How will they rule ??!

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Being responsible doesn't mean you are commanding and controlling security assets during a crisis.

BTW: Where was your criticism of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice when 94 people were being killed in the process during their tenures?
Hurry and put this on facebook...oh wait, that is where it was linked from. And originally from Democrat Underground. Good stuff.
so the Clinton's have been paid millions of dollars to give speeches, paid millions to write their memoirs, yet under oath in a federal indictment hearing, neither could recall anything.
Another Kaizer post with no attribution. That is simply stunning. I wonder why he is so ashamed of his sources?

How about the Washington Post?

Algeria donation

The donation from Algeria for Haiti earthquake relief, they said, arrived without notice within days of the 2010 quake and was distributed as direct aid to assist in relief. Algeria has not donated to the foundation since, officials said.

The contribution coincided with a spike in the North African country’s lobbying visits to the State Department.

That year, Algeria spent $422,097 lobbying U.S. government officials on human rights issues and U.S.-Algerian relations, according to filings made under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Data tracked by the Sunlight Foundation shows that while the Algerian government’s overall spending on lobbying in the United States remained steady, there was an increase in 2010 in State Department meetings held with lobbyists representing the country — with 12 visits to department officials that year, including some visits with top political appointees. In the years before and after, only a handful of State Department visits were recorded by Algeria lobbyists.

The country was a concern for Clinton and her agency.

A 2010 State Department report on human rights in Algeria noted that “principal human rights problems included restrictions on freedom of assembly and association” and cited reports of arbitrary killings, widespread corruption and a lack of transparency. Additionally, the report, issued in early 2011, discussed restrictions on labor and women’s rights.

“Algeria is one of those complicated countries that forces the United States to balance our interests and values,” Clinton wrote in her 2014 book, “Hard Choices.” She said that the country was an ally in combating terrorism but that “it also has a poor human rights record and a relatively closed economy.”

Clinton met with the president of Algeria during a 2012 visit to the country.

A State Department spokesman referred questions about the ethics-office reviews to the charity. Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman, declined to comment.

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Forbes a good enough source for you?

I warned you, man. Stupid is where you are headed. You have already stepped in dog shit. It's about to be smeared all over your face. Don't try to defend the Clinton Foundation. Move on.
They amended a tax return. Trump is swirling in the entire world dumping on him by the minute and you're acting like an amended tax return is the silver bullet to this election.

Yeah. You're one helluva operative. I'm clearly out gunned here.

FWIW, Forbes is a Trump adviser so yeah, there's that, too. Anyone that tries to make a big deal out of that small horseshit and then comes running in here like they've got Jimmy Hoffa on the phone deserves the round mockery you are receiving right now.

Step aside, junior. The big boys are playing in this election and Trump is going down. Hard. You want to talk dogshit, you wait until this election is over and the landslide settles in then you come back in here with your little amended tax return story from a Trump operative and tell me how breathless you feel then, noob.

I'm the best there is at this. You want to come at me in the future then you better have something.
Wait! The Republican party is not dead! Kaizer just found out the Clinton Foundation amended a tax return and Trump's buddy Steve Forbes just wrote a baseless story in his lame magazine trying to insinuate a load of horse manure without offering a single tangible bit of evidence at all anywhere in the whole sorry little article but Kaizer is onto them! STOP THE PRESSES! KAIZER NAILED IT!!!
Oh wait a minute. I forgot to include MoeWiki's favorite reputable source…

You have to wade through a ton of BS but they do have a section on criticism. (Which will probably disappear by morning).

In March 2015, Reuters reported that the Clinton Foundation had broken its promise to publish all of its donors, as well as its promise to let the State Department review all of its donations from foreign governments.[68] In April 2015, the New York Times reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, the State Department had approved a deal to sell American uranium to a Russian state-owned enterprise Uranium One whose chairman had donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that Clinton had broken her promise to publicly identify such donations.[69] The State Department "was one of nine government agencies, not to mention independent federal and state nuclear regulators, that had to sign off on the deal."

