How will they rule ??!

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Lost in my need to conduct an impomptu training lesson on the history of al Qaeda today were several of our conservative friends ramping up attacks on a Gold Star family.

That is so touching and you are such a tool. I suppose its because you've been so busy talking about how smart you are that you haven't had the time to put the pieces together yet. Or maybe you're just one of the masses who only sees things for how they're propped up in front of you, which makes you anything but smart. Know this, things are never for how they are propped up in front of you. You want smart people to believe you're smart?

The connection between Hillary and this "gold star" immigration lawyer was about to be exposed for what it is - her's and Bill's and their foundation's long-standing affiliation with a firm and an individual who sells high dollar immigration visas to rich muslims. Now, I know you don't need this part explained to you because you're a really smart guy, but if you aid in taking the rich people out of other countries / cultures over a sustained period of time you aid in destabilizing those regions. I'll let that sink in for you.

So Hillary and the DNC headed it off at the pass, and made a crying spectacle out of the grieving mom and dad before any of that took shape. But here's the thing. It doesn't matter. The stink ain't wearing off this one. But please, continue with your urgings for pity and guilt attempts. Straight-up free entertainment for me and my ilk. 99 days
Okay, me neither but letting banks with ordinary deposits engage in derivative investments made the process legal again for the first time since the 30's. I don't know if those in charge back then could have envisioned CDO's made up of MBS's sold to investors across the globe, any more than the CDS bought and sold by the same entity such as a Goldman or AIG.

Yes, what should be regulated is the derivatives market. And what constitutes fraud in the bond market should be made more stringent and explicit.
Funny how military members and their families matter now to the Democrats. How long did it take to lower the flags after the shootings at Fort Hood, and Chattanooga? Maybe they only matter if they're Muslims who believe in Sharia Law.

Yes, those very unfortunate "workplace violence" events, per Obama.

Bingo. Its because theyre muslim (and had incestuous ties to Hillary) and the dems were waiting on Trump to say anything, so they could pounce with the racist/bigot attack. As usual, Trump obliged by opening his mouth.
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Not mine.

"Every time more shit drops about hillary and the DNC there has to be this equivalence where people let themselves be convinced, that Trump has done something equivalent and worse"

100% agree with this.

And whatever Trump does gets 1000x more media coverage.
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Are you being honest this time or lying again? Kind of like Clinton , you just don't have much credibility.
You preach on about anti globalism, and then back the globalist? Hmm, maybe you were lying then as well.

I have no idea what globalist/anti-globalist means. But this is true: a society that turns inward declines. China had a huge lead on civilization over Europe. Turned inward and declined. Japan was busting heads just a few years ago -- refuses immigrants -- and is in a death spiral. The early Islamic world was a leader in science. Turned inward and collapsed. Spain had a huge head start during the Age of Exploration. Turned inward and became the dark dowager in the attic. Rome started hiring mercs. Got plowed.

Decline follows quickly when you start trying to block out the world. You can perfume the contrary any way you want it to, but that decline isn't some liberal trick. It's the way the world is wired.
Question for the Day: What if the US and Russia formed a more strategic alliance?

  • It would benefit from massive geographic and strategic land mass.
  • It would benefit from massive and strategic natural resources
  • Militarily, well, biggest bullies on the block
  • Could impose it's military and economic willpower on virtually anything
  • Both are challenged by Islamic fanatics
  • Both are basically controlled by a small group of financially driven individuals who balance their own self-interest with that of what can be achieved within their countries.

Maybe this Putin guy and his cronies could turn out to be one of our best allies.

Not a fan of Putin or Trump (but won't vote for Hillary either)

But, we have been allies with Russia/Soviet Union in both world wars. Just sayin . . .
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Trump: "Wouldn't it be great if we teamed up with Russia and maybe NATO.... "

The man will not get off Russia's knob and if you don't understand this is because that is the last place on earth he can get money from then you're just being willfully ignorant.

