How will they rule ??!

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Look, I like RP a lot. Would vote for him in a heartbeat. Let's be real though, he would've been the one getting electorally steamrolled by HC, not the other way around. Those user generation EC maps aren't worth the digital paper they're printed on. Wash State? Cmon.

Let me try to phrase this as best I can: there aren't enough D-voting "Libertarians" to ever elect an R side Libertarian. L's on the right side would vote him in a heartbeat, L's on the left side aren't doing *dick smack* but voting for Hillary. They are frauds.

Plus, Willy is right....he doesn't "talk good" but more importantly the media is basically demanding a cult of personality anymore. I mean, last two Rs were a centrist war veteran and an ultra successful business nerd and gov and they got electorally trounced. Couldn't/wouldn't attack (McCain) or defend himself (Romney).

Not sure RP would survive that onslaught. We're talking 1000x the shitstorm Conway stirred up. Regardless of being correct or not, you ready for the endless stream of disabled people trotted out telling America that RP wants them euthanized because of his views on the disability act?

Anyways, we have a dude right now that is making the same media lose their collective minds, despite policy or personality views you'd think that big middle finger to the same people who'd never let RP advance would be something we can all agree on.
also...his hair
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When they ramp up their raping and killing it will be because the evil soulless corporations would not hire them hiding behind their lack of communication skills and basic education. Sad. Surely there are 1.1m spare jobs. via yahoo:

Merkel will push reluctant German companies to offer more traineeships and position to refugees, Bild reported. Large companies have been criticized for doing little to help integrate the refugees into the thriving job market.

Companies say most of the new arrivals lack the German language skills and the education required for a job.

Engineering giant Siemens , chemicals group Evonik , carmakers Opel and VW and utility RWE will share with Merkel the results of pilot projects with refugees, Bild said.

Merkel's office declined to confirm Bild's report, which said the meeting at the chancellery will take place Sept. 14.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported a month ago that the 30 biggest DAX-listed companies had until June employed only 54 refugees, including 50 who were hired by logistics provider Deutsche Post .
The best thing to happen to America is Donald Trump. Not because he has the requisite brain cells to string words together into coherent thoughts. No he has proven over and over he has existed in an isolated fantasy world disconnected from reality for a very long time and would be a disaster as a President.

What makes him a blessing is that he has exposed the GOP's strategy better than Lee Atwater that for some time has embraced the racist voters who are so easily led through fear of anything that is not exactly like themselves. When these people look into the mirror they do not ask any questions of themselves they are just happy to be with someone like themselves. Tragically the decent people that actually believe in the conservative portrayal of themselves are outnumbered by the outright looney derelicts that have taken over the conservative narrative. Thank you Mr. Trump.

Today those decent conservatives are faced with the reality that they have surrounded themselves with hateful, fear prone, ignorant rabble for the sake of winning elections. They cannot move themselves to think past their pretense of a patriotic American when in essence they more closely resemble the unrestrained mobs that built walls and called for ethnic cleansing in Europe and Southeast Asia. Those mobs denounced education and knowledge also in favor of a brain restrained ideology.
The best thing to happen to America is Donald Trump. Not because he has the requisite brain cells to string words together into coherent thoughts. No he has proven over and over he has existed in an isolated fantasy world disconnected from reality for a very long time and would be a disaster as a President.

What makes him a blessing is that he has exposed the GOP's strategy better than Lee Atwater that for some time has embraced the racist voters who are so easily led through fear of anything that is not exactly like themselves. When these people look into the mirror they do not ask any questions of themselves they are just happy to be with someone like themselves. Tragically the decent people that actually believe in the conservative portrayal of themselves are outnumbered by the outright looney derelicts that have taken over the conservative narrative. Thank you Mr. Trump.

Today those decent conservatives are faced with the reality that they have surrounded themselves with hateful, fear prone, ignorant rabble for the sake of winning elections. They cannot move themselves to think past their pretense of a patriotic American when in essence they more closely resemble the unrestrained mobs that built walls and called for ethnic cleansing in Europe and Southeast Asia. Those mobs denounced education and knowledge also in favor of a brain restrained ideology.

Old, White Lives Matter
The best thing to happen to America is Donald Trump.
Sorry, this is where I stopped reading. Because, one, I knew generally what the rest of it was going to say. And two, I have every confidence that you wrote the same exact post in 2012, replacing Donald Trump with Mitt Romney. And you said it in '08 with McCain, and in '04 & '00 with GWB, etc.

If every Republican nominee is the worst person since Hitler, it sorta sounds like your perspective and depth is limited to "Go Blue Team!" I should say, this is a general commentary, I'm not really or just addressing Levi. I know there are Red Team cheerleaders here as well. As for me, I typically vote R because the R is usually closer to conservative/libertarian principles that I favor (governing histories aside). But every D isn't Stallin. For you guys every R is Hitler.....
What is interesting is that once again Trump has taken up the cause of Putin and Russia in claiming Obama started ISIS. These are actually old talking points of Putin's (see link). It is highly disturbing that time after time Trump is taking positions that perfectly align himself with Putin and Russia.

