How will they rule ??!

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I am shocked, just shocked that a newspaper would endorse Hillary over Trump. My guess is that the vast majority of newspapers will endorse Hillary, and it's actually one of the best arguments in favor of a vote for Trump. It may actually help Trump. See, the public doesn't take instructions from the media anymore. I would be more interested in knowing the endorsement of a random name in the phone book than knowing the endorsement of a newspaper. Moreover, the fact that this particular newspaper endorsed one candidate of the Uniparty over another last time means absolutely nothing. I have little doubt that this same paper would endorse Jeb over Bernie, had the election shaped up that way. It means nothing. The media is pro globalist over nationalist, pro Uniparty over outsider. Their opinions are compromised and mean nothing.

Right. A Republican paper endorsing a Democrat. That has to hurt the ... Democrat. Because of course it does.
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Yes. The last link didn't show the left hates blacks.

I'm at a crossroads. I just need proof to swede me. If you're right, I will accept facts. Just show me systematic trends of proof the left hates blacks.
I'm not posting a link for something thats fairly common knowledge. At least to those of us that have a brain. Theres these things called search engines, maybe use one?
It was setup in the White House. All of the emails are gone. Poof. You don't know who was using it.

"The buck stops here."

If it was a crime, why didn't they charge her. What does her house have to do with anything? It just makes it sound oogity-boogity. Every Sec. of State since Albright have used private email.
Does carrying Hillarys water make you wore out?
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It was setup in the White House. All of the emails are gone. Poof. You don't know who was using it.

"The buck stops here."

If it was a crime, why didn't they charge her. What does her house have to do with anything? It just makes it sound oogity-boogity. Every Sec. of State since Albright have used private email.

They had personal and government emails Moe.
Clinton didn't use Govt email, she used her own private server.
They didn't charge because she's too big to charge, no accountability man. It's not just her, it's all the big politicians.

If it was no big deal why did she lie about it under oath?

We MUST start holding these people to the rule of law, they aren't royalty.
Why do we continue to argue with moe. He literally hasnt addressed one counterpoint. Go back to the beginning and just like now he is using the if it was illegal why wasnt she charged defense.

What we are able to see is that corruption is rampant. Who knows how far this goes. She may even have dirt on Comey, would it really surprise anyone? Hopefully our commies will help destroy this whole group of modern day plantation owners.

Im making a pledge that i hope a lot of you will follow. No longer will i reply to moe. Just not worth it. He will just gloss over anything he cant explain away and post some other offpoint drivel.

Come november, i will reply. Hopefully celebrating and not worrying about the 550% increase of potential terrorists.
Right. A Republican paper endorsing a Democrat. That has to hurt the ... Democrat. Because of course it does.
Perhaps you didn't understand my point. I was referring to the MSM in general, not this one particular paper. The fact is, these sanctimonious journalists can give nothing more than a kiss of death. If you think editorials equal votes, you are delusional. No one gives a rat's behind what these people think.

Now, there are ways that the MSM can, and will, support Hillary. And they are already doing it. First, the media is not objectively reporting the news. Second, the media will try to create news. The media will also "concern troll", by using push polls and creating the perception that a Hillary victory is inevitable (even though she is down in many, if not a majority of, polls), thus trying to demoralize the opposition.

That the media so passionately supports your candidate should give you cause for concern. Knowing that Trump is making all the right enemies is more than anything else why I am on the bandwagon.
Perhaps you didn't understand my point. I was referring to the MSM in general, not this one particular paper. The fact is, these sanctimonious journalists can give nothing more than a kiss of death. If you think editorials equal votes, you are delusional. No one gives a rat's behind what these people think.

Now, there are ways that the MSM can, and will, support Hillary. And they are already doing it. First, the media is not objectively reporting the news. Second, the media will try to create news. The media will also "concern troll", by using push polls and creating the perception that a Hillary victory is inevitable (even though she is down in many, if not a majority of, polls), thus trying to demoralize the opposition.

That the media so passionately supports your candidate should give you cause for concern. Knowing that Trump is making all the right enemies is more than anything else why I am on the bandwagon.
It's true what you say. One of the under-reported polls has Trump clearly in the lead at this point. But the MSM will not tell you this:
On another note, was it really all that wise to trot out Lena Dunham, at the convention, on national TV? How many would be so disgusted and offended by that sight, that they would immediately switch allegiance to Trump? Such things can often swing elections.
They had personal and government emails Moe.
Clinton didn't use Govt email, she used her own private server.
They didn't charge because she's too big to charge, no accountability man. It's not just her, it's all the big politicians.

It was specifically stated their reasons for not charging Clinton was based on consideration of her intentions. Never was it denied that there was no criminal act. Her intentions. So hilarious. We're sorry Gen. Petraeus.

Moe now showing everybody the PHD level of stupidity he possesses, by posing that where no charges exist no crime must exist. That is so incredibly out of touch with actual judicial practice that it doesn't require elaboration, other than to say only stupid people make such remarks. He should keep posting as much as possible. The depth of his stupidity is a cornucopia of free entertainment.

FBI Director James Comey stated that Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" and stated there was "evidence of potential violations of the statues regarding handling of classified information." In his announcement for not recommending charges he stated his considerations for not doing so included "especially regarding intent." This sounds like the FBI director describing a crime and not recommending charges because, in part, there wasn't enough additional evidence of criminal meanness to achieve a conviction if charges were pursued. The 2nd part of that was just a bunch of bullsh't floated at the public to let the democrat candidate for president slide, just single-digit days after a very suspicious one-on-one meeting between her husband, former US President Bill Clinton, and the US Attorney General at PHX.
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Sure. But the hope of one day seeing steam come out of Trump's ears sustains me.
The steam seems to be coming out of you leftists. Deep down even you guys know Trump is going to win, you guys just won't admit it. Hillary is one of the weakest and most corrupt candidates to ever run for the presidency. The media was able to help obama out but its not gonna help queen hillary.
Let me get this straight. If a discriminated group goes to the polls to vote for policies designed to alleviate the discrimination, THAT is racist? I thought racism was the belief that there were intrinsic differences between the races that merited differences in the way the members of the race were treated. Is there some special kind of racism that you're talking about?
According to the left (you and others) you are a racist just for having a differing opinion so, yes there are intrinsic differences and the left is the one creating them. Not unlike a communistic state.
That's right. Reject the elites and embrace communist dictators. That's what this election is all about!

Good point.

I especially like that Bill embraces Trump while simultaneously calling into question just how authentically conservative The National Review is.

These posts are all priceless. I just want you to know that.
Of course the Bush email server was illegal. Government docs are all supposed to be archived. The Bush email server wasn't archived. Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act.

"Basically" my dog was a city in Spain.
More deflection from you. Hillary's was hacked. Hillary was proven to be negligent and caught LYING ABOUT IT. Do you lie when caught doing anything illegal because, given your stance on most things, there is no doubt you must be a criminal and have a serious rap sheet.
Warrior finds himself on the same side as Putin. Let that sink in for a moment to show just how far all of you conservative's have come. I am very, very proud of all of you for finally and convincingly showing the true depth of your convictions.

Hell, next thing you know Trump will have you wildly applauding LBGTQ issues and acknowledging him as your only true leader on stage in front of millions of people at what ostensibly was supposed to be the GOP convention. Wouldn't that be funny if it ever happened?
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Umm thats an easy one.

Lbj " ill have them n***ers voting democrat for 200 years"


Jim crow

Affirmative action

Plannet parenthood

Mass acceptance of illegal immigrants

Need i go on? Or did you mean to ask for evidence the left hates black republicans?
Please explain how just mentioning these shows causal proof of the left's systematic hatred of blacks.

Please cite facts, and not opinions.

For example, while its great you mentioned a president from 50 years ago, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and actually addressed congress after Kennedy died. He was a supporter.

"No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long."

See, this last passage is a cited fact, and actually shows the opposite of what you claim.

We could do the samething with all your lists. Just naming something, with out fact or showing causal relationship, doesn't prove your position. In fact, it makes you look stupid.
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Warrior finds himself on the same side as Putin. Let that sink in for a moment to show just how far all of you conservatiie's have come. I am very, very proud of all of you for finally and convincingly showing the true depth of your convictions.

Hell, next thing you know Trump will have you wildly applauding LBGTQ issues and acknowledging him as your only true leader on stage in front of millions of people at what ostensibly was supposed to be the GOP convention. Wouldn't that be funny if it ever happened?
Ahhh Z,
Warrior finds himself on the same side as Putin. Let that sink in for a moment to show just how far all of you conservative's have come. I am very, very proud of all of you for finally and convincingly showing the true depth of your convictions.

Hell, next thing you know Trump will have you wildly applauding LBGTQ issues and acknowledging him as your only true leader on stage in front of millions of people at what ostensibly was supposed to be the GOP convention. Wouldn't that be funny if it ever happened?
Ahhh Z, toeing the party line by taking a page right out of the democrats play book by trying to vilify those who have served and are serving this country to keep us free. It is the fact that Obama and Hillary are trying to push us into the direction of socialism/communism that I welcome a change from the estalished politician to someone who will show america what is happening. By the way Z, what branch of service did you say you served in? I must have missed it
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I served in the branch that doesn't embrace communist dictators and suck up to Vladimir Putin and then, in all the things that could have been changed in the Republican Party Platform, the only thing they change is their stance on arming the Ukraine?

"For decades, Republican doctrine has viewed Russia as a power to mistrust. But in Donald Trump’s GOP, Moscow’s sins seem to matter less.

The platform written at the GOP convention in Cleveland this week eliminated references to arming Ukraine in its fight with Russia, which seized the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 and has supported separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Many in the party’s foreign policy establishment are outraged.

They note that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had worked as a consultant for the now-ousted pro-Russian government in Ukraine."

Yeah, break out that red flag and hang it, buddy.
After every advancement for minorities there has always been a backlash from the common white folk. The success of DT is a direct result of Obama's presidency. The DT supporters are still in shock that a black man was able to get into their white house.

The 3 voting laws upended are a perfect example of how quickly Republicans will act to try to disenfranchise minority voters.

I believe Trump somehow wins this election and the U.S. begins a turn towards a less democratic, more authoritarian state. All in the name of patriotism and 'keeping America safe'.

It's actually perfect timing for this with governments in Eastern Europe beginning to be more pro-Putin, Brexit,Turkey turning more authoritarian, etc. Beginning of the end of democracy as countries try to reign in freedoms as a way to hold onto power and purge countries of the dregs of society(muslims,blacks,latinos).

The World is due another mass extinction event and the election of DT will just speed up the process. I'm all for it...been getting ready for years. I am glad to be back home after a couple years working the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Cheers!
I believe Trump somehow wins this election and the U.S. begins a turn towards a less democratic, more authoritarian state. All in the name of patriotism and 'keeping America safe'.

It's actually perfect timing for this with governments in Eastern Europe beginning to be more pro-Putin, Brexit,Turkey turning more authoritarian, etc. Beginning of the end of democracy as countries try to reign in freedoms as a way to hold onto power and purge countries of the dregs of society(muslims,blacks,latinos).

LOL. Yeah, no blame to an amped up NSA, a stricter Patriot Act, the Freedom Act, and the NDAA under Obama. Nope, it'll be Trump that turns us Orwellian. Privacy is at an all time low in the U.S.

What a load of bullshit. Absolute dishonest bullshit
Please explain how just mentioning these shows causal proof of the left's systematic hatred of blacks.

Please cite facts, and not opinions.

For example, while its great you mentioned a president from 50 years ago, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and actually addressed congress after Kennedy died. He was a supporter.

"No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long."

See, this last passage is a cited fact, and actually shows the opposite of what you claim.

We could do the samething with all your lists. Just naming something, with out fact or showing causal relationship, doesn't prove your position. In fact, it makes you look stupid.

Have you been taken over by these other mind numbing blowhards?

I highly highly doubt there is an article with quotes saying how much blacks are hated by todays left. To do that would be to admit their ruse.

To even ask for that is one of the most idiotic things ive ever seen. Youre either:

A. Trolling because of how whacky this thread has gotten with Z seemingly fellating himself over his rants. Or

B. Gone full re....

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They had personal and government emails Moe.
Clinton didn't use Govt email, she used her own private server.
They didn't charge because she's too big to charge, no accountability man. It's not just her, it's all the big politicians.

If it was no big deal why did she lie about it under oath?

We MUST start holding these people to the rule of law, they aren't royalty.

Every Sec. of State since Albright used private email. Condi Rice and Colin Powell, too.
The biggest mass immigration we will see is white Europeans as they flee the continent when Sharia law is enacted over the next few generations. And they let it happen to themselves.

France has the most Muslims. 5-10%. I expect that they are as observant as French Catholics and French Jews.. Don't hold your breath on sharia.
The whole "Russia" thing is the biggest, most desperate Astro turf shot I can remember. Basically hoping to play on traditional fears of Russia to take DT out. Russia is a awful country lead by a dictator that has been handled *extremely* poorly by both Obama and Hillary (reset button lols).

To try to tie DT to being a puppet of that country is laughable at best and disgustingly desperate at worst.

This? This is what you got? Joking aloud about Russia releasing the emails they likely have has hit both a strain of fear that she has indeed been hacked from her dumbass illegal server AND some crazy let ditched effort to take him out.

And on a side note, they are blowing their wad waaaaay too early. I swear if DT is at this poll level in October they are going to flip shit in ways we have never seen....DT clubs seals, DT made a pass at Cait Jenner. It's going to be yuge, I know that much.

Meanwhile, nothing to see here on Hillary's complete purchase by Wall Street right Z, you hypocritical dweeb?
France has the most Muslims. 5-10%. I expect that they are as observant as French Catholics and French Jews.. Don't hold your breath on sharia.
I said over the next few generations. We may not be alive to see it but if they keep opening their countries up to muslim immigrants, they will breed themselves to a majority.
The whole "Russia" thing is the biggest, most desperate Astro turf shot I can remember. Basically hoping to play on traditional fears of Russia to take DT out. Russia is a awful country lead by a dictator that has been handled *extremely* poorly by both Obama and Hillary (reset button lols).

To try to tie DT to being a puppet of that country is laughable at best and disgustingly desperate at worst.

This? This is what you got? Joking aloud about Russia releasing the emails they likely have has hit both a strain of fear that she has indeed been hacked from her dumbass illegal server AND some crazy let ditched effort to take him out.

And on a side note, they are blowing their wad waaaaay too early. I swear if DT is at this poll level in October they are going to flip shit in ways we have never seen....DT clubs seals, DT made a pass at Cait Jenner. It's going to be yuge, I know that much.

Meanwhile, nothing to see here on Hillary's complete purchase by Wall Street right Z, you hypocritical dweeb?

Russia hadn't been talked about in the campaign (despite Trump and Manaforts indelicate financial ties to it.) until Trump mused about abandoning the Baltics and leaving NATO. Trump brought it up.

People had mocked Trump's horrific admiration for thugs of all kinds. But, again, those are things Trump brought up. Then, he announced in his acceptance speech that he alone could save us. His authoritarian tendencies really ought to frighten you. If you're an American, anyway. Remember the phrase, "Freedom loving Americans"?

Liberals have bemoaned Hillary's Republican tendencies since 1992.
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I said over the next few generations. We may not be alive to see it but if they keep opening their countries up to muslim immigrants, they will breed themselves to a majority.

Well, eventually the universe becomes grey and cold and empty. You worried about that, too?
More negative Trump topics trending on facebook. Yet still no trending of the DNC leak emails which dominated other social media discussions (before being removed, of course).

Anyone still buying the rogue employee story from Zuck about FB controlling the trending topics?