How will they rule ??!

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When the President pushes a law on the premise everyone deserves to own a house that frees up the requirements in getting a loan.
The same President pushes an agreement that allows companies to move south of the border and then ship the product back with no penalty, which resulted in millions of jobs being lost. How do you think people pay for home loans they couldn't afford in the first place?

Politicians make the laws the bankers and people on Wall St work under. Newsflash, they're going to exploit them, and find loopholes, and that's what they did.

The entire Clinton presidency was predicated on short term success, to hell with long term implications. That was a change from prior Presidents from either Party.
I think you've failed to give enough credit to Bush for the entire debacle you describe, his press conferences promoting home ownership, ignoring the collapse of Bear Stearns, coupled with his laissez faire approach to the SEC and every other regulating or rating agency.

My argument has more to do with the impetus to facilitate the investment. Greed.

If Clinton or Bush had a financial gain from the process, you might have an argument but I don't believe anyone has asserted such a claim. Certainly their ties to Wall Street campaign dollars were telling but if Tannin, Cioffi, Cayne, Fuld, Paulson, Mozilo, O'Neal, Prince and company avoided prosecution, I don't know any Grand Jury that would have indicted a sitting or former president.
Now comes the part where they attempt to shift their positions by nagging at me with idiotic misstatements of my position in order to recoup their own. I've been through this so many times in here. Circular pointless arguments.

Look, all of you are,,, challenged. There really isn't much else that needs to be pointed out.

Are you being honest this time or lying again? Kind of like Clinton , you just don't have much credibility.
You preach on about anti globalism, and then back the globalist? Hmm, maybe you were lying then as well.
I think you've failed to give enough credit to Bush for the entire debacle you describe, his press conferences promoting home ownership, ignoring the collapse of Bear Stearns, coupled with his laissez faire approach to the SEC and every other regulating or rating agency.

My argument has more to do with the impetus to facilitate the investment. Greed.

If Clinton or Bush had a financial gain from the process, you might have an argument but I don't believe anyone has asserted such a claim. Certainly their ties to Wall Street campaign dollars were telling but if Tannin, Cioffi, Cayne, Fuld, Paulson, Mozilo, O'Neal, Prince and company avoided prosecution, I don't know any Grand Jury that would have indicted a sitting or former president.

Clinton is the one who made it law, and while Bush did promote home ownership, his administration also tried to warn the Democrats that we were heading for disaster.
If Clinton or Bush had a financial gain from the process, you might have an argument but I don't believe anyone has asserted such a claim.
Robert Rubin got filthy rich working for a couple of banks after he left the Clinton admin (and leading the repeal of glass-steagall)
Nice. Keep attacking that Gold Star family. Ramp it up. You folks are beyond the pale. Just indecent. You really do need that "Sir, have you no sense of decency" moment and IMO event that won't save you from yourselves. You're just... gone.

thanks . . . anything I can do to help you with that cold, lonely, empty feeling coming to you in 100 days.
After he stepped away from Treasury in 1999, Rubin moved to Citigroup, and until 2009 he served as chairman of the executive committee and, briefly, chairman of the board of directors. On his watch, the federal government was forced to inject $45 billion of taxpayer money into the company and guarantee some $300 billion of illiquid assets. Taxpayers ended up with a 27 percent stake in Citigroup, which was sold in 2010 at a cumulative profit of $12 billion. Rubin gave up a portion of his contracted compensation—and was still paid around $126 million in cash and stock during a tenure in which his serenity has come to look a lot more like paralysis. “Nobody on this planet represents more vividly the scam of the banking industry,” says Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan. “He made $120 million from Citibank, which was technically insolvent. And now we, the taxpayers, are paying for it.”
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Do your research, Operation Cyclone began during the Carter administration. So, following your logic, Carter is the father of Al Qaeda. Regardless, it was terrible and short-sighted to arm such radicals then, and if true about Hillary, it is even more terrible and short-sighted to arm such radicals now given the historical example.
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to have a debate with someone when you have to educate them about the subject of the debate?
Nice. Keep attacking that Gold Star family. Ramp it up. You folks are beyond the pale. Just indecent. You really do need that "Sir, have you no sense of decency" moment and IMO event that won't save you from yourselves. You're just... gone.
He probably didn't even have a son that got killed.
Then why did republicans do nothing to prevent it or minimize the effect despite owning both the White House and Congress from 2003-2007 and the house alone from 2001-2007. Basically the years leading right up to the crisis? [laughing]
For sure they should have done more but as you see in the video, and there are others, challenging Franklin Raines was seen as racist. BTW, he walked away with just short of $100m.
Now comes the part where they attempt to shift their positions by nagging at me with idiotic misstatements of my position in order to recoup their own. I've been through this so many times in here. Circular pointless arguments.

