How will they rule ??!

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I hate saying it, but if Trump veers off again, there might be something to the "mole" theory.

The Clintons are extremely corrupt and powerful. Lets not pretend its not possible.
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He can win because idiocy can't be the rule of the day We have a chance to elect someone that is not old school politics. The people that are against him are the people that are for the same ole same ole.
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He can win because idiocy can't be the rule of the day We have a chance to elect someone hat is not old school politics. The people that are against him are the people that are for the same ole same ole.

If the people reject Trump because of his style, they deserve exactly what is coming to them. I just wish the liberal extremes would live to see the shit their future generations will have to endure. But no, they'll get to play the game while enjoying what traditional conservatism has brought them and then die before they see the storm.
If Candy Crowly is anywhere near a debate Trump should cancel it. That wench helped keep obama from a knockout punch. I couldn't believe it, and it's just sickening that she was allowed to offer her input only to admit she was wrong on page 9 of the "pacific ocean Times".

Honestly, could you imagine the liberals if US media was right leaning? They would spontaneously combust. And to think they have the nerve to suggest the media isn't biased. They prove time and time again, it doesn't matter who has power, left, right, blacks, whites etc. It will be abused no matter.
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If the people reject Trump because of his style, they deserve exactly what is coming to them. I just wish the liberal extremes would live to see the shit their future generations will have to endure. But no, they'll get to play the game while enjoying what traditional conservatism has brought them and then die before they see the storm.
Damn dude. I'm drunk. I think you are agreeing with me. If you're not, touch you. If you are, hell yeah.
apparently I talk too much on rafters.
now I feel bad. I don't remember you pal. Sorry if I offended you. It was for an individual post and not for your overall demeanor. I'm sorry if I was out of line.
If the people reject Trump because of his style, they deserve exactly what is coming to them. I just wish the liberal extremes would live to see the shit their future generations will have to endure. But no, they'll get to play the game while enjoying what traditional conservatism has brought them and then die before they see the storm.
yes, I agree with this. All of it. Still drunk though.
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What about Obama kicking black youth out of private schools?

Why is this never spoken about? Because of the white unions that vote herd for liberals?

How much is it going to take for Americans, black and white, to wake up to the detrimental policies of the left? Seriously?
Question for liberals.

Is it possible to be a progressive and take millions and millions of dollars from wall street, while forming one of the biggest super pacs in the history of a political race?

question for liberals.

How does it benefit black communities to extend the 14th amendment, which was intended for slavery victims, to any foreigner (whom we owe nothing) that wants to slime their way into this country illegally?

The correct answer, is you're all vote herders, who don't really care one damn bit about black communities.

The small percentage of liberals who have no idea what I'm talking about need to wake the hell up.
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If the people reject Trump because of his style, they deserve exactly what is coming to them. I just wish the liberal extremes would live to see the shit their future generations will have to endure. But no, they'll get to play the game while enjoying what traditional conservatism has brought them and then die before they see the storm.

Damn dude. I'm drunk. I think you are agreeing with me. If you're not, touch you. If you are, hell yeah.

I've always agreed with you Ymmot. Except on rafters where you seemed to hate me.

Why do you want to be a shithead on rafters?

apparently I talk too much on rafters.

now I feel bad. I don't remember you pal. Sorry if I offended you. It was for an individual post and not for your overall demeanor. I'm sorry if I was out of line.

And that's just the way it is....

things will never be the same.

You lost me. I'm drunk. Very drunk. Still more aware than Z or lik though.

Get a bathroom stall :okay:
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question for liberals.

How does it benefit black communities to extend the 14th amendment, which was intended for slavery victims, to any foreigner (whom we owe nothing) that wants to slime their way into this country illegally?

The correct answer, is you're all vote herders, who don't really care one damn bit about black communities.

The small percentage of liberals who have no idea what I'm talking about need to wake the hell up.

For a class back in the day I had to watch "The Birth of a Nation," which was this ridiculous racist propaganda film in 1915 and takes place during the Civil War. It was considered to be a masterpiece for its time because of the technical aspects but it was ridiculously racist. Anyways, there was a scene in that film after slavery had just ended. The character, Silas Lynch and the Carpetbaggers/northern abolitionists plucked the slaves from the field and marched them straight to the voting boxes to vote for them and gave them free tools as well.

