How will they rule ??!

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DT's comments on letting Russia take over Crimea solidifies the narrative that he is in bed with Putin. DT will allow Putin to takeover Eastern Europe for 'help' with Islamic terrorists and ISIS. No hand will be lifted to help any NATO allies if they are invaded, South Korea will be on their own and China will have the upper hand when the TPP is never signed. China has an alternate trade plan that will put them in the drivers seat once TPP is killed.

Conservatives are trying to deflect by blaming the media and basically ignoring every single principle they've supposedly stood for since Reagan. By blaming the media they can then ignore every lie told by DT because you know, he's just messing with everybody.

No outrage that after DT asked Russia for help, they hacked the DNC. This sets a very dangerous precedent where foreign governments are being invited to alter elections. There is no doubt that hackers are gearing up to infiltrate voting machines. Will be interesting to see if they are successful.

Although maybe not as bad as DT winning the election, the prospect of him refusing to accept election results after a loss could also lead to widespread violence by his supporters who will feel 'cheated' because at this point they believe everything that DT tells them.

One thing is for certain and already happening - Global manufacturing will require fewer and fewer humans over the years so anyone believing either HRC or DT about bringing back so many manufacturing jobs has no idea how the world is evolving. Technological advances could wipe out as much as 60% of the global workforce over the next 50 years. No one has a plan to how to combat this.

Between this and moes post earlier, it's been maybe the most bs day ever on catpaw. And that really says something
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Proof is in the pudding.
Are you really anti-Wall Street? Push for a real response on AGW.

Climate Change is already here as street flooding in Florida attests.
I've never seen a group of people so delusional to the realities of a person. It's pure delusion. Factual scandals and corruption are chalked up to "right wing conspiracies?" When it comes to the Clintons, there's so much proof of just straight up corruption and evil and their followers just ignore it because they're on their team.

Switch the parties and those same people would bury that person. There's no conspiracy. Clinton is a criminal and she has been for decades and corruption has allowed her to stay in her spot. I mean, everywhere she goes and everything she touches turns to absolute corruption. She lies constantly and is never held accountable for anything.

You think it's a coincidence of how many scandals surround her? Would you take that same stance with just a regular person? If you had an employee where you had caught lying, had suspicious circumstances always surrounding them and could trace back shady deals with tons of people, would you still be claiming it was all just a coincidence?

The famous saying "Where the is smoke, there is fire" absolutely describes the Clinton's accurately. You do not have that many issues and coincidences occur. You don't get that wealthy while working in government without shady tactics.

What exactly does it take for her followers to wake up? The answer is nothing. That's the sad part and that's why our country is going to be ruined. Just blind loyalist who care nothing about ethics, truth or reality. As long as they're on their team, that's what matters.
a recent statements to ABC News, Powell disputed the claims.

"I have reviewed the messages and I do not see what makes them classified." Powell said. "The emails were from my Executive Assistant and forwarded messages sent by two of our Ambassadors to State Department staff members. My Executive Assistant thought I should see them in a timely manner so sent them to my personal account. Both messages were unclassified. There was no reason not to forward them in this manner. ... The Ambassadors did not believe the contents were Confidential at the time and they were sent as unclassified. That is a fact. While they have not yet clarified this point, the State Department cannot now say they were classified then because they weren't. If the Department wishes to say a dozen years later they should have been classified that is an opinion of the Department that I do not share."

"And unlike Powell or Rice, 22 of Clinton's emails were upgraded to "top secret," the highest level of classification."

These are not the same situation. It was revealed at one time that several of HRC's emails were marked as classified when she received or forwarded them. Powell's were reclassified after he no longer served his post.

Should we also let all bank robbers go free because some bank robbers didn't get caught? Seems to be what you're advocating. "Hillary isn't guilty because someone else may have committed the same crime".
Being a generator and classifier of information she should and most likely did know they were classified. If not, she is grossly unqualified for the job of POTUS. Criminal intent or too dumb to be our leader.
Well, except we're not. And the ones that are coming over are either families with small children, women or women with small children. After nearly 2 years of going through a process.

