How will they rule ??!

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Moe, do you understand the difference between using private email for personal use and using it for State business?

Also regulations had changed by the time Hillary was Sec of State, as it was released that state dept staff informed her she needed to cease using her own server.

You can point fingers at others all you like, what it boils down to is she was trying get around the FOIA laws. The law could damage her primary goal to be President, so she ignored it. That's what concerns me more than the actual act, we don't know who she really is.
She has continually changed position with popular opinion for one primary goal, the presidency. She won't do anything unscripted to give us a look at how she handles pressure. the secrecy, hiding , lying, poor tenure as SOS, shady dealings as a public servant are worrisome to me.
Quite ironic since DT has changed his opinions on everything as well. Actually lying about his position on several things he said he never said when there is a very real public record of it. The job he is doing of convincing people of these lies really is impressive. He just lied about the NFL sending him a letter and no one even cares. That's how far our electorate has fallen when a presidential candidate can unequivocally lie about things and not even blink an eye. Not a lie of omission or word smithing, but an outright fib.

And again, we're talking about emails. There is no evidence anywhere that I'm aware of that her server was hacked while the government servers have been compromised non-stop. I find it hard to believe that if her server was hacked they would not be out there by now. So her team actually did a BETTER job than the government team of securing classified info.

For the sake of argument, imagine this was DT. Can you imagine the boasting he would do about how he protected classified information better than the dysfunctional government? And his lemmings would be fawning over him for it.

But I love this election. The people are finally getting their due after years of hypocrisy and talking about how morally ethical this country is compared to every other nation. It's all lies. You've got a woman who has a record of playing in the gray area of politics, which all politicians do, but being held to a higher standard than her male counterparts. Then you've got a career businessmen who inherited his wealth, flaunted his success built off the back of others, and turned his reality stardom into a full fledged white nationalist movement. It's beautiful. My bunker and popcorn is ready.
I really can't believe how powerful Russia has gotten over the past four years.

Went from literally being a joke, to now being the number one thing the Ds are worried about this election.

You'd think they'd want to turn away from the administration and SOS that presided over that rise in power.
You're right. We should totally turn to a President who wants to be in bed with them. And cast aside loyal allies to do it. Allow the invasion of sovereign governments who border our NATO allies. DT is the one who has made this an issue because of his unhinged foreign policy ideas. But sure, let's ignore that.

I'm sure you are aware that the US is not capable any longer of determining winners and losers on the world stage. The US is no longer the only country who can buy the world's oil and goods. You, and so many like you, evidently have been asleep as China, India, South Korea, and other poor countries have risen over the past few decades and are now capable of protecting their own interests and offering things that used to be the sole property of the US.

So blaming the current administration for Russia's growing power is the only partisan play you are probably capable of.

I'm also sure you are aware that HRC wanted to arm the Syrian rebels but was overruled by Obama. Which led to Russia eventually intervening in Syria. So she was actually correct, but don't let that deter you. HRC is much more capable at foreign policy than given credit for.

You can blame her for the Middle East, but then you would have to blame every single admin since WWII as that area will never find peace because it is an area with centuries and centuries of historical fighting that pre-dates Jesus H Christ.
Obama on track to be the first and only president in our entire history not to have experienced at least one year of 3% annual economic growth. And here comes Hillary to continue the legacy. Why would you vote for her? The evidence is clear that liberal policies only hamper our economy.

ITYM, the evidence is in that Congressional obstruction and only passing continuing resolutions instead of addressing the country's needs will only hamper our economy.
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I think we need to address the possibility that Trump's been a Trojan horse candidate from the start. In the last two days, he's gone out of his way to make himself the most hateable candidate ever. Mocking the Khans. Knocking the guy who'd just rescued him from the elevator. Claiming, without evidence, that he'd made sacrifices (pure Twitter gold, btw). His remarks and even his choice of focus have been bizarre. A fire marshal? Really? If this were pre-1950, you'd suspect tertiary syphilis. He hadn't been the most glorious figure ever before that, but since the DNC he's outdone himself
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hmm, I must have hit a nerve. You just went into stereotypes. Congrats cardkilla.

If you say that to yourself enough times, it conditions into truth. None of what you said has any truth to it. The only truth is, Obama has made the U.S more Orwellian than any president in the history of this country. The rest of your garbage is that. Garbage. Oh, btw, that "non-whites into national movement" horse shit. I'm in an interracial marriage. But go ahead, keep marginalizing us mixed race couples, you bigot.
congrats on the interracial marriage thing. I too love my black women. Ageless, beautiful skin, seriously congrats! I'm a bit jealous. Is she voting for DT too? Or just telling you that?
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And yet she wasn't charged. A Republican. All he needed to do to elect Trump was charge her. She may have beaten the rap, but she would have never had a chance to win.