I think Morning Joe's talk is correct. It makes sense. Trump planned on running but not winning and then starting up his own TV Channel backed by Russian money. He's went further than he ever dreamed possible. He has no interest in actually governing that's why he starkly has no idea of any actual real policy nor has he proposed any. It also explains his son Donald Jr. reaching out to Kasich and telling him Trump wants somebody to be his VP to actually do the job of governing as Trump has no interest in it if he actually did win.

The pieces fit. Trump News. All Trump. All the time. Backed by Russian mob money. I wonder if he'll call it "TT" as the sister channel to "RT"?
You want to troll Trump supporters. What you don't understand is, all the while, Trump is trolling you. Trolling the hell out of you. Like, got you so over-the-top giddy that you are going to nail him with something that he said or some rumor that you heard that you can't see straight. It's quite entertaining.
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meh, Trump's got the white beer swilling football watching guy demographic anyway, no loss that they will be watching Sunday/Monday NFL football rather than the debates.

CNN is giving another forum to Lib party/Paddock Political thread fav Johnson. Say, when are they going to do the same to the Green party candidate? They aren't trying to create an outlet for Anti-Trump voters while not doing the same for disaffected Bearnie Bros, are they?
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You mad, bro?

Your tears are sweet. They remind me of morning dew off freshly ripened nectarines. More please. your whining amuses me.

Why would you ask Mr. Khan about Sharia Law unless you were racist? Should he ask you about the Olympic Park Bombing or Oklahoma City?

I thought you were supposed to be superior to all of us? Then why in the hell did you go full retard with that retort/question?

You ask him because he supports it! How you gonna support the democratic party, when you want a large portion of their base dead?

You think that's racist? :joy:
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That is so touching and you are such a tool. I suppose its because you've been so busy talking about how smart you are that you haven't had the time to put the pieces together yet. Or maybe you're just one of the masses who only sees things for how they're propped up in front of you, which makes you anything but smart. Know this, things are never for how they are propped up in front of you. You want smart people to believe you're smart?

The connection between Hillary and this "gold star" immigration lawyer was about to be exposed for what it is - her's and Bill's and their foundation's long-standing affiliation with a firm and an individual who sells high dollar immigration visas to rich muslims. Now, I know you don't need this part explained to you because you're a really smart guy, but if you aid in taking the rich people out of other countries / cultures over a sustained period of time you aid in destabilizing those regions. I'll let that sink in for you.

So Hillary and the DNC headed it off at the pass, and made a crying spectacle out of the grieving mom and dad before any of that took shape. But here's the thing. It doesn't matter. The stink ain't wearing off this one. But please, continue with your urgings for pity and guilt attempts. Straight-up free entertainment for me and my ilk. 99 days
It's a contest, right? Each one of you is trying to see who can post the dumbest shit without their keyboard killing itself?

Every pixel of this post is mutated in some way. Some radioactive, others suffering from decades old untreated syphilis, a few more foaming at the mouth while burning with a fierce fever... the combined effect is pure insanity. An abomination of nature. Your ISP permanently shuttered its doors rather than allow another one of those out.
I have no idea what globalist/anti-globalist means. But this is true: a society that turns inward declines. China had a huge lead on civilization over Europe. Turned inward and declined. Japan was busting heads just a few years ago -- refuses immigrants -- and is in a death spiral. The early Islamic world was a leader in science. Turned inward and collapsed. Spain had a huge head start during the Age of Exploration. Turned inward and became the dark dowager in the attic. Rome started hiring mercs. Got plowed.

Decline follows quickly when you start trying to block out the world. You can perfume the contrary any way you want it to, but that decline isn't some liberal trick. It's the way the world is wired.

What does any of that have to do with today? Although Rome is a good comparison, but used incorrectly.

Lets use Germany, Japan, and Italy. They looked to expand agressively, and their decline quickly followed, see the fault in your argument?
What does any of that have to do with today? Although Rome is a good comparison, but used incorrectly.

Lets use Germany, Japan, and Italy. They looked to expand agressively, and their decline quickly followed, see the fault in your argument?

Not so fast. Did you know that the pre-Sumerians (the people that lived before the Sumerians) started advocating for low taxes, small tribal power, and pushed for secure community defense all to implode inwardly which gave rise to the Sumerians?
It's no secret that Republicans have for decades been trying to destroy the Clintons. I can only imagine the anger when they continually find little and then come up with crazy conspiracy theories to try to undermine their findings. Luckily for them, she keeps coming up with new and ridiculous ways to keep her shady dealings in the headlines.

