How will they rule ??!

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The LA Times is reporting the race is basically tied again. HRC's bounce has ended.
Trump is killing it with white men, who have helped him claw back into contention.
Bill and Hillary didn't get ahold of me, @Willy4UK, don't worry. Just been enjoying America's best wildernesses for a bit.

Some of the denial ITT is impressive, though. Now that Trump has the nomination, however, that denial doesn't matter.
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I didn't say everyone pays $5, of course they don't.

What I said about Canada wasn't a myth,it was an example, and yes the wait times in socialized medicine countries are far longer than the US.

Do you think prices for medical procedures are magically going to go down if the Govt gets involved? Thats what we have now, and prices are still going up.

The difference will be made up by you, and me in some form or fashion. Thats simple economics as well. You want socialism, I don't, I think it counteracts everything thats made this country what it is.

Isn't it funny how when we started losing jobs that provided insurance for people that medical costs started going up? Just another great benefit from globalization.
Where in God's name did you get I wanted socialism. I mean, I know you don't use facts to back your arguments, nor read them.

-"America has the best health care in the world."

-"uhm, actually no facts exist to support that statement. In fact every single piece of data shows its failing behind other countries, however, maybe use a system other capalist countries use."

-"That data means you're a commie socialist."

-"what the hell are you even talking about?"

This was our exact conversation. This is why we don't engage. You don't live in reality. You're counter claim was a country whose health care is rated above ours, but still not close to number 1.

Your facts were, hey, at least we're not that turd.

And the whole point is better economics. You have these cartoon level thinking processes. No one wants socialism. Not remotely. The reason everyone has insurance was because the dumbass uninsured were costing the regular insured more money. That's a conservative idea. Make people actually pay for stuff. Your solution was let them pay $5, which that sounds more like socialism. Paying what you can. I mean, that's the level of discourse that comes from you. It's though you don't actually think about the words you say/type.

When you advocate the solution is people just pay what they can, that's socialism. When you claim without fact, our nation has best healthcare, that's socialism, because you put the state above actual fact check. I am arguing for a system where people pay their actual share.

Now the point, is that's not what happened. The point was to make people actually pay and fix the system. It didn't.

It's not liberal or conservative values that are killing this country. It's dumbasses that make claims with out facts backing up their claims.
Bill and Hillary didn't get ahold of me, @Willy4UK, don't worry. Just been enjoying America's best wildernesses for a bit.

Some of the denial ITT is impressive, though. Now that Trump has the nomination, however, that denial doesn't matter.

Whew. Jamo is safe.

Man, i thought Hillary got to you.
Not saying the Clintons have people killed, but people around them seem to die in strange ways.

Most recently, John Ashe, who was being investigated on corruption charges died when he accidentally dropped a barbell on his throat.

How in the fart does that happen.
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Wtf is up with Hillary's health? I can't help that I went down a conspiracy rabbit hole this morning, but seriously 'hillary clinton health'. She has seizures, completely freezes because of a protester, and has a weird something on her tongue. She also hasn't had a press conference in like 7 months?
Where in God's name did you get I wanted socialism. I mean, I know you don't use facts to back your arguments, nor read them.

-"America has the best health care in the world."

-"uhm, actually no facts exist to support that statement. In fact every single piece of data shows its failing behind other countries, however, maybe use a system other capalist countries use."

-"That data means you're a commie socialist."

-"what the hell are you even talking about?"

This was our exact conversation. This is why we don't engage. You don't live in reality. You're counter claim was a country whose health care is rated above ours, but still not close to number 1.

Your facts were, hey, at least we're not that turd.

And the whole point is better economics. You have these cartoon level thinking processes. No one wants socialism. Not remotely. The reason everyone has insurance was because the dumbass uninsured were costing the regular insured more money. That's a conservative idea. Make people actually pay for stuff. Your solution was let them pay $5, which that sounds more like socialism. Paying what you can. I mean, that's the level of discourse that comes from you. It's though you don't actually think about the words you say/type.

When you advocate the solution is people just pay what they can, that's socialism. When you claim without fact, our nation has best healthcare, that's socialism, because you put the state above actual fact check. I am arguing for a system where people pay their actual share.

Now the point, is that's not what happened. The point was to make people actually pay and fix the system. It didn't.

