How will they rule ??!

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bigblueinsanity post: 4970657 said:
Nearly 4 weeks ago, I asked liberal posters to post any racist quote from trump. 2 were posted, both obviously not racist.

Still waiting.

Are there racists in the gop? I'm sure there are. But that cuts both ways. White folks aren't the only ones who can be racist. Blm is every bit as racist as any old white southerner in the GOP.
There are just as many in the democrats party, they just cover it. As a matter of fact, in this part of the country, many of the dems (white ones) that I know here use the n word frequently.
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Assumptions are made about groups of people based on race. The assumption made by your side is all whites are racist and are privileged. Additionally, your side preaches blacks cannot be racist. I am pretty sure it is definitive racism.

All groups are "in" with the left except white heterosexual males that are moderate or conservative or Christian women.

WTF? I think I'm racist? My family and friends? Bernie Sanders is racist? Bill Clinton? Joe Biden? Tom Hanks? Keith Richards? Bonnie Raitt? The Pope? I've never heard anyone say that blacks can't be racist. You've just made stuff up.
WTF? I think I'm racist? My family and friends? Bernie Sanders is racist? Bill Clinton? Joe Biden? Tom Hanks? Keith Richards? Bonnie Raitt? The Pope? I've never heard anyone say that blacks can't be racist. You've just made stuff up.

Yep. Moe you are no better than the KKK.
WTF? I think I'm racist? My family and friends? Bernie Sanders is racist? Bill Clinton? Joe Biden? Tom Hanks? Keith Richards? Bonnie Raitt? The Pope? I've never heard anyone say that blacks can't be racist. You've just made stuff up.
You've never heard anyone say blacks can't be racist? I don't know who is lying more, you or hildawg.
Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #171

A French company accused of sending payments to ISIS confirms to Breitbart News that Clinton served as a board member of the company, and that the company partnered with the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2014. Financial records show that the company donated between $50,001 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation
An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.

But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.

Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.

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Always correct election forecast model predicts Trump win, 51%-48%


GOP insiders: Trump can't win
'Trump is underperforming so would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.

heh. Just read these two articles back to back. No real conflict - the professor with the election model allows that even though the usual factors would predict a Republican victory, Trump is so unpopular that he think Clinton wins easily. You combine those 'usual factors' with Hillary's own weakness as a candidate, just goes to show what a wasted opportunity this was for the Rs. Any garden variety Republican would've likely beaten her this year....

Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #171

A French company accused of sending payments to ISIS confirms to Breitbart News that Clinton served as a board member of the company, and that the company partnered with the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2014. Financial records show that the company donated between $50,001 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation
An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.

But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.

Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.
:eek: Wow....

That is quite possibly the most despicable thing that's happened.

The fact the media has basically just let it slide is second. Has our nation come to this, put away the red or blue glasses for a moment and take an honest look at exactly what that was.

A secret meeting on a runway Tarmac, where unwanted eyes and cameras wouldn't be, then days later the FBI advises to not press charges, in the same press conference the director dresses down Clinton. Then in the same week the DOJ asks for a delay on releasing emails on the Clinton foundation?

That is not how the US operates, it makes me sick, absolutely furious that a huge portion of the people don't care. It's up to us a citizens to hold elected officials accountable, what do you think happens when we stop?
Always correct election forecast model predicts Trump win, 51%-48%


GOP insiders: Trump can't win
'Trump is underperforming so would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.

heh. Just read these two articles back to back. No real conflict - the professor with the election model allows that even though the usual factors would predict a Republican victory, Trump is so unpopular that he think Clinton wins easily. You combine those 'usual factors' with Hillary's own weakness as a candidate, just goes to show what a wasted opportunity this was for the Rs. Any garden variety Republican would've likely beaten her this year....

The rest of the story you didn't quote from your own link (LOL):

"However, in an unusual move, Abramowitz is throwing his own model under the bus and suggesting that Clinton will win because Trump is so different from past presidential candidates and has such high unfavorability ratings that his election forecast basics can't be trusted.

"Based on the results of other recent presidential elections, however, as well as Trump's extraordinary unpopularity, it appears very likely that the Republican vote share will fall several points below what would be expected if the GOP had nominated a mainstream candidate and that candidate had run a reasonably competent campaign. Therefore, despite the prediction of the Time for Change model, Clinton should probably be considered a strong favorite to win the 2016 presidential election as suggested by the results of recent national and state polls," he concluded on the Crystal Ball site."

And I actually do quote my sources... er, YOUR sources (LOL again):

What is abundantly clear is the GOP freaks count on obfuscation, slight of hand, and taking advantage of the stupid to win. Problem is that is a shrinking demographic. They are losing college educated voters in a landslide in this election. They are down to appealing to the knuckle dragging racist hate mongerers and the blindingly stupid, many of them here in this very thread, for their pathetic momentary survival as a party.

