How will they rule ??!

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It will be interesting to see if the DNC and Clinton tone down their rhetoric on Russia.

Will pretty much guarantee Snowden's suspicions if they do.

And will also let us know Russia has the Clinton campaign right where it wants it. Get Clinton in office, then blackmail her with all the emails they have.
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Voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other States was hacked in 7 minutes by a Princeton Professor in a demonstration to show just how fast and easy it could be done.
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This country needs another political party badly. I'm not talking about fringe party's like the Green party or Libertarian party but a populist party that represents the views of the majority of Americans. Maybe a Workers Party that represents the American worker.
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Voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other States was hacked in 7 minutes by a Princeton Professor in a demonstration to show just how fast and easy it could be done.
Would be hilarious for hackers to mess with the national voting and have Colonel Sanders declared the write in winner. If Trump loses it will not be due to voter fraud, but there is major fraud going on in many urban cities across the nation.
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This country needs another political party badly. I'm not talking about fringe party's like the Green party or Libertarian party but a populist party that represents the views of the majority of Americans. Maybe a Workers Party that represents the American worker.
Who would be in control of that Party? Unions?
It really is embarrassing to frequent the same message board as some of you.

The fact that you can't see the difference between a person running for POTUS who's historically granted political favors to donors to her family foundation, and an organization that fired it's executives for wrongdoing really is mind numbing.

I don't give a shit about all the charitable family foundations in the world that might be violating tax laws or paying executives too much. I don't donate to them. I care about the foundation that's historically taken money from foreign dictators and billionaires to sell off pieces of America, and granting that foundation the most powerful position in the free world.

Jesus Christ, you people really are too stupid to communicate with.
It was a question. Not really interested in your rants as I'm only interested in criminal mischief and uncovering blind partisan hypocrisy. Such as above. Thanks. Now STFU.
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as I'm only interested in criminal mischief and uncovering blind partisan hypocrisy. .

It could be much, much worse. You know, like constantly defending this asshole.

Ummm, who is spending billions of dollars and is killing people to thwart ANY criticism?

It's not the Donald. As I have implied, you have no desire to get to the truth. You will actually talk yourself out of the hunt for it.
It was a question. Not really interested in your rants as I'm only interested in criminal mischief and uncovering blind partisan hypocrisy. Such as above. Thanks. Now STFU.

You made a dipshit post filled with rhetorical questions ignoring all the evidence of blatant corruption from the Clinton foundation, and asked why people aren't upset about the Wounded Warrior Project.

The fact that you'd make a post that stupid conclusively proves you couldn't care less about criminal mischief and blind partisan hypocrisy. Don't get mad at me for pointing out how dumb the comparison was.
The man who owned the voting machines famously said he'd do anything to elect George Bush.

The machines produce no audit trail at all.

Hard hitting stuff there, Moe.

"The man who owned the voting machines (whoever the hell that means) [famously said something I'm once again going to neglect to actually quote]."

Just don't be a total weirdo loser with no soul like your opponent, and create some buzz.

I do not understand Hillary's campaign at all. You can still hide/shield her and create some sort of buzz. Seems like they're jkst assuming America won't vote for Trunp. Only problem is mf'ers don't vote! Trump has people farred up. Hillary has to do that. She's got to get people to put down the VR porn, get out of their house, and actually vote for her. She needs a gimmick. Something. FEMALE! Play that damn card hard. Be nice and respectful! Positive! We need a lady with dignity and class! Anything! People will buy whatever you sell them. Facts don't matter a damn bit.
Trump not doing what he needs to do to win and probably won't. I would never miss a chance to remind certain voters that their situation is the direct result of those that say they want to help but really only care about is their vote.
Voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other States was hacked in 7 minutes by a Princeton Professor in a demonstration to show just how fast and easy it could be done.
pretty sure that Lion of the Left, Paul Krugman (aka, "Former Enron Adviser Paul Krugman" and Paul "the guy who called for a housing bubble in 2002" Krugman) wrote a piece a few years ago about just how easily it would be to 'rig the election'. Of course, that was at a different time, now of course when DT says it, it's one more data point to be referenced when claiming he's nuts. Or maybe it's just that he's an R and Krugman is a D? heh.......
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Ummm, who is spending billions of dollars and is killing people to thwart ANY criticism?

