How will they rule ??!

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There was a series of primaries and everything. Weren't you paying attention?

Yes which is exactly why I need more detail. Focusing just on HRCfor a second, I bet if she was running as a (R) she would have been crucified. Yet and still here you are saying she has been not only questioned, but criticized.



Yeah, the Republicans did a fantastic job of winnowing all the chaff out of their primary to finally distill their selection down to Donald Trump.

Seriously, do you folks think at all before you post? Is everything just a disjointed stream of thought untethered to reality?

You just nominated Donald Trump for President of the United States. Previously to that you were willing to put both Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle within a heartbeat of the presidency. That disqualifies you from saying jackshit about any Democratic nominee. Ever.
I like how someone mentioned "Scripted Hillary" will crush the'd that work out for Scripted Marco, the R version of her?

The debates are going to get unscripted with the quickness. That said, DT best be ready for about 10x the Candy Crowley treatment.

"Hillary, how does it feel to be the first woman to be elected president?"


Seriously though....and I mean this....mark the archives....I swear I think she is going to take another extended pee break to try to bait him into saying something derogatory.
Yeah, the Republicans did a fantastic job of winnowing all the chaff out of their primary to finally distill their selection down to Donald Trump.

Seriously, do you folks think at all before you post? Is everything just a disjointed stream of thought untethered to reality?

You just nominated Donald Trump for President of the United States. Previously to that you were willing to put both Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle within a heartbeat of the presidency. That disqualifies you from saying jackshit about any Democratic nominee. Ever.
And you elected obama. One of the most devisive presidents in history. Not to mention weakest.

And you support Clinton. 30 years of one scandal after another. A liar! A hypocrite. And careless. And those are her best attributes.

And you elected obama. One of the most devisive presidents in history. Not to mention weakest.

And you support Clinton. 30 years of one scandal after another. A liar! A hypocrite. And careless. And those are her best attributes.

The hate and hyperbole over Obama is just ludicrous. He will be viewed very favorably by history. Hell, by Mitt Romney's own promises from 2012 Obama is a very successful president.

Did Obama make a few blunders? Of course he did. But the totality of his presidency has been fantastic. He brought us back from the brink of the financial disaster Bush left him rather deftly. There is just no sane question of Obama being a very successful president and frankly his popularity strongly suggests most rational people believe that.
It took me about 10 minutes to find multiple things from 2008 showing Hillary's chief strategist Mark Penn as the one starting the birther stuff and they were by leftist sites like Politico and LA Times.

But let's attribute it to Trump for the masses of sheep.
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Youre free to think that, but there's a reason she hasn't had any press conferences in 8 months. Because her handlers know when she's asked questions that aren't known she looks very poor.

Anything other than a skewering of Trump in the debates will look like a Hillary loss.

As a terrible politician, Hillary is learning. There is ZERO reason for her to give anything. She's the one winning. And why say anything when Trump is imploding left and right.

I know it doesn't sit well with you, but she doesn't owe you squat. She's just running out the clock.
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And you elected obama. One of the most devisive presidents in history. Not to mention weakest.

And you support Clinton. 30 years of one scandal after another. A liar! A hypocrite. And careless. And those are her best attributes.


Since the manufactured "scandals" have produced nothing except howls, I think it's useful to remember the adage to judge politicians by their enemies.
Yeah, the Republicans did a fantastic job of winnowing all the chaff out of their primary to finally distill their selection down to Donald Trump.

Seriously, do you folks think at all before you post? Is everything just a disjointed stream of thought untethered to reality?

You just nominated Donald Trump for President of the United States. Previously to that you were willing to put both Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle within a heartbeat of the presidency. That disqualifies you from saying jackshit about any Democratic nominee. Ever.

Haha, Joe Biden is a heartbeat from the presidency now Z, and if he'd ran for President he would've likely beaten who you guys chose.
You guys chose a name, a brand if you will. Hell, wjat does policy from Hillarys mouth mean? You know she's lying and simply saying what her polls think you want to hear.

She's everything you hate about Republicans, on steroids. Why do you think she has all the billionaires in her pocket? It ain't about social issues hoss, it's because she won't upset the globalist apple cart that benefits them, and Trump just might.
And you elected obama. One of the most devisive presidents in history. Not to mention weakest.