Ominous. Kaizer loves ominous. In all the tripe you posted there is not a single tiny shred of wrongdoing. Just ominous insinuations and promises of rigorous examinations. Guilt by accusation rather than a careful elucidation of real evidence.

You have nothing but breathless cut and pasted horseshit. It is mildly annoying that you are so giddy over it. I think you must have recently found out how CTL C works or something.
Having watched the video I'm still trying to figure out how you or anyone implies that HRC gave any orders? They certainly didn't says so. Where is their commander that they say told them to stand down? To whom did he speak that gave him that order?

Or understand the depth of ignorance that believes that the SoS would control the dispatch and use of military and security forces...especially while they are under attack.

A search for "who gave the order to stand down in Libya" results in an entire cornucopia of names responsible which means nobody knows anything. They are slinging mud and trying to see what sticks.

Hillary Clinton was the top of command, the SOS, and has whitewashed the entire thing. If you don't believe she gave the orders to stand down, ignored the Ambassador's cries for help, and want to place the blame further down the chain, you go right ahead. What you're admitting without realizing it is she is the most incompetent SOS we've had.

Keep polishing the turd. You're only fooling yourself. The Generals hated her, and Obama, for a reason.
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Hillary Clinton was the top of command, the SOS, and has whitewashed the entire thing. If you don't believe she gave the orders to stand down, ignored the Ambassador's cries for help, and want to place the blame further down the chain, you go right ahead. What you're admitting without realizing it is she is the most incompetent SOS we've had.

Keep polishing the turd. You're only fooling yourself. The Generals hated her, and Obama, for a reason.
The Secretary of State is not in the military chain of command you moron.

Bill, the record shows that Trump supported each of those actions at the time.

This is something I don't can you not watch/listen to Trump interviews done at the time those decisions were being made...hear Trump say he supported those decisions. The decision to go to Iraq. The decision to get out of Iraq. The decision to get rid of Khadafi... And then listen to him today claim he was against it all and not call him out on his bullshit?

That doesn't require you to support HRC or stop supporting only requires intellectual honesty.

omg man. Listen to yourself. That smoke stack that is the corruption of Obama/Clinton apparently has no fire beneath it. Who's being intellectually dishonest?

You want to support partisan machines, you go right ahead. But stop pretending to be some sort of know it all, level headed, ivory tower liberal. All of these excuses at up to, at minimum, incompetence. And you just can't seem to grasp it.

Now you can add pedophile rapist sympathizing attorney to her resume. If that was your daughter, raped, beaten, and tortured, would you make excuses for that wench?

You're getting pathetic man. Just admit she's corrupt but you support western european philosophy and figure the left is the quickest route. Just stop being a spin machine.
Here's Morgousky's learning assignment for tonight along with the other 3rd graders:

Article II Section 2 of the Constitution designates the President as "Commander in Chief" of the Army, Navy and state militias.[2] The President exercises this supreme command authority through the civilian Secretary of Defense, who by federal law is the head of the department, has authority direction, and control over the Department of Defense, and is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense.[3] The Secretary's principal deputy is the equally civilian Deputy Secretary of Defensewho is delegated full powers to act for the Secretary of Defense. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is the Secretary and Deputy Secretary's civilian staff, which includes several Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries of Defense with functional oversight responsibilities. The Secretaries of the Military Departments (i.e. Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force) are subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. They have the authority under Title 10 of the United States Code toconduct all the affairs of their respective departments (Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, and Department of the Air Force) within which the military services are organized.
Tell us some more about Hillary commanding troop movements. Please. I am highly interested in how the Secretary of State is ordering the military around when they have no constitutional authority at all over the military.
And what about the emails that passed through her private server giving locations to Ambassador Stevens whereabouts in a extremely hostile location?

Her and her ilk are completely incompetent. This is what happens when liberal elites control foreign policy. It becomes shit.
Here goes the troll. Off on a tangent.

How long can he pound this one.

My guess is 2 days tops. The off on how Trump is going to pull this thing out. Stay tuned.
As SOS she is responsible for the embassies you moron. Look, you clearly don't have any idea of what you are talking about so please just shut up. Thanks.
Tell us some more about Hillary commanding troop movements. Please. I am highly interested in how the Secretary of State is ordering the military around when they have no constitutional authority at all over the military.