Look, all of you are,,, challenged. There really isn't much else that needs to be pointed out.
I wish you had the self-awareness to realize how stupid you sound right now in light of the fact you had history pile driven right up your fat ass. [roll]
After he stepped away from Treasury in 1999, Rubin moved to Citigroup, and until 2009 he served as chairman of the executive committee and, briefly, chairman of the board of directors. On his watch, the federal government was forced to inject $45 billion of taxpayer money into the company and guarantee some $300 billion of illiquid assets. Taxpayers ended up with a 27 percent stake in Citigroup, which was sold in 2010 at a cumulative profit of $12 billion. Rubin gave up a portion of his contracted compensation—and was still paid around $126 million in cash and stock during a tenure in which his serenity has come to look a lot more like paralysis. “Nobody on this planet represents more vividly the scam of the banking industry,” says Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan. “He made $120 million from Citibank, which was technically insolvent. And now we, the taxpayers, are paying for it.”
I've mentioned Chuck Prince escaping prosecution already but what does this have to do with the politicians and their motive? IOW, how could they have been indicted when the bankers weren't?
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For sure they should have done more but as you see in the video, and there are others, challenging Franklin Raines was seen as racist. BTW, he walked away with just short of $100m.
That's so incredible but I'm here to tell you Dick Fuld's compensation was 4x that amount and his firm went completely under. Fannie was rescued by TARP to the tune of $116 billion!

Edit: Sorry, Fannie and Freddie were nationalized by Bush in the $187 billion dollar Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. Not TARP.
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I imagine the Clinton fireplace has prolly been on 24-7 use for about 5 months.Metaphorically speaking of course. Or not.
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Here is what I want to know. What was the scouting like to find that guy? Did they have a casting call to get the one guy to help push the "Aw. They're just like us and love America" act?

This was from 12 years ago, right?

I just imagine an intern just going down the list of dead soldiers until she could find one that sounded Muslim in an almost "Moneyball" type strategy.
Here is what I want to know. What was the scouting like to find that guy? Did they have a casting call to get the one guy to help push the "Aw. They're just like us and love America" act?

This was from 12 years ago, right?

I just imagine an intern just going down the list of dead soldiers until she could find one that sounded Muslim in an almost "Moneyball" type strategy.

It'd be a short list, there's been 14 Muslim US service members killed in action since 9/11.

Oddly, that's same number as US service members killed by US Muslim service members in the same timeframe.
It doesn't matter what's in those emails if the public never really hears about it. I'm afraid an expose on won't cut it. The unholy alliance that sets the narrative in this country - NBC/CBS/ABC/The New York Times/The Washington Post/CNN/Time & Newsweek (decreasingly)/Huffington Post et al (increasingly) - will make certain to "explain" what Hillary meant, to contextualize, to make us understand what Trump has to gain from all this (with the implication left unsaid and hovering), will make sure we know this leaked email story has been going on for months and how important can it be, really?

Unless Hillary herself says something utterly damning, and its meaning is so plain that it can't be summarized and explained away, it won't matter.
Here is what I want to know. What was the scouting like to find that guy? Did they have a casting call to get the one guy to help push the "Aw. They're just like us and love America" act? .

If you read the article linked at the top of the previous page (707) you'll quickly get the impression you're looking for. At first glance it was these are the most sanctimonious, generous, unfortunately victimized muslim people in North America. But behind the curtain is a super rich muslim dude, got that way from human (being generous) trafficking, Hillary and Bill have been in bed with him since allah knows when, deeply connected to the Clintons and dems and Saudis . . . just a big mess. Trump watched the dnc and probably said, "I know this dude . . . he ain't foolin' nobody."
So . . . Kzir Khan . . not just some random muslim dude with a dead son but somebody who has made an enormous fortune from pinching money from muslims wanting to come to the US, has his own law firm or firms, handles the Clintons personal tax returns, the Clinton Foundation, in deep with Saudis, channels money from Saudis to Clinton Foundation, Loretta Lynch connected in there, his firm somehow had the proprietary software for Hillary's private email server and he himself may know where her missing 33,000 classified emails went? wtf? Is it still just Monday?

Whoa, it's all so compelling! My firm represents, at some point or another, many big banks (probably). Many big banks have a role in money that is invested by foreign governments, including sovereign wealth funds. Those sovereign wealth funds include Saudis. Saudis are funding ISIS. That means that our IT guy ("manager of litigation technology") is basically funding ISIS in league with the Clintons. What a dick.

Oh, crap, and people from my firm are now in government jobs (one guy even left last week - during the DNC convention - to clerk at a federal court!!!!!! The timing!). It's a conspiracy so vast it has to be true! I know, because obviously I'm a part of it, but I have no choice because our 401ks are invested exclusively in Reynolds Wrap.
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Wait, now I'm reading more from last page. Are people serious about the Khan/Hogan & Lovells thing? Really? I know two lawyers at my firm that were both nominated for a prominent Article III appointment (federal judge) and not voted on (as in the Senate just didn't do their job, once by Rs and once by Ds). One is pretty hardcore liberal. The other is like Scalia, only with a stronger distaste for liberals. A friend worked on the McCain campaign for about a year and is actively involved in Republican politics. Another associate is on a local Planned Parenthood board. So when someone from our "litigation technology" department is shoddily painted online in the future, I wonder what the narrative will be? Hardcore liberal that has a fetal stem cell smoothie for breakfast, or racist pig that wants to undo the First Amendment and make everyone Christian? Just curious for my friends in IT. Thanks!