How will they rule ??!

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If the media frenzy stays like it will, they're trying to sway people's mind.
They have said dick about Hillary and have Trump under a microscope.
I think the media attacking Trump will actually help him. The wikileaks emails about the media and DNC was damning stuff, I don't think anybody will fall for their bullshit anymore (besides the usual morons of course)
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The GOP has some real cowards in it. I hope these losers come out against Trump so I can know who to never support or vote for.

There are so much dynamics going on right now. Europe is our crystal ball (since Brock Obama and Hilldawg want to replicate the EU as America ally when the only resource they give us is a strategic defense against Russia). Europe is useless. They offer nothing other than Russian deterrence. The direction you see Europe take in the next 3 months as their leaders hush hush Islam. Bet you dolla dolla that Hilldawg gonna have some problems.
Yep. It was bad before. Now it's on a whole new level
It makes me wonder if the media now has concluded that Trump is actually a threat to win the election. If Hillary was the slam dunk that the media wishes us to believe, then, in all probability the media would actually tone down the aggression, so after the inevitable Hillary victory, the perception would be that the media was objective. Apparently, as things now stand, the media doesn't have the luxury of pretending to be objective; hence the desperation.
FFS, this again? Rampant displays of flags are the markers of the Pharisees of patriotism - the jingoists. It's a symbol - an awesome symbol, but still just a symbol. When someone slaps an American flag on everything (Sean Hannity, Michael Bay), they're selling you something - an image, a movie, or the hope that you're dumb enough to equate self-righteousness and symbolism with actual patriotism. Go ahead and cover yourself in your 32 pieces of flair, but it's your actions that matter.

Criticize actions of candidates all you wish, but the "needz moar 'Murican flags" thing that happens every election cycle is a stupid trope meant to sucker stupid people - and you are legion. I swear some of you would let a bald eagle wearing 5 American flag bandanas plug you in the butt while not even giving you the courtesy of rubbing your freedom boner and thank him for the experience afterwards.
Chinese owned Budweiser wrap their cans in the flag now...just saying. They must be way more patriotic than Hillary.

I'd rather have no flags on stage and in the crowd instead of a bunch of flags on stage and a candidate that insults and disparages them.
Not only that, the more globalist and neocons and #nevertrumpers and other assorted cucks whine, the more it benefits Trump.
My only worry about this election is that I truly do think the globalists world wide (not just here in America) will try to do drastic things to keep Trump from being President. These people are terrified of Trump. I have no doubt they will try to do something to keep Trump from winning, what that is remains to be seen.
My only worry about this election is that I truly do think the globalists world wide (not just here in America) will try to do drastic things to keep Trump from being President. These people are terrified of Trump. I have no doubt they will try to do something to keep Trump from winning, what that is remains to be seen.

If he loses. She has 4 years. In 4 years Europe will be in a mess begging for Nationalism. (It's already started). Hillary's downfall will be her support for ISIS
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Moronic. Nationalism and pride in ones flag is a good thing. It is those who want to destroy it because they do not want to hurt some ones feelings that is the problem in this country. Your take is proof that the liberal media works on the weak minded.

Nationalism and pride are positive virtues, and I never argued otherwise. Crossing over into jingoism is not, which is what I said. Weak minded is more akin to being unable to tell the difference between the two.

Look, I'm sure you're a swell guy when not talking politics (and I'd happily drink a beer and watch UK with you), but you have developed quite a habit of misinterpreting what I say and spinning it to fit your one-note narrative, then condescendingly attacking some straw man argument I never made. So just kindly don't, and I'll refrain from commenting on your political posts. Like I said, you seem like a nice guy, but I just don't have the time or inclination to argue with someone unwilling or unable to engage in an honest debate. And you're not crazy or irritating enough to try to wallow in the muck with; like I said, you seem nice enough overall.

Warrior. I have faith that 79 could be a good guy.. I think he has some sense, but I think his 1% wallstreet wage earning friends put a lot of liberal bullshit in his ear

Thanks, I guess? There's a big distinction between nationalism and pride, on the one hand, and jingoism and acting like a Pharisee, on the other. I've never said anyone shouldn't take pride in this country; I sure as shit do. And I've always encouraged people to criticize politicians based on their actions.

