How will they rule ??!

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What stupid shyt are you referring to? Only gaffe I can see so far is calling out a baby at a town hall. Everything else has been in response to attacks.

If trump wants to win, it's simple. He needs to keep his mouth shut when provoked. That whole Kahn situation was a no win from the get go. Just be humble and thank their son for their service. That's all he had to do. His thin skin and constant need to defend himself is going to be his downfall.
That was a powerful statement by the President. It transcended politics. Trump is not Republican and he surely isn't conservative, he is something else and whatever it is it clearly is not fit to be President.

That's why I said that first commercial from Hillary was spot-on when most other idiots blasted it. It wasn't even the point that kids were watching Trump, the point that hammered home in that commercial is that we should all be ashamed of Trump. He truly is disgraceful. To think of people looking at what once was America and then having that demagogue totally destroying everything American stands for, well no wonder Putin loves him.

They're going to roll his fat ass right off the ticket and in a year he'll be locked up for Trump U. fraud. Going to be a hard fall for the Trumpster unless he hightails it to Russia to bunk with Snowden and maybe they can start up their own channel... Traitor TV.

Can't tell if your talking about Obama, H.R.C. or Trump.

Traitor TV "owned by" H.R.C.
If trump wants to win, it's simple. He needs to keep his mouth shut when provoked. That whole Kahn situation was a no win from the get go. Just be humble and thank their son for their service. That's all he had to do. His thin skin and constant need to defend himself is going to be his downfall.

No argument from me. Just too damn bad that the media won't dig into the Kahn's a little bit since they decided to make a stand. Oh wait....deceased service member families are a protected species no matter how fckin crooked and twisted they are.
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Did Iran hit the Obama lotto?

I expect 20 million in kickbacks to Clinton and Hussien himself.


Shhhhhhhhhh! Although a legitimate legal name, "Hussein" is highly frowned upon by various lame-ass fanboys distinguished intellectuals who frequent these political threads. For your own safety, please refrain from further usage of this particular word.

Thank you.
If trump wants to win, it's simple. He needs to keep his mouth shut when provoked. That whole Kahn situation was a no win from the get go. Just be humble and thank their son for their service. That's all he had to do. His thin skin and constant need to defend himself is going to be his downfall.
Particularly when both GWB and Bill Clinton were BLASTED by Gold Star parents and they shut up, stood there, and took it. Because that's what you do. Those folks more than anyone else on earth have earned their opinion. So when they lay into you then you just nod quietly and thank them. Then you move on. Yet dipshit couldn't even get that right.

Word to my Democratic brethren, we better ease up on Trump for a few days because if they do run him off the ticket and put Paul Ryan on there he will win in a landslide.
That was a powerful statement by the President. It transcended politics. Trump is not Republican and he surely isn't conservative, he is something else and whatever it is it clearly is not fit to be President.

That's why I said that first commercial from Hillary was spot-on when most other idiots blasted it. It wasn't even the point that kids were watching Trump, the point that hammered home in that commercial is that we should all be ashamed of Trump. He truly is disgraceful. To think of people looking at what once was America and then having that demagogue totally destroying everything American stands for, well no wonder Putin loves him.

They're going to roll his fat ass right off the ticket and in a year he'll be locked up for Trump U. fraud. Going to be a hard fall for the Trumpster unless he hightails it to Russia to bunk with Snowden and maybe they can start up their own channel... Traitor TV.

lmao Trunp needs a spanking, tbh.

What is Obama's current approval rating, btw? That's an all time favorite stat media people love.
That lead Trump took after the GOP convention caused us to let loose with our firepower a little too early. We don't want to completely run the mole off. Need him to survive until October then let him have it with both barrels.

I predict 380 electoral votes for Hillary over Trump. That will be sweet but for God's sake don't run him off just yet. Let us get our landslide in then demographics will take care of the rest after that.
What stupid shyt are you referring to? Only gaffe I can see so far is calling out a baby at a town hall. Everything else has been in response to attacks.

And that was a joke.

No argument from me. Just too damn bad that the media won't dig into the Kahn's a little bit since they decided to make a stand. Oh wait....deceased service member families are a protected species no matter how fckin crooked and twisted they are.

Only if they're slamming the GOP. Otherwise they're fair game. Remember the esquire writer said he wanted to kill the benghazi mom
The fact Obama played the "this man is unfit, I mean c'mon Reoublicans" so early is pretty good for Trump. That really should have saved that.

And again, I'm still waiting for any media source to release damning evidence against Trump.



It will come, but I figured they'd release something pretty big before the president started pleading for people to dismiss trump. Not a good look, tbh, especially not when your party is being crushed by media.

