How will they rule ??!

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Jeb bush' son gave a speach to back donald trump because hillary is unelectable. Eventually, as thr election nears i expect most Rs to come to this conclusion.

Also, Kasich made some comments that made a DT endorsement in the future seem like a possibility. Gave himself an out for when he decides to do so. Or, gave himself an opportunity to do so, so he wont be public enemy #1 to trump backers once it looks more likely for a DT victory.
Not a single former president backs Trump, btw.

Endorsements do not matter this election.
So, when youre 80 you want the government deciding if your life is worth a rather expensive procedure. When the alternative is not spending the money and also raking in your death taxes?

You obviously missed the point.
Dude, when you are 80 you are on Medicare and they are already making that decision. Just as BCBS/Aetna/fill in your insurance carrier here makes it for you when you are < 65. If you have the money you're still welcome to pay for whatever procedure you 'd like to have.
The difference being that public service has been the Clinton's career choice. They have policy, understand how government works. For better or worse, you know what you will get.
Trump has little/no understanding of government. Has no political philosophy which is why he has stated positions all over the political spectrum map. He has said in so many words that he believes in universal care but if you ask him the direct question; Are you for universal care? He would answer "No" and then add..."But everyone must be covered".
He says he is pro-life yet he defends Planned Parenthood and has contributed mightily to the organization. He has been on every side of the minimum wage argument. One day he says that wages are too high, next day, wages are too low, he's against raising the minimum wage...he's for raising the minimum wage.
George Stephanopoulos: “Minimum wage — all through the primaries, you were against an increase. Now you’re saying you’re looking at it. So what’s your bottom line on this?”

Trump: “Well, I am looking at it and I haven’t decided in terms of numbers. But I think people have to get more.”
From Trump tweet...
"Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says I want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. See media—asking for increase!"

He claimed on Fox News that he never said he wanted to go “less than minimum wage,” a reversal from his May 8 claim that he believes in having no federal minimum wage.

Bill O’Reilly: What about the minimum wage? You got hammered on that by Bernie Sanders last night. What’s your vision for a federal minimum wage? How much?

Trump: Well, he lied last night. … He said I wanted to go less than minimum wage. This is a new one, because I’m the one Republican that said in some cases we have to go more than minimum wage.

O’Reilly: Give me a number.

Trump: Let me give you a concept, because I think it’s a good concept. You go with the states. Let the states make the determination, because, if you take New York, it’s very expensive to live in New York. And they need more than $7, $8, $9. You go with the states.

O’Reilly: The states have the authority now to do that. There has to be a federal minimum wage. What would you set the federal minimum wage?

Trump: There doesn’t have to be. Well, I would leave it and raise it somewhat. You need to help people — and I know it’s not very Republican to say.

O’Reilly: Give me a number. Ten [dollars]?

Trump: I would say 10. I would say 10.

— interview on Fox News

We can't compete in the world market because our wages are too high...he's going to bring back "so many" high paying jobs.
He's for raising taxes on the wealthy...he's for tax cuts for all.
When his foreign policy experience is called into question he goes off on how he has dealt with Putin. When he says something stupid, which is often and his connections to Putin are questioned...then he doesn't know Putin. He mocks a reporter with a disability but then denies that he does so.
He can't articulate his policies or positions because he has none of his own. He doesn't know what is posted on his own website for Christ's sake...most likely because he had nothing to do with posting what is on there.
There is no way Trump can survive a one-on-on debate on national television where he is given ample time to give real answers instead of sharing the stage with 16 people hurling one line insults.

I don't know what shape it will take, but it will be malpractice if Trump's handlers let him get on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. His ignorance is so profound on so many issues that there is no adequate mitigation strategy.
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You already have managed care purposely denying Americans coverage which winds up killing them. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Seriously, there are a couple of you in here that need clinical intervention as you are blatantly paranoid/delusional.

Says the guy that has multiple personalities on here, and thinks his input is so valued he pretended for MONTHS to be for a different candidate.
Look in the mirror Z.
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Dude, when you are 80 you are on Medicare and they are already making that decision. Just as BCBS/Aetna/fill in your insurance carrier here makes it for you when you are < 65. If you have the money you're still welcome to pay for whatever procedure you 'd like to have.

