How will they rule ??!

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Trust in Hillary!

Some highlights from this article...

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit created by the former president to finance his library in Little Rock, Ark., and charitable efforts to reduce poverty and treat AIDS. Other foreign government givers include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Italy and Jamaica. The Dutch national lottery gave $5 million to $10 million.

Some of the donors have extensive ties to Indian interests that could prove troubling to Pakistan. Tensions between the two nuclear nations are high since last month's deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Amar Singh, a donor in the $1 million to $5 million category, is an Indian politician who played host to Bill Clinton on a visit to India in 2005 and met Hillary Clinton in New York in September to discuss an India-U.S. civil nuclear agreement.

Also in that giving category was Suzlon Energy Ltd. of Amsterdam, a leading supplier of wind turbines. Its chairman is Tulsi R. Tanti, one of India's wealthiest executives. Tanti announced plans at Clinton's Global Initiative meeting earlier this year for a $5 billion project to develop environmentally friendly power generation in India and China.

Two other Indian interests gave between $500,000 and $1 million each:

  • The Confederation of Indian Industry, an industrial trade association.
  • Dave Katragadda, an Indian capital manager with holdings in media and entertainment, technology, health care and financial services.

Other foreign governments also contributed heavily to the foundation.

  • AUSAID, the Australian government's overseas aid program, and COPRESIDA-Secretariado Tecnico, a Dominican Republic government agency formed to fight AIDS, each gave $10 million to $25 million.
  • Norway gave $5 million to $10 million.
  • Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei and Oman gave $1 million to $5 million each.
  • The government of Jamaica and Italy's Ministry for Environment and Territory gave $50,000 to $100,000 each.

The foundation's donor list is heavy with overseas business interests.

  • Audi businessman Nasser Al-Rashid gave $1 million to $5 million.
  • Friends of Saudi Arabia and the Dubai Foundation each gave $1 million to $5 million, as did the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office.
  • The Swedish Postcode Lottery gave $500,000 to $1 million.
  • China Overseas Real Estate Development and the U.S. Islamic World Conference gave $250,000 to $500,000 apiece.
  • The No. 4 person on the Forbes billionaire list, Lakshmi Mittal, the chief executive of international steel company ArcelorMittal, gave $1 million to $5 million. Mittal is a member of the Foreign Investment Council in Kazakhstan, Goldman Sachs' board of directors and the World Economic Forum's International Business Council, according to the biography on his corporate Web site.
Notice that that story was first ran on 12/18/08 when HRC was set to become SOS. The video that someone posted a few days ago told exactly what some of those big money donors got for their money. The SOS position was for sale and the entire world knew it.
No, screw Duke did, but you're same type.

One individual doesn't mean that the whole group. For example, most republicans I know are smart people, but if I judged them off you, I'd say the whole party was a bunch of dumbasses.

Your claim to proving the left hates blacks was an individual from 60 years ago, that is responsible for signing the greatest equalizing legislation in this country's history.

As far as Planned Parenthood, you mean an organization that works with poor, minorites for women's health needs is racist because of one tape? You do realize that's incredibly stupid to suggest that.

You make wild ass claims and can't back them up with facts. You represent how stupid this country has become due to being uneducated.

I mean you cited Andrew Jackson as proof that the entire left is racist. :joy:

Do you consider the welfare state and the great society a success?
No, screw Duke did, but you're same type.

One individual doesn't mean that the whole group. For example, most republicans I know are smart people, but if I judged them off you, I'd say the whole party was a bunch of dumbasses.

Your claim to proving the left hates blacks was an individual from 60 years ago, that is responsible for signing the greatest equalizing legislation in this country's history.

As far as Planned Parenthood, you mean an organization that works with poor, minorites for women's health needs is racist because of one tape? You do realize that's incredibly stupid to suggest that.

You make wild ass claims and can't back them up with facts. You represent how stupid this country has become due to being uneducated.

I mean you cited Andrew Jackson as proof that the entire left is racist. :joy:

Ive personally listened to 3 tapes.

Tired of your dumbassery. If you think the left loves blacks. Great.

Any free thinking person who isnt a mental midgit can clearly put 2 and 2 together and see that simply isnt the case.

