How will they rule ??!

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For the 8 billionth time.....were this a pic of Trump, we'd get the royal treatment, wall to wall coverage for at least a full week. Interviews with doctors about possible ailments, including comorbid mental issues, interviews with old associates who know "there's something seriously wrong" with Trump, anonymous sources who say he really isn't physically well enough to be Prez, etc. etc. With Hillary - crickets. Of course, Trump wouldn't help himself: he'd come out in boxer shorts with the gloves already laced and tied tight, challenging George Will and preferably Meghan Kelly to a fistfight right now because he "is able, very able, to kick your ass."


Trump already went through this in the beginning of his run, even though there were no viable concerns. The media wouldn't stop until he released medical records, etc. Yet there's obviously something very wrong with hillary and it's suddenly bad form to ask questions.

The real pain from obamacare will hit after he's gone.

Typical democrat policy. Just like nafta. All benefit in the short term so they can claim the victory. Then leave the following president to deal with the fallout.

Iirc, the worst parts of obamacare don't take effect until 2017. My, what a coincidence.
So, the politicians from both parties that have ran our Country straight in the ground, are all against a man that they're scared will shake up the system?
Or could it be that realize they won't have control of the strings, because he isn't beholden to them, they haven't done favors for him, or under the table deals, they have no leverage, and they don't like it.

Trump will win in November, just preach NAFTA and TPP, everyone knows someone that's lost a job due to it.
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So, the politicians from both parties that have ran our Country straight in the ground, are all against a man that they're scared will shake up the system?
Or could it be that realize they won't have control of the strings, because he isn't beholden to them, they haven't done favors for him, or under the table deals, they have no leverage, and they don't like it.

Trump will win in November, just preach NAFTA and TPP, everyone knows someone that's lost a job due to it.
The GOP sucks
The fact that both parties are scared to death of a Trump presidency is a good reason to vote for him. Hes not gonna play the usual BS game both parties play, and it terrifies them. He will change Washington more than anyone has in decades.
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The fact that both parties are scared to death of a Trump presidency is a good reason to vote for him. Hes not gonna play the usual BS game both parties play, and it terrifies them. He will change Washington more than anyone has in decades.
You're such a friggen rube it kills me. Trump threw is own tax plan over the side today. Deleted it from his website. Replaced it with the GOP's very own homegrown trickle down idiocy that bankrupted Iceland and very nearly the entire world in 2008,

Trump has no care in the world about policy. How can that even be debatable, still? Trump wants to be President. That's it. He doesn't give two flips about what else happens and that's why he was advertising for a VP to run domestic and foreign policy. Kasich admitted it on television.

What does it take for you blubbering rubes to see what is punching you right in the face? Trump wants to be president. That's it. That's as deep as he goes. He doesn't have an inkling about any real policy nor any curiosity to learn any. This is a trophy for his shelf before he starts up his TV station.
Hillary's "symbol" has been nagging at me. I know I've seen it before. I think I found it:


Reminds me of the Quicken Loans H in HARP:

and this isn't a trophy for the clinton's as well? so hillary has your best interest in mind?
That's just ludicrous. Yes she wants to do something. You may disagree with any or all of it but she is completely invested in policy. She knows it up, down, and sideways while Trump doesn't even show a passing interest.

Trump is interested in what marketing angle will get him elected President. Then he will be the ceremonial president in name only. The man is not even interested or committed enough to know any more than a single line or two on any relevant foreign or domestic policy. He is a figurehead in the truest sense of the word.
The fact that both parties are scared to death of a Trump presidency is a good reason to vote for him. Hes not gonna play the usual BS game both parties play, and it terrifies them. He will change Washington more than anyone has in decades.
Both parties are also scared to death of the ebola virus... Woo Hoo! Vote Ebola 2016!

Maybe Ebola will pick Zika to be its running mate? That will really scare the hell out of both parties and therefore it must be good for us!
Both parties are also scared to death of the ebola virus... Woo Hoo! Vote Ebola 2016!

Maybe Ebola will pick Zika to be its running mate? That will really scare the hell out of both parties and therefore it must be good for us!

Who made this exact same moronic post a couple of weeks ago? Uncanny how you people read the same bullet points and repeat the shit basically verbatim.

