How will they rule ??!

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Do people really think Trump spent 121 million of his own money to be a democrat plant?

Well that's about 100 times more than is generally considered to be accurate. A man his age and vanity would think $1.9 million to bask in attention for a year and a half to be money well spent.
A trade deal is a web of tariffs. Doing away with a trade deal doesn't remove tariffs. It just makes them open season.

A tariff is a subsidy. Pure and simple. You subsidize some product or another because they can't compete straight up + shipping with a foreign product. Some capitalist gets bigger profits. Some workers in this country get work. Everyone else pays more than if the tariff didn't exist. Some workers somewhere else get shafted. Some capitalist somewhere else makes less profit. Ordinarily, you enact tariffs to help a fledgling industry get up to speed. You don't enact a tariff to reward inefficiency.

I would bet there aren't 10 people in this country who know what is in the TPP. I bet there aren't 1000 who know what's in NAFTA. Even after all this time. But everyone knows they're against it. It's a punchline. A signal to yell.

The last big free-for-all tariff binge was Smoot-Hawley that helped insure that the Great Depression was deeper and longer than it needed to be. Mostly the people who will get the shaft if the world gets into a tariff war are the desperate poor elsewhere. That's just what happens. So, what industries do you think deserve to be subsidized and for how long? Everyone screams they want free markets, but what they mean is they want their thumb on the scales.

It's like this Moe, TPP isn't for our benefit, it'll cost US jobs , NAFTA cost US jobs.

No one is talking about trade wars, but you act as if the US just wouldn't be able to make if we took care of ourselves a little.

What we've done is gone to the extreme opposite of Smoot-Hawley. Yes, you are correct that it was bad, but so is this man.
Communities are dying, money that used to be passed around the Country is now being collected by a few extremely wealthy people.

I'm not saying we should be completely protectionists, but something is going to have to give. I don't know what the answer is, but doing even more of what we're doing now isn't the answer.
I know you and I go back and forth, and I hope you don't take it personally, but people are struggling. People don't have hope, it just pains me. I'll be honest, I don't care about poor people in other Countries, we can't save everyone Moe, as much as we'd like, when it gets down to nut cuttin time we decided to form a govt of decency and the rule of law, we were stronger United. They chose a different path, they can rise up or not, but we can't do it for them.
It's like this Moe, TPP isn't for our benefit, it'll cost US jobs , NAFTA cost US jobs.

No one is talking about trade wars, but you act as if the US just wouldn't be able to make if we took care of ourselves a little.

What we've done is gone to the extreme opposite of Smoot-Hawley. Yes, you are correct that it was bad, but so is this man.
Communities are dying, money that used to be passed around the Country is now being collected by a few extremely wealthy people.

I'm not saying we should be completely protectionists, but something is going to have to give. I don't know what the answer is, but doing even more of what we're doing now isn't the answer.
I know you and I go back and forth, and I hope you don't take it personally, but people are struggling. People don't have hope, it just pains me. I'll be honest, I don't care about poor people in other Countries, we can't save everyone Moe, as much as we'd like, when it gets down to nut cuttin time we decided to form a govt of decency and the rule of law, we were stronger United. They chose a different path, they can rise up or not, but we can't do it for them.

I don't know how a tariff war is supposed to help income inequality in this country. Personally, I'm a Bernie Bro and think neo-liberal economics is at the root. Thatcherism. Reaganism. Whatever you want to call it. They all promised Trickle Down would spread the wealth and it didn't. [ultra simplified version] Trump's economic plan is just the 99th verse of the same song.
Whole industries have gone offshore. Textile, clothing apparel, furniture just to name a few. All were rural based, offering jobs in small communities. Try buying a shirt made in this country. Look at the origin label on your UK hats and shirts. Go to a furniture store and see how much of it is made in Vietnam and China. The fact is - the political parties don't give a rats ass about rural America.
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i would say "it's gonna be hilarious when 30% of the GOP base realizes who the *real* fraud has been this whole time", but such a scenario will never play out due to the sheer fatuity of that same 30%.

there are plenty of people who will vote for Trump with full understanding that he's conned his way to the nomination, but they're painted into a corner. I can understand such a stance and won't hold it against them.

those that continue naively facilitating his antics (which are, in turn, destroying the political vehicles for conservatism in this country) they are the real villains. Trump is just being Trump. Same as he was 30 years ago. Can't blame a zebra for its stripes.
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i would say "it's gonna be hilarious when 30% of the GOP base realizes who the *real* fraud has been this whole time", but such a scenario will never play out due to the sheer fatuity of that same 30%.

there are plenty of people who will vote for Trump with full understanding that he's conned his way to the nomination, but they're painted into a corner. I can understand such a stance and won't hold it against them.

those that continue naively facilitating his antics (which are, in turn, destroying the political vehicles for conservatism in this country) they are the real villains. Trump is just being Trump. Same as he was 30 years ago. Can't blame a zebra for its stripes.
How is Trump a fraud?