1) Bad mouthing NATO and questioning US support of NATO countries that are behind on their financial responsibilities. This directly undermines the credibility of NATO.

2) Suggesting Russian annexation of Crimea is fine because that's what Crimeans want.

3) Supposedly "joking" when asking for Russia to hack his political opponent thereby meddling in a US election.

4) Lying and contradicting himself on what his previous associations to Putin were, if any.

5) “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

6) Former Wall Street Journal editor on Trump's Russian ties: "Trump’s de facto campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian-backed president of Ukraine who was overthrown in 2014. Manafort also has done multimillion-dollar business deals with Russian oligarchs. Trump’s foreign policy advisor Carter Page has his own business ties to the state-controlled Russian oil giant Gazprom. … Another Trump foreign policy advisor, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, flew to Moscow last year to attend a gala banquet celebrating Russia Today, the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, and was seated at the head table near Putin."

I really don't know what to say about this as it is so far beyond the pale that words are incapable of explaining it. With these ties alone that would automatically get his clearance denied were he a novice clerical employee needing a standard Secret clearance. To think of Trump, with these known ties, is receiving Top Secret/SSBI/SCI information is just unthinkable. What the hell is the FBI thinking? How is this even possible?
Also now Trump is questioning the credibility of the US election process. If Putin typed up a list of talking points in undermining US credibility he could not possibly do any better than what Donald Trump is doing to the United States.

Convenient for Trump's business interests is that Russians are his only remaining viable source of financing as no US banks will lend him a dime anymore. Really playing to his audience in Russia where they are the only folks on earth that will finance his TV station when he loses in a landslide.
Donald Trump running a political campaign to win the presidency of the United States makes no sense in its execution and strategy.

Donald Trump trying to secure favor with the Russians for a future deal in starting up his own TV station backed by Russian Oligarchs makes perfect sense in the way he is running his campaign and the issues he is choosing to champion. All of which conveniently perfectly align with Russian interests and propaganda.

Trump is talking about torturing terrorists and trying US citizens at Guantanamo Bay today. Seriously, how much more of the ideal of America is Trump going to be allowed to tear down before he is stopped? How much mud is he going to be allowed to drag the name of the United States through before Republicans have had enough?

It doesn't matter if it is unwitting or purposeful. Trump is acting blatantly in Russian interests and carrying out Russian propaganda against the United States. He has known historic ties to Russia. He has financial interests with Russian backers. He has repeatedly complimented Russia and Putin specifically. His family has admitted strong business interests in Russia. Trump has issued public contradictory statements in characterizing the relationship he has had with Putin.

What the hell does it take? We're talking the damned FBI should have already shut this guy down, forget the political process. He has every possible box checked in operating as an agent of a foreign country. And we're giving him classified briefings that he can in turn relay once the campaign is over and he collects his Russian loans to float his TV station.
There was a photo going around that proved your claim but the MM scrubbed it from the internet.

Do you
The best thing to happen to America is Donald Trump. Not because he has the requisite brain cells to string words together into coherent thoughts. No he has proven over and over he has existed in an isolated fantasy world disconnected from reality for a very long time and would be a disaster as a President.

What makes him a blessing is that he has exposed the GOP's strategy better than Lee Atwater that for some time has embraced the racist voters who are so easily led through fear of anything that is not exactly like themselves. When these people look into the mirror they do not ask any questions of themselves they are just happy to be with someone like themselves. Tragically the decent people that actually believe in the conservative portrayal of themselves are outnumbered by the outright looney derelicts that have taken over the conservative narrative. Thank you Mr. Trump.

Today those decent conservatives are faced with the reality that they have surrounded themselves with hateful, fear prone, ignorant rabble for the sake of winning elections. They cannot move themselves to think past their pretense of a patriotic American when in essence they more closely resemble the unrestrained mobs that built walls and called for ethnic cleansing in Europe and Southeast Asia. Those mobs denounced education and knowledge also in favor of a brain restrained ideology.

Who are the outright looney racists?

Which parties supporters are actually acting as a mob and targeting the opposing party?

Which candidate thinks rules and laws don't apply to them while in office?

Is it looney and racist to think we should maintain our border and deport those that's first action into the nation is breaking the law?

Trump has only said harsh words, Hillary has actual committed acts that would have automatically disqualified her in years past, and she does even answer reporters questions about it.

Hillary has absolutely nothing sh can run on, her main accomplishment is corruption, and her last name. That's it
Its going to be hilarious once Russia releases those 30000 missing Hillarys emails. I can't wait for that day. I hope its done one week before the election too.
waiting for your communist buddies to help out their guy? Not surprising.

