I'm sure he'll pull this off.
Steel mill in Western KY closing in November, 150 middle class jobs gone. Announced this morning.

This is and has taken place all over the country.
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Single payer is a dream for liberals. We are going in that direction. Of course, we will bankrupt ourselves, stand in long lines, and get vanilla care.
just a small part of the liberals overall goal for how to rule this country. cradle to grave government 'taking care of' people....of course since they are paying for it then they have to make the decisions, right?

free health care
free daycare
free pre school
free food
free K-12 education
free college
free housing
free retirement

and must employ an army of administrators in guaranteed government jobs with lush cushy benefits to manage all those programs. all paid for by the suckers who dare to work real jobs or earn a profit with a business.

now I'll stand back while the dreamless soulless liberal monkeys in this thread stand up in ovation at me describing their ideal perfect American society.
Libs counting out DT and the wishy washy -ness of the electorate are making a huge mistake. I still stand by my previous statements that I believe Trump finds a way to win this thing. The only way Hillary wins is if DT continues his self-destructive rants to take heat off of her in the debates.

The debates are going to decide the election. They usually do. And when DT is on, his debating skills are big league. He decimated all of the big name Republicans in the primaries. BUT, he has to keep his chauvinist leanings in the closet.

Hillary has yet to provide a believable explanation for her email catastrophe. Better get one before the debates.

Another side issue that can backfire is how liberals are treating Trump supporters. I don't relate to people who can back a guy like DT but I understand the appeal and frustration with the system right now. I've actually had some productive conversations with family members who back him.
You're assuming theirs is better than ours. Aren't we the country who has an immigration problem? People aren't trying to leave here. They are trying to come here.
That's one thing these idiot libs can't explain away.
You're assuming theirs is better than ours. Aren't we the country who has an immigration problem? People aren't trying to leave here. They are trying to come here.
That's one thing these idiot libs can't explain away.
Or we could use facts:


Seriously, that is such a tragically stupid argument to make. How many immigrants since ever have said they are coming to the United States because of our healthcare system?
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Or we could use facts:


Seriously, that is such a tragically stupid argument to make. How many immigrants since ever have said they are coming to the United States because of our healthcare system?

Im willing to bet, when looking at raw immigration, the US is even higher. Interesting anyone would create a graphic for immigration based on % of population. What a useless statistic. Still really doesnt refute the point. Just attempts to weaken the point.

Either way, people are still coming here in droves. And those are just the ones we know about. Untelling how many illegals are here.
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Im willing to bet, when looking at raw immigration, the US is even higher. Interesting anyone would create a graphic for immigration based on % of population. What a useless statistic. Still really doesnt refute the point. Just attempts to weaken the point.

Either way, people are still coming here in droves. And those are just the ones we know about. Untelling how many illegals are here.

There are good estimates. People take up space, They eat, work, require shelter, have families. Etc.
Any individual poll tended to be less accurate than a mean of all the polls. A problem arose because some polls are just trying to astroturf a ground-swell. To artificially gin up support. Those would invalidate the whole "mean of all the polls" technique because they don't reflect actual numbers.

There are supposed to be accurate polls that the campaign staff relies upon in private, but Rove's genuine surprise at Romney's vote in 2012 seems to belie that. So don't let poll numbers break your heart. Nobody knows.

I solve that for me by not giving a flying frog about the polls. I vote and abide by the result.

And you're snarling because ...?

Because you're a flaming tool.
There are good estimates. People take up space, They eat, work, require shelter, have families. Etc.

How long are you personally willing to cover these costs?

Then realize however long that is, make it 10x longer on avg and cast your vote with a smile and coke!
You're assuming theirs is better than ours. Aren't we the country who has an immigration problem? People aren't trying to leave here. They are trying to come here.
People go lots of places. The US isn't the only destination anymore. Or even the best. Our social mobility ranking stinks.
How long are you personally willing to cover these costs?

Then realize however long that is, make it 10x longer on avg and cast your vote with a smile and coke!

Me? I'm like Elvis. So far, there's always been something left over at the end of the month.
Such a lazy argument, Moe. Just tired and lazy. Other countries have markedly different economic and societal structures, but yeah since they have it we should. Love how all these countries that we get compared to are 0% like us *and* have the freedom to have zero military because they live under the blanket of our protection. I bet if we told everyone to eff off, US military is out of here, we'd have a few more pesos floating around for whatever dumbass spending you want.