You sound like you're unaware that we have been immigrating Muslims here for quite awhile. Iraqi refugees(or are they not Muslims), Afghan refugees(those aren't Muslims either are they?), and have been little to no instances of terrorism from them.

I mean I get the fear about these crazy Muslims who are ready to die and take a bunch of innocent people with them. I'm fearful of that as well. But that doesn't mean we cannot help some of these refugees who have been through hell and are no risk. Now maybe some of them grow up and turn radical. But I like my chances of a Muslim growing up in America and turning out ok vs growing up over there.

In a nutshell, this country no longer strategizes to come up with long term plans to fix things. It's crisis after crisis and knee jerk (or no) actions.

We have no plan for SS, Medicare, debt reduction, anything. This country is failing our future because of inaction, not action.
I have no problem bring low risk families in. It's the thousands of teen and twenty something men we have to worry about. And I think that makes up a big portion of the refugees.

I've studies this for awhile. It's all so obvious and history has shown these tactics to be used. The Soviet Union used to murder priests or cast them out to Siberia to die. It was important to destroy the concept of God because these power hungry psychopaths want to be your god and have no one ahead of them.

The reason they are all for open borders is because it will make us even poorer and you're importing government dependent people who have no skills and will be used to simply vote for more of a welfare state. That's what the Democratic Party wants: to grow the welfare state. Importing more people from the third world will get the desired result. It stacks the numbers in their favor.

Their complete control of education and media makes it even easier to take over people. If you are indoctrinated from the time as a child all the way through the end of college, you've had 20 years of being beaten over the head with propaganda.

And gun control. Good ole gun control. You would think people would be very concerned with the idea of the government not wanting you to be able to protect yourself. I mean, how has that turned out throughout history?
So the party of family values has a 3 time divorcee, draft dodging communist sympathizer that pals around with Putin with his mail order Russian bride at his side while bad mouthing NATO and saying no biggie to Russia annexing Crimea while making damned sure all references to arming the Ukraine to resist Russian occupation was removed from the GOP platform but LGBTQ bathrooms were fine and dandy to give a shout out to on stage...

Damn. This sure isn't your daddy's GOP, eh komrades?

Oh, he's a great businessman if you ignore all the bankruptcies, cheated vendors and contractors, slave labor brought in with visas because American labor is too expensive, lawsuits at the drop of a hat, and a TV show that features prominently the theme of "YOU"RE FIRED" as its catchphrase, and a cadre of Russian billionaires propping him up because American banks won't have anything to do with him. And he plans on doing the same for America because he's such a WINNER!

Gee, sounds legit...
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"In theory, that could apply to a huge number of people. In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments, were exempted or disqualified. In contrast to those millions, the government charged 210,000 people with draft violations, ranging from burning their draft cards to refusing to serve to fleeing the country."

Wrong again Z. Not surprising. You're just swinging wildly out of fear. You can read about his deferments right here.
So the party of family values has a 3 time divorcee, draft dodging communist sympathizer that pals around with Putin with his mail order Russian bride at his side while bad mouthing NATO and saying no biggie to Russia annexing Crimea while making damned sure all references to arming the Ukraine to resist Russian occupation was removed from the GOP platform but LGBTQ bathrooms were fine and dandy to give a shout out to on stage...

Damn. This sure isn't your daddy's GOP, eh komrades?

Oh, he's a great businessman if you ignore all the bankruptcies, cheated vendors and contractors, slave labor brought in with visas because American labor is too expensive, lawsuits at the drop of a hat, and a TV show that features prominently the theme of "YOU"RE FIRED" as its catchphrase, and a cadre of Russian billionaires propping him up because American banks won't have anything to do with him. And he plans on doing the same for America because he's such a WINNER!