But again, you claimed facts yet havnt posted any. At least i have, but i guess they are too old or the recent ones just werent good enough. Typical douche bag lefty.
Reply if you want but i have better things to do then to continue this internet schlong measuring contest with someone who clearly doesnt even have the right parts.
We do. But you seem OK with bringing more of it here by bringing in Muslim immigrants by the boatload.

Current President - no. Hillary is in bed with cultures that do though.
I do? Since I am not 100% native, I wouldn't be here if I was against immigration. But like your boy, it really needs to happen "legally". The question becomes, what do we do with those already here? One reason your boy was nominated, he had an answer to that question which congress was unwilling to address.

Of course the Donald is a leader in respecting women and we should look to his words for guidance.
Btw, does this mean we can finally privatize SS since the market is awesome and not the riskiest investment vehicle on the planet like we've been told for so long?

Thanks in advance.
Sure, for anyone looking to risk it and apparently all republicans. Shouldn't be a mandatory thing.
You can't depend on the parties to do it, it's up to us as citizens.
Either that or get used to more and more people sucking off the Govts teet.

Howre citizens going to do it? How are citizens going to prevent low wage labor in other countries? How are citizens going to make the American people accept higher prices for goods in the US in order for it to be made in America?

It seems like an easy solution, but we all buy China at WalMart cause it's $4 cheaper than the made in USA. That's just on a micro scale. When whole companies are buying bulk for the same few dollar discount we get what we have.

I'm afraid US citizens enable our reality all while many bemoan it.
Not at all. All mine is in a low fee Vanguard index fund. Spread the word.
I also have an account there with a nice % in index funds. I've been very pleased. Did you see where Consumer Reports polled investors and has Vanguard at number 1 again overall? T Rowe Price and USAA are also up there pretty high in their data.
Sure, for anyone looking to risk it and apparently all republicans. Shouldn't be a mandatory thing.

Ok. Not like there are different options in the market ranging from risky to paint drying.

Ahhhh alas, the catch is you and your ilk would have to agree to let each person have their own money contributed attached to them for the duration of their lives instead of raiding it.....and no chance y'all would allow such a thing.

Thanks Lyndon Johnson!!!!1
Oh really? A combination of cheap money, laissez faire, rampant Wall Street greed and repealing the Glass-Steagall Act may have had a slight impact. [laughing]

Of course it was Wall Street greed, and banker greed. However the ability to give out home loans like candy, and the loss of jobs played an even larger role.
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Let me get this straight. If a discriminated group goes to the polls to vote for policies designed to alleviate the discrimination, THAT is racist? I thought racism was the belief that there were intrinsic differences between the races that merited differences in the way the members of the race were treated. Is there some special kind of racism that you're talking about?


The media, liberals like yourself, and the brainwashed electorate clamor on and on about how "trump supporters are UNEDUCATED WHITE males. If you listen to those same people, who use divisive language ONLY in regards to white Americans, when speaking about the black Obama supporters (64% of AA), the language is never referred to in the same light.

Don't you agree that most of the AA population that supported Obama is in fact, not educated?

It's extremely easy in this country to ridicule the majority, whites, and try and marginalize their feelings and throw them to the side as uneducated and therefore uninformed. It's much harder to admit most AA voters are in fact also uneducated, and vote in some ways for far more shallow reasons. What liberals do is easy, and basically is low lying fruit.

As far as why I call liberals racist? Because white liberals haven't helped AA communities at all. Black unemployment is pitiful, but they change the standard by which we calculate it. Liberals have had huge control over black communities for almost 100 years. I don't fully blame white liberals for the destruction of the black communities, because I believe in individual responsibility. But it's hard to argue white liberal policies have done anything more for AA's than to create a warfare system which makes them dependent, keeps them voting on handouts, and created a plantation society of sorts.

Hoenstly, if conservative principles COULD help AA people, would you even care? Would you admit there are many liberals who wouldn't, because of political reasoning? That, to me, is racist as hell, and it's the cycle we are living in.
Howre citizens going to do it? How are citizens going to prevent low wage labor in other countries? How are citizens going to make the American people accept higher prices for goods in the US in order for it to be made in America?

It seems like an easy solution, but we all buy China at WalMart cause it's $4 cheaper than the made in USA. That's just on a micro scale. When whole companies are buying bulk for the same few dollar discount we get what we have.

