How will they rule ??!

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Oh, you mean this isn't going to work on anyone other than the liberal self loathing panderer crowd?

It hasn't happened yet. Look for it during the debates. Could be wrong of course, as she might still think she can get to that 60% mark still. But it's not going to happen. I think 45% is closer to the reality and she would lose.
We still haven't addressed cost, cost hasn't changed. You think hospitals and Drs are going to lower the cost of a knee replacement? It costs more because we're paying for time. England's wait times are much longer than the US for surgery.

Routine procedures...routine. If waiting times were so important, then why aren't their people dying on the streets are you infer? In the countries that we are compared against, their death rates are no worse than ours. Once again, these countries are able to deliver the same quality of health care at a fraction of the cost. You seem to go out of the way to defend the practice of paying more for the same thing others are paying less. The same thing. No one is dying because they need a knee replacement.

The role of ACA was to increase the amount of people who would be insured. The cost measures were not addressed. A public option was shelved. That would have been addressing the costs of healthcare.

I mean, the Republicans fight to no end to prevent Medicare from using its leverage for cheaper drug prices. Free market thinkers indeed.
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Wow, this is a huge deal. Will the MSM even be able to cover this up?

Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email

It only matters to independents. Liberal ideologues would vote for her if she used the N word describing the black base. They have proven they don't really care how rich, white, or corrupt you are. Is there a D beside your name? Check✔️

They've really expose themselves since last election. Everything they Hit Romney on has shown to be nothing but political rhetoric. Since they've used the AA intended 14th amendment to round up foreign anchor babies and foreigners, they don't think it matters. Incentive based votes is what they're shooting for.

It's disgusting but beneficial for them.
If she doesn't get close to 60% of black turnout for herself she won't win. Independents are largely still claiming undecided. That probably means they're afraid to say they will be voting trump. If you don't support Hillary by now, you're probably not going to.

Trump doesn't have to have high black turnout.
In a normal election, 45% might be an accurate estimate but I think with the racially divisive climate in this country, I don't think the majority of African Americans are going to sit this one out.
Kasich confirmed on CNN today that Trump's son Don Jr. called his staff and offered Kasich the VP job with the understanding that Kasich would run both domestic and foreign policy as Trump just wants the job title.

More people should be paying attention to that. Trump REALLY doesn't give two flips about Republicans, the issues, or any policy at all. This is just a game to him that he wants to win for his ego. He isn't interested in doing anything for anyone other than himself and all of you are rubes for going along with it. Giving your party to him unconditionally.

As for all the talk on health care that keeps going on in here, just watch Sicko and you'll see exactly what the problem is. We need Universal Health Care, period.
Define working. Do you mean people are being covered? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact the finances are warped and we were all lied to about the rise in cost.

I know you have very little understanding of the law, but ACA had three parts:

1. Expand coverage to those uninsured
2. Protect people from the stupid insurance companies process and rules
3. Reduce costs

All three are working...the cost of healthcare is dropping. It's not dropping like you think it should, but health INSURANCE for years has been out of control. ACA has slowed that increase.

You choose to be be it. But you don't know what you are talking about.
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In a normal election, 45% might be an accurate estimate but I think with the racially divisive climate in this country, I don't think the majority of African Americans are going to sit this one out.

That climate isn't what the media is propping it up to be. BLM is already coming out agaisnt establishment policies and politics. Trump will remind the black voter that it was the clintons crime bill and terms like "super predator" that has incarcerated the black populous during the debates. One of the BLM movements demands is incarceration policies. The clintons are at the top.

If they vote for her, they, like most liberals, will be shown to be partisans over policy driven voters. I don't see it happening.
Routine procedures...routine. If waiting times were so important, then why aren't their people dying on the streets are you infer? In the countries that we are compared against, their death rates are no worse than ours. Once again, these countries are able to deliver the same quality of health care at a fraction of the cost. You seem to go out of the way to defend the practice of paying more for the same thing others are paying less. The same thing. No one is dying because they need a knee replacement.

The role of ACA was to increase the amount of people who would be insured. The cost measures were not addressed. A public option was shelved. That would have been addressing the costs of healthcare.

I mean, the Republicans fight to no end to prevent Medicare from using its leverage for cheaper drug prices. Free market thinkers indeed.

I didn't say anything about people dying, I said wait times for surgery.
If you need a hip or knee replacement you are obviously in pain and possibly not able to work. You tell them waiting 17 weeks instead of the 3 in the US isn't a hardship.
I had back surgery last year, it was to the point I couldn't sleep, and was barely able to work. I saw the neurosurgeon the last week of May, I had the surgery on June 22. While at Disneyworld this past spring I was chatting with a man from the UK. We had the exact same surgery, on the same discs. He waited upward of 6 months, now I don't know if that's normal there or not, but it's a real world example.
Kasich confirmed on CNN today that Trump's son Don Jr. called his staff and offered Kasich the VP job with the understanding that Kasich would run both domestic and foreign policy as Trump just wants the job title.

