How will they rule ??!

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War with China.

Glad Bill built that military.

According to the report, across a time frame from 2015 to 2025, as Chinese military capabilities improve, the US can no longer be certain a war would develop as it expects, nor can it achieve a decisive victory once a war breaks out with China. The closer to 2025, the more difficulties the US will have in defeating China, but yet it does not mean China is bound to succeed.

The report holds that no matter what type of war, China will suffer a heavier loss than the US, not only militarily, but also economically and politically.
So why did you bring up climate change? Look, I agree that something is happening to the climate. It's changing. Whether it's man made or not. I don't know. I'm not a weather scientist. But that photo isn't a good place to strengthen your argument. It's actually irrelevant.

Apparently it is normal. It happens twice year as a part of the tidal cycle. It says it in that article.

Yes. King tides. Good. Same page.

Now, ocean levels have risen due to the ocean warming and more ice melt from places like Greenland. In fact, the ocean has risen so much that during king tides the streets flood. That's new. It's a continuing event. It's going to get worse in Miami and eventually hit other coastal cities. In your lifetime. Not some distant who-cares future.
Yes. King tides. Good. Same page.

Now, ocean levels have risen due to the ocean warming and more ice melt from places like Greenland. In fact, the ocean has risen so much that during king tides the streets flood. That's new. It's a continuing event. It's going to get worse in Miami and eventually hit other coastal cities. In your lifetime. Not some distant who-cares future.

Well, the people in Miami apparently think it's normal and it wasn't until Gist, a climate changing alarmist site made a blog about it. Apparently twice a year and the flooding can happen due to extensive rain, which is when that photograph was taken. Clearly said it was taken after an extensive rain.
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Recovery has not been slower than expected by academics. Economic historians have said for decades that it takes around a decade to recover from financial collapses. You're right about one thing though: things aren't as good as they should be. We are far from it and the next administration must improve things for people all across the country.

I'll just leave this here. Real paychecks are growing. Preponderance of data is burying your preconceived narratives. Praise be to the BS&L website that makes all this data available for anyone curious enough to use it.

Happy Friday!
I guess people haven't enjoyed looking at their 401k statements since the recession. Pity.
I ran my numbers today on my 403b. In the last two years I'm up 9%. In the last 5 I'm up 15%. I don't know who to thank but I'm happy with whoever is doing it. I do know that about two weeks before the election this year, it's all going in a money market till after things settle out.
That would be a mistake no matter the outcome. Might I suggest to merely lock in some gains with a few sales and let the rest run.
Oh, and Gus' WaPo article is an op-ed from a guy that worked in the Obama administration. yeah, I will "leave it right there"

Yo. You're cute. Can't even @ me in your response. Must not be very confident of your beliefs if you're avoiding a challenge and you're inevitable defeat at the hands of data. Such a brave soul. Hahaha.

Yup; op-Ed by admin drone but them's still the numbers...and for the fourth time you've yet to address the numbers in any of the links I've posted instead relying on ad hom attacks. I guess when you don't have an answer you just attack without evidence for your side. This is what one calls a "trend."

You have no answers. Let that ring out. FRED can't save you. The numbers can't save you. You are forsaken.

You are hollow. An empty partisan. May your political blinders shield you from your emptiness.
Stock market up so you and your cronies can make even more money out of the hands of Main Street? That same stock market where you pay capital gains taxes instead of income taxes thus you're paying less in taxes than your secretary, Fat Cat James?

Strange times when Dems like you worship Wall Street....strange times indeed.
3 things need to happen

The Washington post? Really, that's the hand you are gonna try and win with?

Why must people spew statistics to try and win an argument? Hell, everyone knows that statistics can and will be presented in a way to best suit the given narrative.

Politics aren't that hard to figure out, and the debating is pretty insane if you stop to think about it.

You have a set of people who want to be left alone and take care of themselves, and you have another set of people who can't/won't do for themselves and want the government to take care of them. If you vote Democrat you like being controlled, you like paying more in taxes, you like being held down, you like being a victim.
You vote republican (not back woods hillbilly republican) you are self-sufficient, want government to stay out of your lives, think taxes are beyond credulous, believe in personal accountability, believe if you want something bad enough you will work for it and find a way, not have it handed to you.

Did I miss anything?

Well, if you don't trust the WaPo then you are so far up your parties echo chamber common sense can't reach you.

It's okay. You're a blind partisan. As blind as the Putin partisans constantly trolling people on social media. If the paper of record for 5 decades can't convince you nothing will.

Enjoy your cocoon. May the news you get always confirm to your preconceived narratives.
What facts refutes all the shit the democratic party has done?

What facts refute planned parenthood and the secret tapes of them condoning donations to shrinking the black population a few yeafs ago?

