How will they rule ??!

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There's a thread on Fark about Trump asking Republicans in Congress to back him on his attacks on the family of the fallen soldier.

Daily, he comes up with wowzer after wowzer. Each of them more dazzlingly repellent than the previous day's. Drawing Congress into this fracas, looks exactly like he and The Un-Named One have cooked up a way to destroy the Republican Party. This instance is simply a version of The Tar Baby. Get as many people tarred with an unpopular position as possible. The alternative is to tell your candidate to go frell himself. This isn't the usual purity test of the GOP. This is a suicide pact.

And there's almost 100 days to go!
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Terry is an all American hero son. You watch your mouth. I saw him slam the middle eastern front in the 80s and body slam Andre in Wrestlemania3. Thats all I need to know.

But that was when he was a Reagan Republican though. Now he is Obama Democrat suing on-line websites because his safe space has been violated.
There's a thread on Fark about Trump asking Republicans in Congress to back him on his attacks on the family of the fallen soldier.

Daily, he comes up with wowzer after wowzer. Each of them more dazzlingly repellent than the previous day's. Drawing Congress into this fracas, looks exactly like he and The Un-Named One have cooked up a way to destroy the Republican Party. This instance is simply a version of The Tar Baby. Get as many people tarred with an unpopular position as possible. The alternative is to tell your candidate to go frell himself. This isn't the usual purity test of the GOP. This is a suicide pact.

And there's almost 100 days to go!
The soldiers family politicized his death by speaking in the manner he did at the DNC. Five star families should be given lead way but when one comes straight out and attacks someone then they are fair game. Their child made the sacrifice....they sacrificed nothing. They had a great loss, but why is their loss any different then the parents who lose children every single day out of combat?
The thing is, when you use your PC speech code enforcement, force third world migration/invasion on people that you're expected to prop up, eventually people will grow tired of being bullied and start to push back. Brexit is a result of that mentality.

If you don't want our future to be a worse version of the previous 10 years then you have to stop this radicalism immediately. I expect this is why the Republicans turned out in huge numbers for the primaries.

One thing I don't understand from the open borders crowd and those who want us flooded with third world culture and feel multiculturalism should be forced on the U.S. and European countries is do you want these countries to be turned into a replicated version of the third world? Do you think Sweden should look like Iraq? You think Germany should look like Syria or Afghanistan? Would you want to visit those places after their culture and beauty has been stripped away?

If you're a politician right now, you need to double down on nationalism and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's okay to have your own land that reflects your people and your values and shouldn't be treated as a buffet to the rest of the world.

The people who are trying to force open borders will not have to live with the repurcussions. Their little world will not change at all, they won't ever see the people that come except in pics, and they'll get to boast to their close knit group of friends on Private jets, or aboard private yachts in Cannes.
While the people whose world will be significantly impacted get shouted down as racists, or uneducated if they oppose.
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The soldiers family politicized his death by speaking in the manner he did at the DNC. Five star families should be given lead way but when one comes straight out and attacks someone then they are fair game. Their child made the sacrifice....they sacrificed nothing. They had a great loss, but why is their loss any different then the parents who lose children every single day out of combat?

Really? You can't even imagine why they spoke up?
The soldiers family politicized his death by speaking in the manner he did at the DNC. Five star families should be given lead way but when one comes straight out and attacks someone then they are fair game. Their child made the sacrifice....they sacrificed nothing. They had a great loss, but why is their loss any different then the parents who lose children every single day out of combat?
Fair game huh? So glad to see Republicans totally sell their souls out for DT. These families have spoken out for decades and been treated with the respect they deserve.

They sacrificed nothing? I don't know, how about their son? WOW dude.

Your post shows how FOS people like yourself are when it comes to talk about patriotism, honor, love of country. Means NOTHING to you. It's just a slogan to slap on your bumper sticker. I'm sure you've screamed bloody murder over far less by Dems.

DT and followers like yourself are all in. They'll either win or they'll lose and take down the Republican party with them. DT knows he's done as well if he loses. The only people who follow him cannot afford his pricey hotels and golf courses. The entire business community has turned their back on him because they're well aware of how dangerous a dictator is for industry.
The soldiers family politicized his death by speaking in the manner he did at the DNC. Five star families should be given lead way but when one comes straight out and attacks someone then they are fair game. Their child made the sacrifice....they sacrificed nothing. They had a great loss, but why is their loss any different then the parents who lose children every single day out of combat?
This was a no win for Trump. Should have just kept quite and moved on. Damnit Donald put you big boy pants on.
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Trump has succeeded in exposing the scumballs in here, that is for sure. If you've attacked the Khan family as 2-3 of you in here have then you are a POS and I mean that in the most sincere way possible.
They sacrificed nothing? I don't know, how about their son? WOW dude.
their son was an adult who willingly on his own joined an all-voluntary military service. just like everyone else he served with & who are still serving today.
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This was a no win for Trump. Should have just kept quite and moved on. Damnit Donald put you big boy pants on.
Agreed. These families have blasted Dems plenty but you kinda gotta just take it. I'll never blast a family who is hurting and who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It's like if a woman tries to slap you. You block it and move away. [winking] Maybe tell her to stop drinking.
The fact that Obama feels the need to attack Trump almost daily shows how worried he and the democrats are. Even they are beginning to realize that Trump can win this.

And man who can be goaded into responding via Twitter is not fit to be president? Oh wait hillary said that and we know rules don't apply to dems

The people who are trying to force open borders will not have to live with the repurcussions. Their little world will not change at all, they won't ever see the people that come except in pics, and they'll get to boast to their close knit group of friends on Private jets, or aboard private yachts in Cannes.
While the people whose world will be significantly impacted get shouted down as racists, or uneducated if they oppose.

