How will they rule ??!

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Muslim men need exterminated and their women forced into sexual slavery for American men.

Edit- Slavic, South eastern Asian, Middle East, India Indian muslims
Muslim men need exterminated and their women forced into sexual slavery for American men.

Edit- Slavic, South eastern Asian, Middle East, India Indian muslims
I agree Willy. We need to kill them before they kill us. God help us the day Isis gets a hold of a nuke... Maybe Iran will sell them one with all the money our traitor president is sending them.
That was regarding people who know Hillary being ok with her.

Well, actually....I spoke with someone who knows individuals within the State Department that were there when she was...and they think she's as vile and corrupt as what many hear believe.
I know someone in the protective service and they said she was a first class bitch. This person was around Powell, GW Bush, and others who treated people with respect. No, I am not telling you there name, sex, or where they live. They did not care for Chaney. She is dismissive and condenscending towards those who protect her and our military services. And, she has a volatile temper.

All I know is my knowledge whatever incompetence Trump may have had has not resulted in anyone's death. Can't say that about Benghazi Hillary or Mogadishu Bill
Camp town Races here we come
Most of these liberal ass hats here (not Mime-He's cool actually) have never stayed an extended amount of time as non-military in a Muslim country. Sure as shit get sick of these honky ass cracker white privileges trying to tell me about Islam. They can go f*** themselves.

Most of the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia would line up the Muslim gov't have them executed. Awful religion. Just awful people who will fake kindness in order to save face.

The Moes of Americas have no clue how awful Islam is. Goddamn I wish Hitler would've killed the Muslims rather than the Jews.
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Zika is in Miami. I live in northern TN. Tonight my street was sprayed, by the local govt, for mosquitos. I have ever seen this before. Coincidence?
Most of these liberal ass hats here (not Mime-He's cool actually) have never stayed an extended amount of time as non-military in a Muslim country. Sure as shit get sick of these honky ass cracker white privileges trying to tell me about Islam. They can go f*** themselves.

Most of the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia would line up the Muslim gov't have them executed. Awful religion. Just awful people who will fake kindness in order to save face.

The Moes of Americas have no clue how awful Islam is. Goddamn I wish Hitler would've killed the Muslims rather than the Jews.
I think he would have got around to it if he had been given enough time to work his liberal policies.
Well, yes. Japan's mysterious stagnant economy has been perplexing economists for 30 years.
Now, let's look at Japan right now. Wikipedia tells us that Japan's per capita GDP, in nominal terms, is $45,900. That compares with $44,500 for Germany, $43,100 for France, and $39,600 for the UK...I suspect that what difference exists is due to labor inputs, since Japan does not force its citizens to take lots of time off of work the way Germany and France do.

Poor Japan? What about the UK? Those numbers will go up dramatically now though thanks to Brexit.
Just got a PM from a liberal hack who often posts here.

Struggling whether or not I should post it here.

I won't post it, but I will summarize. It is confirmed that one of the posters in this thread does work for Hillary's campaign. He does acknowledge the truth in the emails and apparently Hillary (guessing the Clinton Foundation) wants to buy my vote $10K.

Just think ya'll should know that.

Save the message. Contact the police. Don't post here.
Now, let's look at Japan right now. Wikipedia tells us that Japan's per capita GDP, in nominal terms, is $45,900. That compares with $44,500 for Germany, $43,100 for France, and $39,600 for the UK...I suspect that what difference exists is due to labor inputs, since Japan does not force its citizens to take lots of time off of work the way Germany and France do.

Poor Japan? What about the UK? Those numbers will go up dramatically now though thanks to Brexit.

I don't doubt it. Brexit is an example of the pulling back from the world that I've been talking about .
Zika is in Miami. I live in northern TN. Tonight my street was sprayed, by the local govt, for mosquitos. I have ever seen this before. Coincidence?
Could be but probably not. They used to spray for mosquitos where I live years ago but not since then. I'm sure once Zika goes nationwide it will happen anywhere. Speaking of Zika, any doubt that this was put in America by ISIS? These people blow themselves up, they absolutely would do something like that.
The world needs Jason Bourne
Zika is in Miami. I live in northern TN. Tonight my street was sprayed, by the local govt, for mosquitos. I have ever seen this before. Coincidence?

