How will they rule ??!

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To put it bluntly, they are delusional. I'm talking the middle east has nothing on these guys. They instinctively will deny anything and anyone if it conflicts with their desire to elect Donald Friggen' Trump president. They have thrown everything their party has ever stood for, every single thing they have ever claimed to stand for, over the side for what?

A 3 time divorced multiple bankrupted New York liberal con man. It just boggles the mind. There are no words to adequately describe their patheticness.
So now we have a major conservative saying there were no terrorist attacks on America before Obama. Yeah these guys have completely lost their marbles.

I thought it seemed pretty clear he was talking about the time period between 9/11 and Obama.

Not sure how you understood his comments to mean there were never any terrorist attacks considering he talks about Ground Zero immediately prior to his statement about the 8 years in between.
To put it bluntly, they are delusional. I'm talking the middle east has nothing on these guys. They instinctively will deny anything and anyone if it conflicts with their desire to elect Donald Friggen' Trump president. They have thrown everything their party has ever stood for, every single thing they have ever claimed to stand for, over the side for what?

A 3 time divorced multiple bankrupted New York liberal con man. It just boggles the mind. There are no words to adequately describe their patheticness.
I agree. The only thing harder to understand is for what reason have they just decided to evacuate their skulls in public. It doesn't matter if it is a politician or a insistant poster here, they have just checked out mentally.
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Because that's what liberals do...they ignore what they don't want to hear.
Yeah, like when we block another poster then brag about it.

I haven't put another poster on ignore in TEN YEARS but I simply must sacrifice myself and put Crow on ignore....
You'd think, after all the times they've looked like morons, the lefties on here would fact check before they take headlines as gospel.

It's clear to anyone with a brain Giuliani was talking about the time period between 9/11 and Obama.

It's a stupid point.

But it's even dumber to claim he's saying something he clearly isn't.
I thought it seemed pretty clear he was talking about the time period between 9/11 and Obama.

Not sure how you understood his comments to mean there were never any terrorist attacks considering he talks about Ground Zero immediately prior to his statement about the 8 years in between.

This is how Liberals operate, deceive, parse words, deflect and out right LIE.
Trump has multiple direct ties to Russian oligarchs, he has claimed publicly a relationship with Putin, he has publicly made statements of support to Putin, he has publicly stated support for the Russian annexation of Crimea, his son Donald Jr. has publicly bragged about Russian money flowing into their businesses, and Trump's campaign manager has direct ties to Russian backed interests in the Urkraine... yet NONE of this is even possible according to Bill to reflect on or question the judgment of Donald Trump.

Yet a retired General with 37 years of service... well Bill doesn't believe a word he says because the President appointed him to the President's Council on Fitness, Sport and Nutrition?

You see how warped their minds are? They don't listen when the entire world's combined scientific institutions tell them something in unison on climate change. They don't believe the news. They don't believe their government. Hell, they don't even believe their own party?

This kind of madness is what caused the middle east to descend into a religious barbarism, because when you reach the point that fact, logic, and reason (not to mention science) no longer has any meaning in the face of a strict imaginary dogma, then there is no fundamental ability to rationally address real issues. To engage in a real meaningful discussion. To even agree on what constitutes what is real and what is imaginary. That's where the right wingnuts are. That's how a Donald Trump is even possible. Because they no longer even understand what is real and what is imagined.

What? Honest to God Z, take a break dude. You had never heard of this Lt general until today.
Hell I don't even know what the man said, I simply went by your "eviscerated " comment.
Do you think he will vote in this election? Whom do you think he is supporting?

You can forget Crimea, we allowed that to happen, it ain't going back to Ukraine peacefully.

Why don't you demand the same level of integrity of The person you want to be President as you do a Lt General? Hell I was in the military, are you questioning my integrity?

There is no fact, or logic in your argument.
Fact is that Hillary has been in high levels of office for years, she has been awful and corrupt at every stop.
You have stated that you are against globalism, yet the woman you are voting for president is for it, has promoted it and will undoubtedly continue it, while the man you rail against has made his campaign against it?

We have facts against Hillary, actual things she has done in office, we have nothing but words from Trump. You don't know what he will really do. Those are facts.

Spare me the science crap, you're an idiot with a keyboard, you soak up what you WANT to believe and regurgitate it like the little bird you are.
Grab the Cheetos and call it a night, the adults would like to talk tonight.
Fact is that Hillary has been in high levels of office for years, she has been awful and corrupt at every stop.
Yet Donald Trump is on record saying she was a "very good Sec of State" and also said; "Well, I know her and she’d make a great president".
Because that's what liberals do...they ignore what they don't want to hear.
ROFLMAO...are you suggesting that conservatives don't do the same thing?
It's quite obvious that Trump supporters are doing that very thing.
I don't know how you guys can stand arguing with the same three or four nitwits.

You got to put these people on ignore because they get embarrassed constantly but waste your time in the process.
Actually Moe and Z are doing a pretty good job of embarrassing the people arguing with them. Facts trump rhetoric.
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Yet Donald Trump is on record saying she was a "very good Sec of State" and also said; "Well, I know her and she’d make a great president".

See, thats proof he's qualified to be a politician

That was in 2008, that was several scandals ago, lol. He didn't say great either.

Do you ever ask yourself why exactly Hillarys campaign keeps her under lock and key?
No unknown questions from the media, no press conferences, small campaign stops?

Doesn't that seem the least bit off to you guys, she hasn't had a press conference this year!
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I decided to watch the news hour on PBS just to see what they were saying. It was all Trump bashing. I am not lying...the more conservative talking head was from NPR. It was an argument between the extreme left and the far left. Way to spend tax dollars.
Coughin Hillary now taking breaks on weekends.

Where are the GD hypocrites that demanded McCain release his health records? Its obvious something bad is wrong with her, yet all we hear are crickets about it.
See, thats proof he's qualified to be a politician

That was in 2008, that was several scandals ago, lol. He didn't say great either.

Do you ever ask yourself why exactly Hillarys campaign keeps her under lock and key?
No unknown questions from the media, no press conferences, small campaign stops?

Doesn't that seem the least bit off to you guys, she hasn't had a press conference this year!
Wait, she had that one press conference where the objective reporters applauded her at its conclusion.

Oh, brain injury.
The political class and their cohorts in the media deserve a Trump victory.

I don't even like Trump, but dammit, It's pissing off the establishment. If I do vote for him, it will be because of that.

I have never seen the mainstream media as amped as it has been since 2016. Hillary is pouring BILLIONS into this and she is barely keeping her head above water. Billions being spent. Billions. And she can barely float.
Can't seem to shake this feeling that there will be an ISIS attack here in the US sometime between now and election day, or maybe even on election day. Lets face it, they would much rather Hillary win and if they think an attack could hurt Trump winning then I see no reason to think they wouldn't try anything. Hope I'm wrong though.
I don't know how you guys can stand arguing with the same three or four nitwits.

You got to put these people on ignore because they get embarrassed constantly but waste your time in the process.

Another fine example of the thin skin on the guys sure do love that right wing echo chamber.

Election day will not get here soon enough fella...we're going to party.
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