By the way, did Z ever tell us which branch of the military he served in? Since he claims he served.
You're such a friggen rube it kills me. Trump threw is own tax plan over the side today. Deleted it from his website. Replaced it with the GOP's very own homegrown trickle down idiocy that bankrupted Iceland and very nearly the entire world in 2008,

Trump has no care in the world about policy. How can that even be debatable, still? Trump wants to be President. That's it. He doesn't give two flips about what else happens and that's why he was advertising for a VP to run domestic and foreign policy. Kasich admitted it on television.

What does it take for you blubbering rubes to see what is punching you right in the face? Trump wants to be president. That's it. That's as deep as he goes. He doesn't have an inkling about any real policy nor any curiosity to learn any. This is a trophy for his shelf before he starts up his TV station.

Kasich said he was told by an aid that's what Trump offered. Trump nor anyone else is making that kind of offer through an aid,and you know it.
Kasich wants to be president, if Trump wins that will never happen.
Kasich said he was told by an aid that's what Trump offered. Trump nor anyone else is making that kind of offer through an aid,and you know it.
Kasich wants to be president, if Trump wins that will never happen.
Trump's son Donald Jr. made the offer to Kasich's aid because Kasich wouldn't speak to them. No way he is going to make that up. Why would he?

You conspiracy nuts are too nutty to even deal with anything resembling reality. You are so far gone that they need a whole new category for you.
Hillary knows her policy, hahahahaha! She's simply saying what she thinks will get her elected.
Free college, yea right, that shit ain't happening and everyone but dumb kids realize it. She's desperate
Trump has brought in 1256 foreign guest workers in the last decade.

Make America Great Again (by replacing them with foreigners)!

He even replaced his own wife with a foreigner to show he is really committed to America!!

Yeah, you rubes keep lapping up his carnival barking. You are rubes beyond any previously known rubes. PT Barnum would say you're overdoing it.
Trump's son Donald Jr. made the offer to Kasich's aid because Kasich wouldn't speak to them. No way he is going to make that up. Why would he?

You conspiracy nuts are too nutty to even deal with anything resembling reality. You are so far gone that they need a whole new category for you.

It's not conspiracy, it gives Kasich plausible deniability. He didn't hear it directly from Trumps side, his "aid" did. It insulates Kasich from fault if it is ever proven they didn't.

Again, Trump isn't giving that info to an aid to pass along. Kasich doesn't want Trump to win, because he wants to be President, he'll the dude didn't want to drop even though he only won his home state.
You honestly don't think Hillary understands policy?

she is a lawyer. she understands how to manipulate the truth. that is all.

understands policy, maybe. but her decision making skills according to said policy lead to 4 americans slaughtered because we were afraid of offending the locals. understanding policy, and making the right decisions is not the same thing. step up your game Z, you are becoming very average
You believe that Hillary purposely outed an agent and you also believe what you hear when it comes to news about agents, spying and that type info?

No. She didnt purposefully out an agent. She did however put him and many other cooperatives and also American assets in extreme jeopardy. To what extent, we dont know.

Now the question is. Are the emails really gone or are they just such a national security issue that we cant even admit theyve been found and who else has them?

Me, I like the wonderful freedoms and safety of the modern Social Welfare government. It doesn't have great slogans, but it's home.

Socialist and freedom? My god. Socialism is the exact opposite of freedom. Ask the Venezuelans and every other failed socialist country how free they feel.

You're such a friggen rube it kills me. Trump threw is own tax plan over the side today. Deleted it from his website. Replaced it with the GOP's very own homegrown trickle down idiocy

Clearly you havnt paid any attention to policy. Just a party hack and pay no attention to policy. You just suck the D at all times.

The only major change in Trumps tax policy from what he has talked about is the highest level went from 25% to 33%.

As a side note, the death tax is one of the most ridiculous things ive ever heard of. my grandma is nearing 90 and is also a millionaire. She got that way by years of her and my granpa(rip) hard work and not being idiots spending wise. Every single dollar has been meticulously maintained and has already been taxed. This one issue alone is a HUGE improvement.

Can you imagine government running healthcare completely and also profiting on death. Complete BS.
It's not conspiracy, it gives Kasich plausible deniability. He didn't hear it directly from Trumps side, his "aid" did. It insulates Kasich from fault if it is ever proven they didn't.