And she wasn't charged.

None of the accusations leveled at HRC since 1992 have amounted to anything. They've all been backed by passionate "certainty", too. And moral concern of the deepest order.
The fact that she wasn't charged in no way establishes the fact that she did nothing wrong. Comey was instructed not to charge her and admitted that when he said another person doing the same thing could be charged.
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And yet she wasn't charged. A Republican. All he needed to do to elect Trump was charge her. She may have beaten the rap, but she would have never had a chance to win.

And she wasn't charged.

None of the accusations leveled at HRC since 1992 have amounted to anything. They've all been backed by passionate "certainty", too. And moral concern of the deepest order.

Well there you have it, she wasn't charged so there was nothing wrong with it.

Hey, at least you're fine with people being above the law, that's what America was founded on, not all men are created equal in the eyes of the law.
congrats on the interracial marriage thing. I too love my black women. Ageless, beautiful skin, seriously congrats! I'm a bit jealous. Is she voting for DT too? Or just telling you that?
Why did you assume his wife is black?
Quite ironic since DT has changed his opinions on everything as well. Actually lying about his position on several things he said he never said when there is a very real public record of it. The job he is doing of convincing people of these lies really is impressive. He just lied about the NFL sending him a letter and no one even cares. That's how far our electorate has fallen when a presidential candidate can unequivocally lie about things and not even blink an eye. Not a lie of omission or word smithing, but an outright fib.

And again, we're talking about emails. There is no evidence anywhere that I'm aware of that her server was hacked while the government servers have been compromised non-stop. I find it hard to believe that if her server was hacked they would not be out there by now. So her team actually did a BETTER job than the government team of securing classified info.

For the sake of argument, imagine this was DT. Can you imagine the boasting he would do about how he protected classified information better than the dysfunctional government? And his lemmings would be fawning over him for it.

But I love this election. The people are finally getting their due after years of hypocrisy and talking about how morally ethical this country is compared to every other nation. It's all lies. You've got a woman who has a record of playing in the gray area of politics, which all politicians do, but being held to a higher standard than her male counterparts. Then you've got a career businessmen who inherited his wealth, flaunted his success built off the back of others, and turned his reality stardom into a full fledged white nationalist movement. It's beautiful. My bunker and popcorn is ready.

How is expecting her NOT to operate as SOS from her very own personal server, then when caught NOT lie about it under oath? Or not spread a fabricated story that ends with a US citizen in jail to protect her ass? She is being held to a different standard alright, she may be the first nominee to NOT do a press conference in the year leading up to the election, think that would fly for any other prior candidate?

She has been a public servant for 36 years, and has been caught in lie after lie, changed with the wind and what not.
Yeah, like the Great Recession.

Oh wait!

The recession was caused by the housing bubble bursting. Which in turn was caused by the loss of manufacturing jobs in the middle class, hmm if there were only an elected official that pushed for laws that were DIRECTLY related to both of those.
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It's no secret that Republicans have for decades been trying to destroy the Clintons. I can only imagine the anger when they continually find little and then come up with crazy conspiracy theories to try to undermine their findings. Luckily for them, she keeps coming up with new and ridiculous ways to keep her shady dealings in the headlines.

I'm a huge fan of Bill Clinton. HRC, not so much. I hate even defending her. And again, that's why I think she loses. Republicans have hated the Clintons for so long, they'll do whatever it takes to keep her out of office. Even if they have to put a reality tv star in the White House who shares little of the values Republicans supposedly hold dear - free markets, trade, family values, the constitution, etc.
Well there you have it, she wasn't charged so there was nothing wrong with it.

Hey, at least you're fine with people being above the law, that's what America was founded on, not all men are created equal in the eyes of the law.

I remember George Bush being led off in shackles over the White House email server.
OK. We will mark you down in the good with rape and child abuse camp.
We will? You'd have to be crazy to condone rape and child abuse. We already have far too much of that in America wouldn't you say?

Luckily your president doesn't demean women or see them as sex objects.
At this point, I just assume the US will one day collapse or default on the national debt (real default, not Obama threatening not to make the payments on it and blaming Republicans).

Energy prices wont stay this low forever, and we can't keep borrowing a trillion dollars a year to hand out to lazy assholes, so something will change once politicians don't have choices.

