How will they rule ??!

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Cia veteran reportedly will announce his candidacy for president on Friday. Reportedly backed by independent conservatives.

Wonder how much funding hillary has provided and what promises she's given him

I'd like to see another old man punch this guy in the face.
Cia veteran reportedly will announce his candidacy for president on Friday. Reportedly backed by independent conservatives.

Wonder how much funding hillary has provided and what promises she's given him
Yeah, like how all the Republicans are running around pimping Jill Stein. That always cracks me up. There is no "stupid" too low for them to try. I guess when you've managed to sneak Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, and now TV reality star Donald Trump onto the ticket you pretty much figure you're dealing with the clan of the imaginary cloud people, anyway.
Trump's tax plan is not a shocking secret. He has talked about it and had information in his book and website on what he wanted to do. Problem is the media and most Americans were more concerned with his theatrics than his actual economic ideas.

When I have been talking to folks about Trump and brought up his economic plans you could see their eyes light up.


That's kind of sad.

That's what Trump seemed to attack very early on - her health and sanity, which is very legit concern. She does not speak well. Obviously not physically well.

I'm shocked more people don't talk about Bill. That guy is almost burnt toast. Really sad, but couldn't happen to a better person, that POS.

It is funny, as they are not that old. Karma.
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Trump's tax plan is not a shocking secret. He has talked about it and had information in his book and website on what he wanted to do. Problem is the media and most Americans were more concerned with his theatrics than his actual economic ideas.

When I have been talking to folks about Trump and brought up his economic plans you could see their eyes light up.

But look! Hes a bigot! We cant let him win! (insert twisted, manufactured headline which takes part of a quote, and editorializes it).
If the billionaires and corporate elites are telling me vote for candidate A then I'm voting for candidate B. America has formed a group of mega aristocrats that are dictating ever phase of American life. They need to be put in check before it gets any worse.
This thread is full of endless whining about how the poor, poor republicans are just misunderstood by minorities and the democrats are preying on them.

Stop with the victim mentality. The GOP adoptees identity politics just the same as democrats except they targeted southern white males. Worked fine for decades. It won't for much longer.

The GOP needs to retool their entire approach to this. The truth is they should hsve Hispanics and Asians voting for their ticket in much higher numbers but they don't. Don't assume these groups are stupid. Ask yourself what image is the Republican Party promoting thst limits their appeal.
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No, the truth is we don't have a gd clue, and we're all looking at this through whatever glasses we were.

How do you know wtf Mexicans are doing, though? By far the most conservative group in my town. So conservative it hurts. So why would they vote for a woman? They wouldn't. All the stuff you rail on white people about lmao. the constitution is ok as long as you agree with it.......kinda wonder how that jives with the 2nd amendment. I always figured most folks who HATE immigrants just figure they'll do what the immigrants on the Mayflower did to the actual citizens of the country.....guessing THEY don't count though
Wtf are you ranting about? The 14th amendment was never brought forth for illegal immigrants like that of today. It was established so that recently freed slaves who were born in the US would become legal citizens.
This thread is full of endless whining about how the poor, poor republicans are just misunderstood by minorities and the democrats are preying on them.

Stop with the victim mentality. The GOP adoptees identity politics just the same as democrats except they targeted southern white males. Worked fine for decades. It won't for much longer.

The GOP needs to retool their entire approach to this. The truth is they should hsve Hispanics and Asians voting for their ticket in much higher numbers but they don't. Don't assume these groups are stupid. Ask yourself what image is the Republican Party promoting thst limits their appeal.

Democrats are preying on them. The GOP try to prey on them, but fail. If either party actually cared, theyd remember them more than every time an election rolls around. Instead, thats the only time minorities get any attention at all.

I do agree the perception is that the GOP is anti minority. But that PERCEPTION is driven by the MSM parroting any message the dems want to put out. Fact is, neither party cares; and thats pathetic.
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If you took all the worst things the left has accused recent R POTUS candidates of, left out all the redeeming qualities, and rolled them all into one candidate, you'd have Clinton.

Inexperienced in anything that matters except war mongering and skating out of her criminal activities for being too incompetent, controlled by special interests, hates freedom of speech and individual privacy and doesn't really give a shit about anything but her own political ambitions.

