How will they rule ??!

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Hard to put a Trump bumper sticker on over the NASCAR and Rebel flags. Plus half of all Trump voters are riding bicycles anyway due to their DUI convictions.
When we have a bigger populous of Muslim neighborhoods they will begin to slowly call for sharia in their own parts. And liberals, as follows their pattern to allow black communities to try and segregate, will oblige. It's all about votes for a machine.

I mean, I knew it was money, but I disnt realize how much money, and what it means to our country. We are literally F'd and even of Trunp wins, he can't do anything to reverse this trend. It would be him against the world.

People don't know, man.

Just the thought that our banks will change and adapt to cater to these people with ancient, awful beliefs, that are literally bound by law to pay taxes funding the murder of non Muslims, and then our country gets up in arms and shots themselves about something like the CFA dude stating an *opinion*, his personal opinion that marriage is between a dude and a chick, whole still employing gays, and serving Man. Man. We are backwards as hell.

And f the R's. They're in this. It's why they gotta shut Trump up. Not good for business to upset the Muslims. They're the hot item right now.

Man I'm glad it's Friday.

And man the Supreme Court just got more interesting. They're gonna be very busy in the future redesigning this country and trying to make Christianity and Muslims work. Lmao. Man alive.
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I think hillarys support for a child rapist is going to bite her.

Seriously, if the media in this country was just 25% fair, this election wouldn't be close. They are having to work double time to cover for all of clintons lies, health issues, and corruptness.

This video just shows how racist and sick the media has become. They will not stop with the race talk, and try to discredit this guy for absolutely no reason.

Are you joking? They could have had a video of hildawg holding the rapists sack off the ground while he did the deed and the lib/dims wouldn't care.
Sincere question: What is the vision for America that prompts HRC supporters to believe she is the candidate most likely to make that vision a reality?

My vision for America:
1. American superiority: We don't need to be like any other country. We need to be better; a model for others to be like. We certainly don't need to apologize for anything.
2. Restoration of military prominence: It is only from a position of power that a country can be benevolent.
3. Controlled immigration: We allow in only the best and brightest. As for allowing those of religions that are antagonistic to our way of life, I don't have the answer for some followers of those religions would simply deceive in order to get in.
4. Send illegals back to their home countries;
5. Reduce entitlements or at least make people work in order to receive gov benefits;
6. A zero sum budget. We simply don't spend more than we take in. Priorities should be defense spending, infrastructure, education. We should also fulfill our obligations to social security retirees and veterans. States can fund other programs as they see fit.
7. Tariffs on imports to help discourage loss of jobs to other countries;
8. Tax equalization: Every person should pay the same percentage of their income for taxes. No deductions, no loopholes. Simple x% of gross income.
9. Unquestioned support for Israel. Plus, no country or entity should receive American money unless they demonstrate the same level of support for Israel.

Neither candidate is a good candidate, but I see Trump as being more aligned with my list than Clinton.
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Question of the day:

Will the Obama Foundation be as corrupt and rich as the Clinton Foundation? Will it get to the magic number of 3 percent not going to. Barack himself?
Question of the day:

Will the Obama Foundation be as corrupt and rich as the Clinton Foundation? Will it get to the magic number of 3 percent not going to. Barack himself?

I'd imagine the Russians and Saudi's will continue buying their influence from Clinton. Michelle is far too green to land a position like SOS where she can do favors for foreign billionaires and dictators.

So nowhere near as rich. And probably not as corrupt, but just because the demand isn't their for the corruption they can swing.
Sincere question: What is the vision for America that prompts HRC supporters to believe she is the candidate most likely to make that vision a reality?