I'm a huge fan of Bill Clinton. HRC, not so much. I hate even defending her. And again, that's why I think she loses. Republicans have hated the Clintons for so long, they'll do whatever it takes to keep her out of office. Even if they have to put a reality tv star in the White House who shares little of the values Republicans supposedly hold dear - free markets, trade, family values, the constitution, etc.

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What does any of that have to do with today? Although Rome is a good comparison, but used incorrectly.

Lets use Germany, Japan, and Italy. They looked to expand agressively, and their decline quickly followed, see the fault in your argument?

I wasn't referring to WW2 Japan. I was referring to their current predicament. They can try to retain the purity of "Japan." And may succeed in being pure. The world will just pass them by if they do. Life's complicated and messy.
The fact that Obama feels the need to attack Trump almost daily shows how worried he and the democrats are. Even they are beginning to realize that Trump can win this.

Trump could always win it. Exposing his weaknesses is part of politics. The right is probably shocked by this since attacking an opponent isn't something they normally do.
Obama apparently doesn't learn from the past. Didn't work out in his favor toward BREXIT.

The thing is, when you use your PC speech code enforcement, force third world migration/invasion on people that you're expected to prop up, eventually people will grow tired of being bullied and start to push back. Brexit is a result of that mentality.

If you don't want our future to be a worse version of the previous 10 years then you have to stop this radicalism immediately. I expect this is why the Republicans turned out in huge numbers for the primaries.

One thing I don't understand from the open borders crowd and those who want us flooded with third world culture and feel multiculturalism should be forced on the U.S. and European countries is do you want these countries to be turned into a replicated version of the third world? Do you think Sweden should look like Iraq? You think Germany should look like Syria or Afghanistan? Would you want to visit those places after their culture and beauty has been stripped away?

If you're a politician right now, you need to double down on nationalism and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's okay to have your own land that reflects your people and your values and shouldn't be treated as a buffet to the rest of the world.
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To be fair, we have never seen a candidate so amazingly corrupt before they even got the nominee. Is there anyone who would argue that Hillary is not a soulless monster?

A terrible candidate who's overly ambitious, reckless and beholden to big business? Absolutely. A soulless monster? Yeah, we could probably argue that.

This isn't a party thing. The real conservatives understand this. If the Democrats nominated Hulk Hogan for president, the Republicans would understandably think they had lost their goddamn minds.
A terrible candidate who's overly ambitious, reckless and beholden to big business? Absolutely. A soulless monster? Yeah, we could probably argue that.

This isn't a party thing. The real conservatives understand this. If the Democrats nominated Hulk Hogan for president, the Republicans would understandably think they had lost their goddamn minds.


Got a chuckle of out of thinking of Hogan campaigning.
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A terrible candidate who's overly ambitious, reckless and beholden to big business? Absolutely. A soulless monster? Yeah, we could probably argue that.

This isn't a party thing. The real conservatives understand this. If the Democrats nominated Hulk Hogan for president, the Republicans would understandably think they had lost their goddamn minds.

Is Hulk a socialist commie?
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You're starting to see DT ratchet up his plan to bring violence to this election. His followers now only see two options for the election - either DT wins or it was stolen from him. He is starting to undermine the entire democratic process that this country was founded on. Military families who speak out are now booed and harassed.

It's why he's crying about the timing of the debates. He doesn't want to debate. He wants to bypass the debates because he doesn't want to have to back up his words. He will then paint the debates as rigged, and against him for having to answer normal questions. His cult followers will eat it up and ignore the lack of knowledge on display.

I still think he wins but I'm kind of surprised at how terrible he's been this past week. Maybe he just needs more sleep. The way the electorate is, he really just needs to focus on 4 or 5 states. He can win Missouri, Ohio, Florida, PA and other states that are on the fence. But he really needs to focus. And needs a bit more help from Russia. I expect we'll see more emails and more hacking in the coming weeks to try to improve his poll numbers.
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