How will they rule ??!

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It [negotiating return of hostages] is grounds for impeachment.

I think our nation is so weak and so controlled by the media. It doesn't matter what comes out about Obama or Hillary. Their voter base simply doesn't care and they're not informed enough for that type of news to affect them.
They would be more focused on some soundbite that Trump said or just remember what John Stewart or John Oliver said about him.

Let's face it. In today's world, the media is going to get the result it wants. When you have that much influence (media, Hollywood,academia) and the constant pandering to every special interest group that isn't middle America or white male, the deck is too stacked. Plus, we're too comfortable to really make any noise or hold politicians accountable.

This country is done. It's just a matter of time.

It really is wild how so many people can be manipulated into believing total BS. Independent thinking is a lost concept. Reminds me of an episode of brain games regarding social conformity.
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It's amazing you don't have the foresight to see what type of additional harm this puts service men/women in that are stationed abroad.
We don't negotiate the release because we think it's a sign of weakness, it's because it opens the door for the abduction of military members all over the globe.

We don't negotiate the release of prisoners? Since when?
First paragraph of a piece by Michael Barone. You ever seen anything more dated? You might as well replace the 2008 with 1908.

"Heading into the 2016 presidential election cycle, the most influential guide for political journalists was a 2008 book called The Party Decides. Written by four eminent political scientists, it explained that for several decades presidential nominees have effectively been chosen by unelected political insiders, as candidates fight in “invisible primaries” for endorsements by prominent politicians and interest groups. The voters, it argued, tended to ratify these choices and rally around candidates with widespread and prestigious support."
It's amazing you don't have the foresight to see what type of additional harm this puts service men/women in that are stationed abroad.
We don't negotiate the release because we think it's a sign of weakness, it's because it opens the door for the abduction of military members all over the globe.
Yup. This puts not only a target on the backs of our heroes overseas, but theres now a huge money sign beside that target. Don't expect a hillary shill like Moe to understand.
I'm sure there was an outcry on here about the prisoners in Iran and I'm sure Obama was blamed for not doing enough. He pulled a Reagan, except cash, not weapons.

Actually the outcry for anyone who didn't jump at the media sensationalism should have been why was there such a breakdown in the chain of command. I could tell the second I looked at the picture of them while detained that not only was their CoC a failure, but they were as well.
Now is Obama responsible for the functioning of the military, yes he is as Command-in-Chief. But he is NOT directly responsible for this incident in any way.
People like myself look at it and use it as an example of how he has weekend the military during his time in office, and there are many examples on his decision leading to poor morale, disrupting unit cohesiveness, manpower shortages, thus weakening operational readiness.
Would love to know the charges and sentences for all 214 of them.

To be fair, Almost all of them were drug sentences that were under mandatory sentencing guidelines. The sentences were shortened, not pardoned so they wouldn't have any voting rights.
Because support for green energy was such a ludicrous objective:

It's not the governments job to pump millions into one sector of the market while attacking another. Green energy has proven to be nothing more than a fantasy. How many windmills and solar panels would it take to run one household for a year?
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It's not the governments job to pump millions into one sector of the market while attacking another. Green energy has proven to be nothing more than a fantasy. How many windmills and solar panels would it take to run one household for a year?

Absolutely correct about the government involvement. However, I think you went a bit overboard in demeaning green energy. It can be very useful, it just isn't very practical as of right now.
Let the prices continue to drop and watch more people move green. Then watch the power companies freak out because they start loosing customers. I'm all for green own time.
It's not the governments job to pump millions into one sector of the market while attacking another. Green energy has proven to be nothing more than a fantasy. How many windmills and solar panels would it take to run one household for a year?

So, the government support for transportation from the Erie Canal to the railroads to the interstate highways was over-reach?

Fantasy? It's cheaper now than coal.
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Never such a thing as too much Statler & Waldorf.

Can't recall if I talked about this. Got it from a CPA friend, who was looking at the 2014 tax return of the Clinton Foundation. I can't get the formatting to work (da Becca!), but the point is less than 3% of what was taken in went out as a grant (which is, you know, the whole point of a foundation). Almost $35 million in comp, and another $12 million in boon doggles.....There is a really easy story to write here, but that would require a working media.

"Total Revenue $177,804,612

Grants and similar amounts paid $5,160,385 (2.90% of revenues)

Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits $34,838,106 19.60%

Conferences, conventions & meetings $12,469,045 7.00%

Losses and Other expenses $13,733,803 7.70%

Total Expenses $91,281,145 51.30%

Increase in Net Assets 2013 - 2014 $85,171,891 47.90%

Net Assets or fund balances 12.31.2014 $332,471,349"
wouldn't be the least bit surprised if someone in that 214 criminals was sent to jail in part due to violence against police
So, the government support for transportation from the Erie Canal to the railroads to the interstate highways was over-reach?

Fantasy? It's cheaper now than coal.

A better example would be trying to convince people today the Eerie canal is a better, more cost effective form of transportation than the interstate. And then taxing the hell out of them for using the interstate while paying them to use the canal.
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It's not the governments job to pump millions into one sector of the market while attacking another. Green energy has proven to be nothing more than a fantasy. How many windmills and solar panels would it take to run one household for a year?

This maybe rivals Trump's take on the subject as one of the worst comprehensions of the renewables industry, and comprehensive energy markets as a whole, that I've come across. You should really sit this one out since you've already shown us that you don't have the simplest grasp of how wind and solar generate electricity let alone how these sources are integrated into the grid.

And LOL'ing at the statement that 'it's not the governments job to' decrease the reliance of energy sources when extraction and combustion of such sources are continuously proven to, not just present serious health risks but, kill their citizens who have no other options to access non-toxic life sustaining elements.
A better example would be trying to convince people today the Eerie canal is a better, more cost effective form of transportation than the interstate. And then taxing the hell out of them for using the interstate while paying them to use the canal.

You saying conventional energy sources don't currently receive state and federal subsidies?
So, the government support for transportation from the Erie Canal to the railroads to the interstate highways was over-reach?

Fantasy? It's cheaper now than coal.

Surely you can agree that the government (local/state/federal) should be responsible for transportation as it's vital to the countries infrastructure.

The government should not overstep in matters of personal choice in such things as energy. Throwing money at failing green companies was a bad investment and something that shouldn't have been done, or at least done differently.
The government should not overstep in matters of personal choice in such things as energy. Throwing money at failing green companies was a bad investment and something that shouldn't have been done, or at least done differently.

Understood. So fed and state govt's should remove the preferential tax treatment granted to oil & gas industries, as well as the subsidization of the distribution network that supports said industries. I think we're all clear now.
Mime, We've had this argument before. In every other facet of life we strive for the most efficient, with the highest return, except for energy production. Which is the one thing that can shutdown everything.
Understood. So fed and state govt's should remove the preferential tax treatment granted to oil & gas industries, as well as the subsidization of the distribution network that supports said industries. I think we're all clear now.

Oil has no part of this discussion, the amount of oil used in making electricity here is minute. Gas has become a viable option because we've made coal so expensive to use, true story.
I didn't say that, I said the only reason Solar is a viable option is because the Govt has made it so by providing huge incentives, and making coal almost unable to use.

Disagree completely on "making coal" almost unable to use [sic].

When solar reaches grid parity without tax incentives, which is estimated to be 2020 for about half the country, would you consider the incentives wasted?