How will they rule ??!

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I’m also shocked at how soon airlines have to be bailed out. i thought these big companies could tread water longer than this.
Funny how certain industries that are deemed "essential" don't keep cash lying around... almost like they know the US Govt will bail them out.

Thankfully, deregulation in '78 forced most of them to get their act together... or die.

Also, the union vs non-union airlines is a key cost issue as well... you can draw your own conclusions.
Good friend of mine opened one up last year. No idea what he was thinking except it was a bucket list deal, but it has been very successful except he could never find reliable help. Had to cut his restaurant hours and closed an extra day to keep from overworking himself and his staff. Lucky for him, he had everything paid for before he opened the restaurant and got a killer deal on the lease since he had done several construction projects for the owner.

Right before this virus hit he only had 4 EE's plus himself and his wife. Also had just implemented a POS system. So, during this mess he has been able to keep everyone employed and at worst broke even strictly from his food truck and online orders/curbside service through the POS system.

He complained all the time about how busy he was and not being able to find help but it has actually saved him during this time. He has a great product people want and low overhead which has kept him afloat.

Good to hear that he is doing well man. Hope things are back to normal soon.
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I had a former boss who somehow managed to sneak the word nebulous into every conversation. Even if it wasn't called for, he'd find a way to cram it in there. I think it was his favorite word.

Maybe I'm him

Cruise ships that aren’t registered under the US flag shouldn’t be bailed out.

Absolutely. For decades they skirted civil liability by porting in countries that passed ridiculous laws to protect them. Shafted injured Americans out of billions.

Call it even or ask their port of call for a bailout
Good friend of mine opened one up last year. No idea what he was thinking except it was a bucket list deal, but it has been very successful except he could never find reliable help. Had to cut his restaurant hours and closed an extra day to keep from overworking himself and his staff. Lucky for him, he had everything paid for before he opened the restaurant and got a killer deal on the lease since he had done several construction projects for the owner.

Right before this virus hit he only had 4 EE's plus himself and his wife. Also had just implemented a POS system. So, during this mess he has been able to keep everyone employed and at worst broke even strictly from his food truck and online orders/curbside service through the POS system.

He complained all the time about how busy he was and not being able to find help but it has actually saved him during this time. He has a great product people want and low overhead which has kept him afloat.
I think we are going to see some new business models when it is all said and done.

The Chicoms have been planning this for years.

There's another way to look at who is defending China. It's an opportunity to see who is on the Chinese payroll. CNN, NBC, politicians, etc. are telling who they work for. They have been doing the work for the Chinese for years and we just didn't know it. The racial division campaign, open borders, fentanyl/drug epidemic etc. were all implemented to destroy the United States from within. Ask yourself who would benefit the most from this and then follow the money.

The Chinese have proxy's who they have made millionaires and billionaires across the United States. Anyone else find it odd how ferociously Bloomberg, Sanders & Biden all defend China. IMO all three are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party amongst many many others. We're in a non-combat war with China and they're kicking our ass.

The Chicoms have been planning this for years.

There's another way to look at who is defending China. It's an opportunity to see who is on the Chinese payroll. CNN, NBC, politicians, etc. are telling who they work for. They have been doing the work for the Chinese for years and we just didn't know it. The racial division campaign, open borders, fentanyl/drug epidemic etc. were all implemented to destroy the United States from within. Ask yourself who would benefit the most from this and then follow the money.

The Chinese have proxy's who they have made millionaires and billionaires across the United States. Anyone else find it odd how ferociously Bloomberg, Sanders & Biden all defend China. IMO all three are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party amongst many many others. We're in a non-combat war with China and they're kicking our ass.
OK so I am being serious here. When I find myself wondering why some of the stupid shit the Dems do I try to ask what is their end game. So when you say follow the money, who do you believe would benefit from serving the interests of China? Again I am serious and I cannot fathom how anyone in this system would truly believe their system is better. Especially the media but with that I cannot understand what the hell their ultimate goal is beyond hating Trump.
I have one client who says "feed a fed horse" rather than beat a dead horse. He's the first one I have heard who uses it.
Yeah, it sounds like most are highly leveraged and even a small interruption in cash flow is enough to sink them.
What nobody is talking about right now is sure it is great that the banks are all deferring payments etc., but the banks are still going to have to collect on those loans. If the economy is severely damaged, the bank failures from 2009-2014 are going to be nothing in comparison. Sure the FDIC backs them but to be able to back them all in another depression is going to result in unbelievable devaluation of our currency and inflation. I am honestly trying to figure out where to put money to protect against this potential. I have never understood gold as it's value is perceived (just like our currency) and not sure that is a great answer in the new normal.
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OK so I am being serious here. When I find myself wondering why some of the stupid shit the Dems do I try to ask what is their end game. So when you say follow the money, who do you believe would benefit from serving the interests of China? Again I am serious and I cannot fathom how anyone in this system would truly believe their system is better. Especially the media but with that I cannot understand what the hell their ultimate goal is beyond hating Trump.

It's not about converting the United States to a communist country it's about chasing the bag. They want their mansions on the hill and their offspring to never hear the word "work" in their lives. If the son of God could be sold out for $30 silver coins what more do you think a moralless politician or business executive would do to America.
It's not about converting the United States to a communist country it's about chasing the bag. They want their mansions on the hill and their offspring to never hear the word "work" in their lives. If the son of God could be sold out for $30 silver coins what more do you think a moralless politician or business executive would do to America.
Gotcha. That is similar to what I come to but it is so freaking cynical that I try to come up with something else.
Because this was a nutjob addressing the entire world today from the White House.