My vision for America:
1. American superiority: We don't need to be like any other country. We need to be better; a model for others to be like. We certainly don't need to apologize for anything.
2. Restoration of military prominence: It is only from a position of power that a country can be benevolent.
3. Controlled immigration: We allow in only the best and brightest. As for allowing those of religions that are antagonistic to our way of life, I don't have the answer for some followers of those religions would simply deceive in order to get in.
4. Send illegals back to their home countries;
5. Reduce entitlements or at least make people work in order to receive gov benefits;
6. A zero sum budget. We simply don't spend more than we take in. Priorities should be defense spending, infrastructure, education. We should also fulfill our obligations to social security retirees and veterans. States can fund other programs as they see fit.
7. Tariffs on imports to help discourage loss of jobs to other countries;
8. Tax equalization: Every person should pay the same percentage of their income for taxes. No deductions, no loopholes. Simple x% of gross income.
9. Unquestioned support for Israel. Plus, no country or entity should receive American money unless they demonstrate the same level of support for Israel.

Neither candidate is a good candidate, but I see Trump as being more aligned with my list than Clinton.

I agree with most of your platform, with a very vehement exception to No. 9. We shouldn't have unquestioned support of any country, not even the U.K or Canada, which are far more valuable and loyal allies, to name only two, than Israel has ever been. As for No. 8, that's very unfair to self-employed people who might, as an example, gross 100K and take home 50K with no benefits. Why should someone in that position be taxed the same amount as an employee with take home pay of 100K and with full benefits?
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I agree with most of your platform, with a very vehement exception to No. 9. We shouldn't have unquestioned support of any country, not even the U.K or Canada, which are far more valuable and loyal allies, to name only two, than Israel has ever been. As for No. 8, that's very unfair to self-employed people who might, as an example, gross 100K and take home 50K with no benefits. Why should someone in that position be taxed the same amount as an employee with take home pay of 100K and with full benefits?
When I used the word "unquestioned", I did not mean blind allegiance. I meant, and should have said "When dealing with other countries, they should have no questions where our loyalties lie". I agree we should have absolute commitment to the UK and Canada in addition to Israel.
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Doing good things for people (especially children) is a good target for you jackasses. Maybe if you pound on it long enough their donations will dry up and you can put an end to all these terrible things The Clinton Foundation has done and continues to do.

Meanwhile, you're backing Donald Trump for President.

Let that sink in for a little bit. Have a moment of introspection about who you are and what you believe in for a few minutes.
Lol, do you know what a slush fund is? So while you guys can divert and say oh the Clintons didn't take a salary from the foundation, letc talk abut children aND feelings...someone who works for an interest they have monetarily or for political gain all of a sudden has a board position there, getting paid for a few months dedication. Like I dunno, someone who wants uranium. He can donate to the fund, then can counter offer to be given a board position, and then the sale price becomes easier. The Clinton Foundation is no more than a negotiation piece.
Foundations are audited.
Insinuations and sneers aren't evidence. (You all understand that, yes?)

There's a saying: if you look around the card table and can't pick out the mark, it's probably you. Cluck all you want, but ask yourselves what Fox News et aIia are selling? And why after 24 years, all the screaming about Clinton has never amounted to anything. You all are the sharp ones, yeah? No doubts at all.
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Question of the day:

Will the Obama Foundation be as corrupt and rich as the Clinton Foundation? Will it get to the magic number of 3 percent not going to. Barack himself?
Not even possible to be more corrupt than the Clintons. I'm not sure even the Obamas could kiss the Clintons feet when it comes to corruption, and they are damn corrupt themselves.
Trump needs to pick up the Hillary health issue. Its a non partisan issue, no one wants to elect a President that might die half way through their Presidency. Plus it would force the media to talk about it which would help him too.
Maybe she's sick, maybe not. But if the email heat mess gets much hotter, she'll be looking for an "honorable" way out of the race. This would certainly give her an exit card and enough time for Obama to provide her a blanket "Pardon" for past indiscretions.

And, just saw a Facebook post about a Wall Street insider claiming that Trump is about to drop out of the race.

Are we about to see Kasich/Ryan and Biden/Warren bumper stickers?