And you support Clinton. 30 years of one scandal after another. A liar! A hypocrite. And careless. And those are her best attributes.


LOL...and Trump is such a uniter. Funny how the bar is set high for the black man in your book, but the person you support, well, lets not discuss his actions.

And weakest? Guy won in two landslide elections. LANDSLIDE
Again, it is a negative that Reps question/criticize their candidate and a positive that Dems have blind support for theirs? Grown men are approaching it this way and post as if there is a payout if who they support wins? If you are a trolling loser/cheerleader and HRC wins in Nov you will wake up the next day still as a trolling loser/cheerleader.

I'm just here to keep you grounded...but you're one of the smarter ones on here and you know what's going to happen in November.
LOL...and Trump is such a uniter. Funny how the bar is set high for the black man in your book, but the person you support, well, lets not discuss his actions.

And weakest? Guy won in two landslide elections. LANDSLIDE
I don't care how many idiots voted for for that scumbag, twice, he's weak in the way he is used by the rest of the world. Redline Assad? Whoops, maybe not.

Nukes Iran? Sure, let me bend over an take it in the ass for you.

High bar for a black man? If you punks couldn't play the race card, you'd have nothing!

Second, if she wins, you have a point, but is that something to be proud of?

Ummm...She's going to further the left slant for this country and I couldn't be prouder. With that said, I do find it sad that you have all of your hopes tied to a BS artist from NYC.

Of all the conservative places the Republicans would represent, they find their guy from NYC. Love it.
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As a terrible politician, Hillary is learning. There is ZERO reason for her to give anything. She's the one winning. And why say anything when Trump is imploding left and right.

I know it doesn't sit well with you, but she doesn't owe you squat. She's just running out the clock.

You're right, there is zero reason when no one questions her as to why she won't. Fortunately that's part of the crucible of becoming President, or at least historically.

What scary is that you guys don't even care if she does or not. That's when power becomes dangerous, when the media gets in bed with them.

We're the ones that owe her nothing, if she wants to be the leader of the Country she does owe us.
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If Trump focuses on the issues during the debates, Coughin Hillary will be destroyed.

If this is what you think is going to save Trump, god help you. You'll have to forgive me while I chuckle out loud after reading this.

Remember, Hillary hasn't been talking about skipping the debates...only your boy has been whining about having to participate in the debates.
If this is what you think is going to save Trump, god help you. You'll have to forgive me while I chuckle out loud after reading this.

Remember, Hillary hasn't been talking about skipping the debates...only your boy has been whining about having to participate in the debates.

Trump hasn't said anything about skipping the debates, the media did, but you know that.

They're trying to hide Hillary again, and Trump called them on it. You see, the less people that watch the debates the better for Hillary.
That said, DT best be ready for about 10x the Candy Crowley treatment.

I think you have hit the nail on the head as to why Trump is scared to debate...he's not going to be able to saying anything outlandish without the moderators calling him out on it. Heck, even Meghan Kelley was doing the same thing in the later Republican debates.

Trump is a hack and has never had to work for anything in his life. Becoming President takes lots and lots of discipline and knowledge of the world. You actually think Trump has either.

It's going to be fun times on here come November.
Ummm...She's going to further the left slant for this country and I couldn't be prouder. With that said, I do find it sad that you have all of your hopes tied to a BA artist from NYC.

Of all the conservative places the Republicans would represent, they find their guy from NYC. Love it.
She'll start at least one or two wars in the Middle East- which is why the neocons such as Kristol support her. She presents a serious risk of a war with Russia- at the least, there will be a real return to the Cold War. Without a doubt, she guarantees a far more interventionist, hawkish foreign policy than we've had under Obama, and will probably match or exceed that of Bush 2 in that respect. Are you proud to be on the same team as Kristol, Krauthammer, and the National Review?

With respect to economics, she'll bring TPP to reality. She'll raise taxes on the middle class. She'll continue to receive the support of the 1%. Are you proud to be on the same team as the 1%, Bloomberg, and Wall Street?
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If this is what you think is going to save Trump, god help you. You'll have to forgive me while I chuckle out loud after reading this.