It's not liberal or conservative values that are killing this country. It's dumbasses that make claims with out facts backing up their claims.
Anecdotal irrelevancies are very powerful to the neanderthals. I was talking about Sicko in another thread and they posted a picture of a long waiting line at a Cuban ER. Nevermind you could literally die in the waiting room at any hospital in any ER across the US while waiting for hours to be seen as our own ERs are completely overrun. No, to them that one picture is enough to completely discredit universal health care. Can't have lines like that in 'Merica!
Wtf is up with Hillary's health? I can't help that I went down a conspiracy rabbit hole this morning, but seriously 'hillary clinton health'. She has seizures, completely freezes because of a protester, and has a weird something on her tongue. She also hasn't had a press conference in like 7 months?
Ted Cruz had tonsil stones crawling out of his mouth before he greedily lapped them back up. That was wonderful television.
Last two pages nothing but name calling and whining about putting another Democrat poster on ignore.

That's the Republican neanderthal blueprint. Name call, accuse the other person of name calling, then the dramatic announcement that they have never put anyone on ignore but simply are compelled to do so.

Really are a loathsome lot. Dumber than roofing nails and schooled in their religious madrasas to worship the rich and demonize the poor. As sorry a lot as you'll run across. I'd rather live around thieves and murderers as at least you know what they are.

Possibly the least self aware person I have encountered in my life.
The Iran nuclear deal was negotiated with 5 countries including Russia and very well might work. But dems complaining about Russian money in The Donald's campaign never seem to mention that fact.

I don't understand. All participants in multi-sided negotiations aren't after the same ends.A Russia which is interested in restricting Iranian nuclear weapons is still a Russia which could be harboring new imperialist ambitions. A Russia which has an historical ally in Syria could have very different goals in the region over ISIS than an Iran which wants -- as the old Irish saying goes -- to return to its place in the comity of nations.
You think the embargo is hurting Russia, really? Who's following the embargo, you think China gives a damn about it? Hell no, they inked an energy deal with them. Guess what that does, it gives Russia leverage on Europe with its Natural Gas.
All we did was push them and China into an alliance.

I've shown the numbers. So, your reduction ("All we did") is nonsense. It isn't all it did by a long shot.
You just agreed with me. hahaha

Then you threw in a "but". How can you agree with me and then disagree with me within one word? "Sure, but". Whaaaaa?

When I get a "yeah but". I know I am tapping into anxiety. Anxiety triggers self defense mechanisms. I'm sure you know this though. You being a Da Vincian Man.

Your final statement in the post I responded to asked if I remembered the backlash to George HW Bush's tax increase. I responded "Sure." since it wasn't that long ago, and your final statement asked for a response from me. I didn't think you were as old as I am, but apparently you're having memory issues as well. (as in ... The other day I asked my wife why she'd put a banana in the fridge when I should have asked why she hadn't stopped me from putting a banana in the fridge.) I added "But ..." because I wanted to clarify what I thought its relevance to the discussion was.
Not saying the Clintons have people killed, but people around them seem to die in strange ways.

Most recently, John Ashe, who was being investigated on corruption charges died when he accidentally dropped a barbell on his throat.

How in the fart does that happen.

And to think that I'd been afraid that this strain of Clinton Derangement Syndrome had been eliminated.
Your final statement in the post I responded to asked if I remembered the backlash to George HW Bush's tax increase. I responded "Sure." since it wasn't that long ago, and your final statement asked for a response from me. I didn't think you were as old as I am, but apparently you're having memory issues as well. (as in ... The other day I asked my wife why she'd put a banana in the fridge when I should have asked why she hadn't stopped me from putting a banana in the fridge.) I added "But ..." because I wanted to clarify what I thought its relevance to the discussion was.

One time I took a shit. Wiped my ass and threw the roll in the toilet instead. Why? I don't know. But I remembered it. So no. My memory is just fine Moe.
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When we slapped sanctions on Iran it froze a helluva lot of their assets. They sue us in international court to get what they claim was around 10 billion in cash that we had not returned to them. A case our United States attorneys said we would more than likely lose in international court. So we settle with them for around 1.9 billion which includes a 400 million plane load of cash on a pallet because due to sanctions there was no other way to return Iraq's money to them. We couldn't wire it. We couldn't use US dollars. It was a great deal for the American people by any standard.

I'm happy that this story is dead because it should be dead. It was an old story that was fully explained when it happened. The administration hid nothing. It was completely disclosed. Nice try, neanderthals, but the clock is ticking on Trump and a landslide is coming. Your usual bag of lies and distortions will not save you this time. Because you don't deserve saving.

Enjoy this last Presidential campaign, though. Because going forward they will be a mere formality. You are doomed to history. The dust heap of it. A forgotten relic. A cautionary tale of ugly hateful people who were ruled by paranoia and fear. A tiny handed little cabal of ever shrinking stupid that finally and mercifully died out like the last bubbly sputter of projectile diarrhea. Adios. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Defense spending in relation to all federal spending. Did defense spending go down, or did spending on federal programs go way up?
When we slapped sanctions on Iran it froze a helluva lot of their assets. They sue us in international court to get what they claim was around 10 billion in cash that we had not returned to them. A case our United States attorneys said we would more than likely lose in international court. So we settle with them for around 1.9 billion which includes a 400 million plane load of cash on a pallet because due to sanctions there was no other way to return Iraq's money to them. We couldn't wire it. We couldn't use US dollars. It was a great deal for the American people by any standard.