It just shows how political they are. These men are not lying, and orders don't magically disappear. The Obama/Clinton machine has been the most corrupt in history, and it's only going to get worse. The corruption has reached the military in the last few years. You've got generals basically giving false info for fear they will say the wrong things. Even if Obama / Hillary aren't doing it directly, the people under them are afraid to give bad news. The corruption in this country is about to be at record levels.
Having watched the video I'm still trying to figure out how you or anyone implies that HRC gave any orders? They certainly didn't says so. Where is their commander that they say told them to stand down? To whom did he speak that gave him that order?

Or understand the depth of ignorance that believes that the SoS would control the dispatch and use of military and security forces...especially while they are under attack.

A search for "who gave the order to stand down in Libya" results in an entire cornucopia of names responsible which means nobody knows anything. They are slinging mud and trying to see what sticks.
The Ambassador worked for her, and the compound was under her organizational control. You better damn well believe she would have been involved and part of the chain of command.

Unbelievable how hard these libs are trying to put a shine on a piece of shit. Polish that turd boys, polish that turd....
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It's either Obama's fault for leaving, or Bush's fault for invading. Guess who was for both of those acts? He laid it out there and the left and media are gut hooked.
Bill, the record shows that Trump supported each of those actions at the time.

This is something I don't can you not watch/listen to Trump interviews done at the time those decisions were being made...hear Trump say he supported those decisions. The decision to go to Iraq. The decision to get out of Iraq. The decision to get rid of Khadafi... And then listen to him today claim he was against it all and not call him out on his bullshit?

That doesn't require you to support HRC or stop supporting only requires intellectual honesty.
Trump needs to pick up the Hillary health issue. Its a non partisan issue, no one wants to elect a President that might die half way through their Presidency. Plus it would force the media to talk about it which would help him too.

Anybody could die at any time. Good luck finding an immortal.
The Ambassador worked for her, and the compound was under her organizational control. You better damn well believe she would have been involved and part of the chain of command.

Unbelievable how hard these libs are trying to put a shine on a piece of shit. Polish that turd boys, polish that turd....
She would be in the information chain, not directing security assets.
I would think you would be smart enough to know the difference.
The absolute cherry on top in this sublime political season will be when Trump drops out of the race because he cuts a deal to keep all the campaign loot then they put Ryan up there. The same Ryan they call Rino Ryan. Then Trump rides off into the Russian sunset to start his Moscow based television station. Maybe Snowden will be his first guest.

I want to watch them choke on that one. To know Trump abandoned them like one of his ex wives. To snub them then walk off. Then in his place they have to support Paul Ryan.

They'll contort themselves the same way they did in throwing every single thing they've ever believed in so they could support Trump and watching them have to walk back over and pick it all up again... to stoop to having to endure one more humiliation... it's like the walk of shame over and over again. We watch them every morning. Shoes in hand. Limping all the way home. Rubbing their asses.

He did it dry, folks. Dry. Then made them like it. It just does not get better than that if you hate Republicans the way I do. I want to keep piling on the shame. To keep spiking the football. To lower the bar one more notch for them. Then watch them squirm. This is must-see television. I cannot turn away from it.
Among other things:

The specific duties of the Secretary of State include:[6]
  • Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries
That's her responsibility. And she failed. Failed so f'ing miserably 4 people died. But what difference does it make?

WOW. All the dems in congress' personal phone numbers were hacked and released out to the public.
Huge landslide on the way. Trump will not stick around to endure it. Only a matter of days before he quits and heads off to Russia:

The polls are getting worse for Donald Trump.

On Friday, NBC News/The Wall Street Journal/Marist released polls for the traditional swing states of Florida, Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia. Those polls found Trump to be facing long odds in three of the four, while he remained behind Hillary Clinton by a sizable gap in the other.