Remember, Hillary hasn't been talking about skipping the debates...only your boy has been whining about having to participate in the debates.
Not surprising you would lie since you support a liar.

Trump wants to MOVE the debates so the don't go up against the NFL. And therefore, MORE people will see them. The exact opposite of what the left wants.
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I think you have hit the nail on the head as to why Trump is scared to debate...he's not going to be able to saying anything outlandish without the moderators calling him out on it. Heck, even Meghan Kelley was doing the same thing in the later Republican debates.

Trump is a hack and has never had to work for anything in his life. Becoming President takes lots and lots of discipline and knowledge of the world. You actually think Trump has either.

It's going to be fun times on here come November.

What exactly has Hillary had to work for? She became Senator because of her Husband, who had publicly humiliated time and again. She moved to the state you live in to ensure that. She voted whichever way was politically popular while Senator, lost the nomination in 08, again her husband made a deal with Obama for her to be SOS. She was awful at that too, then she went around giving speeches for big bucks on her husbands name, and now she's the nominee.
Lots of hard work right there.
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High bar for a black man? If you punks couldn't play the race card, you'd have nothing!

So help me claim the black guy is office is the most decisive President we have ever had and you make it very clear that is terrible and makes him a terrible President.

Yet, your boy Trump's entire campaign has been about being the most decisive candidate ever and you don't have an issue with that.

What am I missing. Please help me understand. Why do you have a set of standards that are completely different for these two people.

What am I missing...
So help me claim the black guy is office is the most decisive President we have ever had and you make it very clear that is terrible and makes him a terrible President.

Yet, your boy Trump's entire campaign has been about being the most decisive candidate ever and you don't have an issue with that.

What am I missing. Please help me understand. Why do you have a set of standards that are completely different for these two people.

What am I missing...
I believe that you are looking for the word "divisive", not "decisive". If you actually did mean to use the word "decisive", then your post makes no sense whatsoever.
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What exactly has Hillary had to work for? She became Senator because of her Husband, who had publicly humiliated time and again. She moved to the state you live in to ensure that. She voted whichever way was politically popular while Senator, lost the nomination in 08, again her husband made a deal with Obama for her to be SOS. She was awful at that too, then she went around giving speeches for big bucks on her husbands name, and now she's the nominee.
Lots of hard work right there.

I mean, she could have just sat on the sidelines the last eight years and just made tons of cash giving speeches...instead, she took a gov't job and served our country.

I know that doesn't fit in your narrative, but what has Trump ever done for the country?
She'll start at least one or two wars- which is why the neocons such as Kristol support her. At a bare minimum, she'll have us back in the Cold War with Russia. She guarantees a far more interventionist, hawkish foreign policy. Are you proud to be on the same team as Kristol, Krauthammer, and the National Review?

Interesting take. You've turned on Bloody Bill Kristol? the man responsible for giving us Sarah Palin. I can't say I'm convinced.

Neo-cons are Idealists. Allegedly. Their justification for the Iraq War was the spread of democracy and the urge to take down a dictator.

HRC has always been known as a Realist. So, no, we won't be seeing a return of neo-con foreign policy.

Back in the cold war? Russia has been ramping it up for years. We were in St. Petersburg the day in 2008 that Russian tanks went into Georgia. The crash of 2008 and the collapse of the price of natural gas hurt the Russian economy and their messing about in the Ukraine led to a trade embargo which further contracted the Russian economy. No, Putin likes military adventures which distract from his disastrous economic policies. And kleptocracy.

As for smooching it up with the Republican establishment, Donnie broke out the knee pads and mouthwash last night with his very convincing endorsement of Ryan et alia.
I mean, she could have just sat on the sidelines the last eight years and just made tons of cash giving speeches...instead, she took a gov't job and served our country.

I know that doesn't fit in your narrative, but what has Trump ever done for the country?

Don't kid yourself, she enabled them to make plenty of cash in those years, and she did sit on the sideline after the usefulness of being SOS had been achieved.
Every move she has made since 2000 was a strategic move to be President. Not what benefitted the Country, but what benefitted her ultimate objective.
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Interesting take. You've turned on Bloody Bill Kristol? the man responsible for giving us Sarah Palin. I can't say I'm convinced.