Vote HRC!!!!
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All both parties care about are votes. Nothing more nothing less. Dems always care so much about blacks come election time but when do you ever see these people in the ghetto's, etc. trying to help people? Republicans care so much about immigration come election time but when have they ever done anything of real substance to fix it? Could go on and on for both parties. You have a very small portion of folks in Washington who are really there for the right reasons, but they get sucked up into the cesspool that is Washington and the beat goes on.
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Both parties exist to perpetuate the parties. That's why Trump scares me far less than Clinton.

I know with Clinton well get more federal government, more useless war, less privacy and freedom, and more taxes on the middle class to keep the class system as is.

At least of Trump wins the parties both hate him. That's a breath of fresh air.
This thread is full of endless whining about how the poor, poor republicans are just misunderstood by minorities and the democrats are preying on them.

Stop with the victim mentality. The GOP adoptees identity politics just the same as democrats except they targeted southern white males. Worked fine for decades. It won't for much longer.

The GOP needs to retool their entire approach to this. The truth is they should hsve Hispanics and Asians voting for their ticket in much higher numbers but they don't. Don't assume these groups are stupid. Ask yourself what image is the Republican Party promoting thst limits their appeal.

Before Trump the GOP's voting block pretty much consisted of Christians & rich business owners. Trump is at least pulling in blue collar workers.
Democrats are preying on them. The GOP try to prey on them, but fail. If either party actually cared, theyd remember them more than every time an election rolls around. Instead, thats the only time minorities get any attention at all.

I do agree the perception is that the GOP is anti minority. But that PERCEPTION is driven by the MSM parroting any message the dems want to put out. Fact is, neither party cares; and thats pathetic.
What cracks me up is the Libs are saying most of Trumps base is uneducated whites and not only is that untrue, but they paint it as negative when the majority of the Liberal voting block and what got Obama elected both terms was uneducated blacks that they have held down for years. Democrats are the real oppressors of the black community, but people who have been in the life cycle of welfare this long have no desire to get out.
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No, the truth is we don't have a gd clue, and we're all looking at this through whatever glasses we were.

How do you know wtf Mexicans are doing, though? By far the most conservative group in my town. So conservative it hurts. So why would they vote for a woman? They wouldn't. All the stuff you rail on white people about lmao.

I live in Los Angeles and teach in east Los Angeles. I am surrounded by Mexican Americans. They were already heavily anti-Trump during the primaries. What they do, however, is inconsequential. The Hispanic voters in swing states matter more, and it'll be interesting to see what they do because what you're saying is true. Hillary being a woman hurts her there.
Instead of other teams whining about Duke getting all the calls, shooting hundreds more FTs than their opponents attempt every year despite being perimeter-oriented, why don't they just will themselves to also shoot that many FTs. It is simple, idiots.
If you look at a list of Clinton qualities and experiences, and "is a woman" even registers on your reasons why you should not vote for her, please go back to Mexico or whatever backwoods or third world shit hole you came from.
Instead of other teams whining about Duke getting all the calls, shooting hundreds more FTs than their opponents attempt every year despite being perimeter-oriented, why don't they just will themselves to also shoot that many FTs. It is simple, idiots.

Kentucky fans whining about Duke is tacky. We have the better program.

Make Allen go left. He can't.

Trump, shut up about the wall and come up with a real policy. And don't say you love Mexicans and then post a picture of yourself eating a taco.
Kentucky fans whining about Duke is tacky. We have the better program.

Make Allen go left. He can't.

Trump, shut up about the wall and come up with a real policy. And don't say you love Mexicans and then post a picture of yourself eating a taco.

Denocrats, shut up about amnesty and just follow the damn laws on the book! See how that works, if we had only done that a wall wouldn't be on the table.
Truth is both parties want illegals in the country, Dems want votes and Reps want cheap labor.
If Trump is elected its going to throw a wrench in that, and they know it. Not so much because of Trump, but because Americans will have said enough is enough. Same with our trade policies. Why do you think every billionaire has come out against him?
He's gonna upset their cash apple cart.

