How will they rule ??!

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I'm not making it up - this past week there were several prominent party members who came out for HRC, and a quick search brought up this:

"A small, but growing, number of Republicans are turning their back on the party’s presidential nominee and rallying around Clinton as the days tick down to the general election. Earlier this week, Representative Richard Hanna of New York broke with his party to become the first sitting Republican member of Congress to announce that he will vote for Clinton over Trump. Republican fundraiser Meg Whitman came forward to say that she too will support Clinton—personally and monetarily—in order to defeat Trump."

I still think Kasich would have walloped HRC. If conservatives would truly stay home rather than vote for him then there is no Republican party anymore
Ok but I don't think the names you listed are Conservatives. More like Moderates which would make a bit more sense
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child.

That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic"

So what doez more than doubling the 9 trillion debt make him? An islamic terrorist sympathizer?

The GOP has had the veto for any spending since 2010. If you want to point fingers at spending and debt, don't point them at the Dems or the president.
I'm not making it up - this past week there were several prominent party members who came out for HRC, and a quick search brought up this:

"A small, but growing, number of Republicans are turning their back on the party’s presidential nominee and rallying around Clinton as the days tick down to the general election. Earlier this week, Representative Richard Hanna of New York broke with his party to become the first sitting Republican member of Congress to announce that he will vote for Clinton over Trump. Republican fundraiser Meg Whitman came forward to say that she too will support Clinton—personally and monetarily—in order to defeat Trump."

I still think Kasich would have walloped HRC. If conservatives would truly stay home rather than vote for him then there is no Republican party anymore
You're conflating "conservative" and "Republican" - using them interchangeably. I can't tell if it's unknowing or convenient.
...the quoted words could easily be flipped around for Trump. You think that wall's really getting built? F no it's not. It's meant to rile up every sleeveless, toothless Cletus in the US who thinks illegals are just going to disappear because the orange gobblin says so.

... Trump is barely f'n literate and appeals primarily to the GED crowd.
I 100% think Trump would build the wall. Trump has balls that republicans of the past clearly didn't have.

Gotta give MegaBlue credit. Nailed it.
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child.

That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic"

So what doez more than doubling the 9 trillion debt make him? An islamic terrorist sympathizer?
"President Obama is coming under fire again tonight after videos surfaced which appear to call into question the sincerity of his position on...."

Can you imagine Lester starting his half hour report that way? Of course not, "coming under fire again" and other such euphemisms are used to connote weakness and vulnerability, to get across the subject is in trouble. Those kinds of phrases are reserved for Rs. When Trump says something stupid, he is "besieged", when Hillary tells a lie the story is "Republican critics contend..." He's in trouble, but she's got to put up with those do-nothing conservatives....
This is America, if you hate capitalism so much, why don't you move to a socialist country?
I agree, those that don't like it here can go where it is the way they like it. We grew strong off of capitalism. It is the progessives that are trying to change that way of life and are taking us down with socialist ideas.
Lots of conservatives are staying home or flipping to Hdog. Tea Partiers are Trumps base and they would have voted for whoever had an R by their name. Stubborn wingers :confused:

There isn't one true conservative who would risk a liberal supreme court for their children and grandchildren because they don't care for the republican ticket. You saying it doesn't make it so.
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HRC is the most conservative (in the American sense of the word ... aka Bob Taft Republican) in the race. She isn't a conservative in the nativist, know-nothing, Father Coughlin sense of the word. Wal-Mart doesn't put socialists on their board. Wall Street doesn't give money to elect socialists.

Walmart would put Noam Chomsky on its board if they thought it would help their bottom line.
Thanks idiot. I'm beginning to think that maybe lek is more self aware than you are. I know that's a stretch, but you deserve it.
The GOP has had the veto for any spending since 2010. If you want to point fingers at spending and debt, don't point them at the Dems or the president.


You truly are dense or a plant.

So because the gop could filibuster and shut down the government(which happened) and then be crucified in the media for whining, its their fault? Not the ones who actually do the deed, the ones who just cant stall forever?
Th father of libertarian economics -- Friedrich Hayek -- was an advocate of universal healthcare. The negative income tax (aka guaranteed minimum income) was the idea of Milton Friedman. Lots of things that some people claim are socialism aren't.

Awesome, set alone it might not be, but it's not going to be the freedom bell you think it will be. Nothing the Govt gets involved in is more efficient or cheaper than private, NOTHING.

Once you open Pandora's box there's no going back.
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You truly are dense or a plant.

