How will they rule ??!

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hard for me to see a blowout in this climate, even if there are things about Trump that scream "woodshed". Point 1, the country has settled comfortably into red and blue corners to a great extent. Hard to see a Mondale or Carter, getting only a handful of states. Point 2, Hillary is awful herself. I don't know, Trump may be the one to fight through those obstacles and get himself a historic beatdown, people may just decide all at once they can't vote for him (a la Carter, who sent from tied to 10 down the day after the debate in late October '80).
agreed. it would feel like a "landslide" if georgia or arizona flipped, but it's nowhere close to one by historical standards.

tough to envision a true landslide without TX, NY, CA, etc flipping.
I don't think the left has ever been "Champions of Personal Liberty"... just ask any aborted fetus.
Agreed....poor choice of words on my part [winking] I corrected original post to state that the left 'claims' to be the 'Champions of Personal Liberty', which was the original intent.
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If Trump hammers these 3 issues until election day, don't veer off, don't say stupid stuff...........just these 3 things. He can win.

1) economy
2) terrorism
3) law and order
The left's Holy Grail of socialized healthcare is not about providing healthcare, and it never has been. It's about control. It boggles the mind that proponents of a single payer system cannot see this!

They see it. They just don't care. So long as their team wins, it's ok
Or we could use facts:


Seriously, that is such a tragically stupid argument to make. How many immigrants since ever have said they are coming to the United States because of our healthcare system?
Facts scare them. Also, don't use so many big words.
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They see it. They just don't care. So long as their team wins, it's ok

Believe it or not, the universal realization of cheaper, better care helps. And, as I've mentioned before, the father of conservative economics, Friedrich Hayek, was a supporter of universal health care. And he was a life-long anti-socialist. I suspect people who oppose UHC of never having thought about it past the slogan level .

Here's Hayek (from his book The Road to Serfdom)
Note: You can read this without turning commie. I promise.

“There is no reason why in a society which has reached the general level of wealth which ours has attained the first kind of security should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom. .... [T]here can be no doubt that some minimum of food, shelter, and clothing, sufficient to preserve health and the capacity to work, can be assured to everybody. ... Nor is there any reason why the state should not assist the individual in providing for those common hazards of life against which, because of their uncertainty, few individuals can make adequate provision.
"Where, as in the case of sickness and accident, neither the desire to avoid such calamities nor the efforts to overcome their consequences are as a rule weakened by the provision of assistance – where, in short, we deal with genuinely insurable risks – the case for the state’s helping to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance is very strong. There are many points of detail where those wishing to preserve the competitive system and those wishing to super-cede it by something different will disagree on the details of such schemes; and it is possible under the name of social insurance to introduce measures which tend to make competition more or less ineffective. But there is no incompatability in principle between the state’s providing greater security in this way and the preservation of individual freedom.
"To the same category belongs also the increase of security through the state’s rendering assistance to the victims of such ‘acts of God’ as earthquakes and floods. Wherever communal action can mitigate disasters against which the individual can neither attempt to guard himself nor make provision for the consequences, such communal action should undoubtedly be taken.
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If Trump hammers these 3 issues until election day, don't veer off, don't say stupid stuff...........just these 3 things. He can win.

1) economy
2) terrorism
3) law and order

You realize you've not only lowered the bar, you've dug a trench 1000 ft deep and pitched the bar in after it
A dream that every other industrialized country on earth has realized except... us.
I mean, if you don't like innovation, competition for better service, etc...then yay single payer. But seriously, the thing that all you liberals overlook is its not the insurance companies with all the power. Who do you think sets prices for Healthcare in america...hmm let me see here...oh yeah...the government. Ever heard of medicare? Yeah, that's part of the problem with insurance because it's set the baseline for all coverage.

Single payer isn’t a panacea,” said Uwe Reinhardt, a health economist at Princeton University. “The magic they have is setting rates. But neither Medicare nor Canada has done anything innovative on the delivery side. Taiwan is trying a little bit but not a whole lot. By and large they just pay bills.” The limitations of single-payer systems became clear during the health-care debate, when the Congressional Budget Office projected that premiums for a public option would be higher than premiums for private insurance -- unless a public option could avail itself of Medicare’s pricing power.

A health-care system that followed international best practices would direct the government to set rates not let it dictate it. Or it would let insurers band together and negotiate rates collectively -- a practice called “all-payer rate setting.” But it wouldn’t need to eliminate private insurers. It’s good for consumers to have a choice of insurers, who have real incentives to innovate and devise better ways to keep customers healthy and costs down
Can the government do anything cheaper and better? $600 hammer, anyone?