The media, the Dems, the current reps know it must be stopped before it starts, that's why it's a constant barrage of negativity against Trump.
Hell, Hillarys GD private server just got a man killed. Remember the stink when Bush admin just outed an office CIA agent? Hillary outed a double agent, now he's dead and it's barely got any play.
question for liberals.

How does it benefit black communities to extend the 14th amendment, which was intended for slavery victims, to any foreigner (whom we owe nothing) that wants to slime their way into this country illegally?

The correct answer, is you're all vote herders, who don't really care one damn bit about black communities.

The small percentage of liberals who have no idea what I'm talking about need to wake the hell up.
Are you literate?
I ask because you ask a question that is answered in the first sentence of the first section of the 14th amendment.
We don't get to pick and chose what laws and rights apply to what people. That is what equal protection means.
As with most laws there is a stimulus that necessitates the discussion that eventually leads to new law. The question over the citizenship rights of slaves in part was that stimulus that resulted in the writing and adopting of the 14th amendment. But it was not written so narrowly that it only applied to blacks.
Picking and choosing what laws apply to this person or that person is the exact mentality that created the need for the 13th,14th,15th,19th,23rd,24th and 26th amendments.
Our Constitution says that a person born in the US is a citizen. Who that helps or harms should not factor into supporting it or not. That would be discrimination.
Denocrats, shut up about amnesty and just follow the damn laws on the book! See how that works, if we had only done that a wall wouldn't be on the table.
Truth is both parties want illegals in the country, Dems want votes and Reps want cheap labor.
If Trump is elected its going to throw a wrench in that, and they know it. Not so much because of Trump, but because Americans will have said enough is enough. Same with our trade policies. Why do you think every billionaire has come out against him?
He's gonna upset their cash apple cart.

The media, the Dems, the current reps know it must be stopped before it starts, that's why it's a constant barrage of negativity against Trump.
Hell, Hillarys GD private server just got a man killed. Remember the stink when Bush admin just outed an office CIA agent? Hillary outed a double agent, now he's dead and it's barely got any play.
You really think Trump is going (or would) change any of that? Using what powers? He cannot do anything without a willing legislative branch and I sure don't see too many GOP legislators lining up behind him and you damn well know that the Dems won't do so.
So let me get this straight. You believe that Hillary purposely outed an agent and you also believe what you hear when it comes to news about agents, spying and that type info?
As a sidebar. If Vladimir Putin was endorsing Clinton the right would be railing about how that proves how soft and ineffective she will be limiting Russia and their quest to at least partially reassemble the old USSR. I think it should really tell you something that old Vladimir is rooting for your boy.
I'm still trying to figure out if the Russians are important.

According to Obama, they're irrelevant; evidently a step below the JV team (ISIS).

According to Canckles, they've just bot and paid for the Republican nominee (how thats different from the Chinese owning the Clintons is not for discussion evidently).

American electorate, both parties, not qualified to participate in a representative form of government. Too many truly uninformed and apathetic people who only care about what they can get from someone else. People don't think but only believe the f**king politicians and biased news outlets, who are only out for themselves.

Democrats are totally f*cked. Elite Republicans are nearly the same. Sick of both. I will vote for Trump and hope he can begin to affect change in both parties and wake up the stupid people in this country, both the corrupt and ignorant.
I remember back in 2008 the left and the media were demanding to see John McCains health records, where are these people on Hillary? She has what looks like seizures, her brain apparently short circuits, she barks like a dog, has long coughing fits, and she can't even walk up a few stairs without help. Its quite obvious her health is awful, and I'm not saying this to be funny or because I despise her, but where are the demands for her health records? Don't people want a healthy President?
You really think Trump is going (or would) change any of that? Using what powers? He cannot do anything without a willing legislative branch and I sure don't see too many GOP legislators lining up behind him and you damn well know that the Dems won't do so.
So let me get this straight. You believe that Hillary purposely outed an agent and you also believe what you hear when it comes to news about agents, spying and that type info?
As a sidebar. If Vladimir Putin was endorsing Clinton the right would be railing about how that proves how soft and ineffective she will be limiting Russia and their quest to at least partially reassemble the old USSR. I think it should really tell you something that old Vladimir is rooting for your boy.