So because the gop could filibuster and shut down the government(which happened) and then be crucified in the media for whining, its their fault? Not the ones who actually do the deed, the ones who just cant stall forever?

Took the words right out of my mouth. We seem eerily similar.
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HRC is the most conservative (in the American sense of the word ... aka Bob Taft Republican) in the race. She isn't a conservative in the nativist, know-nothing, Father Coughlin sense of the word. Wal-Mart doesn't put socialists on their board. Wall Street doesn't give money to elect socialists.
Hillary a conservative. Now I'm convinced you're huffing paint. If she was a conservative you wouldn't vote for her.
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He has bragged many times that his company, Accenture, is the contractor. He is just trolling. The best indicator of whether or not it is a "success" (other than, of course, it grossly missed goals, targets, and promises) is the it never gets discuss in the media.

And yeah, the biggest problem is that we did not give our govt enough control.

Sorry...not the kind of soul that brags about where they work. I think one of you clowns here spent time trying to determine who I was in real life. Clearly, I am that important to some of you.

Couldn't be prouder of that side of the company - AFS (Accenture Federal Service), but I don't work in that arena. I do, though, work on the payor and provider side. So, I do kind of laugh when listening to you hacks talk about ACA and healthcare in general.
Thinking of quitting my job for obamacare.

Im sure I can get a cash for condos program to pay my mortgage.

You truly are dense or a plant.

So because the gop could filibuster and shut down the government(which happened) and then be crucified in the media for whining, its their fault? Not the ones who actually do the deed, the ones who just cant stall forever?

There have been 6 years of basically continuing resolutions. There haven't been exotic spending binges. Congress controls the purse strings. The president doesn't cook up spending bills on his own. It's really troubling to have to stress basic civics here. You want your cake and eat it to. You all set filibuster records. Had rules that no bill except those that a majority of Republicans would vote for would even get a vote.

Then pretend that it's Obama's fault that nothing got done.
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I suspect jamo has had some sort of psychological event - the prospect of supporting/defending either Trump or Clinton was simply too much.. My money is on dissociative amnesia. He is somewhere right now pouring over poll results, cursing KellyAnne Conway and Peter Hart. He has a huge cutout of Pat Cadell's lazy eye under a magnet on his fridge. Calls it "precious".
your hypothesis doesn't include a handgun or alcohol.
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Thinking of quitting my job for obamacare.

Im sure I can get a cash for condos program to pay my mortgage.

It's real man, if you have a 10% decrease in income they will pay your mortgage for 18 months.
Awesome, set alone it might not be, but it's not going to be the freedom bell you think it will be. Nothing the Govt gets involved in is more efficient or cheaper than private, NOTHING.

Once you open Pandora's box there's no going back.

Which is nonsense. You'd want a for profit army? :Laws and regulations evolved from a need. The whole notion that government is worse than private is derived from a slogan.

As for health care, Cuba with its tiny economy and Commie overlords gets the same kind of health care outcomes as we do with our huge economy. Until very recently Cuba got BETTER health outcomes than we did. It's in the CIA fact book. You can look it up. Cuba not only spends much less per capita, it spends a lesser % of their GDP.
Not what you want, I'm sure. He was the probable conduit for the Stuxnet virus that disabled Iranian centrifuges.
What do I want?
I'd rather the dude be alive. And if he isn't because that twat decided to do her own thing, then that's something we need to know.
Which is nonsense. You'd want a for profit army? :Laws and regulations evolved from a need. The whole notion that government is worse than private is derived from a slogan.

As for health care, Cuba with its tiny economy and Commie overlords gets the same kind of health care outcomes as we do with our huge economy. Until very recently Cuba got BETTER health outcomes than we did. It's in the CIA fact book. You can look it up. Cuba not only spends much less per capita, it spends a lesser % of their GDP.

Surely to God you dont truly believe or if you had the option choose Cuban care over healthcare providers in the US. That right there should clue you in to the authenticity of the scores.

Are effing kidding me with Army example.
The Govt is not more efficient than private, on anything! I work for the Govt in an agency that private has just as big a foothold in. They run laps around us, the Govt just has deep pockets.
I voted for Sanders in the primary this year. Obama in 2008. I'm voting for her this year because her opponent is a horror show.
That is not a valid reason, considering Hillary is a horror show. Therefore, you are voting for Hillary purely because she has a D next to her name. You know deep talking points, but you are ultimately shallow.
It's real man, if you have a 10% decrease in income they will pay your mortgage for 18 months.
Do you have a link for this? I retired a couple of years ago and took a 70% decrease in pay because there is no overtime in retirement. No per diem either.
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