Again, Trump isn't giving that info to an aid to pass along. Kasich doesn't want Trump to win, because he wants to be President, he'll the dude didn't want to drop even though he only won his home state.
So Kasich invented a story about Trump's son Donald Jr. making a VP offer to him through one of his aids to pass to him that effectively made him in charge of domestic and foreign policy?

That's REALLY what you think happened?
What makes you think she does?
I'm sure she does, but what's she's preaching now isn't policy, it what her internal polls say we want to hear, bank on it.
Uh, she can speak clearly and coherently on all foreign and domestic issues extemporaneously. Even if you disagree with her she is at least tethered to reality and the issue at hand as opposed to "YOU'RE A MORON. I WILL BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER! I KNOW MORE THAN THE GENERALS DO. WE WILL WIN SO MUCH YOU WILL BEG ME TO STOP WINNING!"

Seriously, this is embarrassing. How blatantly obvious does the truth need to be before you will at least acknowledge what reality is?
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Jeb bush' son gave a speach to back donald trump because hillary is unelectable. Eventually, as thr election nears i expect most Rs to come to this conclusion.

Also, Kasich made some comments that made a DT endorsement in the future seem like a possibility. Gave himself an out for when he decides to do so. Or, gave himself an opportunity to do so, so he wont be public enemy #1 to trump backers once it looks more likely for a DT victory.
The fact that both parties are scared to death of a Trump presidency is a good reason to vote for him. Hes not gonna play the usual BS game both parties play, and it terrifies them. He will change Washington more than anyone has in decades.
I'm sure both parties would be against a Stalin or Hitler type candidate too. I guess that means you'd vote for them.

The fact that people who understand foreign policy are putting country over party speaks volumes. And not in a good way for DT.

He still thinks he can use trickle down economics. He wants to take our energy policies backwards. The future is natural gas and renewables. Not freakin coal. Coal is dead.

I'm curious how his proposals would affect his taxes. I bet he would make even more money off of them.

Every Republican talks about how they can make up for lost tax revenues with increased economic output yet I'm still waiting on a Republican President to decrease the deficit this way instead of increase it. Clinton did it after huge tax INCREASES!

I do actually like some of DT's proposals on cleaning up the tax code. The only problem is, I don't trust that any of that takes into account how it affects the budget deficit.

He can renegotiate all the trade deals he wants, but those jobs are not coming back and not a result of NAFTA or anything else. They are a result of technological advances and decreased need for humans to make products. This speech was soup to the uninformed and those who don't understand how a global economy now works.
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So Kasich invented a story about Trump's son Donald Jr. making a VP offer to him through one of his aids to pass to him that effectively made him in charge of domestic and foreign policy?

That's REALLY what you think happened?

I believe that more than Trump giving it to an aid to pass along.
If they made that offer it was directly to Kasich.
do you honestly believe at this point politicians wouldn't outright lie if it benefitted them? Hillary only used her private server for personal email too.
Can you imagine government running healthcare completely and also profiting on death. Complete BS.
Yes, it's called Universal Health Care and the entire rest of the industrialized world does it and their citizens do not have to worry about it. It is considered a basic human right not an opportunity to extract maximum profit to line some greedy asshole's pocket.
Far more likely Trump had his son call one of Kasich's aids to tell him Trump wanted Kasich to be the VP and just do everything the POTUS normally does. Far more likely.
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I'm sure both parties would be against a Stalin or Hitler type candidate too. I guess that means you'd vote for them.

The fact that people who understand foreign policy are putting country over party speaks volumes. And not in a good way for DT.

He still thinks he can use trickle down economics. He wants to take our energy policies backwards. The future is natural gas and renewables. Not freakin coal. Coal is dead.

I'm curious how his proposals would affect his taxes. I bet he would make even more money off of them.

Every Republican talks about how they can make up for lost tax revenues with increased economic output yet I'm still waiting on a Republican President to decrease the deficit this way instead of increase it. Clinton did it after huge tax INCREASES!

I do actually like some of DT's proposals on cleaning up the tax code. The only problem is, I don't trust that any of that takes into account how it affects the budget deficit.