Home prices (at least in the Cincinnati/NKY market) are once again through the roof. People are buying houses they can't afford. Pretty close to just harvesting the gain in my house and renting an apartment for the next year or two.

I'm anxious to see what happens after the election (or once we have a bunch of lame ducks sitting around). I am a free trade proponent, but entering into new trade agreements when your economy and employment situation are incredibly fragile is not a smart move.

As long as the welfare and disability checks keep coming, things are great for half the country.
Lemme guess, an economics major in school.
It's no secret that Republicans have for decades been trying to destroy the Clintons. I can only imagine the anger when they continually find little and then come up with crazy conspiracy theories to try to undermine their findings. Luckily for them, she keeps coming up with new and ridiculous ways to keep her shady dealings in the headlines.

I'm a huge fan of Bill Clinton. HRC, not so much. I hate even defending her. And again, that's why I think she loses. Republicans have hated the Clintons for so long, they'll do whatever it takes to keep her out of office. Even if they have to put a reality tv star in the White House who shares little of the values Republicans supposedly hold dear - free markets, trade, family values, the constitution, etc.
Conspiracies? You can find countless videos of her lying, contradicting herself, backtracking her statements and pandering. It's not hard at all. Her corruption is pretty well noted. Most of the hatred she gets is from things she actually says/does, not things people think she says/does.
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We will? You'd have to be crazy to condone rape and child abuse. We already have far too much of that in America wouldn't you say?

Luckily your president doesn't demean women or see them as sex objects.
We do. But you seem OK with bringing more of it here by bringing in Muslim immigrants by the boatload.

Current President - no. Hillary is in bed with cultures that do though.
I remember George Bush being led off in shackles over the White House email server.

Haha, she chose to use and send highly sensitive material on her own uncrypted server. She chose herself over her Country, and then lied under oath.
Any other candidate would've withdrawn from the race, but not only did she stay in, you guys nominated her!
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We do. But you seem OK with bringing more of it here by bringing in Muslim immigrants by the boatload.
Well, except we're not. And the ones that are coming over are either families with small children, women or women with small children. After nearly 2 years of going through a process.

You sound like you're unaware that we have been immigrating Muslims here for quite awhile. Iraqi refugees(or are they not Muslims), Afghan refugees(those aren't Muslims either are they?), and have been little to no instances of terrorism from them.

I mean I get the fear about these crazy Muslims who are ready to die and take a bunch of innocent people with them. I'm fearful of that as well. But that doesn't mean we cannot help some of these refugees who have been through hell and are no risk. Now maybe some of them grow up and turn radical. But I like my chances of a Muslim growing up in America and turning out ok vs growing up over there.

In a nutshell, this country no longer strategizes to come up with long term plans to fix things. It's crisis after crisis and knee jerk (or no) actions.

We have no plan for SS, Medicare, debt reduction, anything. This country is failing our future because of inaction, not action.
Alexandra Pelosi just on MSNBC pimping her new documentary on money in politics and sheepishly admitted the big money was all at the DNC and not the RNC.

You self righteous few, Wall Street Moe/Wall Street Fuzz/Wall Street Z/Wall Street Albany have completely sold out for big money. You rail against them but *you* are the problem. You are the ones enabling.

Wall Street = Democrat party.

Hope that sits well at night, you are the party of big money. Go ahead and respond with the Soviets or whatever, you people are the tip of the big money's spear.

Think about how you are ruining America next time you are in your Prius thinking you are the solution, you are in fact the problem.
Cardkilla a 2 year background check? Do you honestly beleive that? So the people that are being let in now started being vetted in 2014? I don't beleive that at all. Truck drivers go through more of a background check that these people probably ever will.
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LOL. Yeah, no blame to an amped up NSA, a stricter Patriot Act, the Freedom Act, and the NDAA under Obama. Nope, it'll be Trump that turns us Orwellian. Privacy is at an all time low in the U.S.

What a load of bullshit. Absolute dishonest bullshit
Spot on Willy.
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The whole "Russia" thing is the biggest, most desperate Astro turf shot I can remember. Basically hoping to play on traditional fears of Russia to take DT out. Russia is a awful country lead by a dictator that has been handled *extremely* poorly by both Obama and Hillary (reset button lols).

To try to tie DT to being a puppet of that country is laughable at best and disgustingly desperate at worst.

This? This is what you got? Joking aloud about Russia releasing the emails they likely have has hit both a strain of fear that she has indeed been hacked from her dumbass illegal server AND some crazy let ditched effort to take him out.

And on a side note, they are blowing their wad waaaaay too early. I swear if DT is at this poll level in October they are going to flip shit in ways we have never seen....DT clubs seals, DT made a pass at Cait Jenner. It's going to be yuge, I know that much.

