How will they rule ??!

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You know: there are places in the world where government is pretty non-existent. Like Somalia. Afghanistan. The upper regions of the Himalayas. I'm surprised that someone with such a finicky disregard for our government could stand to suck at its teat. (Too harsh?)

Nature does abhor a vacuum. "Strong man" government is an actual thing. Personal vendetta rather than a judicial system. Etc. Me, I like the wonderful freedoms and safety of the modern Social Welfare government. It doesn't have great slogans, but it's home.

"Efficiency" is nice in a military. But using mercenaries speaks of a lack of loyalty. All in all, loyalty and love seems better criteria. But, hey, that's just me. Men who work merely for pay might be tempted to work somewhere else for more.

As for the quality of care in medicine, that's what the long game is all about. There is no bottle marked "Quality of Care". Instead it's demonstrated by getting those under its care to be infinity years old. And if "efficiency" is your watchword, you've just got to admire the plucky Cubans getting so much for the health care dollar. Half as big a % of their teeny GDP. And you may not care how long the Cubans live, but they do.

I don't have a disdain for the Govt, I have a disdain for over reaching Govt. The Govt is necessary to do the business of the nation, but it works for us, not the other way.

No where did I say anything about the military, a standing army is one of the outlines of the Constitution. You know damn well what I was speaking of, and you know I'm right so you are reaching for the most outlandish thing to grab hold of.

For what's it's worth the agency I work for is fully self funded. Doesn't get a dime of government money.
Amazes me how orchestrated the Dems are in disrupting others. Trump trying to give a speech on his economic policy and like clockwork Hillary plants do all they can to disrupt and take him off message. How many times do you ever see Republicans disrupt Democratic events?

Trump has to stay focused and not let them get to him. He did a good job today but at times you could tell he started to get rattled and wanted to go off script.
I'm retired and pay for my supplemental. My wife pays her supplemental. Our retired friends pay for their supplemental. Who doesn't pay for their supplemental?

By supplemental I meant his retirement paid the difference that insurance went up each year. So now that's going away as well as he's no longer going to have Blue cross insurance.
I don't have a disdain for the Govt, I have a disdain for over reaching Govt. The Govt is necessary to do the business of the nation, but it works for us, not the other way.

No where did I say anything about the military, a standing army is one of the outlines of the Constitution. You know damn well what I was speaking of, and you know I'm right so you are reaching for the most outlandish thing to grab hold of.

For what's it's worth the agency I work for is fully self funded. Doesn't get a dime of government money.

I had no idea what you were speaking of & still don't. You've never outlined it. I only have your words to go by.
Amazes me how orchestrated the Dems are in disrupting others. Trump trying to give a speech on his economic policy and like clockwork Hillary plants do all they can to disrupt and take him off message. How many times do you ever see Republicans disrupt Democratic events?

Trump has to stay focused and not let them get to him. He did a good job today but at times you could tell he started to get rattled and wanted to go off script.
I think he even used the term "well orchestrated".

They were like clockwork, ever 5 minutes or so.
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I had no idea what you were speaking of & still don't. You've never outlined it. I only have your words to go by.

Ok, what government claim on saving money has proven to do just that?

When the government says something is going to save us money, that number is ALWAYS wrong, when the government gets a bid to build something, the number released will always be much lower than actual costs. You can bank on it. Because they just are worried about getting whatever they want through the public spectrum.
More of the same tired old trickle down, give all the money to the "job creators" and hope a few breadcrumbs trickle down to everyone else from Trump today. Blah, blah, blah...

How anyone can still pimp trickle down economics with a straight face is beyond me. It literally has destroyed every country it has touched. Iceland may never recover from their experiment with it. If 2008 didn't teach you anything at all then you do not deserve serious consideration for President and Trump is just more of the same tired old failed Republican handouts to the rich while everyone else goes begging.
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Lmao Hillary had a brain clot 3 years ago...

I mean, wtf are Bill and her doing? Fn billionaires destroying themselves for lord knows what's hilariously sick. Great image of America, tbh.

And it's also funny that was Trump's initial attack plan which got him crushed in he media, maybe deservedly so tbh, but it's a pretty good play.
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pimp trickle down economics
Pretty clear the trickle down from DC is not working either....except for that area and for the DNC turning VA blue with all the jobs supporting federal govt bureaucracy.

I can't believe none of the 84 GOP candidates proposed a payroll tax decrease.
The key to never having your healthcare costs increase is obviously registering at a democrat. They somehow avoid clear macro data.
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Fifty of the biggest names in GOP National Security history have all signed a letter saying Trump is basically a nut case and they will not vote for him. Here's a small sampling but this is unprecedented condemnation:

The undersigned individuals have all served in senior national security and/or foreign policy positions in Republican Administrations, from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush. We have worked directly on national security issues with these Republican Presidents and/or their principal advisers during wartime and other periods of crisis, through successes and failures. We know the personal qualities required of a President of the United States.