More people should be paying attention to that. Trump REALLY doesn't give two flips about Republicans, the issues, or any policy at all. This is just a game to him that he wants to win for his ego. He isn't interested in doing anything for anyone other than himself and all of you are rubes for going along with it. Giving your party to him unconditionally.

As for all the talk on health care that keeps going on in here, just watch Sicko and you'll see exactly what the problem is. We need Universal Health Care, period.

He said an aid told him they did, do you believe for a second they woukd make that magnitude of an offer to an aid and not to Kasich himself?
Kasich insulated himself from any scrutiny with that comment, an aid told him. If it is proven that such an offer never happens, the aid falls on the sword, not Kasich. You know how it works Z.
Another gem in there was he doesn't think McCain should even have to run for election, he should be a Senator for life, yea that's just peachy thinking.
I know you have very little understanding of the law, but ACA had three parts:

1. Expand coverage to those uninsured
2. Protect people from the stupid insurance companies process and rules
3. Reduce costs

All three are working...the cost of healthcare is dropping. It's not dropping like you think it should, but health INSURANCE for years has been out of control. ACA has slowed that increase.

You choose to be be it. But you don't know what you are talking about.

I have no idea what you mean. You made up 3 objectives. Even assuming those are true:

It achieved #1. Replaced #2 with their own bureaucratic nonsense. And #3 is just totally false.
He had his chance and got his rear kicked. He agreed to support the nominee and won't. Sore loser.
That's what pisses me off about him and bush. They both agreed to support the winner. And the only reason for the agreement in the first place, was to keep trump from a 3rd party run.
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If they vote for her, they, like most liberals, will be shown to be partisans over policy driven voters. I don't see it happening.

As a Johnson voter who refuses to swim in the derp pool with the partisans, I found the above statement to be amusing. It will be lost in this right-wing echo chamber, but the quoted words could easily be flipped around for Trump. You think that wall's really getting built? F no it's not. It's meant to rile up every sleeveless, toothless Cletus in the US who thinks illegals are just going to disappear because the orange gobblin says so.

Same with Killary's promises to turn this place into a loving utopia where we all join hands and sing "If you're happy and you know it" while we jizz all over ourselves with all this free stuff the rich man is paying for.

I still can't believe there's people out there - a large majority I might add - who think EITHER one of these ass lickers deserve to be president. Hillary should be in prison or exiled to Siberia and Trump is barely f'n literate and appeals primarily to the GED crowd. These losers are only getting votes because they have a D or R by their names.

Continue to jerk circularly, fellas. :victory:
As a Johnson voter who refuses to swim in the derp pool with the partisans, I found the above statement to be amusing. It will be lost in this right-wing echo chamber, but the quoted words could easily be flipped around for Trump. You think that wall's really getting built? F no it's not. It's meant to rile up every sleeveless, toothless Cletus in the US who thinks illegals are just going to disappear because the orange gobblin says so.

Same with Killary's promises to turn this place into a loving utopia where we all join hands and sing "If you're happy and you know it" while we jizz all over ourselves with all this free stuff the rich man is paying for.

I still can't believe there's people out there - a large majority I might add - who think EITHER one of these ass lickers deserve to be president. Hillary should be in prison or exiled to Siberia and Trump is barely f'n literate and appeals primarily to the GED crowd. These losers are only getting votes because they have a D or R by their names.

Continue to jerk circularly, fellas. :victory:
I 100% think Trump would build the wall. Trump has balls that republicans of the past clearly didn't have. Why do you think the globalists on both sides of the isle hate his guts?
A component of the rankings is cost...we charge 3-5 times the cost for knee replacements in comparison to other industrialized nations. Nothing scientific about knee replacements these days. In and out in two days. England has the same standards of living...yet we pay a significant premium for the same healthcare for routine procedures. Why's that?.


...the cost of healthcare is dropping. It's not dropping like you think it should...

Is that you, Sybil?
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As a Johnson voter who refuses to swim in the derp pool with the partisans, I found the above statement to be amusing. It will be lost in this right-wing echo chamber, but the quoted words could easily be flipped around for Trump. You think that wall's really getting built? F no it's not. It's meant to rile up every sleeveless, toothless Cletus in the US who thinks illegals are just going to disappear because the orange gobblin says so.

Same with Killary's promises to turn this place into a loving utopia where we all join hands and sing "If you're happy and you know it" while we jizz all over ourselves with all this free stuff the rich man is paying for.

I still can't believe there's people out there - a large majority I might add - who think EITHER one of these ass lickers deserve to be president. Hillary should be in prison or exiled to Siberia and Trump is barely f'n literate and appeals primarily to the GED crowd. These losers are only getting votes because they have a D or R by their names.

Continue to jerk circularly, fellas. :victory:

I was a GJ fan until they decided not to bring up the emails again. That's ridiculous.

And his immigration policy is terrible.

Truth be told, Trump stands for exactly the things most libertarians have been pushing. Too bad he's as uncouth as he is brilliant
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child.

