How will they rule ??!

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By all objective measures, Trump is far better for America than Clinton.

Far better for America.

If you want the candidate that will continue flooding the country with Mexicans and Syrian terrorists, vote Clinton. If you want the candidate that is actually bought and paid for by foreign billionaires, vote Clinton. If you want the candidate the FBI actually said was so reckless and incompetent she wouldn't be able to work at the FBI, vote Clinton. If you want the candidate with a slush fund that's been used to sell favors to enemies of our country, vote Clinton.

So don't blame the Republicans for your dumb ass support of Clinton. That's on you.
There is an AMO and it has a small influence on hurricanes. If you were just looking for a cycle to support your idea,I can see why you latched onto it. However, we're in the warm phase of the AMO and so we should be seeing an increase in storms and we're not. Something is going on regarding hurricane formation in the Atlantic that's novel.

Lets say you're right, You mean that there just might be more to climate than we understand? You want to say the AMO is a minor thing which is absurd,it only changes the flow of cool or warm water in the Atlantic.

Yet you want to make the claim a trace gas in the atmospere is going to create armageddon? It's absurd and silly Moe.
I see hillary is releasing her personal tax returns. Yawn. I want to see detailed financial information on their foundation. That's where the dirt is
My first job - for 5 years out of school - was doing tax work. I know most people do the eye gloss thing when you hear the word 'tax', and it can become some exotic mystery treasure trove - but I have a hard time understanding what they think is going to be uncovered with a release of his 1040s. Maybe just a lack of imagination on my part.
The Clinton's 2014 tax return has $23 million of taxable income.

It has $25,000 or interest income. No dividend income. No income from pass throughs.

That just tells me they've set up their financial affairs specifically so they can release their tax returns without anyone finding anything out. Her releasing her tax return means nothing.

No one in the world would make $23 million dollars and only use that after tax cash to sit in bank accounts that earn $25,000 total of interest.

"Where is the cash" is the question. It's not under their damn mattress. But their tax returns aren't going to tell us shit.
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Ronald Reagan was too far left for the conservatives of today.

JFK is worshipped by liberals arguably more than Reagan is by conservatives. But he was a hawkish, tax-cutting, anti-Communist, American exceptionalist who didn't care all that much about civil rights. Democrats today look awfully wingnutty against the JFK standard. The Jimmy Carter of 1976 with all his God-talk and "ethnic purity"? Truman looks even worse than that. And Woodrow Wilson would be targeted as an out and out racist/terrorist. Times change, issues change, perspectives change. Pretty basic stuff. But please, continue to use Reagan as a cudgel.

This is one of the left's go to moves. A guy who while alive was trashed as Hitler/fascist/stupid/whatever else is later revered and held as the standard to make current conservatives look like knuckledraggers. You guys do this all the time - just last week I saw some lefty hold up George Bush's response to Cindy Sheehan as the model Trump should have followed if he had any decency. Too funny - same guy was no doubt making threats to shoot Bush a few years ago......
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I see that the home ownership rate in the second quarter was the lowest it's been since the Census Bureau started tracking it in 1965, and the share of first time home buys is at a 3 decade low. More good economic news! But I hope we hear more about just how concerned Dan Rather is about a possible Trump presidency.
The irony of this is that this is how DT gets his foreign policy knowledge. Actually he might look better using Google.
Sidney Blumental, despite being banned from serving in the administration by the WH, was emailing HRC continuously about ME policy while she was sitting SoS.
Trump exposed Obama as the founder of ISIS this morning. The guy has great intel.

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Lets say you're right, You mean that there just might be more to climate than we understand? You want to say the AMO is a minor thing which is absurd,it only changes the flow of cool or warm water in the Atlantic.

Yet you want to make the claim a trace gas in the atmospere is going to create armageddon? It's absurd and silly Moe.

The science behind the "trace gas" only goes back to 1824.

I didn't say the AMO was a minor thing. I said it had a slight effect on hurricane formation.

Read more carefully.

Sidney Blumental, despite being banned from serving in the administration by the WH, was emailing HRC continuously about ME policy while she was sitting SoS.

No! The SoS got advice from someone who didn't have a federal paycheck!! OMG! I think I'm going to faint.
The science behind the "trace gas" only goes back to 1824.

I didn't say the AMO was a minor thing. I said it had a slight effect on hurricane formation.

Read more carefully.

No! The SoS got advice from someone who didn't have a federal paycheck!! OMG! I think I'm going to faint.

What does it matter how far back it goes? I mean really? It's a theory, one of many, but you guys have taken it to heart as the answer, and it's not.

Here's a link from 2005 during the extreme cycle the US was in of Hurricanes. Read it
You just described Predident Obama.

No shit.

Trump is too big of a non PC loudmouth to ever get away with shit like Hillary or Obama who hav mastered the art of PC and playing dumb.

Trump would probably call someone out publicly and demand they be hung from the courthouse or something.

Opposed to drones, or perhaps, allegedly shooting someone in the back, or using IRS, etc.

