How will they rule ??!

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Perhaps you didn't understand my point. I was referring to the MSM in general, not this one particular paper. The fact is, these sanctimonious journalists can give nothing more than a kiss of death. If you think editorials equal votes, you are delusional. No one gives a rat's behind what these people think.

Now, there are ways that the MSM can, and will, support Hillary. And they are already doing it. First, the media is not objectively reporting the news. Second, the media will try to create news. The media will also "concern troll", by using push polls and creating the perception that a Hillary victory is inevitable (even though she is down in many, if not a majority of, polls), thus trying to demoralize the opposition.

That the media so passionately supports your candidate should give you cause for concern. Knowing that Trump is making all the right enemies is more than anything else why I am on the bandwagon.

Most newspapers lean right. Radio is almost completely right. The dominant cable network is an organ of the Republican Party. When Jack Welch was president of GE, NBC was an organ of the Republican Party. ABC sensationalizes almost everything. That leaves CBS which isn't as liberal as it used to be. CNN meanwhile tries to mimic Fox. Years ago, Pat Buchanan and Bloody Bill Kristol admitted that the who Big Bad MSM boohoo of the right was playing the refs.
Most newspapers lean right. Radio is almost completely right. The dominant cable network is an organ of the Republican Party. When Jack Welch was president of GE, NBC was an organ of the Republican Party. ABC sensationalizes almost everything. That leaves CBS which isn't as liberal as it used to be. CNN meanwhile tries to mimic Fox. Years ago, Pat Buchanan and Bloody Bill Kristol admitted that the who Big Bad MSM boohoo of the right was playing the refs.

You are not serious.
Most newspapers lean right. Radio is almost completely right. The dominant cable network is an organ of the Republican Party. When Jack Welch was president of GE, NBC was an organ of the Republican Party. ABC sensationalizes almost everything. That leaves CBS which isn't as liberal as it used to be. CNN meanwhile tries to mimic Fox. Years ago, Pat Buchanan and Bloody Bill Kristol admitted that the who Big Bad MSM boohoo of the right was playing the refs.

LOL ok. You have to be getting paid by HIllary's super pac. Noone would sling this much BS for free.
LOL. Yeah, no blame to an amped up NSA, a stricter Patriot Act, the Freedom Act, and the NDAA under Obama. Nope, it'll be Trump that turns us Orwellian. Privacy is at an all time low in the U.S.

What a load of bullshit. Absolute dishonest bullshit
Must have hit a nerve. Reread that post in a few years and let me know how dishonest it is.

For all the gloom and doom talk over an Obama presidency, none of it has come to pass. All of the privacy hits ballooned during Republican rule. But it's much easier to blame all of the countries ills on Obama. As if the country was in such great shape when he took office.

Trump has talked about limiting freedom of press, freedom of religion, locking up opponents, monitoring 'certain' neighborhoods, building walls around this country (which not only keeps people out but people in as well), and other thoughts that you would normally hear from a 3rd world dictator. Not the freedom loving Republican party.

He's still going to win though. Russia will do its part, Hillary will do her best to mess it up, and fear will be the winning message. With voter participation at an all-time low it's the perfect time for an overthrow of our democratic society. DT is trolling America and people are feeding right into it. His campaign has become a cult following with no substance behind it. Kudos to Trump, his father and grandfather would be so proud of how he has turned this underlying fear and resentment of non-whites into a nationalist movement. Drug addicts like yourself are easy marks.

History always repeats itself and the time is right for America to finally give in to its fear and elect someone who repeatedly says HE is the only person who can fix the country. With a Republican congress, things will change quickly. It would not surprise me to see Trump declare a state of emergency for America and extend unto himself sweeping executive powers during this time of 'crisis'.
You are not serious.

Pat Buchanan: “I’ve gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage…. For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on Earth does that.”
Bill Kristol: ""The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."

Is there a more intellectually lazy argument than "here is a person of the opposite party saying something I like, thus it is absolutely accurate"?

And Media Matters, lol.
Pat Buchanan: “I’ve gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage…. For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on Earth does that.”
Bill Kristol: ""The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."


Why didn't you quote right wingers like Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow?
Waiting for the Trumplings in here to explain Trump's remarks about not defending NATO countries, his only change to the GOP platform being to take out arming the Ukraine, Trump's complimentary remarks towards Putin in the same speech as he questions NATO's modern relativity, Trump's insane pronouncement that he will "look into" backing Russia's annexation of Crimea, and more importantly behind all this Trump's lengthy business ties to the Russians as well as Trump's documented statements from both himself and his son on their desire to become more heavily involved with Russian investors and Russian real estate ventures particularly in Moscow.

And yet they try to mitigate this all as only Trump was joking on the one remark inviting Russia to hack their way into interfering with a domestic US election (apparently totally oblivious to the fact that it is Russian doctrine to in fact interfere in Western elections in any and every way they can) and so it is no big deal. Just one little harmless joke.

So they ignore a mountain of evidence and dismiss it just as they dismissed all their conservative values in picking Trump in the first place. Like they ignore Trump's disastrous failed business dealings and multiple bankruptcies and cheated business partners/lawsuits in considering him a great businessman. Like they ignore Trump's chickhawk war pimping even though he begged his own ass out of combat with 5 draft deferments. Like the party of "family values" backs another 3 time divorcee with a mail order whore Russian bride.

You are all beyond the pale. Your support of Trump is perfectly understandable. You are all as sick and twisted as he is.
Every Sec. of State since Albright used private email. Condi Rice and Colin Powell, too.

Moe, do you understand the difference between using private email for personal use and using it for State business?

Also regulations had changed by the time Hillary was Sec of State, as it was released that state dept staff informed her she needed to cease using her own server.

