How will they rule ??!

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Everywhere you turn with Trump there is a trail of failure, bad deals, and burned partners. All this against a backdrop of constant bragging and exaggeration.

It is impossible to conclude Trump is anything but a conman. His entire history screams it.

So he hit the big one. He correctly concluded that the Republican party is full of morons that will nominate the likes of Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin so he figured he could take them for a ride. Bill all his campaign expenses to his own private businesses like Doral, and get a ton of free publicity to jump start his desire to once again try to start his own TV channel by doing the Russians a couple favors along the way as they are the only place left on earth where he can get a loan from. Worst case scenario he figured was he would be setup to live comfortably off the speaking fees and at least have enough money to keep the creditors off his doorstep.

Only the idiots actually nominated him. He's as flustered as anyone. Imagine him going into this just for the ride then stumbling into a goldmine of idiots?

So here we are. He still hasn't figured out his endgame. He struck a deal to get a VP to run the country for him and allow himself to just be a figurehead. But beyond that he is playing with house money.
More bullshit from UK. This is hilarious. It's damn near a weekly thing.

And nobody cares. Lmao...Capilutou sent a mass campus wide email justifying his non transparent "transparency". What kind of psycho self-important bulllshit is that. Doubtful the campus even knows about this records stuff, certainly not students coming this weekend, but many will receive an email from the president himself (wow!) talking about how transparent he is (wow!). HE REALLY CARES ABOUT US!!! Soooo progressive!!! Soooo transparent!!!! Oh look, he follows me on twitter :).

This is mind-touching 101.
The more these POS in Washington and Media hate on Trump the more I like him.

Their greed and power are being threatened so let's sabotage our own party's candidate. These people are exposing themselves for what they really are. Although I do not have much faith it will happen, but it would be awesome to see each one of them lose their reelection bids to a new GOP candidate.
James Jeffrey, former US Ambassador to Turkey and Iraq, is just killing Trump right now on CNN. He was one of the 50 Republicans to sign that letter that concluded Trump is too dangerously naive and incompetent to be President.
How can you be sure Guam can't capsize? Show your work.

/baghdad moe

Guam is underlain by limestone in the north and volcanic rock and ash in the south. Volcanic ash is non-plastic and non-cohesive. Therefore tipping is not possible without it being caused by an earthquake of magnitude 9 or greater. The limestone is cohesive but can maintain several humans per square foot before any concern toward it. The concern with limestone is excess sweat and urine causing it to erode downward.

The midget versus the giant is a tougher question.
Not much better as a writer:


I'd love to know the source of that graph. It's almost certain garbage. No way that's correct.

For your other posts: Trump failed at something. And? It happens. He's had far more wins than losses in business. I noticed those aren't in the graph.

Also, while you're at it, why don't you post a graph of hillarys business successes. Better yet, post anything she's done that's been a success. The only thing I can think of is helping the guilty man beat a rape case

James Jeffrey, former US Ambassador to Turkey and Iraq, is just killing Trump right now on CNN. He was one of the 50 Republicans to sign that letter that concluded Trump is too dangerously naive and incompetent to be President.

Lucky for him he wasn't appointed as Libya ambassador. Otherwise, he'd seen first hand what dangerous and naive leaders look like
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Otherwise, he'd seen first hand what dangerous and naive leaders look like
Or he could just watch any random Trump press conference where he is shooting off his mouth about something he has no actual concept of like badmouthing NATO while sucking up to Putin while our European allies looked on in horror. Then handing over Crimea as an afterthought just to ensure his TV station loan was approved.

You do realize 50 former Republican Security Experts just publicly denounced Trump in writing so then there's that, too.
Or he could just watch any random Trump press conference where he is shooting off his mouth about something he has no actual concept of like badmouthing NATO while sucking up to Putin while our European allies looked on in horror. Then handing over Crimea as an afterthought just to ensure his TV station loan was approved.

You do realize 50 former Republican Security Experts just publicly denounced Trump in writing so then there's that, too.

OR been 6 feet under, thanks to hillarys incompetence.

Keep repeating the laughable trump and Putin nonsense. We all know Putin bribed hillary so he could buy 20% of our uranium. I'm sure he, and other leaders would love her as president. They can get anything they want with enough money
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Trust in Hillary!

Top 5 Hillary Accomplishments…

1) She has been willing to endure America’s most humiliating marriage to achieve wealth and power:
It’s fun to guess what Hillary Clinton would have done with her life if she hadn’t married Bill and ridden his coattails. City council member in Little Rock, Arkansas? EPA bureaucrat? A lawyer for Planned Parenthood? She’s a very small person who latched onto her husband’s very big last name.

In return, she had to stay married to a man who cheated on her. CONSTANTLY. Worse yet, not only did she know it, the whole world knows it.

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House for perjuring himself over an affair with Monica Lewinsky. He settled a sexual harassment case against Paula Jones. He was accused of sexual assault by Kathleen Willey. He was accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick. Then there's Gennifer Flowers, Dolly Kyle Browning, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and undoubtedly dozens of other women he’s slept with. Given that some of the troopers who guarded him in Arkansas claimed they procured women for him and his confirmed trips to “orgy island,” the number may be in the hundreds and chances are, while you’re reading this, Bill is having sex with a woman who’s not Hillary Clinton. No normal woman would be so hungry for power over her fellow human beings that she would endure that and that does separate Hillary from the rest of us who aren’t as desperate for power.