Trump was trailing Clinton by 5 points in Florida, 9 points in North Carolina, 13 points in Virginia, and 14 points in Colorado among registered voters polled by NBC/The Wall Street Journal/Marist.
Among other things:

The specific duties of the Secretary of State include:[6]
  • Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries
That's her responsibility. And she failed. Failed so f'ing miserably 4 people died. But what difference does it make?

Being responsible doesn't mean you are commanding and controlling security assets during a crisis.

BTW: Where was your criticism of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice when 94 people were being killed in the process during their tenures?
Bill, the record shows that Trump supported each of those actions at the time.

This is something I don't can you not watch/listen to Trump interviews done at the time those decisions were being made...hear Trump say he supported those decisions. The decision to go to Iraq. The decision to get out of Iraq. The decision to get rid of Khadafi... And then listen to him today claim he was against it all and not call him out on his bullshit?

That doesn't require you to support HRC or stop supporting only requires intellectual honesty.

There isn't anything from Trump about Iraq until a year after it had started, so know one really knows how he felt. To be honest it doesn't matter how he felt then, he was a private citizen who had nothing more than the news to rely on. He did however get up in a Republican debate and say it was a mistake.
Foundations are audited.
Insinuations and sneers aren't evidence. (You all understand that, yes?)


[laughing] Let me start with a fair warning to MoeWiki and his pals: Man, i understand you want to defend your girl. But you really should leave this topic alone. Just ignore all posts about the Clinton Foundation and move on to the next topic. Because you will wind up looking stupid if you don't.

Secondly, let me save you the trouble...We all concede that the Clinton Foundation does some good things. Stop using that as a defense. There are a lot of situations where they appear to do good things…but not much was done (see Haiti) but we concede they do some good deeds with the millions they rake in. We concede that point. Let it be.


Why yes, MoeWiki, foundations most certainly are audited. And the Clinton Foundation is having to resubmit 4 years worth of their tax filings. Why? Because they just happen to be the years during which Hillary was SOS. And she said the Clinton Foundation wouldn't take any foreign donations during that time…but they most certainly did receive foreign donations during Hillary's stint as SOS. Of course they are touting that they CAUGHT the mistake themselves and are refiling on their own accord. [laughing] It had absolutely nothing to do with the court case involving the release of emails from Hillary's personal server/work server/yoga schedule machine which also happened to contain emails dealing with the Clinton Foundation…and foreign donations…during Hillary's stint as SOS.

Government grants and contributions.

Starting in 2010, the Foundation reported on three consecutive IRS tax returns that it received no donations from foreign government sources. It wasn’t as if they didn’t know how to report them. In prior years, the Foundation reported tens of millions of dollars in such donations. But things changed. Upon becoming Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton promised that the Foundation would stop accepting donations from foreign governments. It turns out there were exceptions, and that the Foundation’s tax filings with the IRS were less than transparent.

Government grants – both domestic and foreign – were blank in 2010, 2011, and 2012. The Foundation says it inadvertently included government grants as part of the reporting of all grants. “There is nothing to suggest that the Foundation intended to conceal the receipt of government grants, which we report on our website,” the Foundation states.


I got tons more to post about this subject. but just take some time to digest that small intro for a moment. And let the word TRANSPARENCY roll around in your noggin while you contemplate what they actually did.

Trust in Hillary!
Trust in Hillary!

Revenue from speeches.

Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton all gave speeches in 2010, 2011, and 2012. The money was reported as charitable contributions, but actually, the speech fees were payments for services. That is worth saying again: the speech fees were purely fees-for-services and not donations. What’s more, the Foundation did not send any donor acknowledgement letters to these speech hosts. In fact, it is worth asking whether Ms. Clinton will amend her own taxes too.

Move on, son.
My favorite thing about hacks on prominent organizations are when the tight assholes have to write things like "This time, the private phone numbers of House Democrats were released on the website of hacker Guccifer 2.0"


I just picture people in suits slamming their fist on the table "DAMNIT TOM! Who is this guccifer? what are we dealing with here???!!".