How will they rule ??!

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There is literally zero dirt Trump could have on Clinton that would make an impact.

I started to type all the dirt there is, but didn't feel like spending all day.

For god's sake, just today we have emails showing Soros was controlling her as SOS, but no one on the left gives a shit.
Instead of releasing her tax returns, why doesn't Hillary release the transcripts to her Goldman Sachs speeches?
That would be my response every single time to questions about the tax returns: "When Hillary releases her speeches and the 33k missing emails I'll release my tax returns".
There is literally zero dirt Trump could have on Clinton that would make an impact.

I started to type all the dirt there is, but didn't feel like spending all day.

For god's sake, just today we have emails showing Soros was controlling her as SOS, but no one on the left gives a shit.

Essentially true, with one possible exception.

Bernie voters are pretty idealistic, and for the most part, they've decided whether they can vote Hillary or not. But some of them can still be swayed IMO, or at least just stay home.
ukalumni - back in June '15 you and I were the only ones who took Trumps candidacy seriously. And your points always have a certain logic so I believe you if you think Trump might just have some dirt on Hillary.
Its not so much that I think that has been his whole strategy. I just think he knew from the get go he was going to have to be ruthless in his approach to beat the Clinton machine. I knew from the beginning he was the one person in the GOP willing to get in the mud to beat the Clinton's at their own game.

He has never been a Republican, but knew he had to use the party to have the best shot to win a general. He is a PopuIist/Independent. I do think he underestimated how in bed the media is for her, but I do not think he underestimated the demographics and all that he was up against to win a General.

At this point in the race, I think he realizes that he cannot beat the media but he can eventually beat her in a PR race. I expect some very damaging things to start coming out when the debates come up and he is going to hammer her relentlessly in the debates about it. That is going to be his only chance without the media filter to convict her in front of the American people. Knowing trump, if this is indeed his plan its going to work for him.

I could be wrong about all of this, but as this has gone on I do think that is really his only shot at beating her.
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Essentially true, with one possible exception.

Bernie voters are pretty idealistic, and for the most part, they've decided whether they can vote Hillary or not. But some of them can still be swayed IMO, or at least just stay home.

Sanders voters are putzes. They're the Occupy Wall Street crowd that went home when it got cold outside. They were doing what was popular at the time, and will do what they're told is popular in November (voting Clinton).
Trump will never show his tax returns. They will prove he's not worth anywhere near what he claims he is. As Mitt Romney pointed out, when you've got real money you don't engage in the nickle and dime hustler type stuff Trump is involved in.

Trump got involved in this to raise money to start his own TV channel. He's funneled all the campaign expenditures through his own private companies effectively loaning himself money, and as soon as this is over he will raid that campaign war chest to pay himself off handsomely.

Congrats to all the suckers that donated to his future TV station in Moscow. If Trump could get a nickle from a US bank we wouldn't even be having this discussion now.
There is literally zero dirt Trump could have on Clinton that would make an impact.

I started to type all the dirt there is, but didn't feel like spending all day.

For god's sake, just today we have emails showing Soros was controlling her as SOS, but no one on the left gives a shit.

Soros may be the most dangerous man in the world. He influence stretches around the globe. Reminds me of the Master on the TV show the Strain.
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Gotta be. No other rational explanation.

I'm far from being a liberal but I honestly believe Trump is sabotaging his own campaign on purpose. The U.S. has been played by the establishment. The fix was in on this election for years. I really wish there was a legit third party running.
states that Trump has a better shot at carrying than he does of carrying Connecticut:
New Jersey (14)
Oregon (7)
Minnesota (10)
Wisconsin (10)

plus Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

This dude is robbing the GOP blind.
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I'm far from being a liberal but I honestly believe Trump is sabotaging his own campaign on purpose. The U.S. has been played by the establishment. The fix was in on this election for years. I really wish there was a legit third party running.
if anybody could orchestrate something like this, it's the Clintons.

they've probably been planning it ever since she lost in 2008.
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This mf'er???

So, basically, our entire new progressive govt is in his pocket. The revelation of this stuff and the Clinton stuff is pretty eye opening.

Now, how does Obama fit in this because he's way more suave than these old mf'ers. He may not have the tenure, but he's got the juice. Where's he fit in this? How does his foundation work?
Trump got involved in this to raise money to start his own TV channel. He's funneled all the campaign expenditures through his own private companies effectively loaning himself money, and as soon as this is over he will raid that campaign war chest to pay himself off handsomely.
You mean like Hillary? Where are those transcripts for the Sachs speech, Z? They are non-existent. Hillary is the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the White House. Just sucks that we don't have a candidate on the Republican side who can refrain from childish trash talking and stupid mistakes. This thing would be a double digit lead in the opposite direction. Our only hope is that something MAJOR with evidence comes out about Clinton's dealings.
if anybody could orchestrate something like this, it's the Clinton's.

they've probably been planning it ever since she lost in 2008.

I agree and let's not forget the telephone conversation he and Bill had before Trump launched his campaign.
Hillary is the most corrupt candidate in the history of policitcians..

So many things wrong with this statement. Besides the extra periods, and
misspellings, the most corrupt politician in history? Do you really believe in the entire history of the world, from Hitler to Stalin, that Hillary is the most corrupt ever?
Or did you not take into account any part of history?

Via Mediate
According to a report from Buzzfeed, then-CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo wrote a secret algorithm in 2015 designed to censor abusive comments directed at President Barack Obama.

In 2015, Twitter made an attempt to supplant Reddit as the go-to site for celebrities to do Q&As with the public. When Obama agreed to a Twitter Q&A session, Costolo took steps to shield Obama from nasty tweets.