2) Four people are dead in Benghazi because of her: It seems hard to believe that it’s even possible, but there were more than 600 ignored security requests related to Libya and the consulate in Benghazi. Had Hillary paid attention to those requests, it’s entirely possible that none of our men would have died in Libya. However, Hillary claims none of those requests reached her desk. Since it’s generally accepted that Hillary lies incessantly about anything and everything, maybe that’s another lie. On the other hand, given that she’s 68 years old, hasn’t driven a car since 1996 and clearly can’t handle her own email, maybe she just didn’t know what she was doing. Either way, if we had a different Secretary of State, those four men would probably be alive today. Most of us have made mistakes at work, but how many of us have the guts to ask for a promotion after four people DIED because we missed hundreds of requests for help from them?

3) She was one of the worst Secretaries of State in U.S. history: Donald Trump calls her “the worst Secretary of State” in American history, but this is an old country that has had a lot of people in that position; so that may be unfair. Maybe she’s just one of the worst Secretaries of State in American history. Look at what happened on her watch.

We helped radical jihadis take over in Libya and that country is falling apart. Benghazi also happened and while she was publicly telling the world a video caused it, she was privately telling people it was a terrorist attack. Additionally, we backed a radical jihadi takeover of the government in Egypt that thankfully fell apart. We pulled all our troops out of Iraq, which set the stage for ISIS to move in. Our relationship with the Israeli government deteriorated. So did our relationships with China and Russia. To top it all off, the State Department lost track of 6 billion dollars while she was Secretary of State. It would be easy to write Clinton off as a pitiable character whose ambition led her to take a job that was far too big for someone of her meager abilities, but unfortunately she’s trying to use her miserable failure as Secretary of State as a stepping stone to the presidency where she could do even more damage.

4) She managed to turn a career in government service into immense wealth: Hillary and her husband managed to become filthy rich one percenters because of their government service. Granted, they did cut a few corners in the process. For example, while Bill was governor, Hillary got away with taking a nearly $100,000 bribe from Robert L. "Red" Bone via sleazy cattle futures deals. While she was Secretary of State, money poured into the pockets of her husband and the Clinton Foundation from defense contractors and foreign governments that got fat contracts from the State Department. Among the governments that funneled money into the Clinton bank account via speeches are Iran, North Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China. They paid the Clintons an awful lot of money and if Hillary becomes our next President, people might be surprised at how much those foreign governments end up getting in return for making the Clintons rich.

5) She’s better at surviving sleazy scandals than anyone else: Hillary Clinton has been tied into more scandals than any other five politicians combined. Where she goes, an ocean of corruption, sleaze and controversy always follows. It’s amazing in a horrific way that Hillary is still considered a serious candidate for the presidency despite having more gaffes and scandals than the entire GOP field COMBINED. It would take a book to fully detail all of them, but just to name a few, there’s Emailgate, Pardongate, Whitewater, Travelgate, using the IRS to attack her political opponents, looting the White House, illegally acquiring FBI files on her Republican opponents, the Boeing payoff, the Uranium One payoff, the Norway embassy payoff, the Congo payoff, ripping off AIDS patients in the Third World, taking bribes via cattle futures, lying about landing under "sniper fire" in Bosnia, laughing about tearing apart a 12 year old girl in court to get a child rapist off and Benghazi. There are mob bosses with cleaner records than Hillary Clinton and yet, not only has she avoided prison so far, she’s running for President.

Trust in Hillary!

Quick review of those scandals...
  1. Emailgate,
  2. Pardongate,
  3. Whitewater,
  4. Travelgate,
  5. using the IRS to attack her political opponents,
  6. looting the White House,
  7. illegally acquiring FBI files on her Republican opponents,
  8. the Boeing payoff,
  9. the Uranium One payoff,
  10. the Norway embassy payoff,
  11. the Congo payoff,
  12. ripping off AIDS patients in the Third World,
  13. taking bribes via cattle futures,
  14. lying about landing under "sniper fire" in Bosnia,
  15. laughing about tearing apart a 12 year old girl in court to get a child rapist off
  16. Benghazi.
There are mob bosses with cleaner records than Hillary Clinton and yet, not only has she avoided prison so far, she’s running for President.
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Trust in Hillary!

When meeting with The San Francisco Chronicleeditorial board, Democratic California Senator Diane Feinsteinwas caught off-guard when asked to name Hillary Clinton‘s accomplishments when they served together in the Senate.

“As someone who worked with Hillary Clinton for nearly a decade in the Senate, what in your view was her signature accomplishment as a senator?” an editor asked. Clinton and Feinstein served eight years together from 2001 to 2009.

“Golly, I forget what bills she’s been part of or authored,” Feinstein responded. “I didn’t really come prepared to discuss this.”