None of us will vote for Donald Trump.

From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief. Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous President and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.

Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President. He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, and U.S. institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary.

In addition, Mr. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and the democratic values on which U.S. foreign policy must be based. At the same time, he persistently compliments our adversaries and threatens our allies and friends. Unlike previous Presidents who had limited experience in foreign affairs, Mr. Trump has shown no interest in educating himself. He continues to display an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics. Despite his lack of knowledge, Mr. Trump claims that he understands foreign affairs and “knows more about ISIS than the generals do.”
Via CBS, not much trickling from big govt.

Here’s the Census Bureau list of the counties with the highest median incomes (including tiny Falls Church):

  1. Falls Church city, Va. $121,250
  2. Loudoun County, Va. $118,934
  3. Los Alamos County, N.M. $112,115
  4. Howard County, Md. $108,234
  5. Fairfax County, Va., $106,690
  6. Hunterdon County, N.J. $103,301
  7. Arlington County, Va. $99,255
  8. Douglas County, Colo. $98,426
  9. Stafford County, Va. $95,927
  10. Somerset County, N.J. $95,574
  11. Morris County, N.J. $95,236
  12. Montgomery County, Md. $94,365
  13. Prince William County, Va. $93,011

Republican national security officials. Fifty of them. Tom Ridge seems the most famous of them. John Negroponte. Eric Edelman. Michael Chertoff.

"We understand that many Americans are profoundly frustrated with the federal government and its inability to solve pressing domestic and international problems. We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as do many of us. But Donald Trump is not the answer to America's daunting challenges and to the this crucial election. We are convinced that in the Oval Office he would be the most reckless President in American history."

[my own addition]
I've got a small suggestion, too. Don't vote for Republicans whose only response to our problems has been to filibuster and obstruct.
When was the last lib/dim event interrupted by republican protestors?
Well, the 2000 election immediately comes to mind. Remember all those relaxed fit Docker's wearing middle aged white men attacking the polling location where they were counting votes in Florida? It was so uncoordinated. It looked like somebody was trying to take the words "gosh darnit" away.
Trump idiotically talking about "massive deregulation." Yeah, because 2008 wasn't cataclysmic enough. Let's double down on it.
Hillary up 44-37 in Georgia. LOL.

There is nothing I enjoy more than a good old fashioned landslide.

Meh. I don't understand why any of you (on either side) get your panties in a wad over polling these days. Polling has been all screwed up for several years now.

Also, from another article…

“In public polling, you see a lot of big swings,” Campigotto says. “That movement is driven more by poor sampling methods and bias in the response. They’re making a headline out of statistical noise.”

The lesson for news junkies is a simple one: As Election Day approaches, don’t pay attention to the headlines about what the polls say—these won’t be rigorous enough or accurate enough to detect what’s really happening. As Shor says, “Campaigns have access to high-quality polling, and the public generally doesn’t.” Instead, watch what the candidates are actually doing on the ground. It’s like boxing: Sophisticated observers know that the sparring up top matters less than the footwork, which predicts when and where a punch will land.

Meh. I don't understand why any of you (on either side) get your panties in a wad over polling these days. Polling has been all screwed up for several years now.

Also, from another article…

“In public polling, you see a lot of big swings,” Campigotto says. “That movement is driven more by poor sampling methods and bias in the response. They’re making a headline out of statistical noise.”

The lesson for news junkies is a simple one: As Election Day approaches, don’t pay attention to the headlines about what the polls say—these won’t be rigorous enough or accurate enough to detect what’s really happening. As Shor says, “Campaigns have access to high-quality polling, and the public generally doesn’t.” Instead, watch what the candidates are actually doing on the ground. It’s like boxing: Sophisticated observers know that the sparring up top matters less than the footwork, which predicts when and where a punch will land.

That sounds good, and it certainly feeds the narrative that behind-the-scenes the Big Guys know what's really happening, but in fact, Romney was genuinely pole axed** by the size of his defeat. He'd been told he was up. And Karl Rove looked genuinely flustered on TV that night.

**or poll axed, if you insist.
Well, the 2000 election immediately comes to mind. Remember all those relaxed fit Docker's wearing middle aged white men attacking the polling location where they were counting votes in Florida? It was so uncoordinated. It looked like somebody was trying to take the words "gosh darnit" away.
No, I don't remember that from SIXTEEN years ago. And there is no equivlency to that and interrupting a candidate trying to speak, which has happened multiple times this year.
More of the same tired old trickle down, give all the money to the "job creators" and hope a few breadcrumbs trickle down to everyone else from Trump today. Blah, blah, blah...

How anyone can still pimp trickle down economics with a straight face is beyond me. It literally has destroyed every country it has touched. Iceland may never recover from their experiment with it. If 2008 didn't teach you anything at all then you do not deserve serious consideration for President and Trump is just more of the same tired old failed Republican handouts to the rich while everyone else goes begging.

Yea, trickle down economics caused 2008, even you don't believe that.