How will they rule ??!

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Z, your schtick has grown old. The 2nd grade insults are nothing more than....2nd grade insults. Interesting that when you actually try, you bring some pretty good stuff and if you focused more on that you'd probably be taken more seriously. But at this point, no one even bothers any more other than to return your cheap shots.
If Trump would shut his mouth and think before he speaks maybe the media wouldn't have something to constantly cover with him. He's let this thing with the Kahn's go on and on when he could have been respectful and honored a soldier who evidently sacrificed himself to save his troops. then in a few days talk in more detail what his policies on Muslims are going to be, to clear things up, without attacking the family.
FWIW, that brave Marine General who came out at the DNC and supported Clinton...seems like he's got a little checkered past himself. Maybe he feels a human kinship with Brother Bill.

Lastly, in keeping with his desired commander in chief, General Allen also has an email problem. After serving as commander of ISAF/US Forces in Afghanistan from 2011-2013, he was investigated for having essentially having phone sex via more than 30,000 emails with an attractive Tampa, Florida, married socialite. He retired after this scandal investigation. As odd as this is, how does one have time during 19 months of command of U.S. forces in a war zone to send 30,000 emails, an average of 52 per day?
Or Trump. Mr 3 marriages, cheated on 1st wife with 2nd, you know, things you all seem to just gloss over.
Z, your schtick has grown old. The 2nd grade insults are nothing more than....2nd grade insults. Interesting that when you actually try, you bring some pretty good stuff and if you focused more on that you'd probably be taken more seriously. But at this point, no one even bothers any more other than to return your cheap shots.

I should be and would be more composed when it comes to him, but there is one thing that pisses me off more than anything and it's stolen valor. I don't care if it's just on the internet or not, that's just something you don't do.
Paul Ryan is fresh off taking on Trump. Fresh off that photo op with all those poor minority kids that was splashed across the country. His stock is sky high right now. Can't have all that work on Trump go to waste by them booting him off the ticket and putting a competent sane candidate up there instead. Must resist Trump being removed at all costs right now.

President lost his cool. That was way too early. Rifle shot heard around the world. Could be fatal. I would have much preferred that come in October not friggin' August. He wasn't thinking clearly.

Big push to oust Trump. This is VERY dangerous right now.

Don't see anyone glossing over Trump's marriages. It's all out there and discussed frequently. Even saw pictures of his current wife a few days ago with less than burka style attire.

What we don't usually see is the background of those supporting Hillary, many mainstream media refreshers on Bill's dalliances, a thorough vetting of this Marine General or the Muslim attorney.
Paul Ryan is fresh off taking on Trump. Fresh off that photo op with all those poor minority kids that was splashed across the country. His stock is sky high right now. Can't have all that work on Trump go to waste by them booting him off the ticket ...

I don't think there's any provision for dropping a candidate
So Z did or did not serve in the military like he claims?

All this talk about "Gold Star Families" and people attacking the military, you'd think he'd at least tell us which branch of the military he served in - considering he claims to have served.

I on the other hand have not served in the military but recognize some soldiers, like some police officers, are capable of being bad people or making mistakes, but the vast majority are good people and I appreciate their sacrifice.
If Trump would shut his mouth and think before he speaks maybe the media wouldn't have something to constantly cover with him. He's let this thing with the Kahn's go on and on when he could have been respectful and honored a soldier who evidently sacrificed himself to save his troops. then in a few days talk in more detail what his policies on Muslims are going to be, to clear things up, without attacking the family.

Or Trump. Mr 3 marriages, cheated on 1st wife with 2nd, you know, things you all seem to just gloss over.

Youre right, he should've let the Khan thing slide.
However the media is completely ignoring anything Hilary says. Her comment Sunday night to Wallace was another blight to her honesty, and quite honestly a bigger deal than The Khan/Trump deal, yet it barely gets a peep.
It's released tgat Obama paid a ransom to Iran, not a peep.
It's getting a tad bit ridiculous.
These people saying Trump should keep his mouth shut would be calling Trump a pussy if he never responded to any attacks. I guess he can't win either way on that.
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Trump is a great candidate. He's courageous and unafraid to say what he thinks. All these globalists want you to cave in and vote for Hillary so things can stay the same, but all the smart people are voting for Trump because Trump is a winner.
allowed to retire after all of that...pathetic. Should have had his commission pulled and forced out with reduced benefits.

No way. Then how would they be able to get him to stump for theme later?

If Trump would shut his mouth and think before he speaks maybe the media wouldn't have something to constantly cover with him. He's let this thing with the Kahn's go on and on when he could have been respectful and honored a soldier who evidently sacrificed himself to save his troops. then in a few days talk in more detail what his policies on Muslims are going to be, to clear things up, without attacking the family.

Or Trump. Mr 3 marriages, cheated on 1st wife with 2nd, you know, things you all seem to just gloss over.

Yes, he should've said nothing.

I don't think anyone pretends trump is some sort of devoted husband. His personal life played out in the tabloids the past few decades.

On the other hand, Bill and Hillary oddly put their sham marriage center stage. Still don't understand that move
Trump talks about purple hearts at a rally. Someone in the crowd offers him his purple heart. Trump takes it and says, "I always wanted to get the purple heart. This is much easier."
My God, man...just say, "Thank you for your service, sir, but I cannot accept this." And then pin it back on the veteran. Easy.
They have said dick about Hillary and have Trump under a microscope.
status quo

I think the media attacking Trump will actually help him.
at times, I wonder if all the media hating and all the other Rs and Ds hating Trump might actually help him. This is the year of the outsider, the year none of the rules we've always followed apply. Is there a better embodying calculation of The Establishment than media + elected Rs and Ds?