The DNC better muzzle Obama IMO. If anybody could drive the nevertrumpers to the polls, it would be Obama.
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This idiocy of gold star families being absolved for actions or comments because they had a family member make the ultimate sacrifice is just plane horse shit. It's embarrassing to have a family member hide behind that gold star instead of standing on their own. There isn't a single person in this country that should be shielded from retorts or scrutiny that calls out ANYONE in a presidential election or in any setting for that matter. If you're gonna open you mouth then you better be ready and prepared for the response.

Hiding behind that gold start is cowardly, and pathetic. I feel sorry for the memory of their dead son.
And that was a joke.

Only if they're slamming the GOP. Otherwise they're fair game. Remember the esquire writer said he wanted to kill the benghazi mom

How mentally fcked does one have to be to be a "progressive/democrat"? Something tells me that 50 years ago a lot of these fckers would have been locked away in mental institutions.
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I am starting to actually be afraid that we have ran Trump off the ticket? Way too early for that. We may need to reignite operation "Pimp Trump" for a few weeks...
Could it be the be the economists were
wrong? Nah that couldn't be it.

Or possibly they didn't see the extreme rise of China?

Or maybe Japan is STILL the number 3 economy in the world! And that's the case because China has 1.5 billion people, they manipulate their money, and they have ZERO emission standards or Japan would still be 2.

I'll bet you a dollar to a donut Japan will be just fine.

Well, Japan keeps trying stuff from every brand of econ out there. Send them your diagnosis.
Well, Japan keeps trying stuff from every brand of econ out there. Send them your diagnosis.

Well no shit, all Govts do that.

It's just silly to predict their economic decline when they're the #3 economy in the world.

It's clear they aren't buying into the immigration bit, and for some reason you guys are stuck on this.
You didn't answer my question, are you fine with having unelected foreign entities controlling your life?
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Did Z ever tell us which branch he served in?

Be interesting to see if that branch had more Muslim soldiers killed by foreigners, or more US soldiers killed by Muslim US soldiers over the past 15 years.

No, he dodges and disappears when it comes up. My guess is if he did server he was discharged for not meeting standards, however that is best case scenario.
It's more likely that he is one of those wannabes that has never seen a single day of basic training let alone active or reserve duty in his life.
He lives off the internet and can research and google like a mother though. So we are looking at an overweight, pimply, greasy haired, social outcast, that is part of academia who wishes they were someone other than who they really are.
He gets his kicks by trolling (very good at it), and pandering to whichever side makes him feel good about himself for that given day.
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Obama paying Iran $400ml. for the release of our soldiers just put a f'ing bounty on every American soldier based on any foreign soil. This is beyond reason.
Almost as much of an incentive as Reagan turning tail and running from the Beirut bombing in 1983.
Obama paying Iran $400ml. for the release of our soldiers just put a f'ing bounty on every American soldier based on any foreign soil. This is beyond reason.
don't talk about that, the marching orders for the day the media will be discussing is unnamed anonymous sources who claim Trump months ago in foreign policy discussions asked about using nukes

ixnay on the iranay!!
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I'm not your "bro"
Yep, bro is mad, tho.

I understand. Being made a complete fool of by supporting Trump and then to come in here and want to participate only to be exposed as a blithering moron... that can be hard. But hey, a few good remedial writing classes and about 5 years on the Rafters and you'll be ready for the Paddock in no time.
Taking control of your Govt is not pulling back from the World Moe.
Are you admitting that you'd prefer a non elected Govt have say over the affairs of the Nation? No thank you

Reporting non-existent outrageous EU regulations became something of a sport for British reporters. Sort of like frat boys trying to get cooked up letters into Dear Abby. In most cases, British regulations were actually stricter, but people like being outraged, don't they? If you're going to sell goods into a market, you're going to have to meet local standards. By pulling out of the EU, Britain would lose a voice in writing them.

Shhhhhhhhhh! Although a legitimate legal name, "Hussein" is highly frowned upon by various lame-ass fanboys distinguished intellectuals who frequent these political threads. For your own safety, please refrain from further usage of this particular word.

Thank you.

I can't drive and spell Hussein. Uneducated like Lek said.

As to your post I caused Crow to have a complete meltdown over Hussein 8 years ago. The boy became unhinged. Imagine Lizzie Borden with PMS.
FWIW, that brave Marine General who came out at the DNC and supported Clinton...seems like he's got a little checkered past himself. Maybe he feels a human kinship with Brother Bill.

