How will they rule ??!

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Government grants and contributions.

Starting in 2010, the Foundation reported on three consecutive IRS tax returns that it received no donations from foreign government sources. It wasn’t as if they didn’t know how to report them. In prior years, the Foundation reported tens of millions of dollars in such donations. But things changed. Upon becoming Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton promised that the Foundation would stop accepting donations from foreign governments. It turns out there were exceptions, and that the Foundation’s tax filings with the IRS were less than transparent.

The agreement was about foreign governments and was complicated by the existence of multi-year donations that began prior to her appointment. And once she resigned, foreign governments resumed making donations. One donation during her tenure -- the Algerian donation for earthquake aid -- should have been reviewed. But it's not a new revelation and it's been scoured for quid pro quo and turned up nothing. If there are others, I'm sure, you'll keep us apprised.
Just to keep score:

Obama and Hillary get credit for bin Laden because they made the decision to kill him.


Obama and Hillary get no blame because they made the decision to do nothing about benghazi and lie about it
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Better check with General Morgousky on that one. He is the only one privy to the deep internet SOS Chain of Command.

So you can read?!?!?!

What branch did you serve in since you claim to have served?

Honestly, no one gives a shit about anything else you type in this thread unless it's navy/marines/army/air force.
I served in the none of your damned business branch. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows you don't want your posting to be claimed to be a negative reflection on the service you work for if you have a security clearance so not blabbering about it should be common sense.

For example, I claim I work for xxxxxx then at some later point it can be claimed my opinions being expressed are a negative reflection on xxxxxx service because I advertised the fact I work there whereas if I kept my mouth shut then in no way can it ever be claimed anything I say or do is a reflection on anyone aside from myself. Why is that so hard for you simpletons to understand?
DT is really trying to keep people from the polls in PA. His attempt at getting a bunch of cops to watch over the polls is just a shady scare tactic to keep minority turnout low. He is not fooling anyone except his lemmings.

Just an unbelievable sore loser. If he loses the debate he'll cry cheating, if he says something stupid he blames the media, if he shot someone he would blame the victim for getting in the way of his gun.

This is the same person who hounded and hounded Obama about his birth certificate but is scared to release his tax returns. Go figure. Guy is a first class hypocrite.

I'm befuddled at how terrible his campaign is going. His inability to have any sense of decency and truthfulness about him is shocking.
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Trump knows if he can't steal Pennsylvania it is effectively over. With Penn slipping more and more into the hopeless category I look for that to be the prime reason he quits.
Let's not forget the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton meeting (where they only discussed their grandchildren). Which just happened to take place while the FBI was investigating Hillary over the personal server stuff.

Now, fast forward to two days after that Lynch-Bill Clinton "chance" meeting about their grandchildren. Loretta Lynch and the state department filed for a 27 month delay on the release of the Clinton Foundation emails. Coincidence?

These are the emails that just recently have been leaked. Well, part of those emails anyway.
Z mad because Hillary was a terrible Secretary of Defense.

Apparently the Inspector General concurs.

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.

The alert, originally sent on March 20 and just released this week, warns that the missing contracting funds “could expose the department to substantial financial losses.”

The report centered on State Department contracts worth “more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located at all,” according to the alert.

“The failure to maintain contract files adequately creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” the alert states.

The situation “creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file,” the report concluded.

Its going to be hilarious once Russia releases those 30000 missing Hillarys emails. I can't wait for that day. I hope its done one week before the election too.
Trump campaign is beating up on Khan family again tonight. Everything connected to Trump is stupid. Khan doesn't deserve to be a Gold Star parent UNREAL STUPID PEOPLE. Then backs it up with, "How do you know Obama is not a Muslim?" Unbelievably stupid.
There clearly is something wrong with Hillarys health though. You'd have to be retarded to not see it. She can't even walk up a few stairs without needing help.
No, I just want you to use facts when you make a claim. For example, if you say HRC is the most corrupt political candidate ever, you are saying she is more corrupt evil than Hitler or Stalin. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of people, started world wars, etc. Now when you say HRC>Hitler, facts dont support your argument.