Still, seems like a bridge too far....
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Trump is getting a raw deal. The whole media is in the tank for Hillary. Everything he says is twisted into an attack on him. His supporters are behind him. The media can use "facts" and "quotes" and all that other junk, but Trump's supporters know Trump is Trump and just by his sheer will to win he will renegotiate all these trade deals and knock the hell out of ISIS before building all of motor city back with his bare hands.

Thank you, Donald. We are still standing by you until the end.
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I wish Ryan would run. At least there would be someone to vote for. Trump is an idiot and Hillary is just status quo.
If you were drawing a caricature of the worst person that could exist and run this country, it would be Hilary Clinton.

You have four options:

1. Vote Clinton
2. Vote Trump
3. Stay Home
4. Vote Third Party

Options 2-4 are the only options that are even remotely defensible (and that assumes you're coming up with an argument that #2 is actually "not #1").

If you'd actually vote for Clinton, you are just a stupid person. If you would actually spend time defending her on a message board, there aren't enough negative adjectives to describe you.
Life produces irony and amusement, those have to be the reasons many of you haven't put Z on ignore yet. He is someone of moderate (at best) intelligence that thinks he is a great mind, and anyone who disagrees with him is subject to 2nd grade taunts and insults...holy shit, he is the Donald Trump here! He will never know how substantial the gulf is between what he knows and what he thinks he knows
pretty sure Z is ex-military - I remember that from long, long ago, more than a decade on the old SI boards. Could be a ruse, I suppose, but if so, that's what you call honest to goodness indefatigable. heh.
I suspect jamo has had some sort of psychological event - the prospect of supporting/defending either Trump or Clinton was simply too much.. My money is on dissociative amnesia. He is somewhere right now pouring over poll results, cursing KellyAnne Conway and Peter Hart. He has a huge cutout of Pat Cadell's lazy eye under a magnet on his fridge. Calls it "precious".
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I suspect jamo has had some sort of psychological event - the prospect of supporting/defending either Trump or Clinton was simply too much.. My money is on dissociative amnesia. He is somewhere right now pouring over poll results, cursing KellyAnne Conway and Peter Hart. He has a huge cutout of Pad Cadell's lazy eye under a magnet on his fridge. Call it "precious".
[laughing] Beautiful
It's released tgat Obama paid a ransom to Iran, not a peep.
It's getting a tad bit ridiculous.

Of course, the $400mil was Iranian money that we had been holding if ever needed for diplomatic leverage. Like getting the return of our citizens. We didn't pony up a dime.
I'm sure there was an outcry on here about the prisoners in Iran and I'm sure Obama was blamed for not doing enough. He pulled a Reagan, except cash, not weapons.
I wish Ryan would run. At least there would be someone to vote for. Trump is an idiot and Hillary is just status quo.
I don't understand this. You say Hillary would be status quo (which is true) but would rather Paul Ryan was running? Paul Ryan might be the biggest establishment/globalist shill in the GOP. Don't see how he could be someone to vote for if you hate the status quo.
Life produces irony and amusement, those have to be the reasons many of you haven't put Z on ignore yet. He is someone of moderate (at best) intelligence that thinks he is a great mind, and anyone who disagrees with him is subject to 2nd grade taunts and insults...holy shit, he is the Donald Trump here! He will never know how substantial the gulf is between what he knows and what he thinks he knows
I vote to change the title - sophomore - under Z's name to - Sophomoric - seems immensely more appropriate.

(ˌsɒfəˈmɒrɪk) or
US and Canadian of or relating to a person who is overconfident with his or her knowledge despite being uninformed
pretty sure Z is ex-military - I remember that from long, long ago, more than a decade on the old SI boards. Could be a ruse, I suppose, but if so, that's what you call honest to goodness indefatigable. heh.

I'm pretty sure this is Z.

The story about the Obama administration paying 400 million dollars to Iran for four hostages is only being covered by CBS & Fox News Networks. I mean that sh*t is major news but yet it's being kept hush hush by most of the major news networks. There should be no more doubt that major network news has become propaganda machines for Corporate America.
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I think our nation is so weak and so controlled by the media. It doesn't matter what comes out about Obama or Hillary. Their voter base simply doesn't care and they're not informed enough for that type of news to affect them.
They would be more focused on some soundbite that Trump said or just remember what John Stewart or John Oliver said about him.

Let's face it. In today's world, the media is going to get the result it wants. When you have that much influence (media, Hollywood,academia) and the constant pandering to every special interest group that isn't middle America or white male, the deck is too stacked. Plus, we're too comfortable to really make any noise or hold politicians accountable.

This country is done. It's just a matter of time.
The story about the Obama administration paying 400 million dollars to Iran for four hostages is only being covered by CBS & Fox News Networks. I mean that sh*t is major news but yet it's being kept hush hush by most of the major news networks. There should be no more doubt that major network news has become propaganda machines for Corporate America.

It is grounds for impeachment. It's so interesting because as corrupt as Nixon was, none of his scandals compare to Obama's scandals.

It pays to have media in your pocket.
Of course, the $400mil was Iranian money that we had been holding if ever needed for diplomatic leverage. Like getting the return of our citizens. We didn't pony up a dime.

Sure it was, we paid a ransom. I suppose this is the first time in 37 years we've needed leverage.
I bet half the pallets of cash were unloaded, the other half were forwarded on to the Clinton Foundation for securing the ransom.
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