Lastly, in keeping with his desired commander in chief, General Allen also has an email problem. After serving as commander of ISAF/US Forces in Afghanistan from 2011-2013, he was investigated for having essentially having phone sex via more than 30,000 emails with an attractive Tampa, Florida, married socialite. He retired after this scandal investigation. As odd as this is, how does one have time during 19 months of command of U.S. forces in a war zone to send 30,000 emails, an average of 52 per day?
Yep, bro is mad, tho.

I understand. Being made a complete fool of by supporting Trump and then to come in here and want to participate only to be exposed as a blithering moron... that can be hard. But hey, a few good remedial writing classes and about 5 years on the Rafters and you'll be ready for the Paddock in no time.

You're a coward, always have been always will be. Everybody here knows you can't go out in public without people looking at you and making that face like their constipated. People avoid you for a reason, not because they are busy, but because you offer absolutely nothing.
Just be thankful that your foster parents are nice enough to let you stay at home well into your adult years.
I know it's gotta be hard watching all those documentaries and movies about the military, and wishing you were something you're not. Just take comfort in the fact that those that do serve in the military are a big reason you can say whatever the hell you want and act however the hell you want.

You're welcome!
Well no shit, all Govts do that.

It's just silly to predict their economic decline when they're the #3 economy in the world.

It's clear they aren't buying into the immigration bit, and for some reason you guys are stuck on this.
You didn't answer my question, are you fine with having unelected foreign entities controlling your life?

They've lost 3 decades of growth by whatever they're doing.

Rhetorical questions. What would we do without 'em?
No, he dodges and disappears when it comes up. My guess is if he did server he was discharged for not meeting standards, however that is best case scenario.
It's more likely that he is one of those wannabes that has never seen a single day of basic training let alone active or reserve duty in his life.
He lives off the internet and can research and google like a mother though. So we are looking at an overweight, pimply, greasy haired, social outcast, that is part of academia who wishes they were someone other than who they really are.
He gets his kicks by trolling (very good at it), and pandering to whichever side makes him feel good about himself for that given day.

Lmao what if he's Tiger Woods
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FWIW, that brave Marine General who came out at the DNC and supported Clinton...seems like he's got a little checkered past himself. Maybe he feels a human kinship with Brother Bill.

Lastly, in keeping with his desired commander in chief, General Allen also has an email problem. After serving as commander of ISAF/US Forces in Afghanistan from 2011-2013, he was investigated for having essentially having phone sex via more than 30,000 emails with an attractive Tampa, Florida, married socialite. He retired after this scandal investigation. As odd as this is, how does one have time during 19 months of command of U.S. forces in a war zone to send 30,000 emails, an average of 52 per day?
Keep attacking the military you "conservatives". That is a good idea.
Reporting non-existent outrageous EU regulations became something of a sport for British reporters. Sort of like frat boys trying to get cooked up letters into Dear Abby. In most cases, British regulations were actually stricter, but people like being outraged, don't they? If you're going to sell goods into a market, you're going to have to meet local standards. By pulling out of the EU, Britain would lose a voice in writing them.

Haha, So you're fine with unelected foreign entities controlling you.
Britain will be just fine as you'll see.
FWIW, that brave Marine General who came out at the DNC and supported Clinton...seems like he's got a little checkered past himself. Maybe he feels a human kinship with Brother Bill.

Lastly, in keeping with his desired commander in chief, General Allen also has an email problem. After serving as commander of ISAF/US Forces in Afghanistan from 2011-2013, he was investigated for having essentially having phone sex via more than 30,000 emails with an attractive Tampa, Florida, married socialite. He retired after this scandal investigation. As odd as this is, how does one have time during 19 months of command of U.S. forces in a war zone to send 30,000 emails, an average of 52 per day?

allowed to retire after all of that...pathetic. Should have had his commission pulled and forced out with reduced benefits.
I can't drive and spell Hussein. Uneducated like Lek said.

As to your post I caused Crow to have a complete meltdown over Hussein 8 years ago. The boy became unhinged. Imagine Lizzie Borden with PMS.
8 years ago, some folks on here lost their minds when others used the word, "Hussein". True story.
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They've lost 3 decades of growth by whatever they're doing.

Rhetorical questions. What would we do without 'em?

3 decades of growth, I'm sure the Japanese citizens are struggling mightily.

What we do without whom? Japan or immigrants?

Japan isn't going anywhere unless China gets feisty.
You guys seem to think the Country is simply unable to adapt if things don't go exactly as you think.
You have little faith in your fellow American, you've been brainwashed.
Hillary needs to pivot. Got to call the dogs off for a few days on Trump. Announce a new policy or something to change the narrative. I really am concerned that Trump might get drummed off the ticket too soon.