When you say America is unsafe, yet violent crime is at all time low, facts dont back you up.
When you say Climate Change doesnt exist, facts dont back you up.
When you say Trump isnt a bigot, facts dont back you up.

This is what is meant by you argue like a child. Adults use facts. If I think Trump is a bigot, I reference the many times where he made disparaging claims such as a judge being biased because he is Mexican, the DOJ suing Trump twice for not renting to blacks, or pulling his casino employees from the floor for being black, or says no other black will be president for generations, or saying Mexico was only sending rapists, or a complete ban on religion, etc. One could make a strong argument that Trump is a bigot.

Your retort, is nuh uh.

See the difference? One opinion is weighted in facts, the other is weighted in magical thinking.

So when you and your ilk make claims like the DOJ is a disgrace over Baltimore findings, as a normal functioning adult, I expect you have facts that support your conclusions of such a claim. Almost always, you do not.

If you look at Kaizer Sosay when I ask him a question, he backs his responses up with detailed facts. I asked him about an article he linked, he then backed it up with thoughtful and fact full responses. Why? Because he isnt a dumbass. We dont agree on some issues, but I will listen to what he has to say (and in fact hes changed my mind on a few things) because he backs up his opinions with facts.

You, do not.

Lol again, you imbecile?

Please show one of my posts where i said ANY OF THOSE THINGS you listed. Are you this stupid? I mean I've told you at least 4 times now.

Ill await anothwr reply from you saying i have no facts to back up claims i never made.
LEK, in his defense he said most corrupt, being a homicidal maniac, hellbent on world dominance isn't the same as saying Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever.

You're right, there's no way to know, but you're parsing his words a bit. A better worded response would've been that she's the most corrupt presidential candidate, I don't know if she is or not, but she's in the conversation.

I have never said anything about hillary being the most corrupt.

Lek must just be an elderly lawn nazi who cant remember a damned thing.

Hes really good at attacking me with quotes that ive never said. Its quite comical.
There clearly is something wrong with Hillarys health though. You'd have to be retarded to not see it. She can't even walk up a few stairs without needing help.
Tbf, you'd also have to be retarded to think a nameless "anesthesiologist of 36yrs", an RN, and a random PD patient could diagnose PD based off a few video clips.

But there's a lot of random dumb **** on Twitter, so I'm sure we'll see dumber things posted here until Election Day.
Z mad because Hillary was a terrible Secretary of Defense.
According to Trump she was one of the better ones. Of course that was before he was a Presidental candidate.
So was he a liar then or is he being a liar now?
Let's think about that one. What incentive did he have to lie before he was a candidate?
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I think hillarys support for a child rapist is going to bite her.

Seriously, if the media in this country was just 25% fair, this election wouldn't be close. They are having to work double time to cover for all of clintons lies, health issues, and corruptness.

This video just shows how racist and sick the media has become. They will not stop with the race talk, and try to discredit this guy for absolutely no reason.

Of course. "We celebrate diversity"

Just as long as they all join the same political party and back the same ideology.

It's amusing watching how racist the left is whenever a black man doesn't back the party that Dems tell them they should.
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The absolute cherry on top in this sublime political season will be when Trump drops out of the race because he cuts a deal to keep all the campaign loot then they put Ryan up there. The same Ryan they call Rino Ryan. Then Trump rides off into the Russian sunset to start his Moscow based television station. Maybe Snowden will be his first guest.

I want to watch them choke on that one. To know Trump abandoned them like one of his ex wives. To snub them then walk off. Then in his place they have to support Paul Ryan.

They'll contort themselves the same way they did in throwing every single thing they've ever believed in so they could support Trump and watching them have to walk back over and pick it all up again... to stoop to having to endure one more humiliation... it's like the walk of shame over and over again. We watch them every morning. Shoes in hand. Limping all the way home. Rubbing their asses.

He did it dry, folks. Dry. Then made them like it. It just does not get better than that if you hate Republicans the way I do. I want to keep piling on the shame. To keep spiking the football. To lower the bar one more notch for them. Then watch them squirm. This is must-see television. I cannot turn away from it.