You can point fingers at others all you like, what it boils down to is she was trying get around the FOIA laws. The law could damage her primary goal to be President, so she ignored it. That's what concerns me more than the actual act, we don't know who she really is.
She has continually changed position with popular opinion for one primary goal, the presidency. She won't do anything unscripted to give us a look at how she handles pressure. the secrecy, hiding , lying, poor tenure as SOS, shady dealings as a public servant are worrisome to me.
"Director Comey said my answers were truthful and consistent w what I said w what I told the American people." HRC today

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Ask them. I'm not a mind reader and neither are you. Since Bernie Sanders was, in fact, given a forum which he used to endorse HRC, I have no idea what the protests were about. Do you? You seem to be concerned with them. Maybe you know.

Were the protests at the RNC by Ted Cruz people or by people who didn't like Trump?

You lefties just crack me up, you are not right[laughing]
Moe, do you understand the difference between using private email for personal use and using it for State business?

Also regulations had changed by the time Hillary was Sec of State, as it was released that state dept staff informed her she needed to cease using her own server.

You can point fingers at others all you like, what it boils down to is she was trying get around the FOIA laws. The law could damage her primary goal to be President, so she ignored it. That's what concerns me more than the actual act, we don't know who she really is.
She has continually changed position with popular opinion for one primary goal, the presidency. She won't do anything unscripted to give us a look at how she handles pressure. the secrecy, hiding , lying, poor tenure as SOS, shady dealings as a public servant are worrisome to me.

And yet she wasn't charged. A Republican. All he needed to do to elect Trump was charge her. She may have beaten the rap, but she would have never had a chance to win.

And she wasn't charged.

None of the accusations leveled at HRC since 1992 have amounted to anything. They've all been backed by passionate "certainty", too. And moral concern of the deepest order.
Obama on track to be the first and only president in our entire history not to have experienced at least one year of 3% annual economic growth. And here comes Hillary to continue the legacy. Why would you vote for her? The evidence is clear that liberal policies only hamper our economy.
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Kudos to Trump, his father and grandfather would be so proud of how he has turned this underlying fear and resentment of non-whites into a nationalist movement. Drug addicts like yourself are easy marks.

hmm, I must have hit a nerve. You just went into stereotypes. Congrats cardkilla.

If you say that to yourself enough times, it conditions into truth. None of what you said has any truth to it. The only truth is, Obama has made the U.S more Orwellian than any president in the history of this country. The rest of your garbage is that. Garbage. Oh, btw, that "non-whites into national movement" horse shit. I'm in an interracial marriage. But go ahead, keep marginalizing us mixed race couples, you bigot.
Have you been taken over by these other mind numbing blowhards?

I highly highly doubt there is an article with quotes saying how much blacks are hated by todays left. To do that would be to admit their ruse.

To even ask for that is one of the most idiotic things ive ever seen. Youre either:

A. Trolling because of how whacky this thread has gotten with Z seemingly fellating himself over his rants. Or

B. Gone full re....

So just to make it clear, you can't back up your claim with evidence or fact?

Got it.

Also, looks like your claims were refuted by fact.

Just help me see how you came to your conclusions. Use facts and evidence.
Anyone think that if the situation were reversed that Moe would be taking up for a Republican in the email controversy in the same way he has taken up for Hillary? I don't.
Hillary saying in an interview with Chris Wallace that the families of the Benghazi victims misunderstood her, that she never said the attacks were the result of the film.
DT's comments on letting Russia take over Crimea solidifies the narrative that he is in bed with Putin. DT will allow Putin to takeover Eastern Europe for 'help' with Islamic terrorists and ISIS. No hand will be lifted to help any NATO allies if they are invaded, South Korea will be on their own and China will have the upper hand when the TPP is never signed. China has an alternate trade plan that will put them in the drivers seat once TPP is killed.

Conservatives are trying to deflect by blaming the media and basically ignoring every single principle they've supposedly stood for since Reagan. By blaming the media they can then ignore every lie told by DT because you know, he's just messing with everybody.

No outrage that after DT asked Russia for help, they hacked the DNC. This sets a very dangerous precedent where foreign governments are being invited to alter elections. There is no doubt that hackers are gearing up to infiltrate voting machines. Will be interesting to see if they are successful.

Although maybe not as bad as DT winning the election, the prospect of him refusing to accept election results after a loss could also lead to widespread violence by his supporters who will feel 'cheated' because at this point they believe everything that DT tells them.

One thing is for certain and already happening - Global manufacturing will require fewer and fewer humans over the years so anyone believing either HRC or DT about bringing back so many manufacturing jobs has no idea how the world is evolving. Technological advances could wipe out as much as 60% of the global workforce over the next 50 years. No one has a plan to how to combat this.
Anyone think that if the situation were reversed that Moe would be taking up for a Republican in the email controversy in the same way he has taken up for Hillary? I don't.

Reversed how . . . as in if the ass beating in November was going to be handed out by the . . . by the dims?? lmfao!!
Widespread violence if he loses? You are a damn fool Cardkilla You can expect that if he wins from the other side though.
And yet she wasn't charged. A Republican. All he needed to do to elect Trump was charge her. She may have beaten the rap, but she would have never had a chance to win.

And she wasn't charged.

None of the accusations leveled at HRC since 1992 have amounted to anything. They've all been backed by passionate "certainty", too. And moral concern of the deepest order.

my lord, you must feel woefully unsatisfied at this point . . . so much losing in your life . . . going through acceptance, that knowing of 8 years of worthlessness has brought you here and all you can do is look for one cheap sanctimonious moment after the next. Very, very entertaining.
I really can't believe how powerful Russia has gotten over the past four years.

Went from literally being a joke, to now being the number one thing the Ds are worried about this election.

You'd think they'd want to turn away from the administration and SOS that presided over that rise in power.