Then why do we need to change?
Kentucky fans whining about Duke is tacky. We have the better program.

Make Allen go left. He can't.

Trump, shut up about the wall and come up with a real policy. And don't say you love Mexicans and then post a picture of yourself eating a taco.
Hillary shut up and quit saying you have a great record with foreign policy and then let Americans die because you are too worried about offending another country.
There is no way Trump can survive a one-on-on debate on national television where he is given ample time to give real answers instead of sharing the stage with 16 people hurling one line insults.

I don't know what shape it will take, but it will be malpractice if Trump's handlers let him get on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. His ignorance is so profound on so many issues that there is no adequate mitigation strategy.

You guys are setting yourself up for failure with that thought process. Anything other than a shellacking by Hillary will look like a win by Trump.
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There is no way Trump can survive a one-on-on debate on national television where he is given ample time to give real answers instead of sharing the stage with 16 people hurling one line insults.

I don't know what shape it will take, but it will be malpractice if Trump's handlers let him get on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. His ignorance is so profound on so many issues that there is no adequate mitigation strategy.
Clinton Foundation
Debbie Schultz

Hillary can't talk about accomplishments because she has none.

Hillary can't give an answer to beforehand known question without lying.

If the panel is unbiased and fair then Hillary will make herself look like an idiot and a b^*ch all at the same time.

Donald will be prepared for the debates. His backers will ensure it and now that he seems to be playing like a good boy and keeping his off the wall absurdities to himself he will be ready.
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I'm sure both parties would be against a Stalin or Hitler type candidate too. I guess that means you'd vote for them.

The fact that people who understand foreign policy are putting country over party speaks volumes. And not in a good way for DT.

He still thinks he can use trickle down economics. He wants to take our energy policies backwards. The future is natural gas and renewables. Not freakin coal. Coal is dead.

I'm curious how his proposals would affect his taxes. I bet he would make even more money off of them.

Every Republican talks about how they can make up for lost tax revenues with increased economic output yet I'm still waiting on a Republican President to decrease the deficit this way instead of increase it. Clinton did it after huge tax INCREASES!

I do actually like some of DT's proposals on cleaning up the tax code. The only problem is, I don't trust that any of that takes into account how it affects the budget deficit.

He can renegotiate all the trade deals he wants, but those jobs are not coming back and not a result of NAFTA or anything else. They are a result of technological advances and decreased need for humans to make products. This speech was soup to the uninformed and those who don't understand how a global economy now works.
Stopped reading after the first sentence tbh. Once I read that, I knew nothing intelligent was gonna be said.
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Who made this exact same moronic post a couple of weeks ago? Uncanny how you people read the same bullet points and repeat the shit basically verbatim.

By the way, did Z ever tell us which branch of the military he served in? Since he claims he served.
He was in the local chapter of the G.I. action figure collection club.
Dude, when you are 80 you are on Medicare and they are already making that decision. Just as BCBS/Aetna/fill in your insurance carrier here makes it for you when you are < 65. If you have the money you're still welcome to pay for whatever procedure you 'd like to have.

Okay, 64. And medicare is looking real promising to survive til im 65.

And that still doesnt answet the question. You think crooks like hillary wont kill off a few people for their organs. Lmao. It happens already. Hell, if Rs were behind the planned patenthood fiasco, it would be one of the biggest stories in the last few years.
I just can't do it.

As much as I detest Clinton, detest the machinery, detest the cynicism and the mendacity, as much as I think she embodies perfectly all that can be wrong with American politics. (Note - not one word about policy, about liberal or conservative.)

As much as I understand the disgust with politics and politicians and the desire for someone who isn't part of all that, a true outsider.

I can't support Trump. He was a card carrying liberal until the age of 66. He can't articulate much of what he'll do. I can't tell if he's crazy or just thinks it's to his advantage for people to think it.

George Will infamously said "if Trump were a Democratic Party plant, what would he have done differently?" Think about it, H.I.