I have zero faith in government to do much. Not because it's evil, not because the people that work in government are inherently bad. It's just amazingly inefficient. Monolithic. It's why all the liberal arguments about tax begin with a false premise. The argument isn't whether I'm greedy and don't care about my fellow man because I don't think the rich ought to pay 50%/70%/90% in taxes. If you could show me that those tax revenues actually went to help out "my fellow man", then we might have a discussion. You know the stories about certain charities, they find out that only 2 pennies on the dollar actually go to the supposed cause? That's how I feel about government. a very small slice might actually be used to help someone. most of it disappears into ether, wasted on $600 dollar hammers or $40 million dollar studies as to the migratory patters of the whippoorwill.
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Can the government do anything cheaper and better? $600 hammer, anyone?

I have zero faith in government to do much. Not because it's evil, not because the people that work in government are inherently bad. It's just amazingly inefficient. Monolithic. It's why all the liberal arguments about tax begin with a false premise. The argument isn't whether I'm greedy and don't care about my fellow man because I don't think the rich ought to pay 50%/70%/90% in taxes. If you could show me that those tax revenues actually went to help out "my fellow man", then we might have a discussion. You know the stories about certain charities, they find out that only 2 pennies on the dollar actually go to the supposed cause? That's how I feel about government. a very small slice might actually be used to help someone. most of it disappears into ether, wasted on $600 dollar hammers or $40 million dollar studies as to the migratory patters of the whippoorwill.
Agree 100%.

The machine is simply too big to be efficient; its like trying to turn around a battleship in a bathtub.
Anyone know of another
Politician that would have the cojones to say what Trump did last night? None. Absolutely spot on about the Democrats and the African American vote.

To say what's been a standard Republican talking point for years and years? No. Absolutely no other politician could have ever had that much courage and manliness.
Anyone know of another
Politician that would have the cojones to say what Trump did last night? None. Absolutely spot on about the Democrats and the African American vote.
uh Republicans have been saying this for years. Doesn't matter when all they see are Republicans putting them down or blocking legislation that would help their communities.

You don't say you want the AA vote and then in the same breath talk about putting more cops in their neighborhoods(aka locking up even more blacks). Not one peep about judicial reform or getting cops to start doing more protecting and serving. Instead of harassing and killing. See Baltimore, see Cleveland, see Ferguson. All 3 police districts have been targeting minorities and harassing them for decades. You gotta give respect to get it.

DT isn't getting the black vote. Or the latino vote. He needs more white men and white women to come to his side. He'll need some help from terrorists or Hillary but he can certainly win.

ISIS appears to be on the run now in the ME. If we start scoring major victories and no big terrorist attacks in the US or Europe, gonna be hard for DT to win. He needs help.

I don't really think you understand the internet. The WWW wasn't invented by an American & the US doesn't own the internet. The US didn't "control" the internet to be able to give up "control" to someone else. First and foremost, the internet is an idea. Interconnected machines for the free flow of data. There are bodies that make sure internet sites and domains have standard names so that when you ask for every domain name server knows how to translate that into an address.

I hate to break this to you but I think Newsmax may be a wee bit sensationalist in trying to get people to click on their links.
Cardkilla what exactly have the Democrats that have been controlling these Cities for years done to help? Nothing and it just continues on.
The CNN video and report of that dumb bitch in Milwaukee is basically everything you'd expect out of the media these days.

The girl is yelling about going to the suburbs and burning other people's "shit" down instead of rioting in their own communities.

CNN reports it as her calling for peace in the community.

CNN & MSNBC both have dismal ratings . Cable bundles keep these networks alive because carriers are forced to pick up these channels by the corporate entities that own them or the carrier loses additional channels that particular corporate entity owns in their channel line-up. In other words if the carrier doesn't carry CNN they are not allowed to air TBS.

On a side-note these entities are also used by their corporate owners for political leverage to advance the policies that will benefit that particular corporation.
uh Republicans have been saying this for years. Doesn't matter when all they see are Republicans putting them down or blocking legislation that would help their communities.

You don't say you want the AA vote and then in the same breath talk about putting more cops in their neighborhoods(aka locking up even more blacks). Not one peep about judicial reform or getting cops to start doing more protecting and serving. Instead of harassing and killing. See Baltimore, see Cleveland, see Ferguson. All 3 police districts have been targeting minorities and harassing them for decades. You gotta give respect to get it.

DT isn't getting the black vote. Or the latino vote. He needs more white men and white women to come to his side. He'll need some help from terrorists or Hillary but he can certainly win.