This whole 'missing emails' stuff is so ridiculous. They were personal emails. I know Republicans would love to know the ins and outs of her personal life since they enjoy legislating the bedroom and morals.

So when is DT going to release his taxes again?
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The best thing to happen to America is Donald Trump. Not because he has the requisite brain cells to string words together into coherent thoughts. No he has proven over and over he has existed in an isolated fantasy world disconnected from reality for a very long time and would be a disaster as a President.

What makes him a blessing is that he has exposed the GOP's strategy better than Lee Atwater that for some time has embraced the racist voters who are so easily led through fear of anything that is not exactly like themselves. When these people look into the mirror they do not ask any questions of themselves they are just happy to be with someone like themselves. Tragically the decent people that actually believe in the conservative portrayal of themselves are outnumbered by the outright looney derelicts that have taken over the conservative narrative. Thank you Mr. Trump.

Today those decent conservatives are faced with the reality that they have surrounded themselves with hateful, fear prone, ignorant rabble for the sake of winning elections. They cannot move themselves to think past their pretense of a patriotic American when in essence they more closely resemble the unrestrained mobs that built walls and called for ethnic cleansing in Europe and Southeast Asia. Those mobs denounced education and knowledge also in favor of a brain restrained ideology.

The left is hands down the most racist group in this country and the sad part is, is that it's approved. It's totally allowed and accepted. Hell, college kids and minorities are taught to hate white people. There are college courses that are about "the problems of whiteness."
You have black students at Claremont refusing to live with whites and wanting segregation.
Then defends it with statements like this.
“People of color are allowed to create safe POC only spaces. It is not reverse racism or discriminatory, it is self preservation [sic],” Sara Roschdi (PZ ’17), another Pitzer Latino Student Union member, stated. “Reverse racism isn’t a thing.”

“We don’t want to have to tiptoe around fragile white feelings in a space where we just want to relax and be comfortable,” commented Nina Lee, a Women’s Studies major. “I could live with white people, but I would be far more comfortable living with other poc.”

“White people always mad when they don’t feel included but at the end of the day y’all are damaging asf [sic] and if a POC feels they need to protect themselves from that toxic environment THEY CAN! Quick to try to jump on a POC but you won’t call your friends out when they’re being racist asf [sic],” noted Terriyonna Smith (PZ ’18), an Africana Studies major and Resident Assistant (RA) for the 2016-2017 year. “I’m not responding to NO comments and NOPE I don’t wanna have a dialogue.”

Or how about this college offering classes that are exclusively to black students only
How about Michigan implementing white privilege courses?
How about teaching K-8 white kids that they are born racist and then segregating classrooms?
You claim Trump has outed all of the bigots? That's rich. Someone on the left crying about others being racist is laughable considering what you indoctrinate people with and how you justify it. If Trump supporters are racist then what the heck are all of these anti-white people and classes considered?

Your hypocrisy is sickening and the sad part is, is that you're completely obtuse about it just like most of your party. The Democrats play to minorities' hatred of whites and even indoctrinate white kids with a sense of self loathing for their own race to further it.
For you guys every R is Hitler.....

Not me. Romney was the Stepfather. (terry quinn's version)

Ike wasn't Hitler. Gerald Ford wasn't. George HW Bush wasn't. W was The Amoral Fratboy. Nixon was Nixon and Reagan was Reagan. Personalities as big as Hitlers.

Trump isn't Hitler. He's Trump: The Id. Narcissism. The biggest house. Beauty Pageants. Locust-like property development. Vengeance. Grudges. A lack of curiosity or empathy.

He's made his appeal to American Isolationism. The Know Nothings of perpetual resentment. I have no idea if he's sincere in anything except making the next sale. As Walter in The Big Lebowski joked, "Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it was an ethos." What's Trump's ethos?
Not me. Romney was the Stepfather. (terry quinn's version)

Ike wasn't Hitler. Gerald Ford wasn't. George HW Bush wasn't. W was The Amoral Fratboy. Nixon was Nixon and Reagan was Reagan. Personalities as big as Hitlers.

Trump isn't Hitler. He's Trump: The Id. Narcissism. The biggest house. Beauty Pageants. Locust-like property development. Vengeance. Grudges. A lack of curiosity or empathy.

He's made his appeal to American Isolationism. The Know Nothings of perpetual resentment. I have no idea if he's sincere in anything except making the next sale. As Walter in The Big Lebowski joked, "Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it was an ethos." What's Trump's ethos?

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Ok cool, so it's actually Hillary that's tied to Russia? So Zuisudra and Cardkiller can turn their ire towards Rooskie Hillary? Awesome.