Shit, Trunp might bring back duels and that would be cool. There's some accountability and transparency for your ass.
Trump is 100% correct that Obama founded ISIS. ISIS would not exist if we didn't leave Iraq the way we did.
No! The SoS got advice from someone who didn't have a federal paycheck!! OMG! I think I'm going to faint.
Nah, he was getting a CGI paycheck and a paycheck from a contractor selling to Libyan rebels. And you lament there is no good conversations yet whore yourself to whatever protects a scumbag like HRC.
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Hillary has blood clots, is on permanent blood thinners, and is the victim of strokes. It's all going to come out even though her peeps and the media is desperately trying to keep it out, and labeling anyone speaking about it as a sexist (typical leftist strategy). The thing is she might not even survive 8 more years due to her horrid health condition. And that's not the last of her health issues. I'm awaiting the leak in a matter of weeks. It should put the nail in the coffin.

And don't you just love all of the undercover liberals claiming "I would have voted republican but" bullshit being thrown around as a way to try and sound like the moderate voice of the room

No one believes you. Hillary is the most corrupt candidate in the history of policitcians. If you're willing to vote for her, you are what you are. A partisan hack that supports big political money, political machines, and anti-American rhetoric. Stop pretending to be something else.
Trump is 100% correct that Obama founded ISIS. ISIS would not exist if we didn't leave Iraq the way we did.
That's why Trump doubled down on his comments this morning. He knows a winning hand when he sees one cause he's a winner. He's going to make America win again.
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Trump exposed Obama as the founder of ISIS this morning. The guy has great intel.


Excuse me. He might as well be the founder of Isis. He is directly responsible for his horrid foreign policy, rejecting the winning strategy, pulling out too early (essentially making the sacrifice of my family and friends over there useless) and going around the globe calling them a JV team stating "a kid in a Kobe Bryant jersey".

But keep going.
That's why Trump doubled down on his comments this morning. He knows a winning hand when he sees one cause he's a winner. He's going to make America win again.
Pretty obvious Trump has said F it. He is going to continue doing what won him the primary. I have felt the whole time that he has some real dirt on Clinton that he is just waiting to have "leaked". He knows something that most do not.

He is saying what so many people really believe. The question becomes does Hillary have enough damage on her by Nov that many folks simply do not come out to vote for her?

He is too smart and successful to not have a method to his madness right now. Not sure I would say some of the things he says, but the fact is Obama and Hillary created ISIS with their reckless foreign policies and getting out of Iraq too soon. Its the way he phrased it is how the media is going to attack him.
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Trump is wanting to pick John Bolton for SOS. Would be a fantastic pick imo. Always been a fan of him.
Hilary Clinton's health records probably read something like:

5/1/10 - Critical system error, reboot
7/8/13 - Power failure
4/10/14 - Error 64172, see manual
8/9/15 - Unit sustained damage in fall
Remember in 08 McCain was forced to show his health records (or a portion of them?)

Where are those people demanding to see Hillarys?
Pretty obvious Trump has said F it. He is going to continue doing what won him the primary. I have felt the whole time that he has some real dirt on Clinton that he is just waiting to have "leaked". He knows something that most do not.

He is saying what so many people really believe. The question becomes does Hillary have enough damage on her by Nov that many folks simply do not come out to vote for her?

He is too smart and successful to not have a method to his madness right now. Not sure I would say some of the things he says, but the fact is Obama and Hillary created ISIS with their reckless foreign policies and getting out of Iraq too soon. Its the way he phrased it is how the media is going to attack him.
while i'm thoroughly expecting hackers to dump even more incriminating emails from the DNC, CGI, etc. in October, I doubt Trump already knows about the contents.

That dude couldn't sit on a juicy secret for more than an hour before opening his mouth.
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Remember in 08 McCain was forced to show his health records (or a portion of them?)

Where are those people demanding to see Hillarys?
i remember her physician publishing either a letter or a clinic note, but I can't recall whether it was before or after her fall/SDH/whatever it was.

i only remember it because she's on armour thyroid [laughing]
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Pretty obvious Trump has said F it. He is going to continue doing what won him the primary. I have felt the whole time that he has some real dirt on Clinton that he is just waiting to have "leaked". He knows something that most do not.
Honestly, filthy dirt on Hillary is the only way I see Trump winning right now. The dirt must be the most disgusting type imaginable. Otherwise, he loses by double-digits.
Everyone thinking Trump is the one who unhinged, try reading "crisis of character" by a secret service agent who exposes just how insane she is. On top of the health issues, she's basically a damn psychopath.
Pretty obvious Trump has said F it. He is going to continue doing what won him the primary. I have felt the whole time that he has some real dirt on Clinton that he is just waiting to have "leaked". He knows something that most do not.

He is saying what so many people really believe. The question becomes does Hillary have enough damage on her by Nov that many folks simply do not come out to vote for her?

He is too smart and successful to not have a method to his madness right now. Not sure I would say some of the things he says, but the fact is Obama and Hillary created ISIS with their reckless foreign policies and getting out of Iraq too soon. Its the way he phrased it is how the media is going to attack him.
ukalumni - back in June '15 you and I were the only ones who took Trumps candidacy seriously. And your points always have a certain logic so I believe you if you think Trump might just have some dirt on Hillary.
Instead of releasing her tax returns, why doesn't Hillary release the transcripts to her Goldman Sachs speeches?