I'll still be incensed about media bias. Still will feel no small amount of schadenfreude if Clinton somehow blows this. Glad I live in a state where my vote won't matter.
This is what I hate about your constant begging of facts:

This week we were lied to by Obama about the 400M payoff.......but to hear him tell it the facts are it isn't a ransom.

Anyone who reads the D knows your main goal here is to play contrarian and ruffle some feathers.
Please don't quote me again. Literally, nothing you said makes sense, nor does it ever.

How in anyway was my post about the ACA and politics related to the Iranian Ransom deal? I haven't said a word on it because I don't know the facts.

Also, I haven't posted in the D in at least 3/4 months, so no clue what you are talking about. Again...

You are a blathering idiot. My main goal is for people not to be stupid. You can have opinions, but don't be so stupid that you think your opinions are on par with facts.

In your case, I can't help you. I would bet you have an IQ of 70-80. It's not even a bet. You are obviously slower then everyone else around you. Samething with the goons who liked your post. You guys are on the left side of the bell curve. I'm not sure why I typed that last sentence, because I know you're not going to understand. It's frustrating because you think your posts or opinions are equal. But they're not. It's like someone presented a high tech computer and then you present a rock. You then think they are equal.

I know this post with frustrate you, because, primates get frustrated easily, but just don't quote me anymore. Put me on ignore. It's nothing personal, i just can't relate with troglodytes.
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You already have managed care purposely denying Americans coverage which winds up killing them. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Seriously, there are a couple of you in here that need clinical intervention as you are blatantly paranoid/delusional.

Ha, i would rather be viewed negatively by the likes of you then to be a narcisstic raving lunatic who pleasures himself to his own ramblings.

Seriously, ill be the first to admit that at under 30, my political knowledge isnt as wide as some. But, at least i have a life that doesnt revolve around how many posts i can make on message boards.

You calling someone else paranoid and delusional is the most comical thing ive ever heard. Its like hillary calling someone careless.
I just can't do it.

As much as I detest Clinton, detest the machinery, detest the cynicism and the mendacity, as much as I think she embodies perfectly all that can be wrong with American politics. (Note - not one word about policy, about liberal or conservative.)

As much as I understand the disgust with politics and politicians and the desire for someone who isn't part of all that, a true outsider.

I can't support Trump. He was a card carrying liberal until the age of 66. He can't articulate much of what he'll do. I can't tell if he's crazy or just thinks it's to his advantage for people to think it.

George Will infamously said "if Trump were a Democratic Party plant, what would he have done differently?" Think about it, H.I.

I'll still be incensed about media bias. Still will feel no small amount of schadenfreude if Clinton somehow blows this. Glad I live in a state where my vote won't matter.
yup, agree with all this. The media is pathetic.
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I just can't do it.

As much as I detest Clinton, detest the machinery, detest the cynicism and the mendacity, as much as I think she embodies perfectly all that can be wrong with American politics. (Note - not one word about policy, about liberal or conservative.)

As much as I understand the disgust with politics and politicians and the desire for someone who isn't part of all that, a true outsider.

I can't support Trump. He was a card carrying liberal until the age of 66. He can't articulate much of what he'll do. I can't tell if he's crazy or just thinks it's to his advantage for people to think it.

George Will infamously said "if Trump were a Democratic Party plant, what would he have done differently?" Think about it, H.I.

I'll still be incensed about media bias. Still will feel no small amount of schadenfreude if Clinton somehow blows this. Glad I live in a state where my vote won't matter.
rack it all.

(A) it's a publicity stunt intended to increase his brand, which benefits him more if he doesn't have to move to D.C. in January
(B) he's a Clinton mole sent to destroy the GOP
(C) he's a horribly incompetent but sincere candidate for POTUS

which one seems the most likely at this point?

“He’s not going anywhere. His ego wouldn’t allow it,” a Virginia Republican added. “He'll dominate the news for the next three months, each day more painful than the last, finally lose, say it was rigged and get a new [television] show.”

Oh, and Clinton's lead in Georgia is still growing, of course.
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rack it all.
(B) he's a Clinton mole sent to destroy the GOP

I thought that at the start. I have no clue why I thought that. I may be wrong.