But the whole "no flag lapel pin" and "why isn't the stage covered in American flags" is a trap for the weak minded that cannot tell the difference. It's exploiting people's inability to see beyond symbolism and making national service/pride about outward expressions of such (like the Pharisees), instead of the deserving acts of national service. The "I wore a yellow ribbon" but did jack shit for veterans guy. The politician that rails against military budget cuts because he "supports the troops" (and probably wraps himself in the flag at any photo op), but then votes for tanks the Army said it doesn't want, wasting millions on pork for his district at the expense of things, like VA healthcare, that actually matter. We should be exalting people who actually make a difference rather than tearing down people for not wearing appropriate flair. Show, don't tell, your patriotism.

It's one of my pet peeve issues, frankly, so sorry if I'm all worked up. But it's not liberal bullshit to call people out for faux American pride that's really just jingoism (or self-serving marketing), or for focusing on bullshit like quantity of stars and stripes at a glorified infomercial. And it sure as shit wasn't something I developed while hanging around my (non-existent) 1% wall street friends (I have 1% bosses, not friends); it's something I picked up in the Air Force.
Man, 79. Hands up don't shoot! Like I said you're a good guy. You just need to kill your liberal influences in your life. Metaphorically of course. Like the bible.
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If he loses. She has 4 years. In 4 years Europe will be in a mess begging for Nationalism. (It's already started). Hillary's downfall will be her support for ISIS
We will probably get in a civil war if Hillary wins. Hell, we might end up in one before Obama leaves but we certainly would see one under Hillary. The Isis attacks would ramp up and god knows how many more cops would be slaughtered under Hillary. It would get very ugly I'm afraid. Trump has to win this. This might be Americas last chance to start to heal itself. Elect Hillary and we might be dead and gone forever.
Man, 79. Hands up don't shoot! Like I said you're a good guy. You just need to kill your liberal influences in your life. Metaphorically of course. Like the bible.

Lol. Sorry, not directed at you, the whole faux patriotism thing just gets me worked up. Let's all sit back and drink a cool, crisp can of patriotic Budweiser, now with more American flags than Isis supporting (no American flags, so likely correct in that assessement) Coors.
I re-read that again 79. I think the 1% has gotten to you. Look, if you are ever in danger, let me know. I'll provide shelter here in Orlando. Trust me, I got your back. I'm a social worker.

If exalting acts of national service over empty symbolism and flag lapels is 1%, sign me up for everything but their taxes!
Lol. Sorry, not directed at you, the whole faux patriotism thing just gets me worked up. Let's all sit back and drink a cool, crisp can of patriotic Budweiser, now with more American flags than Isis supporting (no American flags, so likely correct in that assessement) Coors.

I'm beyond sitting cool. I wanna come over inject cocaine in your veins and go Phillpino Purge on America.
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Lol. Sorry, not directed at you, the whole faux patriotism thing just gets me worked up. Let's all sit back and drink a cool, crisp can of patriotic Budweiser, now with more American flags than Isis supporting (no American flags, so likely correct in that assessement) Coors.

It's one thing to act all Toby Keith but to just have no flags in your audience except for a Palestinian flag is pretty telling. That as well as the U.S. and Israel flags being burned outside the convention.
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"Nationalism and pride are positive virtues, and I never argued otherwise. Crossing over into jingoism is not, which is what I said. Weak minded is more akin to being unable to tell the difference between the two."

It's not that, it is the changing of their stances so to speak after a little pressure. As one poster noted, hardly a flag to be seen for the first couple of days and then after the backlash boom, they are every where. I don't disagree with your point of jingoism but, if your position is to not have them there because it might offend someone, stick to your guns.

By the way, I would have a beer or three with you if we met. I don't hate anyone on here however, I would have to make sure to take my drink with me if I went to the bath room if DaBoss was with us. He wants me gone anyway.
I say it because he is now basically a 3rd party candidate with little to no support from anyone.

This isn't Brexit anymore and at some point it will be too much to come back from.

He needs to get back to national TV every night around 7pm and discuss Hillary and her shortcomings.

Being an attack dog while running for President won't work when your fighting everyone.
Could it be the be the economists were
wrong? Nah that couldn't be it.

Or possibly they didn't see the extreme rise of China?

Or maybe Japan is STILL the number 3 economy in the world! And that's the case because China has 1.5 billion people, they manipulate their money, and they have ZERO emission standards or Japan would still be 2.

I'll bet you a dollar to a donut Japan will be just fine.

China cooks the books like no other. I used to work for a manufacturing company that has plants in the U.S., China, Japan, and several other countries in South East Asia. When metrics were put on the board during monthly meetings, it was always talked about how and why the China factories were so far ahead. Hell, the company even bought a portion of another company based out of China and they were amazed at the way they manipulated their book keeping.