The United States will be much better off in the very near future when demographics consume these fools whole, in the meantime it is sweet solace that they are heading for a landslide loss this November so that perhaps the 2 or 3 sane ones among them might finally be swayed to their senses. The rest can head right down the bowl with the rest of their sorry hateful party. Adios, rubes. We hardly knew ye' !!
Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #171 continued...

The original investigation of Lafarge, a Clinton Foundation donor and company which Hillary served on their board in the 90's, that basically helps fund ISIS by buying oil from them and also basically paying a ransom so they can operate in their territory…
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NY Times: Inside the Failing Mission to Save Donald Trump From Himself

"Advisers who once hoped a Pygmalion-like transformation would refashion a crudely effective political showman into a plausible American president now increasingly concede that Mr. Trump may be beyond coaching. He has ignored their pleas and counsel as hispoll numbers have dropped, boasting to friends about the size of his crowds and maintaining that he can read surveys better than the professionals.

In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.

But in interviews with more than 20 Republicans who are close to Mr. Trump or in communication with his campaign, many of whom insisted on anonymity to avoid clashing with him, they described their nominee as exhausted, frustrated and still bewildered by fine points of the political process and why his incendiary approach seems to be sputtering."

Full Story:
Not one conservative here even just a bit interested in what Lee Atwater had to say. It would be hard for them to refute what a leader of their own party had to say about the racism in the GOP. Maybe when the conservatives take note about the migration from right to left that is happening today in their own party they will realize they are losing the battle, and for good reason.
That sorry b*stard (Lee Atwater) died in 1991.

You are dismissed.
He's pretty mad about a lot of things. I can almost hear how hard he hits his keyboard when he's really angry which is all the time.
I only read the first sentence of his posts. I prefer manual ignore. He's a joke at this point. His fantasies about Trump bear no weight against the documented realities of HRC. Idiot has staying power though, I'll give him that.
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I spent 2 days in St. Petersburg. I guess I'm tied to Russia, too.

What did I say that was wrong?

That was wrong. It was stupid. Qualify your conjecture by telling us about the time you were Secretary of State and allowed a known agent of the Russian government to gain control over 20% of US uranium production. Why do you refuse to discuss your time as SOS?
The rest of the story you didn't quote from your own link (LOL):

"However, in an unusual move, Abramowitz is throwing his own model under the bus and suggesting that Clinton will win because Trump is so different from past presidential candidates and has such high unfavorability ratings that his election forecast basics can't be trusted.

"Based on the results of other recent presidential elections, however, as well as Trump's extraordinary unpopularity, it appears very likely that the Republican vote share will fall several points below what would be expected if the GOP had nominated a mainstream candidate and that candidate had run a reasonably competent campaign. Therefore, despite the prediction of the Time for Change model, Clinton should probably be considered a strong favorite to win the 2016 presidential election as suggested by the results of recent national and state polls," he concluded on the Crystal Ball site."

And I actually do quote my sources... er, YOUR sources (LOL again):

Crow, you didn't read all of my post. I said:

No real conflict - the professor with the election model allows that even though the usual factors would predict a Republican victory, Trump is so unpopular that he think Clinton wins easily.
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Crow, you didn't read all of my post. I said:

No real conflict - the professor with the election model allows that even though the usual factors would predict a Republican victory, Trump is so unpopular that he think Clinton wins easily.
Everyone read your entire post, even the idiot. He's just a little too eager these days. It's because he's nervous. If Trump wins, Z will have to accept the conclusion that we've all realized years ago. He's full of shit.
"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she has received "obscene and sick calls" following a cyberattack that made public the personal information, including cell phone numbers, of Democratic entities, leaders and donors."

I hope the "obscene and sick calls" were obscene and sick enough. I doubt very seriously they were. I wish someone would have consulted with me for suggestions.
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I only read the first sentence of his posts. I prefer manual ignore. He's a joke at this point. His fantasies about Trump bear no weight against the documented realities of HRC. Idiot has staying power though, I'll give him that.
It's been a long time since I have read his posts; he's blocked. However, a mere few weeks ago, he was one of Trump's most passionate supporters. It's an interesting change of heart, but the mentally ill often have such changes. In any event, I will bump a few of his previous posts when I more time; some of those posts actually made sense. (If he claims he was just trolling, back then, how do we know he's not actually trolling now, and was not trolling then? A troll has no credibility at all.)
National Guard needs to ride through there with 50 cal twin mounts a blazing. Drop several hundred of those idiots and tell them it will be worse next time. If we would have done that in the sixties, we wouldn't be dealing with it today. We call them terrorists and insurgents in other countries, what do we call them here? Minorities.
National Guard needs to ride through there with 50 cal twin mounts a blazing. Drop several hundred of those idiots and tell them it will be worse next time. If we would have done that in the sixties, we wouldn't be dealing with it today. We call them terrorists and insurgents in other countries, what do we call them here? Minorities.
Scanner reports saying an EMS vehicle was fired upon.

People need to arm up. This is going to get ugly I'm afraid.