Thanks in advance.
The program was pitched as a partnership involving U.S. and Russian government entities and companies. Major U.S. corporations like Boeing, Google, General Electric, Cisco and Microsoft – also generous donors to the Clinton’s family foundation – were solicited by Clinton to invest more than a billion dollars in the Skolkovo tech park outside Moscow, formally called the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
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Not one conservative here even just a bit interested in what Lee Atwater had to say. It would be hard for them to refute what a leader of their own party had to say about the racism in the GOP. Maybe when the conservatives take note about the migration from right to left that is happening today in their own party they will realize they are losing the battle, and for good reason.
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Nearly 4 weeks ago, I asked liberal posters to post any racist quote from trump. 2 were posted, both obviously not racist.

Still waiting.

Are there racists in the gop? I'm sure there are. But that cuts both ways. White folks aren't the only ones who can be racist. Blm is every bit as racist as any old white southerner in the GOP.
Nothing you are posting is going to draw a spot of blood. Nothing. Because nothing is there.

You want something. Her health. There is something there and I don't know why they are hiding it. She is struggling. Reminds me of JFK being propped up when he was a mess. I noticed about a month ago that she just didn't look right. Her appearance changes drastically from one day to the next. Something is working on her for sure.

The rest of this is tripe that isn't going to get any traction at all.

The old bat can't disappear soon enough to suit me.Two things I can't stand being a hypocrite and a confirmed liar.she is both, and her nothing of a husband.
The agreement was about foreign governments and was complicated by the existence of multi-year donations that began prior to her appointment. And once she resigned, foreign governments resumed making donations. One donation during her tenure -- the Algerian donation for earthquake aid -- should have been reviewed. But it's not a new revelation and it's been scoured for quid pro quo and turned up nothing. If there are others, I'm sure, you'll keep us apprised.

LMFAO. you would refuse too see anything negative about Hilary if it smacked you in the face
Clinton Foundation shenanigans will be the downfall of Hillary. It's why the server was wiped clean. It's why she didm't release all of the emails when she was supposed to. It's why Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch…and why Loretta Lynch, 2 days after meeting with Bill Clinton, tried to get the 27 month delay on the release of said emails after the judge had already ruled them to be released in June.

There are only three questions that remain: 1) Will it all come out before the election?; 2) Who are all of the players involved?; 3) Will anyone else involved in this scandal die?
Not one conservative here even just a bit interested in what Lee Atwater had to say. It would be hard for them to refute what a leader of their own party had to say about the racism in the GOP. Maybe when the conservatives take note about the migration from right to left that is happening today in their own party they will realize they are losing the battle, and for good reason.

Your side is racist.
Trust in Hillary!

Did these lives matter?

1. John Ashe (6/22)

The first in this most recent string of Clinton associate deaths was that of John Ashe, the former president of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and 2014.

Ashe died Wednesday, June 22nd while awaiting trial in a bribery scandal that was closely tied to the Clinton Foundation.

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Traumatic asphyxia and suffered laryngeal fractures while lifting.

TRANSLATION: His windpipe was crushed by a barbell.

2. Seth Rich (7/10)

Seth Conrad Rich’s unsolved murder on a Washington D.C. street has sparked a flurry of conspiracy theories because he was a staffer and self-described data analyst for the Democratic National Committee. Rich, 27, who worked for the DNC on voting issues, was shot and killed in Washington D.C., and his murder remains mysterious. “Police have found little information to explain his death,” said The New York Daily News.

Perhaps the reason for the “conspiracy theories” has something to do with the fact that Rich allegedly had access to the voter database and would have known about specific instances of voter fraud. Furthermore, in addition to being shot multiple times, including the back, nothing was taken from his person. His assailants didn’t take his phone, his watch, or his jewelry, and in addition to being shot multiple times, he was badly beaten.

It’s also worth noting that Julian Assange has hinted that his source might have been someone inside the DNC, and Seth certainly had access.

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Shot and beaten to death

3. Joe Montano (7/25)

Aid to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Heart attack at age 47 on the day the DNC began, and immediately after the Wikileaks announcement was made.

TRANSLATION: Why is this not being investigated?

4. Victor Thorn (8/1)

Famously wrote books about Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults

Also wrote books about the Clinton’s increasing trail of dead bodies

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound (On his birthday)

5.Shawn Lucas (8/2)

Most famous for being the one to serve the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a nationwide class action lawsuit for defrauding Bernie Sanders and all his voters. Lucas famously said, “You’ve been served.”

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Details nor released but there are conflicting reports he died in his sleep or he died on the bathroom floor.

TRANSLATION: Don’t even think about suing us
Your side is racist.

What does the word "racist" mean to you?

Assumptions are made about groups of people based on race. The assumption made by your side is all whites are racist and are privileged. Additionally, your side preaches blacks cannot be racist. I am pretty sure it is definitive racism.

All groups are "in" with the left except white heterosexual males that are moderate or conservative or Christian women.