Not to mention the radical gap between our current system and what they have will absolutely shock people if implemented. Have there been any countries similar to the US switch from a system like ours to single payer successfully? Nope. We are clearly unique. There is no template for what you want, you want Panacea and it is unattainable.

Our role is (has been, at least) the hegemon. The BSD. We like being able to exert our will. Or to try to. To declare someone else's government a threat to world peace. And then move in and bomb their rubble to smaller rubble. We've done that since the days of Monroe.

As for medical care, every country that has single payer has moved to it from something else.
just a small part of the liberals overall goal for how to rule this country. cradle to grave government 'taking care of' people....of course since they are paying for it then they have to make the decisions, right?

free health care
free daycare
free pre school
free food
free K-12 education
free college
free housing
free retirement

and must employ an army of administrators in guaranteed government jobs with lush cushy benefits to manage all those programs. all paid for by the suckers who dare to work real jobs or earn a profit with a business.

now I'll stand back while the dreamless soulless liberal monkeys in this thread stand up in ovation at me describing their ideal perfect American society.

This is exactly where we're heading. To pay for it all, the government will have to tax completely anyone that produces. Its practically that way now. Its why we have no middle class - theyre taxed into poverty. Breaking their back just to break even.

How long will the producers allow this to go on, before they quit? Wont be long. Because we're dangerously close to it as is.

Ayn Rand was basically a prophet.
Hillary Clinton has had no negative ads run against her in any medium this cycle. at all. Bernie only gave a halfhearted effort midway though when he realized she was so awful he could actually win the thing.

that is kind of a big deal when analyzing the polls & predicting what states swing which way IMO.

I won't hold my breath on that.

I have a better chance of winning the lottery on the same night that I'm struck by lightning twice than you ever voting for someone other than Hillary.
Better start taking aggressive and zigzagging stepping patterns when outside heading to that lottery office.
LA times poll has Clinton 44.2 trump 43.2....ruh roh, that lead seems shaky...get ready for an onslaught of dragon ball Z and Moe and fuzz and lek... Albany will be here to tell us of the deposit he has put down for his victory soirée.

Did you see the latest user generated map? Based on more realistic sampling of likely Republican and Democrat voters Trump wins, and wins fairly easily.
LA times poll has Clinton 44.2 trump 43.2....ruh roh, that lead seems shaky...get ready for an onslaught of dragon ball Z and Moe and fuzz and lek... Albany will be here to tell us of the deposit he has put down for his victory soirée.
I've been saying for a while now that if Trump sticks to the issues hes going to win.
hard for me to see a blowout in this climate, even if there are things about Trump that scream "woodshed". Point 1, the country has settled comfortably into red and blue corners to a great extent. Hard to see a Mondale or Carter, getting only a handful of states. Point 2, Hillary is awful herself. I don't know, Trump may be the one to fight through those obstacles and get himself a historic beatdown, people may just decide all at once they can't vote for him (a la Carter, who sent from tied to 10 down the day after the debate in late October '80).
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Did I say it was going to put her behind bars? Of course it won't. Hence the corruption. Comey read an extra level of intent into a statute to keep her from being prosecuted by the DOJ - a couple days after Bill Clinton met with the head of the DOJ on his private plane.

At Clinton's request, the DOJ then filed a motion to delay the release of Clinton Foundation emails.

If you haven't seen the emails evidencing the pay for play, and favors Clinton granted in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations then you're just willfully ignorant.

As I've said before in this thread, it takes a very dumb person to even consider voting for Clinton, and those people should be embarrassed of themselves.
I expect the dementia leading your conspiracy theory is haunting you daily. But why not want criminals behind bars? I do. Whether it be The Donald for Trump U or Hillary for murder.

But how come we never hear about these unless a Clinton runs for office? Do each have blood on their hands or just Hillary? Not looking forward to Chelsea running the same way I dreaded Jeb running but I'm sure we can expect the same theory.

Btw, did anyone see the $400 million exchange hands right before the Iranian's released the prisoners? I did!!!!
LOL. You could have just saved yourself some words and went with "vast right wing conspiracy."

Yep, us loons just always trying to take the Clintons down with our conspiracy theories.

"Leave Hilary ALONE!!!!!!"
One person in this election has used a position of political influence to drive donations to a "charitable" foundation in exchange for political favors, and put the security of the country at risk by sharing classified information with people without clearances.

