How will they rule ??!

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Wow and I'd also say you're caught up in that utopian mindset. Get rid of the guns? Really? Cut the military more than it already is? In this new extreme wave of terror?

You aren't moderate, you're rather extreme. Don't fool yourself.
I'll step in on the portion about the military. Every time someone brings up military spending cuts for whatever reason people always envision us breaking down weaponry, cutting back troops, stopping investments on technology, just lwtting overseas threats take over,etc. That's not what cutting military spending is. Cutting military spending is looking at all these states that operate all these little bases within them that really do nothing more than hold office space, or are operating when larger ones in existence could absorb their capacities and roles. Thus eliminating everything that entails their operating expenses, down to maintenence, upkeep, etc. The problem is no state wants to do that..bc it's free money from the government to each of those individual states, and of course since government isn't competent who knows what all the money is truly going to and how it's being spent.
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And what about the black population that is uneducated that slaps Obama/Biden on their 87 Chevy supreme? Do those ever cross you mind, or is it easier to attack low lying fruit and go after uneducated whites?

....or the women I've personally heard say they will vote for killary because she's a woman?
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HRC's plan is for corporations and "those at the top" to pay their "fair share" of taxes. Doesn't "fair share" mean everyone pays the same? Isn't what is "fair" for one, "fair" for all? If is "fair" for "those at the top" to "pay their fair share", isn't it also "fair" for those at the bottom to pay their "fair" share?
And here we go again: Corporations are made of people who pay income taxes on their earnings. Taxing the "corporation" then taxing those that have earnings generated by the corps is double taxation. That's not fair! Indeed, fair does not always mean "equal" but relative to taxation, paying the same percentage is fair.
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It's not like either candidate is worth the time of day......same with their "typical" supporter.

Clinton's are a lot of women who want a woman in badly, hippie "SJWs"and corporate bigwigs who want things to stay the way they are.

Trump's are folks who are thrilled with the idea of keeping the brown folks at bay and making sure women know their place.

See? Aren't mindless stereotypes fun?

The most amusing part is that (kinda like the dixie chicks fiasco) if Trump was running as a Dem or Independent, the same people here who revel in his insanity would be trashing him.
What's the tl/dw on that Clinton Haiti stuff? I'm guessing the Clinton foundation took in millions of dollars under the guise of helping Haiti, but funneled the money to friends and family resulting in very little of the money intended* for Haiti ever reaching the people of Haiti?

*I fully understand when I say "intended" to go to Haiti, no one who "donates" to the Clinton Foundation really intends anything other than getting a favor from the Clintons.
CatFromDahood is making a whole lot of conclusions and sweeping allegations about the "people here" and those who "support Trump". And then goes with a "see aren't mindless stereotypes fun.

This thread is well over 700 pages long. You have 236 posts. Maybe you should take a step back and understand who the hell thinks what before making dumb accusations and acting like you're above the fray.

There are like 4-5 people who post in this thread that actually support Trump.

The rest just understand Clinton is a corrupt criminal who belongs nowhere near any position of responsibility. I don't really want Trump in office, but I'd like to see a dirty sock in office before Clinton.
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There are like 4-5 people who post in this thread that actually support Trump.

The rest just understand Clinton is a corrupt criminal who belongs nowhere near any position of responsibility. I don't really want Trump in office, but I'd like to see a dirty sock in office before Clinton.

Exactly! Trump is a terrible candidate but cannot be any worse than what we know killary will be. I'll take my chances.
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Still waiting on those racist trump quotes. So far, in 3 weeks, the two that were argued racist were:

1) some Mexicans are good. Some are bad.

2) calling Obama an African American president.

Tons of very fair, and accurate, Trump criticism out there. This isn't one. Stop just repeating talking points, and examine things for yourself.
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Reagan's daughter has a few words for Trump:

Patti Davis
9 hours ago
To Donald Trump: I am the daughter of a man who was shot by someone who got his inspiration from a movie, someone who believed if he killed the President the actress from that movie would notice him. Your glib and horrifying comment about "Second Amendment people" was heard around the world. It was heard by sane and decent people who shudder at your fondness for verbal violence. It was heard by your supporters, many of whom gleefully and angrily yell, "Lock her up!" at your rallies. It was heard by the person sitting alone in a room, locked in his own dark fantasies, who sees unbridled violence as a way to make his mark in the world, and is just looking for ideas. Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter. But then you know that, which makes this all even more horrifying.
Trump's war on children is pretty disgusting. It's like he wants to scar them for life. He purposefully screams profanities at them. Demands even a baby be kicked out of his event. He likes to throw his weight around when attacking the weak. The younger the better. It's like he wants to hurt your children and maim them in some terrible way while you're not looking. Like a kidnapper. I hope everyone gives their child a hug tonight and then thanks god that a man like Trump can never be President. His callous cruelty and inhumane attacks on children demands we stand up against him and let him know we will not allow him to take our children.
Ronald Reagan was too far left for the conservatives of today. The conservatives that are left supporting Donald Trump are politicians that cave to the ignorant masses whose racist votes they are courting, politicians void of any supposed character in their political existence and the racist masses themselves too ignorant, too lazy, or too stupid too understand that which they support. They are the mindless rabble that are entertained by unreal reality shows on goof TV and infotainment news channels that are run by filthy men who care little about America other than the rich pool of ignorance they mine daily.
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Reagan's daughter has a few words for Trump:

Patti Davis
9 hours ago
To Donald Trump: I am the daughter of a man who was shot by someone who got his inspiration from a movie, someone who believed if he killed the President the actress from that movie would notice him. Your glib and horrifying comment about "Second Amendment people" was heard around the world. It was heard by sane and decent people who shudder at your fondness for verbal violence. It was heard by your supporters, many of whom gleefully and angrily yell, "Lock her up!" at your rallies. It was heard by the person sitting alone in a room, locked in his own dark fantasies, who sees unbridled violence as a way to make his mark in the world, and is just looking for ideas. Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter. But then you know that, which makes this all even more horrifying.

What Patti Davis says means about as much to me as what Jane Fonda would say. IOW zero.
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Dems approach is very eye opening. They try to sway mindless voters with celebrity endorsements/propaganda.

Then suppress actual information (like what's found in those emails).

So they want to tell you what to think, and dissuade you from any independent thought.
You didn't answer the question.

You are now the U.S. President. So president moe, what do you want the U.S. To so as a means to combat "the globe"? Try not googling and see how you do.
The irony of this is that this is how DT gets his foreign policy knowledge. Actually he might look better using Google.
Republicans should be ashamed for selecting a candidate so vile it's going to allow one of the most corrupt politicians to walk into the White House unopposed. I believe she'll do an ok job as president but I still can't stand her.

The old cardkilla was much more liberal than the current version. Extreme left/right have taken over both parties and we're left with terrible choices to run this great country. I'm leaning Gary Johnson as a sane alternative. Hoping he can slide into the debates.
Trust in Hillary! Did someone say something about Sharia Law?????

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Do You Think It's Hypocritical For The Clintons To Support Women's Rights When They Took Millions From GEMS Education?

10:06 PM 08/03/2016

Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad.

The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

KS, I am not trying to argue HRC isnt corrupt, she is, but did you look up some of the assumptions in this article? Also, I am not defending Islam, and you and I have had long talks about this, but I do wonder about the information.

For example, GEMS education is primarily teaches a secular criteria, where did they get Jihadist:
1. Leading through innovation - Find the courage to challenge convention
  • We dare to dream of the possibilities
  • No idea is too small or too large if it makes things better for our learners and our people
2. Pursuing excellence - Work to continually exceed expectations
  • Just as we set educational standards for our schools, we ensure that everything we do is delivered to a high standard
  • We go the extra mile for our students and our colleagues
3. Growing by learning - Strive to develop your potential
  • Along with our students, we never stop learning
  • Each and every one of us has the capacity for leadership
4. Global citizenship -Making an active contribution to your local and global community
  • We respect and celebrate our diversity and recognize that there are many things that unite us all
  • We make a difference in our local communities so that we can build a sustainable planet to share
  • We build bridges of knowledge, push boundaries and unite young people.
  • We aim to produce not just great students, but great people who live with honesty, confidence and integrity

No mention of Islamic terror. They may teach Sharia law in countries that mandate Sharia law, but to say they are teaching it all over is like putting the carriage before the horse. But I may be missing something.

Also, Sharia Financing is just like any other banking system, like the Medici or any other model. I cant find any thing stating that the fundamental tenant of Sharia financing is jihad.

Also, Zakat, is the same as tithing, not jihad. Now according to Islam, a zakat or tithe (zakat is 2.5%) can only go to certain places, one being jihad, or religious soldiers, but thats the same thing as saying my car can technically drive to Argentina from Alaska. Just because its possible, doesnt mean its happening. Leviticus 25 says, "You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you." This doesnt mean all Christians or Jews are slave holders.

I am not sure where the article you linked got that from the daily caller and Tucker Carlson.

Its concerning for sure that Clinton received 6 million from them for sure, but I do know, he nets up to $250,000 to speak at various engagements. I think every ex president gets over $100k to speak, even the Bushes. In 2007 (10 years ago) Guilani received almost 10 million in speak fees. So, both sides get a lot of money.
Can't even imagine the shitstorm that would come down if Trump's emails leaked and show some shady foreign billionaire was directing his movements as SOS.

But alas, Trump drank a White Russian one time, so basically he's Putin's bitch.
I bet his tax returns and loan originators would shed more light on this. Generally people who declare bankruptcy multiple times have a hard time getting credit from regular sources.
I bet his tax returns and loan originators would shed more light on this. Generally people who declare bankruptcy multiple times have a hard time getting credit from regular sources.
Cardkilla I don't think you should be implying where Trump's money may be coming from when your candidate is Hillary Clinton.
It's called the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation Moe.
Nothing magic to it

There is an AMO and it has a small influence on hurricanes. If you were just looking for a cycle to support your idea,I can see why you latched onto it. However, we're in the warm phase of the AMO and so we should be seeing an increase in storms and we're not. Something is going on regarding hurricane formation in the Atlantic that's novel.
Does everyone not realize any reasonable argument you make is either ignored or skipped over or unable to be responded to by these idiots.

Seriously, go look back and see if almost any question is answeres by moe fuzz daboss lek or any of the other hillary butt plugs.

Do yourselves a favor and give it up. Youre literally arguing with people who: claim the orlando shooter wasnt a terrorist(bostoncat) said Khan doesnt support sharia(fuzz) whacks off to his diatribes(dragon ball z) and thinks hes gods gift..or wait sciences gift to the world(lek)

Ill wait for which of them asks me to cite my examples.

Serioualy, if everyone didnt acknowledge these morons they might spontaneously combust. Thats how important they think they are.
You think you make reasonable arguments? We destroy your arguments daily with facts.

Lol, like the word sycophant that you didnt know. Heaven forbid we actually ask for proof of your belief. But we get it, you use emotions. What an insult...that guy LEK, he understands science and then uses science to destroy my arguments, I must ignore him because my emotions are more important.

The biggest issue isnt a conservative/liberal thing. Its an intelligence thing.

Adults use facts to back up their arguments and beliefs. Children use emotion. If you want to be an adult, become educated, and not from conservative blogs, but actual formal education. You dont get it, but when you become formally educated, they dont teach you basic stuff like who did this or what date this happened, they teach you systems of thought about how to process information like a grown adult, how to look at an argument objectively, and say, is what this person saying truthful? How to actually look and process new information and then apply that correctly. Basic High School education doesnt do that.

We have been studying truth as a civilization for 2500 years. Aristotle is considered the founder of modern day logic. Its why we have a premise and a conclusion to any argument. If your premises are whack, your conclusion will be whack. This is what is meant by truth.

Yet, you dont know any of this. It like talking to someone that thinks every time it rains, it is God being angry with them, versus knowing weather patterns and cycles, and why it actually rains. Or to flicking a light switch and knowing the electrical system behind it versus thinking its magic. When you make arguments, you make arguments from magic, not education. This is the difference between us.

Keep on arguing all liberals want to take your guns, science is fake, etc. Use your emotions. Its why you are so easily controlled.

Its why in an argument, if one side keeps presenting facts, and the other one doesnt, each sidecalling one side dumb doesnt work. Its not equal footing. The side that never uses facts is dumb. Its like when Newt was being questioned about safety and was shown that violent crime is at an all time low, he says he feels it isnt. His belief isnt mired in fact, its mired in emotion. Its ok to be emotional, just know that is how children argue.
Cardkilla I don't think you should be implying where Trump's money may be coming from when your candidate is Hillary Clinton.

Is this the Socialist Far Lett Hillary Clinton who is going to drag us into Socialism or the Terrifying Face of Wall Street Hillary Clinton? There's no Unified Theory of HRC and each one gladly poaches off the other as if the contradictions buttressed the story instead of undermining it. It happened in a comic/tragic way during the Hillary Killed Vince Foster pandemonium. Each theory of how it was supposed to happen made the other stories impossible but the sheer abundance of theories was supposed to add to the truth.
I bet his tax returns and loan originators would shed more light on this. Generally people who declare bankruptcy multiple times have a hard time getting credit from regular sources.

I bet his tax returns wouldn't shed light on a damn thing.

Do you really believe you're going to pick up his tax return and see "Investment Interest Expense - Russian Oligarch"? "K1 Income - Nefarious Russian Company"?

At best you'd get "NRC HoldCo". He likely lost money in Russia if he even invested there (because everyone but the Russian oligarchs do), so you won't even see any sort of Foreign tax credit passing through from Russia.

You're so intent on getting his tax returns. What do you specifically expect to see?

I've seen hundreds, if not thousands of tax returns and don't think there's a damn thing you're going to learn. And that says nothing about 1) did he have any business ties in Russia or 2) if he had business ties were they shady.

I know people who've done business in Russia. Sure, you travel with a security detail, but that doesn't mean you're doing anything illegal. It's just a shithole country.
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3 questions I'd like to see answered.

1. What specifically does cardkilla (or anyone else on the left) think they'll find in Trump's tax return they'll find interesting?

2. What branch of the military did Z serve in (since he claims he served)?

3. Does Moe's mom turn his computer on each morning, or how the hell is he able to even log on to the internet?
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Republicans should be ashamed for selecting a candidate so vile it's going to allow one of the most corrupt politicians to walk into the White House unopposed. I believe she'll do an ok job as president but I still can't stand her.

The old cardkilla was much more liberal than the current version. Extreme left/right have taken over both parties and we're left with terrible choices to run this great country. I'm leaning Gary Johnson as a sane alternative. Hoping he can slide into the debates.

So you're blaming republicans for your support of Hillary. If only Cruz or Rubio had won, you'd have voted for them in a heartbeat? BULL

You simply lack accountability,you want to vote for a corrupt, lying candidate, YOU take responsibility for that, don't blame someone else.