Guess they have a bunch of guys over there like the dude in "The Dark Knight"...he's "really good wit calculations"
My only worry about this election is that I truly do think the globalists world wide (not just here in America) will try to do drastic things to keep Trump from being President. These people are terrified of Trump. I have no doubt they will try to do something to keep Trump from winning, what that is remains to be seen.

This has been touched on quite a bit lately, and just now it made me think of a few things. Guys, grab your tinfoil hats and get ready for some crazy shit!

Bohemian Grove
Bilderberg Group
Georgia Guidestones
Agenda 21 U.N.

All of these are groups or things that actually exist. Guess it's up to the individual to decide if they are innocent or if it's the worlds elite colluding to crush the common folk.
But it's not liberal bullshit to call people out for faux American pride that's really just jingoism (or self-serving marketing), or for focusing on bullshit like quantity of stars and stripes at a glorified infomercial.
Pendulum effect. Being around many liberals you should know (whether or not you would admit is another story) that the left has a serious America guilt/imperialism bent these days. So as a result people look at such things like the flag stuff to point that out.
France is so weak and just filled with cowards. Their leaders are pitiful. How can you have any respect for yourself by allowing this?

The PC mob mentality must really scare people. France should just straight up destroy every mosque and deport every Muslim it sees.
Ad in Vietnam Craigslist
"For sale or trade- 20,000 French carbines. Never fired, dropped once
It makes me wonder if the media now has concluded that Trump is actually a threat to win the election. If Hillary was the slam dunk that the media wishes us to believe, then, in all probability the media would actually tone down the aggression, so after the inevitable Hillary victory, the perception would be that the media was objective. Apparently, as things now stand, the media doesn't have the luxury of pretending to be objective; hence the desperation.

Of course they know he can win. That's why the media attacks keep ratcheting up. It's so bad, it's shocking. I thought we'd be at this level in October, not august.

Like I posted awhile back: if trumps still in this thing late; I fully expect a rape or child molesting story to come from out of nowhere. They'll say it if need be.

If he wins this election, it may be the most incredible political feat in our history
Most of these liberal ass hats here (not Mime-He's cool actually) have never stayed an extended amount of time as non-military in a Muslim country. Sure as shit get sick of these honky ass cracker white privileges trying to tell me about Islam. They can go f*** themselves.

Most of the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia would line up the Muslim gov't have them executed. Awful religion. Just awful people who will fake kindness in order to save face.

The Moes of Americas have no clue how awful Islam is. Goddamn I wish Hitler would've killed the Muslims rather than the Jews.
Where is Jamo? He needs to update his all time most racist post ever list.
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My only worry about this election is that I truly do think the globalists world wide (not just here in America) will try to do drastic things to keep Trump from being President. These people are terrified of Trump. I have no doubt they will try to do something to keep Trump from winning, what that is remains to be seen.
Did the globalists put all that stupid shyt in Trump's mouth?

Anyway, I told you folks Trump would be off the ticket by the end of September and they would replace him with Paul Ryan. I think I may have given him too much time.
The fact Obama played the "this man is unfit, I mean c'mon Reoublicans" so early is pretty good for Trump. That really should have saved that.

And again, I'm still waiting for any media source to release damning evidence against Trump.



It will come, but I figured they'd release something pretty big before the president started pleading for people to dismiss trump. Not a good look, tbh, especially not when your party is being crushed by media.
Did the globalists put all that stupid shyt in Trump's mouth?

Anyway, I told you folks Trump would be off the ticket by the end of September and they would replace him with Paul Ryan. I think I may have given him too much time.

What stupid shyt are you referring to? Only gaffe I can see so far is calling out a baby at a town hall. Everything else has been in response to attacks.
That was a powerful statement by the President. It transcended politics. Trump is not Republican and he surely isn't conservative, he is something else and whatever it is it clearly is not fit to be President.

That's why I said that first commercial from Hillary was spot-on when most other idiots blasted it. It wasn't even the point that kids were watching Trump, the point that hammered home in that commercial is that we should all be ashamed of Trump. He truly is disgraceful. To think of people looking at what once was America and then having that demagogue totally destroying everything American stands for, well no wonder Putin loves him.

They're going to roll his fat ass right off the ticket and in a year he'll be locked up for Trump U. fraud. Going to be a hard fall for the Trumpster unless he hightails it to Russia to bunk with Snowden and maybe they can start up their own channel... Traitor TV.

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