That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic"

So what doez more than doubling the 9 trillion debt make him? An islamic terrorist sympathizer?
Report: GOP strategists are getting ready to ditch Trump for the down ticket

Those plans exclude fully disavowing Trump (and potentially alienating his base), but include other coping mechanisms like accelerating the development of ads that distinguish GOP candidates from Trump — airing as soon as early next month — or possibly launching a large-scale ad campaign to support conventional Republican positions, thus bolstering the party itself instead of the party's nominee — or as the Times paraphrases one strategist's explanation, "to provide voters with a different, nonthreatening view of Republicans, so that the party is not wholly defined by Mr. Trump's day-to-day pronouncements."

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
Supreme Z gets his news from AOL. Funny stuff! He must still be using dialup Internet.....
I 100% think Trump would build the wall. Trump has balls that republicans of the past clearly didn't have. Why do you think the globalists on both sides of the isle hate his guts?

Trump isn't building a wall,that's the extreme the other direction as opposed to amnesty the left is proposing. He knows he wouldn't ever get it, but he wants the leverage in Immigration swung more to the right. That's it.
Its been confirmed

Albany is for sure a paid democratic party internet plant.

Anyone defending ACA is either: not using it and has no idea or a paid democratic party hack.
Oh, I don't know, there's plenty to crow about. Obamacare's approval rating has been underwater since it passed - to be that unpopular for 6 straight years is something. I think there were 23 coops to begin with - what is it, 16, that have gone under? That sort of failure rate is worth bragging about. All the insurers are pulling out because, well, you can't obligate them to provide coverage for someone who doesn't bother to get insurance until after they're sick and expect the math to work. That they were able to pass something so fundamentally and obviously flawed, well that's worth a boast or two. Just about every aspect, from implementation, to administration, to operations, to finance, has proved to be deficient in the ways its critics predicted. That's kind of amazing when you think about it.
As a Johnson voter who refuses to swim in the derp pool with the partisans, I found the above statement to be amusing. It will be lost in this right-wing echo chamber, but the quoted words could easily be flipped around for Trump. You think that wall's really getting built? F no it's not. It's meant to rile up every sleeveless, toothless Cletus in the US who thinks illegals are just going to disappear because the orange gobblin says so.

Same with Killary's promises to turn this place into a loving utopia where we all join hands and sing "If you're happy and you know it" while we jizz all over ourselves with all this free stuff the rich man is paying for.

I still can't believe there's people out there - a large majority I might add - who think EITHER one of these ass lickers deserve to be president. Hillary should be in prison or exiled to Siberia and Trump is barely f'n literate and appeals primarily to the GED crowd. These losers are only getting votes because they have a D or R by their names.

Continue to jerk circularly, fellas. :victory:

The difference is the conservatives (voters) are not talking out both sides of their mouths. They do not down talk the rich, while propping up a rich, wall street, corrupt candidate. You might not like Trump, or conservatives, but let's not play the "all are bad" political game that liberals play when their candidate is flawed against their typical points.

The wall is a starting point in the conversation about a much more important point. The 14th amendment has been hijacked by the left to include all foreigners, when it was meant to be about AA's. This is another reason why AA's must see the left for what it is and not get caught up into racial politics. The lefts new meaning for the 14th amendment hurts AA's. This should all be brought out during the debates.
Its been confirmed

Albany is for sure a paid democratic party internet plant.

Anyone defending ACA is either: not using it and has no idea or a paid democratic party hack.
He has bragged many times that his company, Accenture, is the contractor. He is just trolling. The best indicator of whether or not it is a "success" (other than, of course, it grossly missed goals, targets, and promises) is the it never gets discuss in the media.

And yeah, the biggest problem is that we did not give our govt enough control.
Fts that would be like Harry Reid voting for Ted Cruz. I just don't see it. Guess it is possible but again I just can't imagine that happening.
What the hell do you think universal healthcare is LEK? It's socialism, pure and simple socialism, and it won't stop there, that's just the starting point.

Th father of libertarian economics -- Friedrich Hayek -- was an advocate of universal healthcare. The negative income tax (aka guaranteed minimum income) was the idea of Milton Friedman. Lots of things that some people claim are socialism aren't.
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Fts that would be like Harry Reid voting for Ted Cruz. I just don't see it. Guess it is possible but again I just can't imagine that happening.
I'm not making it up - this past week there were several prominent party members who came out for HRC, and a quick search brought up this:

"A small, but growing, number of Republicans are turning their back on the party’s presidential nominee and rallying around Clinton as the days tick down to the general election. Earlier this week, Representative Richard Hanna of New York broke with his party to become the first sitting Republican member of Congress to announce that he will vote for Clinton over Trump. Republican fundraiser Meg Whitman came forward to say that she too will support Clinton—personally and monetarily—in order to defeat Trump."

I still think Kasich would have walloped HRC. If conservatives would truly stay home rather than vote for him then there is no Republican party anymore
HRC is the most conservative (in the American sense of the word ... aka Bob Taft Republican) in the race. She isn't a conservative in the nativist, know-nothing, Father Coughlin sense of the word. Wal-Mart doesn't put socialists on their board. Wall Street doesn't give money to elect socialists.