He can renegotiate all the trade deals he wants, but those jobs are not coming back and not a result of NAFTA or anything else. They are a result of technological advances and decreased need for humans to make products. This speech was soup to the uninformed and those who don't understand how a global economy now works.

Really, you really think technology replaced all those jobs lol. If that's the case why move out of the Country? You think they did it to benefit 3rd world countries lol.

Follow the money son.
Yes, it's called Universal Health Care and the entire rest of the industrialized world does it and their citizens do not have to worry about it. It is considered a basic human right not an opportunity to extract maximum profit to line some greedy asshole's pocket.

So, when youre 80 you want the government deciding if your life is worth a rather expensive procedure. When the alternative is not spending the money and also raking in your death taxes?

You obviously missed the point.
and this isn't a trophy for the clinton's as well? so hillary has your best interest in mind?
The difference being that public service has been the Clinton's career choice. They have policy, understand how government works. For better or worse, you know what you will get.
Trump has little/no understanding of government. Has no political philosophy which is why he has stated positions all over the political spectrum map. He has said in so many words that he believes in universal care but if you ask him the direct question; Are you for universal care? He would answer "No" and then add..."But everyone must be covered".
He says he is pro-life yet he defends Planned Parenthood and has contributed mightily to the organization. He has been on every side of the minimum wage argument. One day he says that wages are too high, next day, wages are too low, he's against raising the minimum wage...he's for raising the minimum wage.
George Stephanopoulos: “Minimum wage — all through the primaries, you were against an increase. Now you’re saying you’re looking at it. So what’s your bottom line on this?”

Trump: “Well, I am looking at it and I haven’t decided in terms of numbers. But I think people have to get more.”
From Trump tweet...
"Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says I want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. See media—asking for increase!"

He claimed on Fox News that he never said he wanted to go “less than minimum wage,” a reversal from his May 8 claim that he believes in having no federal minimum wage.

Bill O’Reilly: What about the minimum wage? You got hammered on that by Bernie Sanders last night. What’s your vision for a federal minimum wage? How much?

Trump: Well, he lied last night. … He said I wanted to go less than minimum wage. This is a new one, because I’m the one Republican that said in some cases we have to go more than minimum wage.

O’Reilly: Give me a number.

Trump: Let me give you a concept, because I think it’s a good concept. You go with the states. Let the states make the determination, because, if you take New York, it’s very expensive to live in New York. And they need more than $7, $8, $9. You go with the states.

O’Reilly: The states have the authority now to do that. There has to be a federal minimum wage. What would you set the federal minimum wage?

Trump: There doesn’t have to be. Well, I would leave it and raise it somewhat. You need to help people — and I know it’s not very Republican to say.

O’Reilly: Give me a number. Ten [dollars]?

Trump: I would say 10. I would say 10.

— interview on Fox News

We can't compete in the world market because our wages are too high...he's going to bring back "so many" high paying jobs.
He's for raising taxes on the wealthy...he's for tax cuts for all.
When his foreign policy experience is called into question he goes off on how he has dealt with Putin. When he says something stupid, which is often and his connections to Putin are questioned...then he doesn't know Putin. He mocks a reporter with a disability but then denies that he does so.
He can't articulate his policies or positions because he has none of his own. He doesn't know what is posted on his own website for Christ's sake...most likely because he had nothing to do with posting what is on there.
Uh, she can speak clearly and coherently on all foreign and domestic issues extemporaneously. Even if you disagree with her she is at least tethered to reality and the issue at hand as opposed to "YOU'RE A MORON. I WILL BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER! I KNOW MORE THAN THE GENERALS DO. WE WILL WIN SO MUCH YOU WILL BEG ME TO STOP WINNING!"

Seriously, this is embarrassing. How blatantly obvious does the truth need to be before you will at least acknowledge what reality is?

"We came, we saw, he died" that right there is awesome policy wouldn't you say?

You're enamored with the optics, she's awesome at reading a Teleprompter. Unfortunately that's all we get from her.

She knows she can't shoot from the hip, as do those running her campaign.
So, when youre 80 you want the government deciding if your life is worth a rather expensive procedure. When the alternative is not spending the money and also raking in your death taxes?

You obviously missed the point.
You already have managed care purposely denying Americans coverage which winds up killing them. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Seriously, there are a couple of you in here that need clinical intervention as you are blatantly paranoid/delusional.