Meanwhile, nothing to see here on Hillary's complete purchase by Wall Street right Z, you hypocritical dweeb?
The left is desperate. They are trying so hard to hit Trump with something, but it never sticks. Its hilarious really.
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congrats on the interracial marriage thing. I too love my black women. Ageless, beautiful skin, seriously congrats! I'm a bit jealous. Is she voting for DT too? Or just telling you that?

No, she's not black, but you assumed it. She's Asian, and thinks Trump is a joke, but likes him more than Hillary.

You're quite accomplished on the stereotypes. Wow, I never imagined racists were aligned with the Democrat party. Dems hate mixed couples and it's showing in every one of your posts. Especially mixed couples who are Libertarians. Makes me curious if there was an email that Hillary deleted that wanted to get rid of us mixed couple Libertarians. Guess we aren't "full minority" enough to the Democrats. Just shocked at the hate for us.
DT's comments on letting Russia take over Crimea solidifies the narrative that he is in bed with Putin. DT will allow Putin to takeover Eastern Europe for 'help' with Islamic terrorists and ISIS. No hand will be lifted to help any NATO allies if they are invaded, South Korea will be on their own and China will have the upper hand when the TPP is never signed. China has an alternate trade plan that will put them in the drivers seat once TPP is killed.

Conservatives are trying to deflect by blaming the media and basically ignoring every single principle they've supposedly stood for since Reagan. By blaming the media they can then ignore every lie told by DT because you know, he's just messing with everybody.

No outrage that after DT asked Russia for help, they hacked the DNC. This sets a very dangerous precedent where foreign governments are being invited to alter elections. There is no doubt that hackers are gearing up to infiltrate voting machines. Will be interesting to see if they are successful.

Although maybe not as bad as DT winning the election, the prospect of him refusing to accept election results after a loss could also lead to widespread violence by his supporters who will feel 'cheated' because at this point they believe everything that DT tells them.

One thing is for certain and already happening - Global manufacturing will require fewer and fewer humans over the years so anyone believing either HRC or DT about bringing back so many manufacturing jobs has no idea how the world is evolving. Technological advances could wipe out as much as 60% of the global workforce over the next 50 years. No one has a plan to how to combat this.
Was it Trump or Hillary that gave Russia uranium? TIA.
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And the ones that are coming over are either families with small children, women or women with small children.

Ok, Wall Street Cardkilla. Certainly doesn't appear to be the case, but we'll take your word.
After nearly 2 years of going through a process.
How tf do you figure that works, specifically, Wall Street Cardkilla?

State Dept: Hello, Syrian Department of Records and Trying to Not Die, we need the backdated records on the 500,000 "borderly challenged" young men you are sending over

SDRTND: Yeah, we'll get right on that....we're in the middle of a f*cking civil war, you know.

SD: Well, the President and Secretary Clinton promised the American know what, just fax them over.

SDRTND: OK, Ahmed in IT just got hit with an RPG but I should have all that by (unintelligible).....{end transmission}
Spot on Willy.

He can't dispute it. And at the same time where civil forfeitures are exponentially rising under Obama. Use of Stingray surveillance technology. All of which cops and Feds are using to stomp out freedom for Americans. He can't dispute a damn thing. He is projecting. He doesn't know what a Trump presidency is going to bring. But usually when one is afraid, one will result to his tactics of trying to predict a grim future based on his own opinion. None of which the world revolves around. But he sure thinks so.
a recent statements to ABC News, Powell disputed the claims.

"I have reviewed the messages and I do not see what makes them classified." Powell said. "The emails were from my Executive Assistant and forwarded messages sent by two of our Ambassadors to State Department staff members. My Executive Assistant thought I should see them in a timely manner so sent them to my personal account. Both messages were unclassified. There was no reason not to forward them in this manner. ... The Ambassadors did not believe the contents were Confidential at the time and they were sent as unclassified. That is a fact. While they have not yet clarified this point, the State Department cannot now say they were classified then because they weren't. If the Department wishes to say a dozen years later they should have been classified that is an opinion of the Department that I do not share."

"And unlike Powell or Rice, 22 of Clinton's emails were upgraded to "top secret," the highest level of classification."

These are not the same situation. It was revealed at one time that several of HRC's emails were marked as classified when she received or forwarded them. Powell's were reclassified after he no longer served his post.

Should we also let all bank robbers go free because some bank robbers didn't get caught? Seems to be what you're advocating. "Hillary isn't guilty because someone else may have committed the same crime".