No I don't think Trump can do it all by himself, but he can do a lot from the catbird seat. He can prevent TPP, but more importantly is it can lead to a ground swell of support. You see if he runs on renegotiating NAFTA and wins that is an indication that the public is behind him. Congress can either choose to take heed, or oppose and lose their job.

I don't think Hillary purposely outed him, I think her recklessness did, which is even worse. He's dead right now because she chose to protect her ass.
For the 8 billionth time.....were this a pic of Trump, we'd get the royal treatment, wall to wall coverage for at least a full week. Interviews with doctors about possible ailments, including comorbid mental issues, interviews with old associates who know "there's something seriously wrong" with Trump, anonymous sources who say he really isn't physically well enough to be Prez, etc. etc. With Hillary - crickets. Of course, Trump wouldn't help himself: he'd come out in boxer shorts with the gloves already laced and tied tight, challenging George Will and preferably Meghan Kelly to a fistfight right now because he "is able, very able, to kick your ass."

Kasich expanded the ACA in his own state you idiot. That right there shows that hes not a conservative. Stop huffing paint and come back to reality.

Since Hayek backed universal health care, the most likely deviation from True Conservatism would be the Tea Party. I'd sure go for the group that doesn't want the government out of their Medicare. Reagan backed amnesty for illegals, too. Reagan (or his speech writer) coined the phrase "trust but verify" rather than simply go into a frenzy over arms control agreements. I just think if True Conservatism means cruel hysteria, then True Conservatism can go suck eggs.
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You're reaching with the military thing Moe, the military isn't a model of efficiency.

What does the government do that's efficient and saves money?

I don't car how long Cubans live, that isn't what we're speaking of, we're talking level of care.
I'm sure Cubans as a whole are in much better shape than most Americans.

You know: there are places in the world where government is pretty non-existent. Like Somalia. Afghanistan. The upper regions of the Himalayas. I'm surprised that someone with such a finicky disregard for our government could stand to suck at its teat. (Too harsh?)

Nature does abhor a vacuum. "Strong man" government is an actual thing. Personal vendetta rather than a judicial system. Etc. Me, I like the wonderful freedoms and safety of the modern Social Welfare government. It doesn't have great slogans, but it's home.

"Efficiency" is nice in a military. But using mercenaries speaks of a lack of loyalty. All in all, loyalty and love seems better criteria. But, hey, that's just me. Men who work merely for pay might be tempted to work somewhere else for more.

As for the quality of care in medicine, that's what the long game is all about. There is no bottle marked "Quality of Care". Instead it's demonstrated by getting those under its care to be infinity years old. And if "efficiency" is your watchword, you've just got to admire the plucky Cubans getting so much for the health care dollar. Half as big a % of their teeny GDP. And you may not care how long the Cubans live, but they do.
Since Hayek backed universal health care, the most likely deviation from True Conservatism would be the Tea Party. I'd sure go for the group that doesn't want the government out of their Medicare. Reagan backed amnesty for illegals, too. Reagan (or his speech writer) coined the phrase "trust but verify" rather than simply go into a frenzy over arms control agreements. I just think if True Conservatism means cruel hysteria, then True Conservatism can go suck eggs.

Who are we trusting but verifying? Iran?
They didn't have nukes, but they will now, and we took it with no lube.
However, much like everything Obama has done, someone else will have to deal with it.
Obamacare is a cluster, my father is retired, has been for 10 years. Got a letter in the mail Saturday that his supplemental for BCBS will not be picked up now. He has to pick an exchange between Oct and Jan.
He's a lifelong blue dog democrat, but he's voting Trump this year.
The real pain from obamacare will hit after he's gone.
Who are we trusting but verifying? Iran?
They didn't have nukes, but they will now, and we took it with no lube.
However, much like everything Obama has done, someone else will have to deal with it.
Obamacare is a cluster, my father is retired, has been for 10 years. Got a letter in the mail Saturday that his supplemental for BCBS will not be picked up now. He has to pick an exchange between Oct and Jan.
He's a lifelong blue dog democrat, but he's voting Trump this year.
The real pain from obamacare will hit after he's gone.

I'm retired and pay for my supplemental. My wife pays her supplemental. Our retired friends pay for their supplemental. Who doesn't pay for their supplemental?