Gee, sounds legit...
Clinton Foundation
"In theory, that could apply to a huge number of people. In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments, were exempted or disqualified. In contrast to those millions, the government charged 210,000 people with draft violations, ranging from burning their draft cards to refusing to serve to fleeing the country."

Wrong again Z. Not surprising. You're just swinging wildly out of fear. You can read about his deferments right here.
Yeah, he brags about saying Doctors claim he's the healthiest man that has ever lived NOW yet when he was 20 he was apparently a medical basket case that whined his way into five draft deferments.

Now he wants to fight the whole planet? I guess he's a whole lot braver when somebody else's ass is doing the actual fighting while he just gets to run his big mouth. That is one thing Trump has going for him that is traditionally Republican... being a hypocritical CHICKENHAWK that loves to bark so long as he don't have to do any biting himself.
Yeah, he brags about saying Doctors claim he's the healthiest man that has ever lived NOW yet when he was 20 he was apparently a medical basket case that whined his way into five draft deferments.

Now he wants to fight the whole planet? I guess he's a whole lot braver when somebody else's ass is doing the actual fighting while he just gets to run his big mouth. That is one thing Trump has going for him that is traditionally Republican... being a hypocritical CHICKENHAWK that loves to bark so long as he don't have to do any biting himself.
Read it again, most of his deferments are because he was in school, same as millions of others. Not even you can bullshit your way into making someone believe Trump is anywhere near as bad as a Clinton. Fool.
Yeah, he brags about saying Doctors claim he's the healthiest man that has ever lived NOW yet when he was 20 he was apparently a medical basket case that whined his way into five draft deferments.

Now he wants to fight the whole planet? I guess he's a whole lot braver when somebody else's ass is doing the actual fighting while he just gets to run his big mouth. That is one thing Trump has going for him that is traditionally Republican... being a hypocritical CHICKENHAWK that loves to bark so long as he don't have to do any biting himself.
The problem with your chickenhawk comment is that Trump is expected to pursue a far less aggressive and militant foreign policy than Clinton. He's not a "hawk" in the first place.
Oh no flooding has never happened before it must be climate change!!!!!!!!!!!

The streets flood on king tides without any other prompting.Ocean levels are rising.

But, like I said, AGW is a good test for sincerity about Wall St and business. (I haven't seen you weigh in preening about how pro-Trump makes you anti-Wall Street.)
So, you don't know that Miami streets flood on king tides now?

It turns out, Miami Beach doesn’t flood with every high tide, and the picture is actually of flooding after a heavy rainstorm.

Miami Beach Public Relations Manager Melissa Berthier told The Daily Caller News Foundation that “flooding only happens during ‘king tides,'” which take place around April and October. She did go on to say that if enough rain falls during high tide, light flooding can occur. But reiterated floods do not happen as a normal occurrence during Miami Beach’s high tides

Witness King Tides says on its website that “[King tides] aren’t part of climate change; they are a natural part of tidal cycles.” For reference, Miami receives just under 52 inches of rain a year, according to U.S. climate data
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No, she's not black, but you assumed it. She's Asian, and thinks Trump is a joke, but likes him more than Hillary.

You're quite accomplished on the stereotypes. Wow, I never imagined racists were aligned with the Democrat party. Dems hate mixed couples and it's showing in every one of your posts. Especially mixed couples who are Libertarians. Makes me curious if there was an email that Hillary deleted that wanted to get rid of us mixed couple Libertarians. Guess we aren't "full minority" enough to the Democrats. Just shocked at the hate for us.
You're really trying too hard [roll]

#10. I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd.

# 9. I vote Democrat because I believe oil companies profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at 15% isn't.

# 8. I vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

# 7. I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

# 6. I vote Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.

# 5. I vote Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.

# 4. I vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away Social Security from those who paid into it.

# 3. I vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrat Party sees fit.

# 2. I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

...And, the #1 reason I vote Democrat is because I think it's better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in America. We don't care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries.

