How will they rule ??!

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Working for partial goals is something you sometimes have to do. If the Russians fear a 6% contraction in their economy each time they want to feed their imperial fantasies, hopefully they'll think twice or three times before giving it a go.

Clearly they don't care, because they assisted in a civil war in Ukraine and assisted Assad. Now they've made energy deals with China. Like I said, the embargo is simply fluff to make us feel like we did something.
Oh, I know. But they get the credit for it. Remember "No new taxes", by one, George H.W Bush? Remember him? hahah, I'm sure you do. Remember how that quote haunted him? haha I'm sure you do...

Sure. But a tax passed in 2012 absolutely demands Republican support. If the GOP didn't want it all they needed to was to filibuster. They sure knew how.
Clearly they don't care, because they assisted in a civil war in Ukraine and assisted Assad. Now they've made energy deals with China. Like I said, the embargo is simply fluff to make us feel like we did something.

Fluff. A bigger decline in GDP than we had in 2008-2009. You're blasé about it. How much did Bush's actions after the Georgia invasion cost Russia?
No I did not say that. I said it failed by their own standards and fell short enough of the impact needed to justify the GOP giving in on more infusion. Economists are mixed as I noted. Purposeful ignorance. It would be impossible to throw nearly a $1T into an economy and not see positive impact. You unshockingly have not read a word but yet post a blog you want me to read.

You didn't qualify your opening. Your source implied that Krugman hadn't changed his estimate of what was needed. Your argument is odd. More would have been positive but the GOP couldn't support it? I don't understand your conclusion.
What is it you wanted me to show?? The left attacking trump supporters in California? Or just a picture of you whining?

You reached a conclusion about my remarks that I didn't see as supported by my actual words. I wanted to see how you had arrived at it.
As with your "show your work" schtick. People give you links, hell even video, counter that way you say and you continue dancing like a $10 whore on a street corner.

People give links and video and yet don't construct actiual arguments. Or draw conclusions that actually follow from their evidence. And then sometimes appear angry when their personal attacks get turned into jokes.
That's just awesome leadership.

Let's see, Obama has let ISIS run wild in Iraq they are a JV team after all. China is building military islands in the Yellow Sea, we're in the process of normalizing relations with Cuba, and we gave Iran 1.7 billion dollars and basically opened the door for them to acquire nukes, and paid them a ransom.

What cluster fuc$ of a foreign policy.
Obama paying Iran $400ml. for the release of our soldiers just put a f'ing bounty on every American soldier based on any foreign soil. This is beyond reason.
Oblivious until reported by The Donald. [thumb2]
Sure. But a tax passed in 2012 absolutely demands Republican support. If the GOP didn't want it all they needed to was to filibuster. They sure knew how.

You just agreed with me. hahaha

Then you threw in a "but". How can you agree with me and then disagree with me within one word? "Sure, but". Whaaaaa?

When I get a "yeah but". I know I am tapping into anxiety. Anxiety triggers self defense mechanisms. I'm sure you know this though. You being a Da Vincian Man.
Ah, I read Moe's stuff as a reminder. Would never put him on ignore. He's smart. Just odd smart, like you shouldn't trust him smart.
Reminds me of the UNC professor a couple years back, purported to be brilliant, that was catfished by an Argentine bikini model into being a drug mule.

The Dems carry convicted felons, those that fail to graduate hs, and academia at about the same dominant rate (70-80%)
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You just agreed with me. hahaha

Then you threw in a "but". How can you agree with me and then disagree with me within one word? "Sure, but". Whaaaaa?

When I get a "yeah but". I know I am tapping into anxiety. Anxiety triggers self defense mechanisms. I'm sure you know this though. You being a Da Vincian Man.
It goes right with my post about them blaming Reagan and Bush for the economic woes we are experiencing now but, in the next breath, tell us how good we are doing now because of Obama and then say the president does not have anything to do tax increase policies which suggest they have nothing to do with the economy. I guess there are two sets of responsibility rules for each party.
Obama: only president since our second world war championship to never have one single year of over 3 percent GDP growth. great economic growth. continue bragging about Obama's economy. after his first 2 years of record people being laid off, he had no where to go but up. but did so slower than any other post recession recovery ever. let's brag about that.
People give links and video and yet don't construct actiual arguments.

I gave you numerous links and video to support very simple arguments and your response has been to ignore and rathole. I get it, you work Dem campaigns and have become accustomed to how they craft opinion backwards...much like an attorney, which you also are. The parties count on minions like you.
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Obama: only president since our second world war championship to never have one single year of over 3 percent GDP growth. great economic growth. continue bragging about Obama's economy. after his first 2 years of record people being laid off, he had no where to go but up. but did so slower than any other post recession recovery ever. let's brag about that.
I have a working list of catpaw posters to apologize on behalf of if I ever meet GWB. I am sure they feel bad about what they said about his economy post 9/11 up until the Dems took Congress.
I like how someone mentioned "Scripted Hillary" will crush the'd that work out for Scripted Marco, the R version of her?

The debates are going to get unscripted with the quickness. That said, DT best be ready for about 10x the Candy Crowley treatment.

"Hillary, how does it feel to be the first woman to be elected president?"


Seriously though....and I mean this....mark the archives....I swear I think she is going to take another extended pee break to try to bait him into saying something derogatory.
Was talking to a family member and she told me she wouldn't be surprised if Hillary cries or gets upset during one of the debates to try to make Trump look mean. I could see her doing something like that, the media would take up for her too.
I agree with Moe and James, about damn time we had a POTUS step up and do what the previous 4 presidents had not done....get Iran their cash*

*had to be cash because they said it had to be cash, also had to be that day because they said it had to be that day. We don't need Iran's nose-thumbing of parts of the agreement stop us from dancing when they say dance. This is how #lovewins
Trust in Hillary!

Just skip to whichever topic you wish to hear her lie about...

00:01 Telling the truth
00:28 Being in the pocket of Wall Street
00:44 The Clinton Foundation, Saudi Arabia
04:48 Paid speeches for Wall Street
09:40 Housing crisis
10:09 Glass-Steagall Act, banker bailouts
11:26 Wall Street
12:06 Trust
12:50 Gay marriage
15:02 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
15:40 NAFTA, conflicts of interest
17:48 Illegal immigration
18:56 Progressive values
19:34 Email server
22:53 Benghazi
27:27 Iraq war
30:06 Patriot Act
30:41 Edward Snowden
31:02 Foreign policy
31:38 Climate change, renewable energy, big oil
34:42 Black Lives Matter
37:12 Fear of black men
37:24 "Super-predators"
39:00 1994 Clinton crime bill, racial prejudice
44:16 Welfare
44:38 Racial wealth gap, deregulation
45:16 Confederate flag controversy
45:42 The Democratic party
45:51 Prison-industrial complex
46:20 Rahm Emanuel
46:46 Bernie Sanders
47:12 Marijuana, criminal justice reform, the drug war
48:03 Attack tactics, healthcare
49:19 Experience
49:29 Walmart, child labor
50:25 No Child Left Behind Act
50:54 Haiti
51:27 Landing under sniper fire
54:02 Council on Foreign Relations
54:48 Children
58:00 Email server, FBI indictment
1:06:38 Guns
1:07:23 Personal wealth, houses
1:08:50 Accountability
I'm surprised the video is only 70 minutes long