And I don't get the conned his way to the nomination part. He won it fair and square. People in the GOP that won't vote for Trump but will help Hillary win are indeed frauds.
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If Trump is a fraud and a Hillary plant, someone better alert the MSM, Hollywood, The Pope (even he has trashed Trump before), Obama, the democrat AND republican party, and other leaders of the world to stop trying to destroy him every single day.
Keep adding to that list and then compare it to how many of those people lose their next elections. It won't be all of them, but I guarantee the majority will not survive if they honestly publicly do not support the GOP nominee before the election.
regardless of how said "GOP" nominee performs in November, eh?
I don't know how a tariff war is supposed to help income inequality in this country. Personally, I'm a Bernie Bro and think neo-liberal economics is at the root. Thatcherism. Reaganism. Whatever you want to call it. They all promised Trickle Down would spread the wealth and it didn't. [ultra simplified version] Trump's economic plan is just the 99th verse of the same song.
I always thought Bernies love of Scandinavian countries as an example of success was hilarious. For one, it is fallacious to claim that a system that works for homogenous countries like Finland and Norway would also succeed in a massive, diverse country such as the United States.

Still these countries suffer from many of the social and economic ills that socialism is supposed to prevent. Additionally, the United States taxes wealthy Americans at much higher rates than Scandinavian countries tax their similarly wealthy citizens, and still yet their middle class citizens pay high taxes and have incredibly high personal debt, with the top level if earners owning around 65% of those countries wealth. Also, they aren't truly socialist after taxing their citizens at incredibly high rates their economy bombed after 20 some years, where as they recently took into using more "right" slanted policies...having less welfare/social program spending, taxing less, and giving less sick benefits among other things...and their economy has grown. Finally, another European country, Switzerland, defies the liberal “Scandinavian socialist success” narrative so completely that it demonstrates why capitalism is the best economic model in existence. Their wealthy have less of a tax burden, they have low unemployment, higher education rates, lower income equality than the other mentioned countries and rank among the higest in the world...and is all about free trade and foreign investment. However,'s a small country...which makes comparison to a US model dufficult.

I'm not praising Trump or Hillarys economic plans...but Bernie lived in a fantasy utopia world that was completely non existent.
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Large portion of the performance is driven by GOP sabotage.
much much larger portion is driven by the nominee himself.

his poll numbers don't crash when GOP power players walk away; they crash when he pulls stunts like the Curiel, Khan, nuclear proliferation, and NATO debacles. This is of his own doing and is *exactly* why all of us were telling you guys not to fall for it in the first place. You can't blame Collins, Sasse, et al. for what's happening. These numbers were predetermined by the nature of the catastrophe himself.

This is beyond debate except by those who are the most infatuated with and the most deceived by the guy.
much much larger portion is driven by the nominee himself.

his poll numbers don't crash when GOP power players walk away; they crash when he pulls stunts like the Curiel, Khan, nuclear proliferation, and NATO debacles. This is of his own doing and is *exactly* why all of us were telling you guys not to fall for it in the first place. You can't blame Collins, Sasse, et al. for what's happening. These numbers were predetermined by the nature of the catastrophe himself.

This is beyond debate except by those who are the most infatuated with and the most deceived by the guy.

You assume i had him as my first choice when in fact youre wrong.

The opposition is so much more worse than anythijg the elected nominee has or could do.
A trade deal is a web of tariffs. Doing away with a trade deal doesn't remove tariffs. It just makes them open season.

A tariff is a subsidy. Pure and simple. You subsidize some product or another because they can't compete straight up + shipping with a foreign product. Some capitalist gets bigger profits. Some workers in this country get work. Everyone else pays more than if the tariff didn't exist. Some workers somewhere else get shafted. Some capitalist somewhere else makes less profit. Ordinarily, you enact tariffs to help a fledgling industry get up to speed. You don't enact a tariff to reward inefficiency.

I would bet there aren't 10 people in this country who know what is in the TPP. I bet there aren't 1000 who know what's in NAFTA. Even after all this time. But everyone knows they're against it. It's a punchline. A signal to yell.

The last big free-for-all tariff binge was Smoot-Hawley that helped insure that the Great Depression was deeper and longer than it needed to be. Mostly the people who will get the shaft if the world gets into a tariff war are the desperate poor elsewhere. That's just what happens. So, what industries do you think deserve to be subsidized and for how long? Everyone screams they want free markets, but what they mean is they want their thumb on the scales.

The ACA was and is hated by most of the country and yet you supported it and the people that passed it, and did not know what was in it, Pelosi even said as much, so what is your point?
much much larger portion is driven by the nominee himself.

his poll numbers don't crash when GOP power players walk away; they crash when he pulls stunts like the Curiel, Khan, nuclear proliferation, and NATO debacles. This is of his own doing and is *exactly* why all of us were telling you guys not to fall for it in the first place. You can't blame Collins, Sasse, et al. for what's happening. These numbers were predetermined by the nature of the catastrophe himself.

This is beyond debate except by those who are the most infatuated with and the most deceived by the guy.

