How will they rule ??!

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Republicans have used the filllibuter in record numbers. And have had control since 2010.

Sorry. They didn't want Obama to have any signature programs. You can't have it both ways. The ACA back in March 2010 was the last major legislation Obama was able to get passed. 6 years ago.

And he had both houses to bring forth one of the worse pieces of legislation in my lifetime.

Don't blame filibusters for the democrats cocaine problem
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It's clear the GOP needs to find a way to Gerymander the Electoral College to better suit it's demographic. There has been talk of changing the way California and New York allocate their electoral votes. If the GOP can collect just 35% of electoral votes in those large states it will be enough to swing the White House to Republicans on a more permanent basis.

Why can't we just have the popular vote?
Don't blame filibusters for the democrats cocaine problem

Here comes the full on sucking up to Putin and claiming the US should unite with them. As I have repeatedly pointed out, how does that make Urkraine and our European allies feel to see a US president up there talking that crazy shit? The credibility of NATO is fundamentally being undermined. No wonder so many Republican former defense experts all joined together to write that letter condemning Trump. The man has no clue at all the dangerous waters he is wading into nor the ramifications of his words in a dangerous world. Alarming to the extreme.
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It's clear the GOP needs to find a way to Gerymander the Electoral College to better suit it's demographic. There has been talk of changing the way California and New York allocate their electoral votes. If the GOP can collect just 35% of electoral votes in those large states it will be enough to swing the White House to Republicans on a more permanent basis.

Any attempt there needs to be balanced by having the plains+mountain states turned into a single state. Idaho, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and Utah. Way over-represented in our politics than they should be,

Popular vote for prez. Get rid of the Electoral College and the Senate. Unicameral legislature. Parliamentary head of government. The people get the government they vote for. When you vote the rascals out, they're out. What says Rivals? You guys kvetch like a nursing home. C'mon. Real change.
Trump does not understand our Constitution nor our Bill of Rights even in passing. He does not understand the framework Government operates within nor anything at all about what he is talking about. It's just a scattershot of unconstitutional misguided ideas that sound good in internet chatrooms like this one to the foaming idiots. He is just totally clueless about fundamentally what the United States stands for.
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Z, I really hope you're paid to post your nonsense. If not, you're being ripped off. I wouldn't post stupid shit like that for free.
Trump is naive and he has no idea what he is talking about. He offers empty ideas that appeal to the lowest and most base among us, to the lesser angels of our nature. Everything about him is a con and is as phony as his would be university is.

You have to be willing to embrace insanity in order to follow such a seedy conman who by any measure is utterly clueless in everything he is talking about. Lies, distortions, over-simplifications, misstatements of fact... just one big convoluted mess that doesn't even pass as policy any more than common graffiti would. He's dangerous and he has his fingers in dangerous things.
Matthew Chance on CNN just said Trump's speech sounded like one of Putin's old speeches. Exactly what I said when I listened to it live. Just like Putin.

Also nice that Hezbollah is now taking up Trump's talking points. So we now have Putin and Hezbollah in lock step with the Republican nominee for President. I wish I could see Ronnie's face and that he could know that's what became of his party.
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Z, what in the hell are you rambling on about?
Trump has gone from being a recruiter for ISIS due to his Muslim stance, to now being in lock step with Hezbollah in a matter of weeks?
Somehow him making a joke about Russia having Hillarys missing emails has turned into a fascination with Putin?
You're beginning to look desperate.
Z, what in the hell are you rambling on about?
Trump has gone from being a recruiter for ISIS due to his Muslim stance, to now being in lock step with Hezbollah in a matter of weeks?
Somehow him making a joke about Russia having Hillarys missing emails has turned into a fascination with Putin?
You're beginning to look desperate.
Link right there in my post. Here, since you can't move your fingers I'll quote Hezbollah for you:

The leader of Hezbollah this weekend quoted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's accusation that President Obama and Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clintonfounded ISIS.

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Lebanese militant group, used Trump's claim last week that Obama and Clinton were behind the extremist group ISIS's establishment to bolster his criticism of the U.S. administration in a speech in Lebanon on Saturday, according to a transcript posted by the group's media arm.

"This is not simple speech,” Nasrallah said of Trump's remarks. “This is an American presidential candidate. This was spoken on behalf of the American Republican Party. He has data and documents.”

Trump said on Wednesday that Obama was "the founder of ISIS" and later expanded the claim to include Clinton. Trump repeated his accusation throughout the next day. He said Friday morning the comment was meant as sarcasm, but later that day qualified that by saying his initial claim was "not that sarcastic."

Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim militant group and political party, has aligned itself with Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime in that government's civil war against rebel factions. The Lebanese group is also fighting ISIS.
I think we all can agree that choosing between Trump and Clinton is like choosing to either eat a turd sandwich or a douche, South Park reference, but I'll take my chances with Trump.
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Link right there in my post. Here, since you can't move your fingers I'll quote Hezbollah for you:

The leader of Hezbollah this weekend quoted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's accusation that President Obama and Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clintonfounded ISIS.

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Lebanese militant group, used Trump's claim last week that Obama and Clinton were behind the extremist group ISIS's establishment to bolster his criticism of the U.S. administration in a speech in Lebanon on Saturday, according to a transcript posted by the group's media arm.

"This is not simple speech,” Nasrallah said of Trump's remarks. “This is an American presidential candidate. This was spoken on behalf of the American Republican Party. He has data and documents.”

Trump said on Wednesday that Obama was "the founder of ISIS" and later expanded the claim to include Clinton. Trump repeated his accusation throughout the next day. He said Friday morning the comment was meant as sarcasm, but later that day qualified that by saying his initial claim was "not that sarcastic."

Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim militant group and political party, has aligned itself with Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime in that government's civil war against rebel factions. The Lebanese group is also fighting ISIS.

And, why should we care? Syria is battling ISIS, we supported the fighters fighting against Syria, so we did support ISIS.

What Trump said was no worse than Hillary saying ISIS was using his speeches as recruiting tools.
Only his comments were probably more truthful than hers as we did support opponents of Assad.

Much ado about nothing.
"We ain't killing us, it's the Police that is killing us" I think he better look at the stats. They are killing each other in greater numbers.

On average, 120 black males are killed by police each year (legally and illegally).
On average, 9,000 black males are killed by other black males annually.
And, why should we care? Syria is battling ISIS, we supported the fighters fighting against Syria, so we did support ISIS.

What Trump said was no worse than Hillary saying ISIS was using his speeches as recruiting tools.
Only his comments were probably more truthful than hers as we did support opponents of Assad.

Much ado about nothing.
How many "ado"isms does it take before they do add up to something?

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger on CNN right now saying there has been too much Russian affection and admiration in the Trump campaign.
"Reagan proved that deficits don't matter" - Dick Cheney (1/9/2004)

You do realize running a deficit really has nothing to do with our national debt, right?

It's continued massive deficits that are killing us

Just like Haiti. The Clinton foundation is trying to find a way to make money off a tragedy.
1/4 in Puerto Rico are supposed to have Zika by the end of 2016.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Rockefeller foundation helped the Clinton Foundation to exploit that patent. For shit sakes, there is a patent on this virus and a heavy democrat funded foundation has the rights to it.

Learned how to profit on disaster from the best: Soros. Guessing they're in line for the throne after he finally kicks the bucket

I think we all can agree that choosing between Trump and Clinton is like choosing to either eat a turd sandwich or a douche, South Park reference, but I'll take my chances with Trump.

Not to most dems. To most, both she and obama are perfect
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How many "ado"isms does it take before they do add up to something?

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger on CNN right now saying there has been too much Russian affection and admiration in the Trump campaign.

Russian affection? They have effectively made Obama's administration their bitch.
No offense but talk is cheap, Obama is the one that made a joke about it the last election, and now suddenly we're under a red scare?

Obama's weak foreign policies gave Putin the chance to make a move globally. When he made the redline statement and then did nothing when it was crossed the whole world knew right then the US wasn't going to do dick in foreign affairs. Putin then moved on Crimea, and Ukraine then Syria. They actually forced Obama to get tough on ISIS.
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I'm sure that's why he's speaking up... along with half a hundred other Republician defense experts. Did Obama appoint all of them or you think maybe one or two actually have a conscience?

He did appoint him to a commission though, so there probably is some loyalty.

When do the Dems get a conscience Z, it's not Trump. There would be a villainizing of any Rep, all the while one of the most corrupt politicians in history is winning the Dem nomination.

I honestly don't know how anyone can support her. She was awful at every position in Govt she's been in, do you think the presidency will be any different?
She's the equivalent of Lane Kiffen, she got to where she is because of her name. Born on third base
Trump speech today was very good. These are the kind of speeches he should make at every campaign stop. Loved the line about Hillary being Americas Merkel. Spot on.
So your answer is "yes" you are questioning the integrity of this man for voicing his concerns on Trump:

Mark Phillip Hertling (born September 29, 1953) is a former United States Army officer. He served 37 years in the U.S. military career and retired after serving as the Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and the Seventh Army, serving in that position from March 25, 2011 until November 4, 2012, and retiring from the Army in December 2012. During his time as a U.S. soldier, Hertling served in Armor, Cavalry, planning, operations and training positions, and he commanded every organization from Platoon to Field Army. Most notably, he commanded the Army's 1st Armored Division and Task Force Iron/Multinational Division-North in Iraq during the surge of 2007-8.

You know enough about him to insinuate he is concerned about Trump because he was appointed to the President's Council on Fitness, Sport and Nutrition and because of that he is saying what he is saying.

Yet you don't think enough of his service to say "The General earned his opinion but I disagree with him"... nope, you go straight for questioning his integrity for being appointed to President's Council on Fitness, Sport and Nutrition. That's your price you give him for his loyalty. Nice.

Just when you think you clowns can't stoop any lower or dig any deeper, you manage to do it resoundingly.
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So now we have a major conservative saying there were no terrorist attacks on America before Obama. Yeah these guys have completely lost their marbles.
Trump has multiple direct ties to Russian oligarchs, he has claimed publicly a relationship with Putin, he has publicly made statements of support to Putin, he has publicly stated support for the Russian annexation of Crimea, his son Donald Jr. has publicly bragged about Russian money flowing into their businesses, and Trump's campaign manager has direct ties to Russian backed interests in the Urkraine... yet NONE of this is even possible according to Bill to reflect on or question the judgment of Donald Trump.

Yet a retired General with 37 years of service... well Bill doesn't believe a word he says because the President appointed him to the President's Council on Fitness, Sport and Nutrition?

You see how warped their minds are? They don't listen when the entire world's combined scientific institutions tell them something in unison on climate change. They don't believe the news. They don't believe their government. Hell, they don't even believe their own party?

This kind of madness is what caused the middle east to descend into a religious barbarism, because when you reach the point that fact, logic, and reason (not to mention science) no longer has any meaning in the face of a strict imaginary dogma, then there is no fundamental ability to rationally address real issues. To engage in a real meaningful discussion. To even agree on what constitutes what is real and what is imaginary. That's where the right wingnuts are. That's how a Donald Trump is even possible. Because they no longer even understand what is real and what is imagined.