“According to a former senior Twitter employee, Costolo ordered employees to deploy an algorithm (which was built in-house by feeding it thousands of examples of abuse and harassing tweets) that would filter out abusive language directed at Obama,” reports Buzzfeed’s Charlie Warzel. “Another source said the media partnerships team also manually censored tweets, noting that Twitter’s public quality-filtering algorithms were inconsistent.”

Costolo reportedly even hid the algorithm from Twitter’s higher-ups, knowing that they wouldn’t like the abridgment of Twitter’s traditional commitment to free speech. Sure enough, many senior employees were upset upon learning of the censorship.

In addition to President Obama, the same algorithm was reportedly used to shield Caitlin Jenner from abusive tweets during her Q&A.
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Lol lek.

Never once have i used the word sycophant.

When youre wise enough to even know who youre insulting maybe your insults will ring true.

Heres the reply: you sound just like the other blow hards. Blar blar

Being the almight one of knowledge on this board, you should at least know who youre insulting. But A for effort, right?
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There you have it.


Read a good quote earlier...

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently"
So many things wrong with this statement. Besides the extra periods, and
misspellings, the most corrupt politician in history? Do you really believe in the entire history of the world, from Hitler to Stalin, that Hillary is the most corrupt ever?
Or did you not take into account any part of history?



You seem to give yourself an orgasm at the slightest misspelled word, an extra period, or any other insignificant bullshit that you look for. I would say I didn't even realize I misspelled "politician" or that I must have added an extra period, but what's the use? I would also add, I couldn't give a rats ass what your opinions of my take are. I know the internet makes you feel important, so if thats what you need, have at it.

I was directing that statement at American political figures. And yes, I think she's near the top of the list of most corrupt. If she had an R beside her name, your type would destroy her. Mitt Romney didnt have half the baggage, and I could only imagine the shit you thought of him.

Carry on LEK.
Lol lek.

Never once have i used the word sycofant.

When youre wise enough to even know who youre insulting maybe your insults will ring true.

Heres the reply: you sound just like the other blow hards. Blar blar

Being the almight one of knowledge on this board, you should at least know who youre insulting. But A for effort, right?

" doh you mispelled misspelled you dolt! I might have been the heavy bag in school but here I am a google machine! I can be the guy I've always wanted to be! Look at me! I've got 1,000 proxy moxy servers and 500 flux capacitors! I am the champion now! Mommy was wrong about me! - LEK

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Show a link to prove someone is more corrupt than hillary.

Thats what he typically replies with. Show a link to prove your opinion lol.

The ONLY argument ive had with him is that he wantes me to show links to prove someone elses claim that the left is the true racists. I didn't even make the original argument. But like above, he lashed out and got his feelings hurt and wrote a 10 paragraph response to the wrong person. Show links/facts to prove your opinion. Lol, its an opinion, genius.

Now, its just funny seeing how enraged he gets when people dont agree with everything he says at his socializing Hotspot.

Here ill save you time:
Youre a dumbass. People cant even hold fair arguments anymore. I get it, you argue with anger. Im smarter than you. Show a link.

Just copy/paste that and it will save you hours each day. Youre welcome.
What does it matter how far back it goes? I mean really? It's a theory, one of many, but you guys have taken it to heart as the answer, and it's not.

Here's a link from 2005 during the extreme cycle the US was in of Hurricanes. Read it

Right. And that thinking ran into a wall. So, scientists have studied the subject further. The way scientists are supposed to do. In case you haven't noticed, I've been describing the attempts to understand why there's been a dry hole, so to speak, since 2005.
Right. And that thinking ran into a wall. So, scientists have studied the subject further. The way scientists are supposed to do. In case you haven't noticed, I've been describing the attempts to understand why there's been a dry hole, so to speak, since 2005.

Honest question

How many US soldiers did you spit on in the 70's?
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Right. And that thinking ran into a wall. So, scientists have studied the subject further. The way scientists are supposed to do. In case you haven't noticed, I've been describing the attempts to understand why there's been a dry hole, so to speak, since 2005.

Oh I see, so you agree scientists can be wrong in their predictions.
What are you guys even arguing about? If Clinton wins, global warming is a moot point. They'll no longer need the carbon tax to bring America down a few pegs. She'll have the blessing of the Ds in Congress and the media to just give up America's sovereignty outright.
Here's a test. Science is always evolving. So, gravity might be wrong. So, you regularly jump out of windows on the 10th floor just to show your devotion to scientific skepticism.

You don't seem to understand, what you are currently choosing to do is jump out the 10th floor window with the unflinching devotion to man made climate change Moe.
If anyone questions that they're called science deniers or some other ridiculous name.

It's not that we don't trust science it's that we UNDERSTAND it's an ever learning process, especially something as complex as climate, which is naturally ever changing.
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3 questions I'd like to see answered.

1. What specifically does cardkilla (or anyone else on the left) think they'll find in Trump's tax return they'll find interesting?

2. What branch of the military did Z serve in (since he claims he served)?

3. Does Moe's mom turn his computer on each morning, or how the hell is he able to even log on to the internet?

Z in the military? I just spit on my computer. Private Pyle?
The Seth Rich murder is going to break this wide open. There was no robbery and it seems to be a direct hit. This is one of the staffers for the DNC that was leaking information to Wiki leaks.

The democrat machine is the most evil, corrupt, and dangerous political entity in American history. Everyone surrounding the Clintons better be extremely careful. For those voting for her, or against trump, save the moderate talk for the fools.
Heres why I do not buy the Trump is a Hillary mole stuff.

Trumps ego is massive, I just don't see him being ok with someone using him to where he and his family are trashed in front of the entire world endlessly and to be remembered as a loser if he loses. No way, Trumps ego is way too big for that.

Not to mention, and I only say this half jokingly, but we probably would have saw Hints at Trump being a mole in all of these emails being leaked out of the DNC.