Today in the opinion section of my Richmond Register there was a very caring article by Mitch McConnell telling the people zika is a threat, it's bad, I want billions to help fight zika!!! BTW I'm running again ;) xoxox LLYAS!

It's infuriating these people are allowed to do this. Zika? Kiss my ass. More people provably stroke out listening to these clowns. Zika. Get some DEET, hoe. Just drop some cash from a plane, Mitch! Oh Lort thank the heavens you saved us from the zika.
I don't doubt it. Brexit is an example of the pulling back from the world that I've been talking about .
Brexit wasn't pulling back so much as it was breaking away. Unless you mean pulling back from the One World Order that you people are clamoring for.
FFS, this again? Rampant displays of flags are the markers of the Pharisees of patriotism - the jingoists. It's a symbol - an awesome symbol, but still just a symbol. When someone slaps an American flag on everything (Sean Hannity, Michael Bay), they're selling you something - an image, a movie, or the hope that you're dumb enough to equate self-righteousness and symbolism with actual patriotism. Go ahead and cover yourself in your 32 pieces of flair, but it's your actions that matter.

Criticize actions of candidates all you wish, but the "needz moar 'Murican flags" thing that happens every election cycle is a stupid trope meant to sucker stupid people - and you are legion. I swear some of you would let a bald eagle wearing 5 American flag bandanas plug you in the butt while not even giving you the courtesy of rubbing your freedom boner and thank him for the experience afterwards.
Moronic. Nationalism and pride in ones flag is a good thing. It is those who want to destroy it because they do not want to hurt some ones feelings that is the problem in this country. Your take is proof that the liberal media works on the weak minded.
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Moronic. Nationalism and pride in ones flag is a good thing except for those trying to destroy this country. Your take is proof that the liberal media works on the weak minded.

Warrior. I have faith that 79 could be a good guy.. I think he has some sense, but I think his 1% wallstreet wage earning friends put a lot of liberal bullshit in his ear
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Moronic. Nationalism and pride in ones flag is a good thing except for those trying to destroy this country. Your take is proof that the liberal media works on the weak minded.
I didn't even bother responding to that idiot. If they felt like they had enough flags on the first day, why did they dramatically increase the number after there was talk of the lack of them?

Truth is they didn't want to take a chance on offending anyone by displaying too much nationalistic pride. Radical Islamists are a skittish bunch.
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Well, yes. Japan's mysterious stagnant economy has been perplexing economists for 30 years.

Could it be the be the economists were
wrong? Nah that couldn't be it.

Or possibly they didn't see the extreme rise of China?

Or maybe Japan is STILL the number 3 economy in the world! And that's the case because China has 1.5 billion people, they manipulate their money, and they have ZERO emission standards or Japan would still be 2.

I'll bet you a dollar to a donut Japan will be just fine.
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I think I found out why Hillary has an aversion to the symbol of our country. Take a look at this, Muslim pigs. By the way, I checked Snopes and it's real. Can't tell if "they" are or not, thinking yes.

I don't doubt it. Brexit is an example of the pulling back from the world that I've been talking about .

Taking control of your Govt is not pulling back from the World Moe.
Are you admitting that you'd prefer a non elected Govt have say over the affairs of the Nation? No thank you
I honestly no longer think Trump can win.

WTF is he doing? I mean it isn't hard to beat his opponent and he makes it into a root canal.
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That's just awesome leadership.

Let's see, Obama has let ISIS run wild in Iraq they are a JV team after all. China is building military islands in the Yellow Sea, we're in the process of normalizing relations with Cuba, and we gave Iran 1.7 billion dollars and basically opened the door for them to acquire nukes, and paid them a ransom.

What cluster fuc$ of a foreign policy.
I honestly no longer think Trump can win.

WTF is he doing? I mean it isn't hard to beat his opponent and he makes it into a root canal.
Why? Because he defends himself? He gets attacked first 99% of the time, but when he responds back all of a sudden hes the problem and the bully.
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I honestly no longer think Trump can win.

WTF is he doing? I mean it isn't hard to beat his opponent and he makes it into a root canal.

If the media frenzy stays like it will, they're trying to sway people's mind.
They have said dick about Hillary and have Trump under a microscope.
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