ISIS appears to be on the run now in the ME. If we start scoring major victories and no big terrorist attacks in the US or Europe, gonna be hard for DT to win. He needs help.
Well for the black communities and with cops..I think things can be helped with less government on both sides...something democrats don't want to do. Instead it's a constant making sure you tell everyone how helpless they always are.

I'll start with the cops...a. get rid of their unions...I know liberals love unions, but what civilized world can you shoot someone and be put on "paid leave". If they are held accountable and could lose their jobs...they change their approach. Also less government means less nonsensical laws as a reason to pull people over and arrest them. You realize much of what police do is collect money for the government...and the Clinton's were big into the big prison for profit model.

As far as the black community....end all these wasteful social programs. A. Governments are competent enough to spend money properly....see detroit. And two you systemize how individuals have to live their life. Liberals are absolutely obsessed with trying to figure out ways to take money from rich people. They disguise it as income inequality. But if you were really worried about the poor, or the black community. Then your focus wouldn't be on the rich and how to take their money and wasteful spend would be on how to grow private business and get the poor to work and make them not poor. Hence, actually focusing on and helping the poor. Again, social programs...see detroit. There's more to focus on, but at least that's a logically thinking start.
Cardkilla Democrats have had control of these cities for years and yet there appears to be no improvement from one generation to the next. Hope and change.
I don't really think you understand the internet. The WWW wasn't invented by an American & the US doesn't own the internet. The US didn't "control" the internet to be able to give up "control" to someone else. First and foremost, the internet is an idea. Interconnected machines for the free flow of data. There are bodies that make sure internet sites and domains have standard names so that when you ask for every domain name server knows how to translate that into an address.

I hate to break this to you but I think Newsmax may be a wee bit sensationalist in trying to get people to click on their links.
According to the WSJ the move "..will formally shift authority for much of the internet's governance to a multinational stakeholder...". Two of those stakeholders are China and Russia. This is seen as a move to appease them.

Yes, it may be just for naming purposes but I have a feeling there is more to the story.
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Fire Department in New York ordered to not fly the US Flag on back of fire trucks, for fear it might offend some people. You can't make this shit up. For the resident Liberals in here, if you choose to live in this country, what would offend you about the flag? I seriously would like to know what the thinking is here.

I knew the minute that South Carolina caved and took down the Southern Flag, that the American flag would be next. And be damned if it ain't happened.
uh Republicans have been saying this for years. Doesn't matter when all they see are Republicans putting them down or blocking legislation that would help their communities.

You don't say you want the AA vote and then in the same breath talk about putting more cops in their neighborhoods(aka locking up even more blacks). Not one peep about judicial reform or getting cops to start doing more protecting and serving. Instead of harassing and killing. See Baltimore, see Cleveland, see Ferguson. All 3 police districts have been targeting minorities and harassing them for decades. You gotta give respect to get it.

DT isn't getting the black vote. Or the latino vote. He needs more white men and white women to come to his side. He'll need some help from terrorists or Hillary but he can certainly win.

ISIS appears to be on the run now in the ME. If we start scoring major victories and no big terrorist attacks in the US or Europe, gonna be hard for DT to win. He needs help.

so cities with some of the highest crime rates in the country are the police's fault?

blocking legislation? what do you mean exactly. Dems have been in control of these cities for decades and have spent billions of tax dollars keeping minorities exactly where they want them. the Dems have kept segregation alive for half a century. if welfare and food stamp programs were so wonderful, then why have they help to create and maintain generational poverty? they are not a lifeline, they are just enough to keep minorities in check and and in poverty and yet they continue to vote democratic. when someone speaks the cold hard truth, it is labeled as racist. blah blah
uh Republicans have been saying this for years. Doesn't matter when all they see are Republicans putting them down or blocking legislation that would help their communities.

You don't say you want the AA vote and then in the same breath talk about putting more cops in their neighborhoods(aka locking up even more blacks). Not one peep about judicial reform or getting cops to start doing more protecting and serving. Instead of harassing and killing. See Baltimore, see Cleveland, see Ferguson. All 3 police districts have been targeting minorities and harassing them for decades. You gotta give respect to get it.

DT isn't getting the black vote. Or the latino vote. He needs more white men and white women to come to his side. He'll need some help from terrorists or Hillary but he can certainly win.

ISIS appears to be on the run now in the ME. If we start scoring major victories and no big terrorist attacks in the US or Europe, gonna be hard for DT to win. He needs help.

If blacks did fewer crimes they would have less dealings with the cops. I suppose white cops are the cause for all the black on black crime as well, huh, killer?