There have been a few overused buzzwords/phrases over the course of my career that I grew to hate.

Quick Wins
Low hanging fruit
Deep Dive
Help me understand
Apples to oranges. In the energy world it’s used all the time. Horrible.

Based on the past month, social distancing and flatten the curve can be added to that list.
I've been truly shocked at how quickly restaurants run out of money. RIP big man.
My grandparents and father were/are big on investing in commercial real estate. My dad owns a few commercial lots with restaurants/fast foo . I was talking to him about them when this all started because he was worried about not receiving rent. He was telling me the amount they pay in rent plus property tax. You then add in utilities and employee wages (which I'm sure is a pretty penny), good thing Americans are fat because I have no clue how they make enough money every month to afford everything.
My grandparents and father were/are big on investing in commercial real estate. My dad owns a few commercial lots with restaurants/fast foo . I was talking to him about them when this all started because he was worried about not receiving rent. He was telling me the amount they pay in rent plus property tax. You then add in utilities and employee wages (which I'm sure is a pretty penny), good thing Americans are fat because I have no clue how they make enough money every month to afford everything.

I saw where the Cheesecake Factory already told their landlords that they won't be able to pay rent in April. That's a big national chain and they're already out of cash. That shocked me.
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Opinions wanted as there are some great minds on here, save a select few.

Given that "Andy" won the election thanks to Cali (Louisville) and NY (Lex) what can one expect from him in regards to an economic boost for these cities once things start relaxing? Will his true liberal colors start to appear...more red tape and regulations, especially. He better be careful with how he plans to help those in need...or those that "ask" in a more favorable manner.
I saw where the Cheesecake Factory already told their landlords that they won't be able to pay rent in April. That's a big national chain and they're already out of cash. That shocked me.
Yup. I was shocked when he told me how much these companies were paying in rent and property tax. Some of the overhead expenses is just ridiculous to me. I don't know how anyone can get the funding to open up a mom and pop restaurant.
@KRJ1975 just joking. Trying to have a little fun while we're all stuck inside.

I saw where the Cheesecake Factory already told their landlords that they won't be able to pay rent in April. That's a big national chain and they're already out of cash. That shocked me.

Surprised me too but I suspect there's more to it than just cash flow. A situation like this disrupts supply chains in terms of food and will make it almost impossible to reacquire personnel.

Add in the certain closure and at least reduced foot traffic in malls.

It all paints a pretty rough picture but can also be used for negotiating much more favorable lease terms, because these malls will desperately need tenants.
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What nobody is talking about right now is sure it is great that the banks are all deferring payments etc., but the banks are still going to have to collect on those loans. If the economy is severely damaged, the bank failures from 2009-2014 are going to be nothing in comparison. Sure the FDIC backs them but to be able to back them all in another depression is going to result in unbelievable devaluation of our currency and inflation. I am honestly trying to figure out where to put money to protect against this potential. I have never understood gold as it's value is perceived (just like our currency) and not sure that is a great answer in the new normal.
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The estimates that from Oct 1, 2019-Mar 21, 2020 there were between 24,000-62,000 deaths from flu in the usa, up to 54m infected, and up to 730k hospitalized.
Until recently i never really thought about just how deadly the flu is. i guess a big reason is that the media doesn’t flash the stats at us 24/7.
I also find it curious that the cdc doesn’t list a precise number of flu deaths, at least i couldn’t find it on their site.
because most people are not tested for flu. If you have symptoms they just assume you have it and send you home on fluids and rest. There is almost nothing they can do once you have it so why waste money testing for confirmation. The only time you get tested is if you end up in the hospital or have toddlers. So they have to extrapolate the total by modeling out the few confirmed cases. The flu isn't deadly, its just everywhere. Now imagine cov-19 also everywhere that is 10x more deadly and you will finally understand why states are taking this so serious.
@KRJ1975 just joking. Trying to have a little fun while we're all stuck inside.

Surprised me too but I suspect there's more to it than just cash flow. A situation like this disrupts supply chains in terms of food and will make it almost impossible to reacquire personnel.

Add in the certain closure and at least reduced foot traffic in malls.

It all paints a pretty rough picture but can also be used for negotiating much more favorable lease terms, because these malls will desperately need tenants.

Good points BBI. And yeah, solid comeback there. Made me laugh.
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because most people are not tested for flu. If you have symptoms they just assume you have it and send you home on fluids and rest. There is almost nothing they can do once you have it so why waste money testing for confirmation. The only time you get tested is if you end up in the hospital or have toddlers. So they have to extrapolate the total by modeling out the few confirmed cases. The flu isn't deadly, its just everywhere. Now imagine cov-19 also everywhere that is 10x more deadly and you will finally understand why states are taking this so serious.
Is it really 10 times more deadly? Really? You only know that based on the numbers being reported. If you factored in everybody who’s either got it now but don’t give a shit because it’s just a little cough, or because you already had it back in December before all this came out. I post the rates of death on here occasionally based on the public data, but I’m well aware there’s plenty of people out there who may have it who will never get tested which would bring the rates of death down to where it’s more in line with the flu.
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