Might want to look into the origins of PP. And its founder.

What facts refute LBJ saying what he said?

What facts refute the democrats supporting slavery?

Also might want to look into president andrew jackson and his views. And also how many slaves he owned.

What facts refute that democrats founded the KKK?

I could list pages worth of facts. But youre either too dumb to comprehend or having a trolling jerk session. I have a hunch its the latter.
So how does the Johnson link show how the left systematically hate blacks? The guy who passed the greatest equalizers in American History? That is your casual link to showing this?

So did you actually read?
It actually goes against all scholarly studied history, has a works cited page comprised of bloggers.
But really, you are trying to show something from 160 years ago to prove the current state of the left? Do you think that is relevant? Posting information from 160 years ago, that is incorrect? Grats on not understanding real facts, vs made up ones.

I mean, you keep showing links that are no longer relevant, or one guy. Please show me how the left hates blacks.

You cant. Please show the casual relationship. Im just having fun with you. I get you are dumb as hell and think that posting a link citing 200 years ago makes you right.

Please show systematic evidence that the left hates blacks. Thanks.

Just tired of really terrible claims you make with no supporting evidence.
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Thats all very nice, well put together article and chart. However, when one party's platform is to raise minimum wage to $15 an hour because you can't raise a family for less, the Country has serious economic issues.

Minimum wage jobs are entry level, they aren't supposed to be careers, but thats what happens as you go away from a manufacturing based economy to a service based. It's going to choke businesses, and customers which in turn forces even more Govt intervention.

Whats even worse is China is getting bolder, as we lose our manufacturing base, and theirs grows it weakens our defensive capabilities. One of the reasons we were victorious in WWII is we could out produce our enemies.

I agree with 95% of this. Loss of manufacturing jobs is terrible. I don't think either party can bring them back given the market, sadly.
Yo. You're cute. Can't even @ me in your response. Must not be very confident of your beliefs if you're avoiding a challenge and you're inevitable defeat at the hands of data. Such a brave soul. Hahaha.
You might be another Z account, same arrogance to idiocy ratio. That is right, I alone made the GDP suck the last two quarters. Funny, you said it was going up.
I posted several data sets struggling or flat in the economy, you responded with responses that were the opposite of true. I posted several articles proving that. You ran away. You have yet to prove one thing. Pls pass the word that the economy is better than 70% of voters think, good luck with that.

I suppose you guys using the market only as an indicator a)don't whine about income equality and b)loved the 13% S&P yearly avg growth under Bush (and higher GDP and much lower debt) until the Dems took over in 2007.
Stock market up so you and your cronies can make even more money out of the hands of Main Street? That same stock market where you pay capital gains taxes instead of income taxes thus you're paying less in taxes than your secretary, Fat Cat James?

Strange times when Dems like you worship Wall Street....strange times indeed.
yep, you have been around here long enough to remember the talking points early 2003 to 2007. Fat cats ATKNOT.

  • Growth target for nominal wages: 3.5-4%
  • Actual year-over-year growth for private employees: 2.6%
wages above, confidence below

Washington (CNN)Nearly 6-in-10 Americans say things are going badly in the United States, the largest share to say so in more than two years, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll.

The negative turn in views of how things are going in the U.S. comes as the state of the country has become a flashpoint in the 2016 presidential campaign, with the Republican front-runner Donald Trump resting his campaign on a promise to restore America's greatness and national Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton vows to build on the progress Obama has made as president.
Overall, 57% say things in the country today are going badly, while 42% say they're going well. That's a downturn compared to a poll conducted just after Thanksgiving, when 49% said things were going well compared to 50% who said they were going badly.
You might be another Z account, same arrogance to idiocy ratio. That is right, I alone made the GDP suck the last two quarters. Funny, you said it was going up.
I posted several data sets struggling or flat in the economy, you responded with responses that were the opposite of true. I posted several articles proving that. You ran away. You have yet to prove one thing. Pls pass the word that the economy is better than 70% of voters think, good luck with that.

I suppose you guys using the market only as an indicator a)don't whine about income equality and b)loved the 13% S&P yearly avg growth under Bush (and higher GDP and much lower debt) until the Dems took over in 2007.

Five replies, and 1500 words, and still no answer to the data provided. Jason Bourne would admire your evasiness.
Well, the people in Miami apparently think it's normal and it wasn't until Gist, a climate changing alarmist site made a blog about it. Apparently twice a year and the flooding can happen due to extensive rain, which is when that photograph was taken. Clearly said it was taken after an extensive rain.

There are measurements of ocean level rise. The ocean has risen more in that area of the globe than in most. Without addressing the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere it will rise more.