Fast forward to LBJ's "War on Poverty" in the 1960s and JFK's call to release MLK from prison and then all the way to 2016 and you will see that nothing has changed. Opportunistic politicians present themselves as caring then proceed to manipulate these groups and buy them off for their vote in return.
For a class back in the day I had to watch "The Birth of a Nation," which was this ridiculous racist propaganda film in 1915 and takes place during the Civil War. It was considered to be a masterpiece for its time because of the technical aspects but it was ridiculously racist. Anyways, there was a scene in that film after slavery had just ended. The character, Silas Lynch and the Carpetbaggers/northern abolitionists plucked the slaves from the field and marched them straight to the voting boxes to vote for them and gave them free tools as well.

Fast forward to LBJ's "War on Poverty" in the 1960s and JFK's call to release MLK from prison and then all the way to 2016 and you will see that nothing has changed. Opportunistic politicians present themselves as caring then proceed to manipulate these groups and buy them off for their vote in return.

I believe Malcolm X warned the black communities about these democrats. Of course, in Clinton fashion, he was dead in less than a week.
The Democratic Party, which is filled with so many smug elitists, prey on the poor, the uneducated and the perpetual aggrieved groups. Just this week, their media have posted poll after poll calling Republicans/Trump supporters "mostly white men with no college education."

I find that funny considering this is a shot at blue collar workers often from Middle America yet they ignore that their entire strategy is to get as many poor, uneducated and third world people to vote for them by promising them everything and blaming the other group for why they're in their current state.

Somehow these liberal rags don't run studies on the education of those specific voting blocks that vote Democrat and rarely puff out their chest for the fact that high school dropouts overwhelmingly vote Democrat. It doesn't even matter though but it just pisses me off that such an elitist smug group of libs mock the education of Republican voters and then act like they care so much these special interests groups.
The 14th amendment is a joke. How can two illegals produce a legal citizen? That's wrong. You should not gain something through illegal means. I liken it to a scenario of obtaining money through illegal activity like fraud, robbery or drugs and the government confiscates the profits of that. That's what they should do with illegals.
You broke the law? You don't get to stay here nor do your kids.
The 14th amendment is a joke. How can two illegals produce a legal citizen? That's wrong. You should not gain something through illegal means. I liken it to a scenario of obtaining money through illegal activity like fraud, robbery or drugs and the government confiscates the profits of that. That's what they should do with illegals.
You broke the law? You don't get to stay here nor do your kids. the constitution is ok as long as you agree with it.......kinda wonder how that jives with the 2nd amendment. I always figured most folks who HATE immigrants just figure they'll do what the immigrants on the Mayflower did to the actual citizens of the country.....guessing THEY don't count though
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Reactions: From-the-stands the constitution is ok as long as you agree with it.......kinda wonder how that jives with the 2nd amendment. I always figured most folks who HATE immigrants just figure they'll do what the immigrants on the Mayflower did to the actual citizens of the country.....guessing THEY don't count though

Not sure why you capitalized "hate."

Were those people citizens of an established government? Is this concept of conquering land somehow unique to just the U.S.

The second amendment is very much important to the nature of our country. The 14th amendment is an exploitation of illegals and we receive the highest amount of immigrants every year (because they vote Democrat and that's the only reason). There's only about 30 countries in the world who even do this because it's a joke. If my parents break the law and then have me in Japan, should that make me Japanese? No. Do it legally, become citizens and then you can give birth to a citizen.

Things are so out of hand that we have Chinese women flying over here and setting up shop in hotels so they can have children here and then exploit it. That's just unethical beyond belief. the constitution is ok as long as you agree with it.......kinda wonder how that jives with the 2nd amendment. I always figured most folks who HATE immigrants just figure they'll do what the immigrants on the Mayflower did to the actual citizens of the country.....guessing THEY don't count though
My gawd, could you imagine how fruity the white house would be if Kaine has to assume the presidential duties?

Seriously, him and his wife are some of the biggest fruit cakes ive ever seen.
With the trillions of dollars US companies have stashed overseas, and the uncertainty in many markets around the world, Trump should really start pushing a repatriation tax holiday for money directly invested in the US. Allow companies to bring home cash tax free to spend on expansion of facilities and workforces. Couple that with his 15% corporate rate (which hopefully would be expanded to business income from pass-throughs, not just corporations) and I think you could really help the middle class.

If you want to bring the cash home to fund a bonus for your executives, tough luck, no holiday for you.