Neo-cons are Idealists. Allegedly. Their justification for the Iraq War was the spread of democracy and the urge to take down a dictator.

HRC has always been known as a Realist. So, no, we won't be seeing a return of neo-con foreign policy.

Back in the cold war? Russia has been ramping it up for years. We were in St. Petersburg the day in 2008 that Russian tanks went into Georgia. The crash of 2008 and the collapse of the price of natural gas hurt the Russian economy and their messing about in the Ukraine led to a trade embargo which further contracted the Russian economy. No, Putin likes military adventures which distract from his disastrous economic policies. And kleptocracy.

As for smooching it up with the Republican establishment, Donnie broke out the knee pads and mouthwash last night with his very convincing endorsement of Ryan et alia.
You're asking me if I have turned on Bill Kristol? Are you confusing me with someone else here? The vast majority of my overall posts on this forum have to do with UK football. When it comes to political postings, I can't remember everything that I posted but I can safely say that I have never said anything nice about Kristol, or any other neocon. As a matter of fact, I recall being somewhat relieved when Obama won in 2008, simply because McCain's foreign policy would have been dominated by the Kristols of the world (just like Hillary's will be). Let me put it another way; I'll vote for Trump, but my first choice would have been Ron Paul. Does this sound like a Kristol fan? I would continue rebutting rest of your post but I have already exhausted myself addressing the Kristol issue. I mean, that really took me by shock. :)
Interesting take. You've turned on Bloody Bill Kristol? the man responsible for giving us Sarah Palin. I can't say I'm convinced.

Neo-cons are Idealists. Allegedly. Their justification for the Iraq War was the spread of democracy and the urge to take down a dictator.

HRC has always been known as a Realist. So, no, we won't be seeing a return of neo-con foreign policy.

Back in the cold war? Russia has been ramping it up for years. We were in St. Petersburg the day in 2008 that Russian tanks went into Georgia. The crash of 2008 and the collapse of the price of natural gas hurt the Russian economy and their messing about in the Ukraine led to a trade embargo which further contracted the Russian economy. No, Putin likes military adventures which distract from his disastrous economic policies. And kleptocracy.

As for smooching it up with the Republican establishment, Donnie broke out the knee pads and mouthwash last night with his very convincing endorsement of Ryan et alia.

But Hillary pushed a reset, and we pulled missiles from Poland.
Just 4 years ago Romney was told by the President the 80's wanted its foreign policy back, and the left squealed in delight.

Russia just signed a deal worth h China, Europe depends on Russia for heat in the winter. The embargo isn't going to work Moe.

Crimea voted to leave the Ukraine, whether we like it or not they wanted to be part of Russia.
Don't kid yourself, she enabled them to make plenty of cash in those years, and she did sit on the sideline after the usefulness of being SOS had been achieved.
Every move she has made since 2000 was a strategic move to be President. Not what benefitted the Country, but what benefitted her ultimate objective. was a reach. I guess the same could be said of Eric Cantor?
So help me claim the black guy is office is the most decisive President we have ever had and you make it very clear that is terrible and makes him a terrible President.

Yet, your boy Trump's entire campaign has been about being the most decisive candidate ever and you don't have an issue with that.

What am I missing. Please help me understand. Why do you have a set of standards that are completely different for these two people.

What am I missing...
Decisive??? Lol
You're asking me if I have turned on Bill Kristol? Are you confusing me with someone else here? The vast majority of my overall posts on this forum have to do with UK football. When it comes to political postings, I can't remember everything that I posted but I can safely say that I have never said anything nice about Kristol, or any other neocon. As a matter of fact, I recall being somewhat relieved when Obama won in 2008, simply because McCain's foreign policy would have been dominated by the Kristols of the world (just like Hillary's will be). Let me put it another way; I'll vote for Trump, but my first choice would have been Ron Paul. Does this sound like a Kristol fan? I would continue rebutting rest of your post but I have already exhausted myself addressing the Kristol issue. I mean, that really took me by shock. :)

I was surprised anyone would think Clinton was a neo-con or that anyone would try to affix that label on her. All "establishment" policies aren't identical. It isn't a homogeneous world out there.