Oil companies are being sued because they failed to let their shareholders know of the risk that their own scientists had warned of. (That phrase again: their own scientists) The same thing that gigged the tobacco companies.
Up, Up, no clue what this is, falling, falling, and rising
you also said workforce participation is up (the rising) and it is at an all-time low. You said the national debt is shrinking. It has stopped shrinking and the CBO says:

Budget | Congressional Budget Office
Congressional Budget Office
Updated Budget Projections: 2016 to 2026. March 24, 2016. CBO projects a $534 billion deficit in fiscal year 2016, about $100 billion more than in 2015.
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Up, Up, no clue what this is, falling, falling, and rising. These are all numbers that can easily be found at the US Bureau for Labor and Statistics, but we both know you won't look. You have a political agenda that comes before the facts.

People in KY, and other areas in the South are struggling, and more needs to be done to help them. Nationally, things have started getting better. The data is abundant and irrefutable.
Is this the "data" you say you provided I need to refute...a refererence to the BLS to search?

I have proven every single part of this response wrong. Go away again.
There are measurements of ocean level rise. The ocean has risen more in that area of the globe than in most. Without addressing the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere it will rise more.

Oil companies are being sued because they failed to let their shareholders know of the risk that their own scientists had warned of. (That phrase again: their own scientists) The same thing that gigged the tobacco companies.

But that has nothing to do with Miami. Again, that photo was taken after an extensive rain. A flooding they already expected to happen because of that extensive rain.
you also said workforce participation is up (the rising) and it is at an all-time low. You said the national debt is shrinking. It has stopped shrinking and the CBO says:

Budget | Congressional Budget Office
Congressional Budget Office
Updated Budget Projections: 2016 to 2026. March 24, 2016. CBO projects a $534 billion deficit in fiscal year 2016, about $100 billion more than in 2015.

Haha. You've actually refuted nothing. That's the biggest tell of all.

No; all the other ones I've pointed out. Not the ones doing 10 year projections that fit your preconceived narrative.

I do appreciate you saying "this one?" that is clearly not one that's been previously discussed. Lol. Does this usually pass muster with you friends and coworkers or do you just have sycophants?

This is a pretty pathetic effort. I think only having your views debated in friendly confines have made your skills soft. As your boy would say, "SAD!" Lol.

Have a great week!
Gus needs to learn latin, always a good touch when declaring victory despite posting nothing.
Trust in Hillary!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Former President Bill Clinton released a list of donors to his charity, the William J. Clinton Foundation. The database includes more than 146,000 individuals, organizations and governments. Full Story »

Donations from $1,000,001 to $5,000,000
  • Robert Disbrow
  • Dubai Foundation
  • Elton John AIDS Foundation
  • Entergy
  • Mr. Issam M. Fares & The Wedge Foundation
  • Wallace W. Fowler
  • Friends of Saudi Arabia
  • Mala Gaonkar Haarman
  • The James R. Greenbaum, Jr. Family Foundation
  • Robert L. Johnson
  • Howard and Michele Kessler
  • Michael and Jena King
  • Lukas Lundin
  • MAC AIDS Fund
  • John D. Mackay
  • Lakshmi N. Mittal
  • Open Society Institute
  • Victor Pinchuk
  • Presidential Inaugural Committee
  • Princess Diana Memorial Fund
  • Paul Reynolds
  • Robertson Foundation
  • Bernard L. Schwartz
  • Walter H. Shorenstein
  • Arnold H. Simon
  • Bren and Melvin Simon
  • Amar Singh
  • Michael Smurfit
  • Harold Snyder
  • State of Kuwait
The streets flood on king tides without any other prompting.Ocean levels are rising.

But, like I said, AGW is a good test for sincerity about Wall St and business. (I haven't seen you weigh in preening about how pro-Trump makes you anti-Wall Street.)
How can ocean levels be rising when your god obama said he would lower them?
Trust in Hillary!

Some highlights from this article...

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit created by the former president to finance his library in Little Rock, Ark., and charitable efforts to reduce poverty and treat AIDS. Other foreign government givers include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Italy and Jamaica. The Dutch national lottery gave $5 million to $10 million.

Some of the donors have extensive ties to Indian interests that could prove troubling to Pakistan. Tensions between the two nuclear nations are high since last month's deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Amar Singh, a donor in the $1 million to $5 million category, is an Indian politician who played host to Bill Clinton on a visit to India in 2005 and met Hillary Clinton in New York in September to discuss an India-U.S. civil nuclear agreement.

Also in that giving category was Suzlon Energy Ltd. of Amsterdam, a leading supplier of wind turbines. Its chairman is Tulsi R. Tanti, one of India's wealthiest executives. Tanti announced plans at Clinton's Global Initiative meeting earlier this year for a $5 billion project to develop environmentally friendly power generation in India and China.