I'm happy that this story is dead because it should be dead. It was an old story that was fully explained when it happened. The administration hid nothing. It was completely disclosed. Nice try, neanderthals, but the clock is ticking on Trump and a landslide is coming. Your usual bag of lies and distortions will not save you this time. Because you don't deserve saving.

Enjoy this last Presidential campaign, though. Because going forward they will be a mere formality. You are doomed to history. The dust heap of it. A forgotten relic. A cautionary tale of ugly hateful people who were ruled by paranoia and fear. A tiny handed little cabal of ever shrinking stupid that finally and mercifully died out like the last bubbly sputter of projectile diarrhea. Adios. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
It was a ransom.
It is impossible to give someone back their own money and it be considered ransom.

Quid pro quo is what you are struggling to come up with. It certainly lent the appearance of that but since you idiots seized immediately upon an easily disprovable characterization of "ransom" you lost the argument so congratulations on once again being very simple idiots to out position in an argument.
It is impossible to give someone back their own money and it be considered ransom.

Quid pro quo is what you are struggling to come up with. It certainly lent the appearance of that but since you idiots seized immediately upon an easily disprovable characterization of "ransom" you lost the argument so congratulations on once again being very simple idiots to out position in an argument.
We gave them money and prisoners in exchange for hostages. That is a ransom.
Trump is just too risky. He pals around with Putin. His wife is airdropped in on a direct FEDEX flight from Moscow with no return address printed on her ass. The Russian mob is lending him money. He has a TV station in the works modeled after RT (Russian TV). He keeps attacking NATO. He mocks US war heroes. He attacks the family of a dead soldier. He approves of Russia annexing Crimea with a wink and a nod to his buddy Putin.

And it's not even September yet.
So Hillary mistakenly referred to Trump yesterday as "my husband." Any amateur psychs want to roll around in that? Heh
Even traditional college Republican groups are abandoning Trump in droves:

For the first time in 128 years, the Harvard Republican Club is refusing to endorse its party’s candidate for president.

Similarly, at Trump’s alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, members of the student Republican organization told ABC News they also will not be supporting Donald Trump.

And, in interviews with Republican college students around the country, some say they dread their turn inside the voting booth in November where they will face the choice of voting for their party's standard-bearer or not.

LAND.... SLIDE. Yeah, it's coming.
Trump is just too risky. He pals around with Putin. His wife is airdropped in on a direct FEDEX flight from Moscow with no return address printed on her ass. The Russian mob is lending him money. He has a TV station in the works modeled after RT (Russian TV). He keeps attacking NATO. He mocks US war heroes. He attacks the family of a dead soldier. He approves of Russia annexing Crimea with a wink and a nod to his buddy Putin.

And it's not even September yet.
Lefties and obama claimed Russia was no big deal. 1980 called, remember that?

Now you twats want to make them out to be the worst in the world.

How do you dipshits make such sharp turns without breaking your necks?
Lefties and obama claimed Russia was no big deal. 1980 called, remember that?

Now you twats want to make them out to be the worst in the world.

How do you dipshits make such sharp turns without breaking your necks?
We were marginalizing the enemy, not glorifying them like you and your buddy Trump are doing. It's called giving aid and comfort to the enemy so congrats, commie lover. You already hate your own government so I would imagine the plunge into communism is no big deal.

Some of us love our country and are willing to fight for it rather than beg Putin to like us so we will feel protected.

Why do you hate religion? You know communism is anti-religion, didn't you? How does that square with your fundamentalist Olympic park bombing?

Yeah, just like I thought. Another America hating godless anti-free trade LGBTQ convention pimping Donald Trump Republican. You're so predictable.
We were marginalizing the enemy, not glorifying them like you and your buddy Trump are doing. It's called giving aid and comfort to the enemy so congrats, commie lover. You already hate your own government so I would imagine the plunge into communism is no big deal.

Some of us love our country and are willing to fight for it rather than beg Putin to like us so we will feel protected.

Why do you hate religion? You know communism is anti-religion, didn't you? How does that square with your fundamentalist Olympic park bombing?

Yeah, just like I thought. Another America hating godless anti-free trade LGBTQ convention pimping Donald Trump Republican. You're so predictable.
You are the perfect example of the left. Smh