I'm afraid US citizens enable our reality all while many bemoan it.

You're right, we all know there's a problem, but we accept that it can't be any other way because that's what we're told.

We either do something about it or socialism is our future. You can't have 30% or more of the population trying to live off minimum wage it's not going to work.
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I agree there are alot of people ready to vote for him. They're waiting on him to show he can control his impulses a little better.

You mean like jeb? Who Republicans castrated in the primary? Not sure what point you were trying to make.

Beyond that, Hillary will amnesty illegals. It'll be over. It'll be democrat everything from now on, which is their game plan with the illegals.

Ya he posts it everywhere the forecast for Hillary to win. Yet if you look hard enough, he has a post that shows if the election were today trump would win. Of course that one isn't nearly as easy to find.

That's what I think too. It was straight bribery. I mean even if she showed up and said something it's still bribery. No way anything that came out of her mouth was worth that much.

They can't answer that, so don't expect it. It's an obvious ploy to try and steal any election they can by having dead and illegal people vote.

It's infuriating to see courts continue to strike these down. All races have to present id. Clearly not racist

No that's my point. If Hillary Clinton had the last name Bush, she'd be 15 points behind in the polls. The media did a tremendous job bashing him into the ground, misrepresenting the Iraq war, blaming him for the horrible aftermath of liberal policies such as Frank/Dodd, and simply not telling the American people the truth.

If Hillary Clinton was actually Hillary Bush, sister of George Bush, with the same record, she'd have been dismantled years ago. It's simply a fact. And people who don't understand it, are either partisan hacks, or too young to understand.
You're right, we all know there's a problem, but we accept that it can't be any other way because that's what we're told.

We either do something about it or socialism is our future. You can't have 30% or more of the population trying to live off minimum wage it's not going to work.

The problem with the current electorate is they are, well, dumb as hell. The left and media consistently compare America to western european countries, with much smaller populations, and use it as justification for their reasoning. The left uses most of this language to gin up the voters, knowing full well we could tax the top 1% at a rate of 100%, distribute it, and we couldn't even float one major entitlement for more than 3 years. They ignore smaller nations where socialism has completely failed, and float the idea to inexperienced youth and disenfranchised voters.

Not to mention the top percent would just leave the US in business or all together, and we'd have complete social anarchy and go broke within 5 years.

The problem is this country is full of utopian thinkers, who can't grasp the idea that reality in fact does have a stopping point. Capitalism is the best system, albeit imperfect, because this is earth. There isn't one thing that is or can be perfect. They reject this reality, and commit to searching for that utopia forever, no matter how much destruction flies into the face of their ideals.

It's where the term "libtard" came to be.
People just don't understand how great 43 was as President.

Again, intentionally missing the point. Nice one liner.

And for the record, I never said he was a great president. For the several issues I'm more passionate about (second amendment and abortion) he was fine. Was he great? Well no. Was he as bad as you and your lobby like people to believe? No.

It's called understanding the system and how this was played out through the elite media. You approve of who they hate. Good for you. Just remember, the difference in Hillary and Bush is marginal. But you wouldn't understand that would you?

I really hate partisan hacks who vote as "daddy told me" so, whats beside the name? R or D?
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You can't have 30% or more of the population trying to live off minimum wage it's not going to work.

yet dems and liberals send a message to the lower working class that basically says, hang in there on that minimum wage job, because we're going to make a living out of it for you.

There was a time in our society when it was perfectly acceptable for persons who didn't make enough money to get the simple message: find a better job. Somehow this sort of communication or understanding is now corrupt.

Democrats prosper by pandering to the struggling class so why in the hell would they ever want to anything but cultivate the class that struggles? Fundamentally, you cannot increase the success of people by increasing the success of the most minimum wages. Precisely why they're all for it. They literally give themselves imaginary orgasms thinking about the swell given to the bottom class simply by fattening up the smallest amount they can make.

These concepts are not complicated but they require complicated discussions. Personally, I think there should never have been such a thing as a minimum wage. It has proven to be one of the most destructive components ever put to our economic system.
Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call the left racist. That's a little absurd. But i would definitely say that for well over 50+ years that they have exploited race to perpetuate their voting base. Call it whatever you want. I'll call it "truth".

Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill was a step in the right direction for the left. But they took 2 giant steps backwards under Obama.

Would love to hear a discussion from the libby's on the topic of workfare. Which seemed to be working in places like NYC where the welfare rate was down damn near 60% since its inception…but the current lefty mayor has dismantled the program. And…wait for it…welfare rates are skyrocketing…and…wait for it…crime rates are up as well…and wait for it…the left are still considered the champions of the black community…because why? Because they perpetuate the welfare state. Not because of their bleeding hearts. Not because black lives matter. But…and this is the ONLY reason…so they can perpetuate their voting base.

yet dems and liberals send a message to the lower working class that basically says, hang in there on that minimum wage job, because we're going to make a living out of it for you.

There was a time in our society when it was perfectly acceptable for persons who didn't make enough money to get the simple message: find a better job. Somehow this sort of communication or understanding is now corrupt.

Democrats prosper by pandering to the struggling class so why in the hell would they ever want to anything but cultivate the class that struggles? Fundamentally, you cannot increase the success of people by increasing the success of the most minimum wages. Precisely why they're all for it. They literally give themselves imaginary orgasms thinking about the swell given to the bottom class simply by fattening up the smallest amount they can make.

These concepts are not complicated but they require complicated discussions. Personally, I think there should never have been such a thing as a minimum wage. It has proven to be one of the most destructive components ever put to our economic system.

well put.

Minimum wage set a low bar by which the bushiness man had legal right to pay employees at a bottom rate.

Again, the utopian mindset looks great on paper, and fails horribly in practice.
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btw, here's an example of irony for you, as liberals are always talking about how great the European economic systems are:

Italy, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Switzerland . . . all have no minimum wage.

In Canada, the responsibility for enacting and enforcing minimum wage lies within each of the 10 provinces, not promulgated by federal law.
Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call the left racist. That's a little absurd. But i would definitely say that for well over 50+ years that they have exploited race to perpetuate their voting base. Call it whatever you want. I'll call it "truth".

Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill was a step in the right direction for the left. But they took 2 giant steps backwards under Obama.

Would love to hear a discussion from the libby's on the topic of workfare. Which seemed to be working in places like NYC where the welfare rate was down damn near 60% since its inception…but the current lefty mayor has dismantled the program. And…wait for it…welfare rates are skyrocketing…and…wait for it…crime rates are up as well…and wait for it…the left are still considered the champions of the black community…because why? Because they perpetuate the welfare state. Not because of their bleeding hearts. Not because black lives matter. But…and this is the ONLY reason…so they can perpetuate their voting base.


I mean, you can call it whatever you like. There are many white liberals who are sleeping soundly while knowing full well their policies have hurt the lower classes and created dependence in the black communities. Chicago has been under white liberal rule for, what, 80 years? At what point do they actually care about the well being of those AA's? Are they too dumb to see the statistical data showing the policies are not working?

If you read the DNC emails, it's clear, they use race/religion or ethnicity as a tool for political power. That to me is evil/racist and you call it exploitation. You're a nice guy. I fully agree with the rest however.
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Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call the left racist. That's a little absurd.

The left's political success celebrates the virtuous support provided to them by poor, uneducated minority classes. At the same time, the left accuses the right of being able to achieve success because of white males who are not educated enough. This is just one example of how the left finds it acceptable, expected even, for minorities to be less than whites. One example of how the left does not hold minorities to the same standard as whites, and are thrilled to no end to benefit from what they appear to acknowledge - to them - as acceptable natural differences. Yes, I call that racist.

and, oh my, how the left dangles and tempts with their dependency agenda . . .
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Anyone who thinks BOTH parties don't shamelessly try to manipulate minorities is lying to themselves. (one is just VERY VERY bad at keeping their -isms to themselves)

To the Repubs....just tell me what in the world Trump had to gain by getting into it with that slain soldier's parents. SOMEONE must have mentioned that was a bad idea.

I know the hatemongers would not like it but Trump can will this election easily by stop trying to appease the various prejudices of his voters who will vote for him anyway and just let Hilary kill herself off.
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If you are on the right at least watch the first 10 minutes. If on the left, move along.

