How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Sure. But a tax passed in 2012 absolutely demands Republican support. If the GOP didn't want it all they needed to was to filibuster. They sure knew how.
You're such a pathetic joke. Every thing is the republicans fault. You're a disgusting political hack and apparently a homophobe.
Just think it is too early to call this over which some on here have already done.
I agree. Anyone that thinks this is over is kidding themselves. I'm sure people in the media and people in Britain thought it was over when the polls were showing Brexit losing too. And look how that turned out.
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I gave you numerous links and video to support very simple arguments and your response has been to ignore and rathole. I get it, you work Dem campaigns and have become accustomed to how they craft opinion backwards...much like an attorney, which you also are. The parties count on minions like you.

Not a lawyer. Retired from working in computers. Programs demand rigid logic. As you well know.
You just agreed with me. hahaha

Then you threw in a "but". How can you agree with me and then disagree with me within one word? "Sure, but". Whaaaaa?

When I get a "yeah but". I know I am tapping into anxiety. Anxiety triggers self defense mechanisms. I'm sure you know this though. You being a Da Vincian Man.

I'm impressed by the ways you process data. I don't know how you manage it.
These polls are crap. Some of them even state that they use projections based off of 2008 and 2012 voter turnout, specifically black turnout. Hillary will need at least 58% or more of AA to show up and vote for her to win this election. She's white, rich, and corrupt. It's not going to happen.

Get ready for the polls to tank just like Brexit.
These polls are crap. Some of them even state that they use projections based off of 2008 and 2012 voter turnout, specifically black turnout. Hillary will need at least 58% or more of AA to show up and vote for her to win this election. She's white, rich, and corrupt. It's not going to happen.

Get ready for the polls to tank just like Brexit.

Brexit was a hoot because it just showed that the media & the SJWs are so far from reality. Any poll you see from the MSM just toss that in the garbage because it's a joke.

If the media thought it was over, they wouldn't spend so much time on Trump.
Was talking to a family member and she told me she wouldn't be surprised if Hillary cries or gets upset during one of the debates to try to make Trump look mean. I could see her doing something like that, the media would take up for her too.

No way she cries. Media WILL light her up for that. Crying is not presidential.
No way she cries. Media WILL light her up for that. Crying is not presidential.
FALSE. Learn modern day MSM. They will say that she cried because she loves this country sooo much that she is terrified that DT could be president and we would all die from syphilis infected AIDS.
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I honestly think Obama thinks the Iranians are better allies to have than Russia. Something has to be triggering this little adventure he is on besides kissing Muslim ass.

I don't get it, and I don't want to. I'm honestly concerned about the truth of what Americans are being used for in this world as I read CNN stories that the saudi's are indirectly involved in 9/11 attack and we are helping them as well as other Middle East countries while burning bridges with allies.

It just seems as if this America is siding with the wrong folks. I could be wrong, who knows, but if your comfortable with the road we are on I can not say it enough you just don't understand our history.
The Iran nuclear deal was negotiated with 5 countries including Russia and very well might work. But dems complaining about Russian money in The Donald's campaign never seem to mention that fact.
Fluff. A bigger decline in GDP than we had in 2008-2009. You're blasé about it. How much did Bush's actions after the Georgia invasion cost Russia?

You think the embargo is hurting Russia, really? Who's following the embargo, you think China gives a damn about it? Hell no, they inked an energy deal with them. Guess what that does, it gives Russia leverage on Europe with its Natural Gas.
All we did was push them and China into an alliance.

Embargoes only work on Countries that don't have a military, are outgunned, or don't want to use the military option, none of those relate to Russia.
The United States had an agreement with Ukraine that if they handed over the nukes, we'd defend them. They stuck to their word, we didn't. How do you think the rest of our lesser allies feel now? You think Taiwan and China didn't take note? You think it's coincidence that Obama is weak and China happens to build unsinkable carriers in the middle of the Commerce rich South China Sea?
We are in dangerous territory right now. Russia and China are flexing their muscles, the world is in economic downturn, and we have a weak president.
Last two pages nothing but name calling and whining about putting another Democrat poster on ignore.

That's the Republican neanderthal blueprint. Name call, accuse the other person of name calling, then the dramatic announcement that they have never put anyone on ignore but simply are compelled to do so.

Really are a loathsome lot. Dumber than roofing nails and schooled in their religious madrasas to worship the rich and demonize the poor. As sorry a lot as you'll run across. I'd rather live around thieves and murderers as at least you know what they are.
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Last two pages nothing but name calling and whining about putting another Democrat poster on ignore.

That's the Republican neanderthal blueprint. Name call, accuse the other person of name calling, then the dramatic announcement that they have never put anyone on ignore but simply are compelled to do so.

Really are a loathsome lot. Dumber than roofing nails and schooled in their religious madrasas to worship the rich and demonize the poor. As sorry a lot as you'll run across. I'd rather live around thieves and murderers as at least you know what they are.

Thats hilarious coming from you, especially that last sentence.
Self awareness son, you're like a Bantee Rooster. You run around here pumping out your chest, crowing at everyone, wanting people to notice you.
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Report: GOP strategists are getting ready to ditch Trump for the down ticket

Those plans exclude fully disavowing Trump (and potentially alienating his base), but include other coping mechanisms like accelerating the development of ads that distinguish GOP candidates from Trump — airing as soon as early next month — or possibly launching a large-scale ad campaign to support conventional Republican positions, thus bolstering the party itself instead of the party's nominee — or as the Times paraphrases one strategist's explanation, "to provide voters with a different, nonthreatening view of Republicans, so that the party is not wholly defined by Mr. Trump's day-to-day pronouncements."

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

Virginia’s Syrian Refugees Resettled In Poor Communities Hours Away From Wealthy DC Suburbs

What a complete summary of the left's decision making. They're all about these groups as long as they don't have to live around them. Real easy to pretend to be for these groups when you live in gated communities & don't have your jobs and neighborhood affected.

Every person and poltician who is for Syrians and open borders should have to house them in their homes and next door instead of importing the votes but passing the problems onto the regular folks.
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Report: GOP strategists are getting ready to ditch Trump for the down ticket

Those plans exclude fully disavowing Trump (and potentially alienating his base), but include other coping mechanisms like accelerating the development of ads that distinguish GOP candidates from Trump — airing as soon as early next month — or possibly launching a large-scale ad campaign to support conventional Republican positions, thus bolstering the party itself instead of the party's nominee — or as the Times paraphrases one strategist's explanation, "to provide voters with a different, nonthreatening view of Republicans, so that the party is not wholly defined by Mr. Trump's day-to-day pronouncements."

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
To do that would be suicidal. That would put the House and Senate more in question than what it is now. A bunch of sore ass losers.