Lets make a bet.

If that happens, in will leave this board. If it doesn't, you do the same.

Since you're so sure and have been spewing this for weeks, this bet is a no brainer right?
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The absolute cherry on top in this sublime political season will be when Trump drops out of the race because he cuts a deal to keep all the campaign loot then they put Ryan up there. The same Ryan they call Rino Ryan. Then Trump rides off into the Russian sunset to start his Moscow based television station. Maybe Snowden will be his first guest.

I want to watch them choke on that one. To know Trump abandoned them like one of his ex wives. To snub them then walk off. Then in his place they have to support Paul Ryan.

They'll contort themselves the same way they did in throwing every single thing they've ever believed in so they could support Trump and watching them have to walk back over and pick it all up again... to stoop to having to endure one more humiliation... it's like the walk of shame over and over again. We watch them every morning. Shoes in hand. Limping all the way home. Rubbing their asses.

He did it dry, folks. Dry. Then made them like it. It just does not get better than that if you hate Republicans the way I do. I want to keep piling on the shame. To keep spiking the football. To lower the bar one more notch for them. Then watch them squirm. This is must-see television. I cannot turn away from it.

Hopefully the insert Rand Paul...he would steam roll her
Does it not say "user generated map"?

I actually like rand Paul..the little I know of. Not living in ky I dont know near enough, but that map is....questionable
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DT is really trying to keep people from the polls in PA. His attempt at getting a bunch of cops to watch over the polls is just a shady scare tactic to keep minority turnout low. He is not fooling anyone except his lemmings.

Just an unbelievable sore loser. If he loses the debate he'll cry cheating, if he says something stupid he blames the media, if he shot someone he would blame the victim for getting in the way of his gun.

This is the same person who hounded and hounded Obama about his birth certificate but is scared to release his tax returns. Go figure. Guy is a first class hypocrite.

I'm befuddled at how terrible his campaign is going. His inability to have any sense of decency and truthfulness about him is shocking.

Hillary wins PA by 10+ and Toomey loses as well...
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Trump campaign is beating up on Khan family again tonight. Everything connected to Trump is stupid. Khan doesn't deserve to be a Gold Star parent UNREAL STUPID PEOPLE. Then backs it up with, "How do you know Obama is not a Muslim?" Unbelievably stupid.

Being from NY, trust me when I say Hot Carl is a special one. Guy has run for numerous public offices and have been blown out each time.
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This is my next best case scenario.

Hillary wins. Dies first day in office due to bad health (fingers crossed)
Her serial killer looking VP runs the show for the next 3 years and 364 days.
GOP/Libertarians learn from 2016 and elect Amash/Paul
America saved

Hopefully the insert Rand Paul...he would steam roll her


Look, I like RP a lot. Would vote for him in a heartbeat. Let's be real though, he would've been the one getting electorally steamrolled by HC, not the other way around. Those user generation EC maps aren't worth the digital paper they're printed on. Wash State? Cmon.

Let me try to phrase this as best I can: there aren't enough D-voting "Libertarians" to ever elect an R side Libertarian. L's on the right side would vote him in a heartbeat, L's on the left side aren't doing *dick smack* but voting for Hillary. They are frauds.

Plus, Willy is right....he doesn't "talk good" but more importantly the media is basically demanding a cult of personality anymore. I mean, last two Rs were a centrist war veteran and an ultra successful business nerd and gov and they got electorally trounced. Couldn't/wouldn't attack (McCain) or defend himself (Romney).

Not sure RP would survive that onslaught. We're talking 1000x the shitstorm Conway stirred up. Regardless of being correct or not, you ready for the endless stream of disabled people trotted out telling America that RP wants them euthanized because of his views on the disability act?

Anyways, we have a dude right now that is making the same media lose their collective minds, despite policy or personality views you'd think that big middle finger to the same people who'd never let RP advance would be something we can all agree on.
Gallup with this headline - thought it was parody at first. If you read the poll numbers, "falls short of hopes" should be replaced with "is disastrous".......

In U.S., Obama Effect on Racial Matters Falls Short of Hopes
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