It's not the Donald. As I have implied, you have no desire to get to the truth. You will actually talk yourself out of the hunt for it.
They know Willy, they just don't care. These dems are like UL and UNC fans. Win at all cost mindset. Country be damned.
They know Willy, they just don't care. These dems are like UL and UNC fans. Win at all cost mindset. Country be damned.
Patriotism vs Loyalism

Patriotism is a pride in ones country for the works that the country does and leads to a respect and support system that promotes responsibility.

Loyalism is a blind support for a country regardless of their actions and most time leads to a turbulent society and war.

Democrats are loyalists to their party.

If Hillary wins this country will go completely to crap.
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Ummm, who is spending billions of dollars and is killing people to thwart ANY criticism?

It's not the Donald. As I have implied, you have no desire to get to the truth. You will actually talk yourself out of the hunt for it.
Okay if you want to go there but find a post where I have defended her record or her criminal activity.
Ummm, who is spending billions of dollars and is killing people to thwart ANY criticism?

It's not the Donald. As I have implied, you have no desire to get to the truth. You will actually talk yourself out of the hunt for it.

In his defense, getting to the truth in he Democratic Party is pretty hard! A guy like jameslee, Z, Moe, And LEK even should not be considered the kind of folks that could achieve that.
Clinton in Virginia: +8
Trump in Texas: +6

Good work, Trumpers

Virginia was expected, thanks to the influx of all newly hired government employees. Id be surprised if that was an accurate measure in Texas. Maybe its due to the hoardes of illegals, and the strike down of the voter ID laws.

Still, as shitty as Trump is, noone else wouldve done better. The MSM would make sure of that. This onslaught from the MSM is unprecedented. At this of this intensity.

Cruz wouldve been destroyed on social issues. Rubio on being a robot. Kasich on saying stupid things earlier in his career. Bush for being Bush.

The MSM would be on the attack regardless. Just the flavor of attack wouldve changed.
Patriotism vs Loyalism

Patriotism is a pride in ones country for the works that the country does and leads to a respect and support system that promotes responsibility.

Loyalism is a blind support for a country regardless of their actions and most time leads to a turbulent society and war.

Democrats are loyalists to their party.

If Hillary wins this country will go completely to crap.

where have i heard this before...
Virginia was expected, thanks to the influx of all newly hired government employees. Id be surprised if that was an accurate measure in Texas. Maybe its due to the hoardes of illegals, and the strike down of the voter ID laws.

Still, as shitty as Trump is, noone else wouldve done better. The MSM would make sure of that. This onslaught from the MSM is unprecedented. At this of this intensity.

Cruz wouldve been destroyed on social issues. Rubio on being a robot. Kasich on saying stupid things earlier in his career. Bush for being Bush.

The MSM would be on the attack regardless. Just the flavor of attack wouldve changed.
You could've put an "IM WITH IKE" sticker on a blow up doll and it would've been leading Clinton at this point.

Trump is significantly worse than any of the runners up in the primary.
Voting machine used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other States was hacked in 7 minutes by a Princeton Professor in a demonstration to show just how fast and easy it could be done.

Who needs that? Just fight tooth and nail to defeat any voter id laws out there. They just cheat the old fashion way.

Oh Im sure there will be electronic cheating soon as thats easier though. Who knows, maybe thats whats going on now. Getting every person they can registered, then electronically voting them wholesale since ID's arent required.

Same result. Different method.

You could've put an "IM WITH IKE" sticker on a blow up doll and it would've been leading Clinton at this point.

Trump is significantly worse than any of the runners up in the primary.




Point being, it didnt matter who won the nomination. It would be that person versus the MSM. Not a fight to be won by any of those candidates. Trump's definitely self inflicted tons of damage. But those advantages are nearly impossible to overcome.
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