How will they rule ??!

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This is BS and factually misleading---who would have guessed. The countries most often held out for their good governess are the North European countries, the Nordic country's Demark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Canada where Americans go to buy drugs affordably and Britain are held out mostly for their highly regarded healthcare.

What country would you pull for in a war? damn sure wouldn't be USA.
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No ----You did not. You presented a classic straw-man and then asked me to explain it.
OK, then answer this. Do you agree with what the Democrats did to the stimulus bill? If not, why have you devoted zero time to addressing it? If you do, what is your reasoning for doing so?
Why did the House hold the bill a day?

I don’t have to prove anything to you, it happened in plain sight.

You keep saying that we’re pushing a crazy conspiracy and you wrote that Massie’s only reason to want a vote was to get people in close quarters with the virus!
I’m done discussing this, you’re a troll.
No one asked you to respond. You've done that on your own.

Read the article on what happened. Nothing on avoiding a roll call vote for the purpose of not having to take a stand. All about Massie being his jackass self. Of course he wanted to get people close together & that's what the leaders were avoiding. That's what roll votes do. That's a lot more in plain sight than what you claim.

Your resorting to name calling confirms you got nothing. Have a good day.
-fair enough. Rand is meh, imo. Some good philosophies...lacks nuance/simplified.

-of late HA's work has been cited by many leftists as a *warning against trumpism* whilst ignoring **actual** totalitarianism around the globe. The problem is with an all powerful/totalitarian *state*...for better or worse the events of the Trump presidency prove that aint the case. China, however.
This is BS and factually misleading---who would have guessed. The countries most often held out for their good governess are the North European countries, the Nordic country's Demark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Canada where Americans go to buy drugs affordably and Britain are held out mostly for their highly regarded healthcare.

Governess? Good God.

Well at least now I know I don’t have to have some smartass like Levi tell me how much better Europe is. Just “Nordic” Europe.

But again, how’s that highly regarded British healthcare handling this virus?
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No ----You did not. You presented a classic straw-man and then asked me to explain it.

That's not what a straw man is; a straw man involves misrepresentation of your opponents' argument (something you do all the time) to something similar which is more easily or obviously refuted.

What he is doing is asking you to apply the same standards to your party as you do the one you oppose, which is also something you people are never willing to do. That's just a different argument, not a straw man argument.

In other words, "whataboutism" isn't a straw man... it's just diversion.
This is BS and factually misleading---who would have guessed. The countries most often held out for their good governess are the North European countries, the Nordic country's Demark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Canada where Americans go to buy drugs affordably and Britain are held out mostly for their highly regarded healthcare.
"Governance". Damn it, Levi.
A week ago the virus had killed approximately 200 Americans, we have now eclipsed 3000 dead Americans due to this virus.

What is our mortality rate compared to other countries?

If only we had a President who was concerned about national security and putting Americans first who would have implemented things like travel bans and tighter border security...

Man, imagine if our leaders and media weren't tied up with other issues in November, December, January, February...

There will be a discussion to have on how well Trump handled this once we get to the other side. It is still a bit too early to tell. Hindsight being 20/20, I'm sure reasonably minded people will be able to say "well he did well here and not so well here..."

Here is something hindsight tells us right now

For the last part of last year and the first part of this year, the hill, nor the media were reporting or even remotely concerned with the corona virus. Thus the general public, economy, and infrastructure were not really aware.

How much Trump and the admin knew, doesn't really matter now. By the time they started to act, it was already too late. If somebody coughs in Wuhan in November, it's already in the USA and Europe.

What could they have done in November, Dec, Jan that wouldn't have been met with rage and opposition?

Right now we know that the only way to mitigate this is social distancing via staying home, not traveling, bans on travel abroad, not allowing people from other countries to come in, etc..

Which of those things would have been accepted 3,4,5 months ago?
OK, then answer this. Do you agree with what the Democrats did to the stimulus bill? If not, why have you devoted zero time to addressing it? If you do, what is your reasoning for doing so?
No I don't agree. If you make of that what you tend to, then you would be still wrongheaded. I see what the Democrats did as a political necessity in their minds. I see it the political result from the evil at the top in order to achieve anything for the common American person. I do not give them credit though, for although they fought for and got a "pittance" for working folk, in the end they joined republicans in another raid on the American treasury mainly to the benefit of corporations who have been bragging about historic profits for years. That is where the bulk of the raid went and that is why it ballooned, to include the American people! You call it a stimulus bill, I see it more as a great handout to corporations and billionaires. The handout should have been to the men and women whose labor produced the wealth to start with and nothing else.
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Governess? Good God.

Well at least now I know I don’t have to have some smartass like Levi tell me how much better Europe is. Just “Nordic” Europe.

But again, how’s that highly regarded British healthcare handling this virus?
Yeah sometimes I make mistakes. I can admit that.
This is BS and factually misleading---who would have guessed. The countries most often held out for their good governess are the North European countries, the Nordic country's Demark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Canada where Americans go to buy drugs affordably and Britain are held out mostly for their highly regarded healthcare.
What? Are you paying attention. Not a single one of the countries you site can hold America's jock strap with Trump leading. He has directed the biggest response to a health crisis in the history of the world. Our biggest manufacturers have rallied around Trump to produce health care equipment to protect our health care personnel. In a short time we will be supplying goods to all of the countries you mentioned above as our nation will have a surplus. A surplus. Think that one over. What surplus will you get from Britain or your glorious Northern European power house nations.

We are America and that is what we do. Your "good governess" LOL countries will depend on America for leadership and assistance to fight this enemy. Like they always have in a time of crisis.
That's not what a straw man is; a straw man involves misrepresentation of your opponents' argument (something you do all the time) to something similar which is more easily or obviously refuted.

What he is doing is asking you to apply the same standards to your party as you do the one you oppose, which is also something you people are never willing to do. That's just a different argument, not a straw man argument.

In other words, "whataboutism" isn't a straw man... it's just diversion.
You may know something but you have problems recognizing it.
No one asked you to respond. You've done that on your own.

Read the article on what happened. Nothing on avoiding a roll call vote for the purpose of not having to take a stand. All about Massie being his jackass self. Of course he wanted to get people close together & that's what the leaders were avoiding. That's what roll votes do. That's a lot more in plain sight than what you claim.

Your resorting to name calling confirms you got nothing. Have a good day.

Why did they hold the bill a day? So you really think Massie simply wanted to get the members close together, and it had nothing to do with accountability?
The largest emergency funding bill in history, in an election year, and you're excuse is Massie was just being a jackass not that it would've put members on both sides of the aisle in jeopardy come November?

You keep ignoring the House sittiing on it a day, because it completely blows your argument up. You're a troll is why I called you that, has nothing to do with the point I'm making.
What is our mortality rate compared to other countries?

If only we had a President who was concerned about national security and putting Americans first who would have implemented things like travel bans and tighter border security...

Man, imagine if our leaders and media weren't tied up with other issues in November, December, January, February...

There will be a discussion to have on how well Trump handled this once we get to the other side. It is still a bit too early to tell. Hindsight being 20/20, I'm sure reasonably minded people will be able to say "well he did well here and not so well here..."

Here is something hindsight tells us right now

For the last part of last year and the first part of this year, the hill, nor the media were reporting or even remotely concerned with the corona virus. Thus the general public, economy, and infrastructure were not really aware.

How much Trump and the admin knew, doesn't really matter now. By the time they started to act, it was already too late. If somebody coughs in Wuhan in November, it's already in the USA and Europe.

What could they have done in November, Dec, Jan that wouldn't have been met with rage and opposition?

Right now we know that the only way to mitigate this is social distancing via staying home, not traveling, bans on travel abroad, not allowing people from other countries to come in, etc..

Which of those things would have been accepted 3,4,5 months ago?
I didn't read all of this after I realized you can't absorb the fact is we are weeks behind where other countries have been. It's a false comparison.
What? Are you paying attention. Not a single one of the countries you site can hold America's jock strap with Trump leading. He has directed the biggest response to a health crisis in the history of the world. Our biggest manufacturers have rallied around Trump to produce health care equipment to protect our health care personnel. In a short time we will be supplying goods to all of the countries you mentioned above as our nation will have a surplus. A surplus. Think that one over. What surplus will you get from Britain or your glorious Northern European power house nations.

We are America and that is what we do. Your "good governess" LOL countries will depend on America for leadership and assistance to fight this enemy. Like they always have in a time of crisis.
This is exactly what an ideologue would post.
Why did they hold the bill a day? So you really think Massie simply wanted to get the members close together, and it had nothing to do with accountability?
The largest emergency funding bill in history, in an election year, and you're excuse is Massie was just being a jackass not that it would've put members on both sides of the aisle in jeopardy come November?

You keep ignoring the House sittiing on it a day, because it completely blows your argument up. You're a troll is why I called you that, has nothing to do with the point I'm making.
VH is a smart guy, I don’t understand why he is dying on the hate Massie hill...
What is our mortality rate compared to other countries?

If only we had a President who was concerned about national security and putting Americans first who would have implemented things like travel bans and tighter border security...

Man, imagine if our leaders and media weren't tied up with other issues in November, December, January, February...

There will be a discussion to have on how well Trump handled this once we get to the other side. It is still a bit too early to tell. Hindsight being 20/20, I'm sure reasonably minded people will be able to say "well he did well here and not so well here..."

Here is something hindsight tells us right now

For the last part of last year and the first part of this year, the hill, nor the media were reporting or even remotely concerned with the corona virus. Thus the general public, economy, and infrastructure were not really aware.

How much Trump and the admin knew, doesn't really matter now. By the time they started to act, it was already too late. If somebody coughs in Wuhan in November, it's already in the USA and Europe.

What could they have done in November, Dec, Jan that wouldn't have been met with rage and opposition?

Right now we know that the only way to mitigate this is social distancing via staying home, not traveling, bans on travel abroad, not allowing people from other countries to come in, etc..

Which of those things would have been accepted 3,4,5 months ago?

Exactly. Where’s the culpability for our media? They spent months propping up the Ukraine BULLSHIT instead of warning us about the virus.

B-b-but Trump!
A week ago the virus had killed approximately 200 Americans, we have now eclipsed 3000 dead Americans due to this virus.
After all this how is the left going to be able to sell a guy (including to themselves):

-that wants open borders (and put kids in cages)
-wants to raise taxes
-does not want MFA
-has been credibly accused of sexual assault
-obviously is suffering from dementia
-has praised China
-voted for Iraq, opposed the OBL raid
It was hilarious to see people ticked off at Matt Jones on Twitter because he called Virginia from Gov Beshears press conferences a "signer" instead of a "sign language interpreter".
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Funny yet depressing seeing tweets, posts, etc. all complaining that we need a leader who will go after China. These people must have been asleep or so full of TDS that they did not realize we already have that leader in the WH right now. The same guy they have been pounding because of the tariffs, trying to close our borders, bring manufacturing back to the US, etc.

Trump has been saying these things for decades. Go back and watch the interviews. Same guy who has been saying these things during the 2016 campaign and trying to do something about it during his first 3 years in office.

Where the F do these people live? Under a rock?
And so it begins. Another investigation into Trump. This time in the midst of a global crisis. These people are obsessed, sick, and demented. But you knew that already
I’ve been trying to cut every politician some slack the past few days, given all the circumstances... but this is why I can’t. Shit like this.

If you can’t see by now (3+ years of muh Russia, phone calls, all the other faux rage BS and now STILL trying to find a way to remove Trump from office during a pandemic) that these assholes are more concerned about what they want and what they see is best for them, then you’re a member of the biggest bunch of fools ever assembled.
Cuomo telling people "that their stupid behavior by going out has an impact on others. People cannot do stupid things that will impact others". Damn that is just rich. Evidently he is getting the personal accountability concept--but just for this. Saying no red states, no blue states, not the time for politics. He is running for President. Biden will be pushed aside soon.
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I didn't read all of this after I realized you can't absorb the fact is we are weeks behind where other countries have been. It's a false comparison.

The sample size is probably big enough to estimate that our death rate is going to hover in the neighborhood that it is currently'll go up and down and settle around something that is going to be better than most places.

We took more drastic measures, earlier and more often than a lot of other countries.

Our healthcare, R n D, bio-medical infrastructure is better as well.
Turns out we can all give Trump a pass on the Seoul population. He simply misread “Elevation 38m” as “Population 38 million.” Totally understandable mistake.
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Turns out we can all give Trump a pass on the Seoul population. He simply misread “Elevation 38m” as “Population 38 million.” Totally understandable mistake.

I would rather the President not know the population of Seoul, South Korea than to think 150 million Americans have been killed by handguns since 2007.
- the rest of Europe has the same laws as Nordic Europe, essentially... that's what it means to be part of the European Union, there's very little leeway and they are small nations that just look big on a map don't have some of the same problems in bigger France/Germany

-cherry pick Denmark, you may as well cherry pick Connecticut and compare... there's no comparison.

-oh, but Great Britain is so great! no they aren't... compare them to California if you want to pick cherries, same results. or even ALabama for that mattter

-hey, those welfare states are paying 50-75% of their salaries! you DAs, that's just them not taxing you because that's the same amount THEY ARE GETTING TAXED FOR, which is incidentally yet another time capitalism is better than socialism at it's own "game". it's our rich that is footing the majority of this bill where they have truly socialized the cost of this to their poor equally
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Why did they hold the bill a day? So you really think Massie simply wanted to get the members close together, and it had nothing to do with accountability?
The largest emergency funding bill in history, in an election year, and you're excuse is Massie was just being a jackass not that it would've put members on both sides of the aisle in jeopardy come November?

You keep ignoring the House sittiing on it a day, because it completely blows your argument up. You're a troll is why I called you that, has nothing to do with the point I'm making.
Damn, and here I thought you'd stick with your claim. Should have known.

Why House didn't move on the bill for a period is something I don't know but that doesn't make it so as to avoid a roll vote. What I know is in the article. Quite reasonable to me. Show me a legit news article that claims it was your reason.

And whatever the House did is independent of what Massie did. Two completely separate acts. One does not require the other.

He in fact caused people to get together for no good reason, as Massie knew he would, since the House followed their rules to a voice vote as he knew they would. Net, it was an act of jackassery. Voice votes are a legit operation of the House and are accountability. That you & Massie care less about people's health isn't a basis for supposed further accountability to me. His & your balance between accountability & respect for others health is way off kilter imo.

Sad that you need to resort to name calling.
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This is exactly what an ideologue would post.
You are so full of hate anything contrary to your position is an ideologue. So I take that as a compliment. I do have trust in America and do not look to other countries to save our skin. So yes in your eyes I am an ideologue and when the dust settles we will be on top, under the leadership of your President.
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Cuomo now subtly pitching in Universal Healthcare. He just said it through a long drawn out example. Talking about politics and the multi-billion dollar business of healthcare:

"Sometimes you need the emergency to force change that would be very, very difficult otherwise".

And there it is. A direct quote.