Exactly. Then soros and his cronies can cash in on all their bets when the economy collapses. That's what this is really about anyway. Uber billionaires betting against the us and doing everything they can to make sure their bets pay off
Can someone circulate the ground rules for respecting grieving parents in politics? If only we could make it simple - how about if it helps a D, we absolutely respect them, and if it helps an R, we disregard, diminish or threaten them with physical violence! That will do it...

"Khizr Khan Receives 50x More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC: Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazla’s DNC appearance earned 55 minutes, 13 seconds of Big Three network coverage, nearly 50 times more than Pat Smith, whose RNC speech honoring her son earned just 70 seconds of airtime."
Trump has succeeded in exposing the scumballs in here, that is for sure. If you've attacked the Khan family as 2-3 of you in here have then you are a POS and I mean that in the most sincere way possible.

What do you consider someone that gins up a story to cover their ass, and someone gets thrown in jail over it?
If you're a politician right now, you need to double down on nationalism and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's okay to have your own land that reflects your people and your values and shouldn't be treated as a buffet to the rest of the world.

Um, that's the problem. You have decades of folks that call that racist, unprogressive, mean, whatever....So, it will take decades to reverse that. It's in our blood. Your children don't see things the way you do. It's a totally different mindset, and it's kind of fool proof from a political standpoint, because as it is being used as a federal power grab, it's marketed as saving lives, curing hunger, making dreams come true, can't debate that. The transformation was completed when Obama was elected signaling this is what America a wants. And it's not getting better until we raise and teach the kids something different - patriotism, isolationism, fiscal responsibility. Because all that is *junk* right now.
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Agreed. These families have blasted Dems plenty but you kinda gotta just take it. I'll never blast a family who is hurting and who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It's like if a woman tries to slap you. You block it and move away. [winking] Maybe tell her to stop drinking.

The man is being used to open the borders for mass flooding of Muslim migrants. His act doesn't fool us.

The DNC sure didn't care to have any of the families of the murdered cops up there or the families of the soldiers who were killed trying to save Bo Bergdahl. Khan was used simply to pretend Muslims are like the rest of the U.S. and it's simply not true nor should we open the doors to them to become the next Europe.
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Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Ally William P. Danielczyk Jr., Was Sentenced To 28 Months For Illegally Funneling Cash From His Banking Firm Into Clinton’s Senate And Presidential Campaigns.“A Northern Virginia businessman convicted of illegally funneling cash from his banking firm to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s senate and presidential campaigns was sentenced to two years and four months in federal prison Friday — bringing to a conclusion a case that drew national attention as it briefly challenged a longtime federal ban on corporate donations to political candidates, authorities said. William P. Danielczyk Jr., 51, the founder of a McLean-based banking firm known as Galen Capital Group, had pleaded guilty in February to one count of making illegal conduit campaign contributions.”(Matt Zapotosky, “28-Month Sentence For Businessman Who Funneled Cash To Hillary Clinton Campaigns,” The Washington Post, 5/31/13)

  • “Prosecutors Had Accused Danielczyk And Biagi Of Lining Up Individual Donors To Contribute To Former Secretary Of State Clinton’s Senate And Presidential Campaigns In 2006 And 2008, Then Reimbursing Them With Money From Galen.” (Matt Zapotosky, “28-Month Sentence For Businessman Who Funneled Cash To Hillary Clinton Campaigns,” The Washington Post, 5/31/13)
  • “They Used At Least 35 Other Employees Or Friends To Disguise More Than $186,000 In Contributions, Then Paid Back The So-Called Straw Donors With Money From Galen’s Corporate Coffers, Court Filings Show.” (Matt Zapotosky, “28-Month Sentence For Businessman Who Funneled Cash To Hillary Clinton Campaigns,” The Washington Post, 5/31/13)
The soldiers family politicized his death by speaking in the manner he did at the DNC. Five star families should be given lead way but when one comes straight out and attacks someone then they are fair game. Their child made the sacrifice....they sacrificed nothing. They had a great loss, but why is their loss any different then the parents who lose children every single day out of combat?
Here you go libtards, this is what actual truth looks like.
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Can someone circulate the ground rules for respecting grieving parents in politics? If only we could make it simple - how about if it helps a D, we absolutely respect them, and if it helps an R, we disregard, diminish or threaten them with physical violence! That will do it...

"Khizr Khan Receives 50x More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC: Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazla’s DNC appearance earned 55 minutes, 13 seconds of Big Three network coverage, nearly 50 times more than Pat Smith, whose RNC speech honoring her son earned just 70 seconds of airtime."
Hmm, one parent was attacked, the other was not. Turn your brain on please.

Now it's 'grieving parents in politics' - pretty soon they'll be families of US public workers who became unemployed while overseas fulfilling federal mandates.
Here you go libtards, this is what actual truth looks like.

Do you remember the bit in the oath you take before testimony? The whole truth? Do you think maybe that this omits a little bit of foreground to the issue. That maybe the Khans didn't just decide to speak against Trump out of malice?
Hmm, one parent was attacked, the other was not. Turn your brain on please.

Now it's 'grieving parents in politics' - pretty soon they'll be families of US public workers who became unemployed while overseas fulfilling federal mandates.
Hillary called Pat Smith a liar. Trump said Mrs. Kahn may have nothing to say. Is that what you're calling the attack? If so, how do you distinguish between the two?
you can't just put a bunch of flags on stage and call yourself a patriot. Your actions are what define you.
You mean like Hillary right? She didn't even have flags on stage until people pointed it out.
I just read Kahn's speech at the DNC. Sympathetic figure that he is, he's not making much sense relative to the US Constitution. I fear his invocation of the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law" is a dead end, at least as he's arguing.

of course, something that basic has no place in a time of hype and sensationalism. there is a candidate to defeat! heh...