I agree and Trump was my last choice in the primary. But, I also think the country can not survive another 4 years of Ibama and liberal policies. My fear is if Hilary wins we will have either:

An internal civil war, either a race war or a war between the have and have nots or,

China calls in their loan notes and take us over it,

Putin takes over all of Eastern Europe because NATO and Clinton will wimp out.
I don't know how a tariff war is supposed to help income inequality in this country. Personally, I'm a Bernie Bro and think neo-liberal economics is at the root. Thatcherism. Reaganism. Whatever you want to call it. They all promised Trickle Down would spread the wealth and it didn't. [ultra simplified version] Trump's economic plan is just the 99th verse of the same song.

Trump isn't calling for a Tariff war, he's simply saying that the US still holds leverage on trade, why not use it when so many of our people are struggling for work?
Instead we're giving it away, for the sake of the few.

Clinton also said NAFTA would benefit the working class. Go back and watch Perot/Gore debate it on Larry King, Perot was a businessman too, and he was dead on about what it's effect would be to the Countries involved.
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Many congressional Dems lost their jobs in 2010 and 2014 due to being strong armed into supporting unpopular Obama policies and having gag orders about the VA, IRC, etc. There should be holdouts on both sides for these two insanely awful candidates but Dems are much more dedicated to their team than the GOP. That should be seen as a negative but the press celebrates their "unity" which is nothing but sacrifice of integrity for power. Even if you go back to Bernie's peak, no establishment or elected Dems were daring to back him.
Trump may be onto something with the debate schedule.
2012-Wed,Thurs, Tues

None of the the other debates went head to head against the NFL, 2 of this years are. Going with how Hillary was hidden in the dem debates, by days and number of debates, you can bet her people picked or voiced their desire on this.
She's been the Dem pick for this election since 08, so don't give me the bit about the dates were chosen a year ago.
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What do you do after your son murdered dozens of Americans in the name of Islam?

Attend a Hilary Clinton rally, of course.

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I always thought Bernies love of Scandinavian countries as an example of success was hilarious. For one, it is fallacious to claim that a system that works for homogenous countries like Finland and Norway would also succeed in a massive, diverse country such as the United States.

Still these countries suffer from many of the social and economic ills that socialism is supposed to prevent. Additionally, the United States taxes wealthy Americans at much higher rates than Scandinavian countries tax their similarly wealthy citizens, and still yet their middle class citizens pay high taxes and have incredibly high personal debt, with the top level if earners owning around 65% of those countries wealth. Also, they aren't truly socialist after taxing their citizens at incredibly high rates their economy bombed after 20 some years, where as they recently took into using more "right" slanted policies...having less welfare/social program spending, taxing less, and giving less sick benefits among other things...and their economy has grown. Finally, another European country, Switzerland, defies the liberal “Scandinavian socialist success” narrative so completely that it demonstrates why capitalism is the best economic model in existence. Their wealthy have less of a tax burden, they have low unemployment, higher education rates, lower income equality than the other mentioned countries and rank among the higest in the world...and is all about free trade and foreign investment. However,'s a small country...which makes comparison to a US model dufficult.

I'm not praising Trump or Hillarys economic plans...but Bernie lived in a fantasy utopia world that was completely non existent.

I don't know what definition of failure Scandinavian countries embody.Better educated than we are. Healthier. More social mobility than we have. There's no terrifying anxiety about being a twist of bad luck from being destitute. And there are a decent number of despicable billionaires to hiss or envy. It isn't paradise, but this is after all the Vale of Woe we're to traverse on our way to Judgment. Bernie calls it socialism but it's just standard issue Social Welfare. The state doesn't own the means of production as in a place like Venezuela. The economy is market driven, not command driven as in China. Hysteroids (and Bernie) call it socialism for rhetorical reasons. Bernie does love to seem the iconoclast, but Governor Al Smith in 1928 wouldn't have blushed over his agenda.

Critics pull out the homogeneous/heterogeneous gag, but a) Economics doesn't have races and ethnicities and b) there are ethnic struggles in Scandinavia as anywhere else. Sweden has as many blustering red necks as we do, if it comes to that.
Moe, or is it Larry or Curly...not sure which ID you are posting from this time....Swedish rednecks? That's hilarious. Just shows how little you know about Sweden or any other Scandinavian country.

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BBB confirms millenials, as if they need more reasons to hate themselves, are more susceptible to be being scammed compared to The Olds- wayyyy more susceptible , tbh, based on their personalities, which tend to be very optimistic and naive.

See politics.

You mf'ers don't realize the way to a Nordic utopia can only come with isolationism aka what y'all call racism. So f you idiot dweebs.
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Moe, or is it Larry or Curly...not sure which ID you are posting from this time....Swedish rednecks? That's hilarious. Just shows how little you know about Sweden or any other Scandinavian country.

She's very good at conspiracy to murder: she hasn't been caught... yet.
Thank you, thank you thank you. And now, we'd like to dedicate this next song to the one and only Hillary Clinton! This is Three Dog Night with their classic hit....

(Trump should use the base line as background music for anything Hillary)