“But she’s been a good senator,” the Clinton supporter continued. “There are things outside of bills that you can do, and I know that she’s done them for her state… she was never there long enough to achieve the degree of seniority that affords her the ability to do more.”

“Get on Google,” she told an aide, who eventually came up with Clinton’s support for the Child Health Insurance Program (as First Lady, not as a senator).

Washington Post today. First, regarding the "is Hillary physically capable of being Prez?" issue. I said yesterday the media would push that off the front page. I was wrong - they tackle it head on and proclaim the whole thing the weird fantasy of biased people! heh. Regarding that weird head shaking thing she does, the Post says

"To some Clinton fans, it seemed like she had remained steely while a threat was taken care of — a contrast with the way Trump had handled himself when a protester tried to rush him during the primaries."

Ha! She's not sick, and let's talk some more about Trump.

Second, writer points out that as bad as Trump is doing, this isn't likely to be a landslide. He says the margins of Roosevelt, Reagan, Nixon, et al are a thing of the past - the country is too fixed red vs blue, and besides Hillary is too disliked, to get a landslide. Even vs Trump.......
Trust in Hillary!

When meeting with The San Francisco Chronicleeditorial board, Democratic California Senator Diane Feinsteinwas caught off-guard when asked to name Hillary Clinton‘s accomplishments when they served together in the Senate.

“As someone who worked with Hillary Clinton for nearly a decade in the Senate, what in your view was her signature accomplishment as a senator?” an editor asked. Clinton and Feinstein served eight years together from 2001 to 2009.

“Golly, I forget what bills she’s been part of or authored,” Feinstein responded. “I didn’t really come prepared to discuss this.”

“But she’s been a good senator,” the Clinton supporter continued. “There are things outside of bills that you can do, and I know that she’s done them for her state… she was never there long enough to achieve the degree of seniority that affords her the ability to do more.”

“Get on Google,” she told an aide, who eventually came up with Clinton’s support for the Child Health Insurance Program (as First Lady, not as a senator).



That's gold. Golly.
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Trump raises the art of flip flopping to whole new levels:

I doubt there's a single position he sincerely believes in ..other than promoting himself.
But it's all of the Republicans who are frauds, you see! He's just a straight shooter; doesn't make ish up to glean votes from the ill-informed, angry mob.
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The more these POS in Washington and Media hate on Trump the more I like him.
Credit where it's due - you've been pro-Trump for as long as I can recall, to my recollection the first one on this forum. So I am curious - why do you like him? Is it because:

1. He's not a politician (aka, people you hate, hate him, so you like him)
2. He's not Hillary/better than Hillary
3. You honestly just like Trump

Credit where it's due - you've been pro-Trump for as long as I can recall, to my recollection the first one on this forum. So I am curious - why do you like him? Is it because:

1. He's not a politician (aka, people you hate, hate him, so you like him)
2. He's not Hillary/better than Hillary
3. You honestly just like Trump

1 & 2 for me.
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Were screwed no matter who wins.

But at least if Trump becomes POTUS, the Democrats, Republicans, media and half of America will stand in his way of doing anything too stupid.

Clinton will have a rubber stamp to do whatever the hell she wants. And considering she embodies the worst side of every single issue (absolutely corrupt tax and spend war mongerer who's owned by Wall Street and hates American sovereignty and individual liberty) I'd much rather see Trump in office.
But at least if Trump becomes POTUS, the Democrats, Republicans, media and half of America will stand in his way of doing anything too stupid.

Clinton will have a rubber stamp to do whatever the hell she wants. And considering she embodies the worst side of every single issue (absolutely corrupt tax and spend war mongerer who's owned by Wall Street and hates American sovereignty and individual liberty) I'd much rather see Trump in office.
Ironically, nominating Trump in the first place was the easiest way to get that rubber stamp for her.
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not really true. poor and "middle" class people are screwed. everyone is else is fine and will do well.

but thats the way its going to be no matter.
doing missions work in 3rd world countries changed my notions about poor and middle class and who, exactly, is getting screwed. To borrow a phrase, the rest of the world sees our fights about "economic inequality" as millionaires fighting with billionaires. Yeah, no trouble believing that Biff with his trust fund is an insufferable ass - but if I don't view it as my God given right to have the finest this consumer culture has to offer, if I don't decide to live up to my neck in debt, then I never have to give Biff a second thought.
Ironically, nominating Trump in the first place was the easiest way to get that rubber stamp for her.

They had every opportunity. Bush had a war chest never before seen. Rubio was the chosen one. Kasich was the moderate.

They all flopped. Only kasich won his home state, and that's the only state he won.

So, you've repeated this line several times as if there were better options. There werent. And they had every opportunity. That's why we're here.
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Blame for Clinton cannot be laid at the feet of any Republican.

And as we've seen with Obama, Congress doesn't even matter. Legislation through budget resolutions and EOs all while championed by the media.
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And I'm not really defending Trump. Just pointing out how stupid the people are that are actually advocating for Clinton over Trump.

Any criticism you have of Trump is there with Clinton x5. Except for criticizing him about his businesses, because Clinton never did anything but leach off the American taxpayer.