Defeated candidates for President in the general election rarely grow in esteem after the election. Nixon is only one I can think of that came back to be President.
I wasn't making a point about Donald. And if you think his corruption comes within a centimeter peter of Hillary you're probably just a partisan. Her political corruption has been well documented for generations.

I was making a point about her base. She needs around 60% at minimum of the black vote to win this election. Using last elections metric won't tell the true story this time. It's no secret the AA populous voted in large part last election because Hussein Obama was black and a first. It won't happen for her and I think she knows it. With the BLM movement starting to go after her, it will only get worse.

Look for Hillary to turn (as usual for a Clinton) for what's politically beneficial and lean toward the center these last 90 days. She's going to need the white vote more than previously thought.
Are you familiar with the definition of "unlike"?

It's the opposite of "like".

As far as the voting for Hildegarde in a pants suit, she needs a majority of all minorities including the fastest growing demographic in the country, Hispanics. In addition, she likely wins the woman vote.

The Donald needs the vast majority of the dying demographic you might call the "angry white man". Just doesn't sound like a winning strategy to insult the very demos you need to win. But that's just me.
which is why this was the biggest ****ing mistake possible.

Why? Because they've set themselves up just certain he's going to fall on his face? If he does anything more than that he wins.

We all keep saying we hate politicians, they lie, cheat tell us what we want to hear then do just the opposite.
Then we get someone that doesn't do that, says he'll do something about issues that we all know are damaging the country. He can do that because his career isn't a lifelong fu*king politician.
So what do you guys do, bitch and say hey let's listen to those guys that will lose power if he wins, you know those politicians that have lied and screwed us into 20 trillion in debt, they have our best interest at heart.
They have their interest at heart, when real change is at hand the powers that be will fight it, you see there's a lot of money and power in Washington, 2 of 3 things a man will fight over.
You all have a choice to make, if you look around and think the Country is heading in the right direction, let's just keep on doing the same shit and hope something new happens, well, Hillarys you're Gal.
Why? Because they've set themselves up just certain he's going to fall on his face? If he does anything more than that he wins.

We all keep saying we hate politicians, they lie, cheat tell us what we want to hear then do just the opposite.
Then we get someone that doesn't do that, says he'll do something about issues that we all know are damaging the country. He can do that because his career isn't a lifelong fu*king politician.
So what do you guys do, bitch and say hey let's listen to those guys that will lose power if he wins, you know those politicians that have lied and screwed us into 20 trillion in debt, they have our best interest at heart.
They have their interest at heart, when real change is at hand the powers that be will fight it, you see there's a lot of money and power in Washington, 2 of 3 things a man will fight over.
You all have a choice to make, if you look around and think the Country is heading in the right direction, let's just keep on doing the same shit and hope something new happens, well, Hillarys you're Gal.

Amen, brother.

I'm not a big fan of Trump. But i absolutely love the fact that BOTH of the establishment parties hate him. We need a change from the old guard…shake things up. A Trump win would lead to change in both parties because all they care about is winning. I also think a Trump win is a small step forward towards a legit 3rd party.
Why? Because they've set themselves up just certain he's going to fall on his face? If he does anything more than that he wins.

We all keep saying we hate politicians, they lie, cheat tell us what we want to hear then do just the opposite. Then we get someone that doesn't do that...
Had to stop here before I spit out a lung laughing so hard.
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So, the politicians from both parties that have ran our Country straight in the ground, are all against a man that they're scared will shake up the system?
Or could it be that realize they won't have control of the strings, because he isn't beholden to them, they haven't done favors for him, or under the table deals, they have no leverage, and they don't like it.

Trump will win in November, just preach NAFTA and TPP, everyone knows someone that's lost a job due to it.

Right. They're scared of the man whose political plan is the same one they've preached since Bob Taft. Lower taxes Gut regulations. They must be quaking -- Trump's plan is so revolutionary. It must be because a billionaire real estate developer is such an outsider.

Had to stop here before I spit out a lung laughing so hard.

Which part was funny? The part about lying politicians? The part about power and money? The part about those same politicians being the ones responsible for 20 trillion in debt? How bout the one where they have their best interest at heart and not ours, that's a real knee slapped haha!
There's nothing funny about any of that shit!