You want to give that person the most powerful position in the free world.

I'll take Brendan Dassey over Clinton.
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But how come we never hear about these unless a Clinton runs for office?
Won't speak for anyone else, but for me the Clintons are unique. Unique in their ruthlessness, in their lust to obtain and keep power. And I know full well how ruthless and power-driven your average national politician of any note is. This gets back to something I said the other day. For Dems, it seems, every Republican is Hitler. I won't do that, there are distinctions to be made. I don't like Obama's politics (I think he's actually liberal, in a way the Clintons can never be), but he's not ruthless ("if your enemy brings a knife, you bring a gun" and "punch back twice as hard" comments aside). Carter was horrible and horribly ineffective, but there was nothing ruthless about him. John Edwards was a special kind of self-absorbed, and a really creepy person, but he wasn't ruthless about obtaining and keeping power. The Clintons are. Don't have any doubt, by the way, that if brother Bill and I sat down to break bread that he'd come across as amazingly charming. hell, he likes Elvis and college basketball, we're practically blood brothers! the phrase "scorched earth" is an appropriate one for this discussion, and of course that phrase gained currency w/r/t the Clintons.
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I've been saying for a while now that if Trump sticks to the issues hes going to win.
It's possible. He needs to focus on foreign policy and be relentless instead of his erratic, pitiful attempt to say he's the greatest ever, the one and only, rich guy fixer of all things known to man.

But I still would love to know where the minority and woman vote is coming from.
Anyone else ever watch Rocky?

It's almost like Trump after winning the nomination sat back and said to himself, "whew boy I bet Hillary is pissed, I'll bet she throws everything at me up front like an idiot so I'll sit here and take it, see where I stand and go from there and call out her stamina"

Now he is saying, "well I was right she can't keep this up I guess I'll fight back now that I got me some cash and 3 months left. Man I'm truly amazing to just let her blow her wad and do nothing and still be within reach of her"

And I'll be damned if it doesn't work! You can point to polls all you want.....Trump is coming and people like Don Lemon and his talking heads last night even recognized he may may still be able to win over people that weren't available before if he keeps the same message and reaches out within the black community!

Open their eyes and show them the way, they will follow! And there is a lot to show them.
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The CNN video and report of that dumb bitch in Milwaukee is basically everything you'd expect out of the media these days.

The girl is yelling about going to the suburbs and burning other people's "shit" down instead of rioting in their own communities.

CNN reports it as her calling for peace in the community.
Maybe AlbanyWildcat can enlighten us as to why so many Insurance companies are dropping out of the ACA? Also, be interesting as to when the others will announce their rate hikes, before or after the election. Interesting that Hilary has ALL the answers as to how to revitalize our economy, fix the ACA, put people back to work, give free college education, how to pay for it all, and yet has not bothered to tell Obama how to do it for the last 7.5 years. If I were Obama, i would be pissed at her, for keeping it secret.
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A dream that every other industrialized country on earth has realized except... us.
And thank God it has not yet been fully realized in the United States, and that, likewise, there's still an opportunity for this nation to get out from under the scourge of socialized healthcare.

The United States didn't become the single greatest nation in the history of earth by doing things the same way 'every other industrialized nation' does it. I've yet to figure out why left-leaning voters --- those who 'claim' to be the 'Champions of Personal Liberty' --- continually vote onto themselves servitude by supporting politicians who advocate giving the government more control over their choices and personal liberties.

When the government controls the dispensation of healthcare, they control you. Period. Grandpa feeling a little disoriented lately? No problem, Doc can just report him to the DMV and revoke his license. Dad feeling a little stressed at work? No problem, Doc can go all "Minority Report" and recommend law enforcement take his guns before he blows a gasket and kills someone. Can I choose not to have health insurance? "Hell No!" says the federal bureaucrat! Let's get the IRS (which has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare -- until now) involved in the 'shake down' of this malcontent --- Big Brother knows what is best for you, and you WILL have health insurance, or pay the price!

If single payer ever becomes the law of the land, virtually anything the left (or right) detests can be considered a 'public health concern' and dealt with via backdoor methods rather than legislatively. The left's Holy Grail of socialized healthcare is not about providing healthcare, and it never has been. It's about control. It boggles the mind that proponents of a single payer system cannot see this!
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