She's the foreign Affairs advisor to the president. I accidentally called her a commander for some stupid reason.

She's directly responsible for the benghazi attack to be so severe and allowed department officials to die for political motivation. She then goes on a rant about a video when she already knew there was nothing "spontaneous" about it.

Keep backing political machines while pretending to be the centrist.

You try to troll, but anyone can see you're just a liberal hack.
As SOS she is responsible for the embassies you moron. Look, you clearly don't have any idea of what you are talking about so please just shut up. Thanks.

Wait, she isn't the foreign affairs advisor to the president? She doesn't control foreign affairs by the SD?

Please tell more
Isis is the equivalent of a junior varsity basketball squad. Basically, a middle school kid in a Kobe Bryant Jersey doesn't make the kid Kobe Bryant.

And this is the guy some of you spin as a great leader?
Morgousky has been completely eviscerated and unmasked as a know-nothing Trump bullshitter. How surprising. He doesn't even know how his own Government and Department of Defense work but yet he's the resident GOP expert in here on foreign policy.

Seriously, who is the right wing equivalent to me in here? Don't you guys have anybody that I can't slap senseless inside of 3 minutes?
Hillary was the top commander over the military. She had a uniform and everything. She dug a trench all the way around Libya with her bare hands. She fired a bazooka at Saddam Hussein long before that ever became popular. She rode a tank and held a general's rank when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank. - General George Morgousky
Hillary was the top commander over the military. She had a uniform and everything. She dug a trench all the way around Libya with her bare hands. She fired a bazooka at Saddam Hussein long before that ever became popular. She rode a tank and held a general's rank when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank. - General George Morgousky

You might have it Z, except the Blitzkrieg position.

She's not in favor of swift military victories. She's much better at pretending the issue doesn't exist, just like her boss.
Ominous. Kaizer loves ominous. In all the tripe you posted there is not a single tiny shred of wrongdoing. Just ominous insinuations and promises of rigorous examinations. Guilt by accusation rather than a careful elucidation of real evidence.

You have nothing but breathless cut and pasted horseshit. It is mildly annoying that you are so giddy over it. I think you must have recently found out how CTL C works or something.

[laughing] Nice tactics. First attack me for no sources. Then attack the sources. Then attack me personally. I don't mind. just don't forget to wipe the dog shit off your face before you go to work on Monday. That would be embarrassing.

So the fact that starting in 2010 the Clinton Foundation didn't report ANY foreign donations during the time that Hillary was SOS isn't shady? Fast-forward to 2015...But wait a minute…there's a watchdog firm on our ass which has the IRS taking a look at the foundation…so let's quickly refile for those 4 years that we mistakingly didn't report any foreign donations. Even though prior to her SOS stint they filed all foreign donations. Shady. As. Eff. Even the Obama administration thought it was shady. Especially since your boy Obama explicitly told them not to take any foreign donations during that time period.

smh. Keep stepping in it, son.

This one is from your boys at CNN…(the ClintonNewsNetwork)…even they know...

In 2008, before Hillary Clinton became Obama's secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation and the Obama administration signed an agreement that outlined how the foundation would deal with conflict of interest questions but still be allowed to continue its philanthropic work.
One aspect of the agreement was that the Clinton Foundation would stop taking new foreign donations, except from those countries that had previously donated to the foundation and didn't increase their contributions.

Nothing you are posting is going to draw a spot of blood. Nothing. Because nothing is there.

You want something. Her health. There is something there and I don't know why they are hiding it. She is struggling. Reminds me of JFK being propped up when he was a mess. I noticed about a month ago that she just didn't look right. Her appearance changes drastically from one day to the next. Something is working on her for sure.

The rest of this is tripe that isn't going to get any traction at all.
I really never understand a word of mashburned's posts. Seriously. Does he have like a cleft ass or something that strangles the oxygen out of his brain because his rambling incoherence is indecipherable to me.