He really dismantles liberals with logic, and knowledge. The problem will always be however that the media won't go near these ideas, and the minority communities have been brainwashed to stand in line and vote for the white liberal machine who's going to give them a phone and food stamp card. I don't see how we can actually break the cycle. It will take a long look in the mirror, and an unbiased media as a watch dog. It's not happening I'm afraid.

But go D team! A win is a win.
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The left's political success celebrates the virtuous support provided to them by poor, uneducated minority classes. At the same time, the left accuses the right of being able to achieve success because of white males who are not educated enough. This is just one example of how the left finds it acceptable, expected even, for minorities to be less than whites. One example of how the left does not hold minorities to the same standard as whites, and are thrilled to no end to benefit from what they appear to acknowledge - to them - as acceptable natural differences. Yes, I call that racist.

and, oh my, how the left dangles and tempts with their dependency agenda . . .

Soft bigotry on the left is rampant. See my above post about the double standard between calling Trump supports "uneducated white males" and the Obama black coalition.
Anyone who thinks BOTH parties don't shamelessly try to manipulate minorities is lying to themselves. (one is just VERY VERY bad at keeping their -isms to themselves)

To the Repubs....just tell me what in the world Trump had to gain by getting into it with that slain soldier's parents. SOMEONE must have mentioned that was a bad idea.

I know the hatemongers would not like it but Trump can will this election easily by stop trying to appease the various prejudices of his voters who will vote for him anyway and just let Hilary kill herself off.

Republicans have been punished by black communities because they basically try to sell individualism, and not pander to things such as black criminality. They set one standard for ALL people, regardless of color. We are all capable of the same success. Liberals however, believe blacks arent able to perform up to task, and need special privileges to perform to a white standard.

The left couldn't care less about anyone, let alone lower class uneducated blacks. They use them as a tool. Why else do they continue to force hard lined leftist policies in inner cities while it fails over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, andover, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

It's not the same.

One day conservatives will pander to the idea to survive as a party I believe, placing the inner cities in an endless poverty induced coma.

People better wake up.
Ive personally listened to 3 tapes.

Tired of your dumbassery. If you think the left loves blacks. Great.

Any free thinking person who isnt a mental midgit can clearly put 2 and 2 together and see that simply isnt the case.

But again, you claimed facts yet havnt posted any. At least i have, but i guess they are too old or the recent ones just werent good enough. Typical douche bag lefty.
Reply if you want but i have better things to do then to continue this internet schlong measuring contest with someone who clearly doesnt even have the right parts.
Thanks for proving me right. You can't cite evidence. You make claims not based in fact.

150 year old anecdotal facts are relevant? I mean, good gravy that's thouching stupid to think that's relevant or meaningfull.

Also, by your logic, David Duke represents all Republicans. See how stupid that sounds?

I'm not worried about your replies, you proved me right.
Republicans have been punished by black communities because they basically try to sell individualism, and not pander to things such as black criminality. They set one standard for ALL people, regardless of color. We are all capable of the same success. Liberals however, believe blacks arent able to perform up to task, and need special privileges to perform to a white standard.

The left couldn't care less about anyone, let alone lower class uneducated blacks. They use them as a tool. Why else do they continue to force hard lined leftist policies in inner cities while it fails over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, andover, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

It's not the same.
Please cite evidence or quit perpetrating this made up garbage.
This is strange Morgousky.... I tried to reply to your post where it seems you are congratulating yourself, but it was quickly deleted - making a reply impossible. I took a screen shot anyway as it appears below. Do you have an explanation?

Let me say, when I say liberals are soft bigots I mainly mean the elite liberals who are power obsessed. They see their policies fail over and over yet change nothing because the nanny state creates disenchanted voters.

I don't believe the average liberal quite realizes the destruction of these policies, and sure isn't racist. They are just really, really, political and see everything by a win or a loss. Add to it the impoverished blacks keep voting for it, and it allows them to feel justified.
This is strange Morgousky.... I tried to reply to your post where it seems you are congratulating yourself, but it was quickly deleted - making a reply impossible. I took a screen shot anyway as it appears below. Do you have an explanation?


Congratulating myself on what?

I tried to edit the post to add more, and I must have hit the wrong button so I deleted the reply and corrected. If the post isn't there I don't know why.