Z and Moe
It turns out, Miami Beach doesn’t flood with every high tide, and the picture is actually of flooding after a heavy rainstorm.

Miami Beach Public Relations Manager Melissa Berthier told The Daily Caller News Foundation that “flooding only happens during ‘king tides,'” which take place around April and October. She did go on to say that if enough rain falls during high tide, light flooding can occur. But reiterated floods do not happen as a normal occurrence during Miami Beach’s high tides

Witness King Tides says on its website that “[King tides] aren’t part of climate change; they are a natural part of tidal cycles.” For reference, Miami receives just under 52 inches of rain a year, according to U.S. climate data

I said "king tides" in my original. Yes, king tides are normal. Flooding on king tides isn't.
So the party of family values has a 3 time divorcee, draft dodging communist sympathizer that pals around with Putin with his mail order Russian bride at his side while bad mouthing NATO and saying no biggie to Russia annexing Crimea while making damned sure all references to arming the Ukraine to resist Russian occupation was removed from the GOP platform but LGBTQ bathrooms were fine and dandy to give a shout out to on stage...

Damn. This sure isn't your daddy's GOP, eh komrades?

Oh, he's a great businessman if you ignore all the bankruptcies, cheated vendors and contractors, slave labor brought in with visas because American labor is too expensive, lawsuits at the drop of a hat, and a TV show that features prominently the theme of "YOU"RE FIRED" as its catchphrase, and a cadre of Russian billionaires propping him up because American banks won't have anything to do with him. And he plans on doing the same for America because he's such a WINNER!

Gee, sounds legit...
Great original points you made there.

# 5. I vote Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.

Z and Moe

[more of the usual deleted]

You never asked if I oppose abortion. I do. As does the VP candidate of the Democratic Party.

I believe Democratic women have about the same number of abortions as Republican women.

Moreover, it should be note that the same coalition of Republican jurists who gave satisfaction to corporations (Citizens United) and gun nuts and the anti-gay Hobby Lobby group did not overturn Roe V. Wade. Why is that?
So just to make it clear, you can't back up your claim with evidence or fact?

Got it.

Also, looks like your claims were refuted by fact.

Just help me see how you came to your conclusions. Use facts and evidence.

What facts refutes all the shit the democratic party has done?

What facts refute planned parenthood and the secret tapes of them condoning donations to shrinking the black population a few yeafs ago?

Might want to look into the origins of PP. And its founder.

What facts refute LBJ saying what he said?

What facts refute the democrats supporting slavery?

Also might want to look into president andrew jackson and his views. And also how many slaves he owned.

What facts refute that democrats founded the KKK?

I could list pages worth of facts. But youre either too dumb to comprehend or having a trolling jerk session. I have a hunch its the latter.
I said "king tides" in my original. Yes, king tides are normal. Flooding on king tides isn't.

So why did you bring up climate change? Look, I agree that something is happening to the climate. It's changing. Whether it's man made or not. I don't know. I'm not a weather scientist. But that photo isn't a good place to strengthen your argument. It's actually irrelevant.

Apparently it is normal. It happens twice year as a part of the tidal cycle. It says it in that article.
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Clmate change. Thats a funny ass subject. Started off as big bad global warming. Then it was noticed that was lunacy so they switched to cooling.. now that that is BS they switched to thr all encompassing "climate change".

Hot ass summer..climate change
Cold ass winter..climate change
Hot ass winter..climate change
Perfectly normal temps..climate change

Heavy ass rain causing a flood in miami..vlimate change.
Clmate change. Thats a funny ass subject. Started off as big bad global warming. Then it was noticed that was lunacy so they switched to cooling.. now that that is BS they switched to thr all encompassing "climate change".

Hot ass summer..climate change
Cold ass winter..climate change
Hot ass winter..climate change
Perfectly normal temps..climate change

Heavy ass rain causing a flood in miami..vlimate change.

Dont. You just played right into their hands of diversion deflection and red herrings.