Two other Indian interests gave between $500,000 and $1 million each:

  • The Confederation of Indian Industry, an industrial trade association.
  • Dave Katragadda, an Indian capital manager with holdings in media and entertainment, technology, health care and financial services.

Other foreign governments also contributed heavily to the foundation.

  • AUSAID, the Australian government's overseas aid program, and COPRESIDA-Secretariado Tecnico, a Dominican Republic government agency formed to fight AIDS, each gave $10 million to $25 million.
  • Norway gave $5 million to $10 million.
  • Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei and Oman gave $1 million to $5 million each.
  • The government of Jamaica and Italy's Ministry for Environment and Territory gave $50,000 to $100,000 each.

The foundation's donor list is heavy with overseas business interests.

  • Audi businessman Nasser Al-Rashid gave $1 million to $5 million.
  • Friends of Saudi Arabia and the Dubai Foundation each gave $1 million to $5 million, as did the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office.
  • The Swedish Postcode Lottery gave $500,000 to $1 million.
  • China Overseas Real Estate Development and the U.S. Islamic World Conference gave $250,000 to $500,000 apiece.
  • The No. 4 person on the Forbes billionaire list, Lakshmi Mittal, the chief executive of international steel company ArcelorMittal, gave $1 million to $5 million. Mittal is a member of the Foreign Investment Council in Kazakhstan, Goldman Sachs' board of directors and the World Economic Forum's International Business Council, according to the biography on his corporate Web site.
I agree with 95% of this. Loss of manufacturing jobs is terrible. I don't think either party can bring them back given the market, sadly.

You can't depend on the parties to do it, it's up to us as citizens.
Either that or get used to more and more people sucking off the Govts teet.
Those voting for Hillary here please answer this question: How does Hillary talk all of those university presidents and professors into teaching for free so that our children do not have that debt when they graduate college. I mean she did say free college afterall. If she can do that, I might just vote her. Free at no cost to anyone right?
I can only assume it's paid in the same manner as The Donald getting 11 million illegals shipped out of the country.
So how does the Johnson link show how the left systematically hate blacks? The guy who passed the greatest equalizers in American History? That is your casual link to showing this?

So did you actually read?
It actually goes against all scholarly studied history, has a works cited page comprised of bloggers.
But really, you are trying to show something from 160 years ago to prove the current state of the left? Do you think that is relevant? Posting information from 160 years ago, that is incorrect? Grats on not understanding real facts, vs made up ones.

I mean, you keep showing links that are no longer relevant, or one guy. Please show me how the left hates blacks.

You cant. Please show the casual relationship. Im just having fun with you. I get you are dumb as hell and think that posting a link citing 200 years ago makes you right.

Please show systematic evidence that the left hates blacks. Thanks.

Just tired of really terrible claims you make with no supporting evidence.

Lol, you dont even realize im not the one who made the "claim".

Its just so far beyond the realm of belief that any non dumb*** would refute it. I see you failed to address the blatant racism from the planned parenthood tapes. And yea, citing records from the birth of the democratic party up until now shows a clear trend.

Im still waiting on your "facts" that you vlaim disprove it.
Gus needs to learn latin, always a good touch when declaring victory despite posting nothing.
To be fair, a lot of the Latin is past people's head nor do they understand the fallacy of their logic.

In a different era, all men where taught logic, so they could reason. Now, most don't have a clue.

Like citing an individual, then claiming a whole group is a by product of that individual. But people are uneducated.
The recession was caused by the housing bubble bursting. Which in turn was caused by the loss of manufacturing jobs in the middle class, hmm if there were only an elected official that pushed for laws that were DIRECTLY related to both of those.
Oh really? A combination of cheap money, laissez faire, rampant Wall Street greed and repealing the Glass-Steagall Act may have had a slight impact. [laughing]
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Lol, you dont even realize im not the one who made the "claim".

Its just so far beyond the realm of belief that any non dumb*** would refute it. I see you failed to address the blatant racism from the planned parenthood tapes. And yea, citing records from the birth of the democratic party up until now shows a clear trend.

Im still waiting on your "facts" that you vlaim disprove it.
No, screw Duke did, but you're same type.

One individual doesn't mean that the whole group. For example, most republicans I know are smart people, but if I judged them off you, I'd say the whole party was a bunch of dumbasses.

Your claim to proving the left hates blacks was an individual from 60 years ago, that is responsible for signing the greatest equalizing legislation in this country's history.

As far as Planned Parenthood, you mean an organization that works with poor, minorites for women's health needs is racist because of one tape? You do realize that's incredibly stupid to suggest that.

You make wild ass claims and can't back them up with facts. You represent how stupid this country has become due to being uneducated.

I mean you cited Andrew Jackson as proof that the entire left is racist. :joy: