How will they rule ??!

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I would rather the President not know the population of Seoul, South Korea than to think 150 million Americans have been killed by handguns since 2007.

Jeez man lighten up. One of the truly head scratching things about Trump supporters is that they simply refuse to accept any type of joke about the guy without losing their god damn minds. Grow a sense of humor man. You could joke about by dead father and I wouldn't get as upset as you guys do about DJT. Weird.
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Jeez man lighten up. One of the truly head scratching things about Trump supporters is that they simply refuse to accept any type of joke about the guy without losing their god damn minds. Grow a sense of humor man. You could joke about by dead father and I wouldn't get as upset as you guys do about DJT. Weird.
Understand and agree but Trump's stupid comments are presented by the media and splashed on social media as lies. Obama's, Biden's etc., are overlooked. It is tiresome.
Jeez man lighten up. One of the truly head scratching things about Trump supporters is that they simply refuse to accept any type of joke about the guy without losing their god damn minds. Grow a sense of humor man. You could joke about by dead father and I wouldn't get as upset as you guys do about DJT. Weird.

I haven't lost my mind. Just pointing out that you don't point out that Joe biden has lost his.
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Damn, and here I thought you'd stick with your claim. Should have known.

Why House didn't move on the bill for a period is something I don't know but that doesn't make it so as to avoid a roll vote. What I know is in the article. Quite reasonable to me. Show me a legit news article that claims it was your reason.

And whatever the House did is independent of what Massie did. Two completely separate acts. One does not require the other.

He in fact caused people to get together for no good reason, as Massie knew he would, since the House followed their rules to a voice vote as he knew they would. Net, it was an act of jackassery. Voice votes are a legit operation of the House and are accountability. That you & Massie care less about people's health isn't a basis for supposed further accountability to me. His & your balance between accountability & respect for others health is way off kilter imo.

Sad that you need to resort to name calling.

You know why they held it, but it doesn’t fit your argument.

Spare us the fake health concerns, that’s an excuse. Massie wanted them to follow the Constitution with the quorum.
If there’s enough people for a quorum, then take their vote on record.

It isn’t controversial, yet for some reason you’re digging in like he wanted to hold the bill up for a month.
They didn’t want to go on record, either side, and now they aren’t. Best of both worlds for them.

Why does it upset you so much that Massie wanted them to vote? It makes no sense, especially for something as important as this bill, and the vote never happened.
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Hey I love a good Biden or Obama joke too! They're all fair game to me. Same with Jews, gheys, blacks, etc.
Few of us who don't get offended at the drop of a hat anymore. It is amazing to me the college graduates we hire how they find everything offensive. A friend of mine said his daughter told him the show Friends would never fly today. WTF!!
Few of us who don't get offended at the drop of a hat anymore. It is amazing to me the college graduates we hire how they find everything offensive. A friend of mine said his daughter told him the show Friends would never fly today. WTF!!

I still watch Seinfeld reruns regularly, same thing applies. I hate the PC culture. Give me the most offensive jokes possible.
Headline--US Passes China in Coronavirus deaths. Our media is so irresponsible. All those Chinese were ordering urns for their pets I guess.
Has anyone gone on the news and provided legitimate and thought out reasons for these allocations of money? Specifically this item, the Kennedy Center, HOR raises?
Not that I know of. Nor do I care for their reasoning because I don’t see a legit explanation as to why

Well at least he didn’t die of the coronavirus. A heart attack likely induced by the stress of the government shutting down you operations weeks after opening a brand new restaurant is totally acceptable in my book.

Who knows. Maybe he will be included in the nebulous "covid related" deaths we see mentioned.

In all seriousness it's very sad. More of the collateral deaths, along with OD, and suicide, which will have nearly as much impact as covid deaths.

I've been truly shocked at how quickly restaurants run out of money. RIP big man.

Unfortunately many start undercapitalized. But...not many businesses can survive an immediate, unforseen, cease of cash flow altogether.

Many industries still have people working, have trail business, accounts receivable that will still come in, inventory they can sell at reduced price etc to generate cash flow. Generally, hospitality just does not. Especially not a newly opened concept
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Few of us who don't get offended at the drop of a hat anymore. It is amazing to me the college graduates we hire how they find everything offensive. A friend of mine said his daughter told him the show Friends would never fly today. WTF!!

I am telling you the friends kids choose plays a big role in it. My wife and I are very conservative and have raised our kids that way. Our oldest daughter is the same way as us but our middle daughter hangs with a bunch of kids who are very liberal and she has slowly became the same way about some liberal ways but not everything.

She hates Trump and supports Bernie Sanders so to teach her about Socialism I think I am going to start taking a portion of her paycheck, from her part time job, and give it to her younger sister so she understands exactly how it works.
Hey I love a good Biden or Obama joke too! They're all fair game to me. Same with Jews, gheys, blacks, etc.
What do gays and good looking women have in common?

They’re both attracted to assholes
I think I am going to start taking a portion of her paycheck, from her part time job, and give it to her younger sister so she understands exactly how it works.
Did this with my stepson. He was complaining about how it wasn’t fair that he had to earn his allowance. I decided to show him how socialism works and gave his sister half his money. He wasn’t amused and is willing to do his part to earn his full amount now.
Who knows. Maybe he will be included in the nebulous "covid related" deaths we see mentioned.

In all seriousness it's very sad. More of the collateral deaths, along with OD, and suicide, which will have nearly as much impact as covid deaths.

Unfortunately many start undercapitalized. But...not many businesses can survive an immediate, unforseen, cease of cash flow altogether.

Many industries still have people working, have trail business, accounts receivable that will still come in, inventory they can sell at reduced price etc to generate cash flow. Generally, hospitality just does not. Especially not a newly opened concept

I had a former boss who somehow managed to sneak the word nebulous into every conversation. Even if it wasn't called for, he'd find a way to cram it in there. I think it was his favorite word.
The lefties here watch a guy with dementia bumble and drool on himself, and they find that appealing enough to elect him as leader of their resistance.

They’re never going to be able to comprehend facts, and the fact Trump didn’t call the virus a hoax.

Our best bet at this point is just to stand by the polling places on Election Day and throw tennis balls onto the highway for the lefties to chase.
The lefties here watch a guy with dementia bumble and drool on himself, and they find that appealing enough to elect him as leader of their resistance.

They’re never going to be able to comprehend facts, and the fact Trump didn’t call the virus a hoax.

Our best bet at this point is just to stand by the polling places on Election Day and throw tennis balls onto the highway for the lefties to chase.

At the rate we are going, nobody will be able to afford tennis balls by then, let alone drive.
I had a former boss who somehow managed to sneak the word nebulous into every conversation. Even if it wasn't called for, he'd find a way to cram it in there. I think it was his favorite word.

Introduce him to bifurcate. Always like that.

Although along the lines of offensive threads, when I was a staff at my firm a long time ago, I used to get a kick out of the partners using what to them was standard phrases that you just weren't supposed to say. I am a cpa so may not mean anything but the pregnant pause a partner would get when he would say: " If they do that it is going to queer the pooling of interests". First time I heard that one, I did a double take.
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Introduce him to bifurcate. Always like that.

Although along the lines of offensive threads, when I was a staff at my firm a long time ago, I used to get a kick out of the partners using what to them was standard phrases that you just weren't supposed to say. I am a cpa so may not mean anything but the pregnant pause a partner would get when he would say: " If they do that it is going to queer the pooling of interests". First time I heard that one, I did a double take.

There have been a few overused buzzwords/phrases over the course of my career that I grew to hate.

Quick Wins
Low hanging fruit
Deep Dive
Help me understand
I've been truly shocked at how quickly restaurants run out of money. RIP big man.
Good friend of mine opened one up last year. No idea what he was thinking except it was a bucket list deal, but it has been very successful except he could never find reliable help. Had to cut his restaurant hours and closed an extra day to keep from overworking himself and his staff. Lucky for him, he had everything paid for before he opened the restaurant and got a killer deal on the lease since he had done several construction projects for the owner.

Right before this virus hit he only had 4 EE's plus himself and his wife. Also had just implemented a POS system. So, during this mess he has been able to keep everyone employed and at worst broke even strictly from his food truck and online orders/curbside service through the POS system.

He complained all the time about how busy he was and not being able to find help but it has actually saved him during this time. He has a great product people want and low overhead which has kept him afloat.
I’m generally categorically against “bail outs” but these bail outs are more like eminent domain.

The government is taking away the right for certain people to make a living. How can you take that right from people without compensating them?

Also, it should be the states compensating people. If Dewine and Andy have to find room in the state budgets to compensate the people who they’re depriving of the right to earn a living, these shutdowns would be solved pretty damn quickly.