Our forefathers didn't want us to be like Europe, that's why they formed our Govt of, for and by the people, and wrote a Constitituon which is the law of the land.
These same politicians mentioned above have lost sight of that my friend, if you're good with that then I suppose it is funny, because you are fine with giving it all up, I'm not.
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Right. They're scared of the man whose political plan is the same one they've preached since Bob Taft. Lower taxes Gut regulations. They must be quaking -- Trump's plan is so revolutionary. It must be because a billionaire real estate developer is such an outsider.


Yea, they're all about dropping TPP and renegotiating NAFTA, and stopping the tide of cheap labor coming in, follow the money Moe. That's all both sides are worried about.

These same guys made Trump sign a declaration not to run as an independent.
No, I don't remember that from SIXTEEN years ago. And there is no equivlency to that and interrupting a candidate trying to speak, which has happened multiple times this year.

I don't know anything about the most recent incident, but if it was a public venue, who cares? People have a right to boo. If it was a private venue, throw 'em out.

Problems solved.
Another loser RINO Susan Collins says she will not vote for Trump.
Yep. That's five Republican senators and counting. She's also the one who has a 73% approval rating in a state where Trump was inexplicably wasting time "campaigning" this weekend while his numbers continued to crater.

Absolute disaster.
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Yep. That's five Republican senators and counting. She's also the one who has a 73% approval rating in a state where Trump was inexplicably wasting time "campaigning" this weekend while his numbers continued to crater.

Absolute disaster.

Only ones I know of are her and the guy from Illinois.
Do people really think Trump spent 121 million of his own money to be a democrat plant?

And the poster that said he's been a card carrying liberal till age 66 - I'm fairly certain that's not true; and it came from the false Facebook post making its rounds. I know for sure he was considered ghwb potential running mate in 88.

Wonder what Hillary put hot sauce on tonight?

She was even lying about that, as dumb as it was.

Who made this exact same moronic post a couple of weeks ago? Uncanny how you people read the same bullet points and repeat the shit basically verbatim.

Probably because they're just the same poster.

You honestly don't think Hillary understands policy?

She understands it well in campaign stops. Because she just says what's people want to hear at that particular stop. If it's out west, then she's putting coal miners out of business. If it's in the coal fields, then she was just misquoted.

Tougher to do on a national stage. I expect her to just promise to give everything away; and lie every breath. You know, her daily routine.

The difference being that public service has been the Clinton's career choice.

Their choice of how to rip off everyone. Civil servants shouldn't make out like bandits to the tune of over 2 billion.

Not a single former president backs Trump, btw.

Endorsements do not matter this election.

Geez. Wonder why. Probably because they're all dems, with the exception of the two Bushes. Can't imagine why they wouldn't endorse him. I'm sure it had nothing to do with ending Jebs career.

Pretty low information post, tbh
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Yea, they're all about dropping TPP and renegotiating NAFTA, and stopping the tide of cheap labor coming in, follow the money Moe. That's all both sides are worried about.

These same guys made Trump sign a declaration not to run as an independent.

A trade deal is a web of tariffs. Doing away with a trade deal doesn't remove tariffs. It just makes them open season.

A tariff is a subsidy. Pure and simple. You subsidize some product or another because they can't compete straight up + shipping with a foreign product. Some capitalist gets bigger profits. Some workers in this country get work. Everyone else pays more than if the tariff didn't exist. Some workers somewhere else get shafted. Some capitalist somewhere else makes less profit. Ordinarily, you enact tariffs to help a fledgling industry get up to speed. You don't enact a tariff to reward inefficiency.

I would bet there aren't 10 people in this country who know what is in the TPP. I bet there aren't 1000 who know what's in NAFTA. Even after all this time. But everyone knows they're against it. It's a punchline. A signal to yell.

The last big free-for-all tariff binge was Smoot-Hawley that helped insure that the Great Depression was deeper and longer than it needed to be. Mostly the people who will get the shaft if the world gets into a tariff war are the desperate poor elsewhere. That's just what happens. So, what industries do you think deserve to be subsidized and for how long? Everyone screams they want free markets, but what they mean is they want their thumb on the scales.